View Full Version : LMTU/John Booth owns Ting Tong? cancer?

April 3rd, 2013, 15:25
This email was passed on to me from a reliable source who said he confirmed it with other people. The question remains does LMTU really own Ting Tong? Will Ting Tong and Bitch Board be closed permanently? He states he has prostrate cancer and all and supposedly it has been confirmed. Sounds for real but I don't know.

Re: Time to close it down?

by R and R on Wed Apr 03, 2013 1:38 am

I know exactly what your going through, I have just come out of hospital in Bangkok where I have been having treatment for a horrendous painful back , I can let you into a scoop. For those who don't know I am LMTU before the news breaks I think I shall use your gentleman's forum to say I have not been able to buy medical insurance since I was 66 to expensive for me, I started to get chronic back pain a few months ago I went for tests to be told I has some broken vertebrae in
My back I have recently having many tests to now be told I have prostrate cancer that has spread to the bones in my back and is slowly shutting down movement in both legs now one arm is affected.
As I'm having so many lovely friends coming to visit me. The news will get out soon.

The pain is unbelievable I'm on The strongest pain killers you can buy at a pharmacy remember everything is done with cash , I have tried to get repatriated or have my treatment paid for but I'm afraid the British Consulate phoned me Friday to say I must tell you, under No circumstances do we repatriate any British citizens or pay for there treatment, so i said to him " so you let your citizens die, he said yes" it would seem only the Swedish government do that, so on Monday as I could not find 600,000 to start radiation I'm now stranded not knowing what to do next.
Fortunately I have my long time lovers of 12 years talking good care of me in the picture here, with lots of love after 12 years its a great help so if any one knows of any answers let me know.

No don't come here if you have no insurance or are ill you will regret it.

As far as the board is concerned please hand it on to a new kid on the block as it the best run forum around.

Good luck with the future



April 3rd, 2013, 16:47
This email was passed on to me from a reliable source who said he confirmed it with other people. The question remains does LMTU really own Ting Tong? Will Ting Tong and Bitch Board be closed permanently? He states he has prostrate cancer and all and supposedly it has been confirmed. Sounds for real but I don't know.

Huh? This post is confusing. What is the relevance of email which has been passed on to you? The post is already on public display at GTT. Why not just advise that there is a post over at GTT by R&R(LMTU) which a 'source' of yours has confirmed the contents to be true.

The only real question which 'remains' is to why you think LMTU really owns GTT, where has that come from? There is certainly no mention of 'owning' GTT in the post. It is merely LMTU symathising with the GTT owner regarding back pain, as LMTU also has back pain...that's it! If you are referring to the bit at the end where LMTU says to 'pass the forum on to another' all he is doing is advising the owner of GTT what might be the best thing to do rather than close it down.

Also the owner of GTT is merely canvassing the membership to see if he should close GTT down, there is nothing at the moment to say that is delinitely going to happen as yet and certainly no connection to bitchboard.

April 3rd, 2013, 17:30
This was passed on regarding the original post above corrcting what was in LMTU's letter

"You're getting confused! Ting Tong is owned and moderated by Paul Burnet - aka Oogleman. I have met him last time he was in Pattaya. Here's the "whois" for the domain:

Registrant Contact:
Togman Inc
Paul F Burnett ()
50 victoria st
London, P sw1
(the address is an accommodation address).

The post you copied and pasted is not from Paul, it's from LMTU answering a post on Paul's board. LMTU doesn't own Ting Tong, never has and almost certainly never will. Paul is back in the UK and in the hands of the National Health service. LMTU is stuck god knows where and suffering.

April 3rd, 2013, 17:38
Do you have permission to post the personal details of another member,let alone he forum owner.

I think you are stretching your bounds as to what you can publish without a members permission.

April 3rd, 2013, 17:48
As stated before it was an email and not a PM. The email was sent by John Booth and therefore it can be used. The other information is from public records.
Whois information is public domain - not personal information

Go to http://www.whois.com/whois/ and type in any domain name and you can see who owns it.

(and you can copy and paste the above if you wish)

April 3rd, 2013, 18:17
Call me heartless if you like but on first reading of the above I get the impression someone is angling to get money (600,000) for "treatment". I am not saying it is a scam but it might be and the money needed in reality may be just to finance other things. If he is from the UK and the tale really is kosher he simply goes back to that country and can get the treatment he needs on the NHS. Unnecessary to post a sob story on the web.

April 3rd, 2013, 18:37
I would like to add this. I have also recieved confirmation that LMTU's story a sad story is very true. I do have a heart under this mean exterior but inside when things are really bad, well the heart comes out.

As I am told this is very true I am sorry for this man even beside what he has done during his time. I wish no ill on a person and my heart does go out to him and hope that with his prayers and honesty, he can get well. This being said, I have sent him an email telling him if he would like to make a genuine honest post, that he is welcome to and I know that no matter how many people may have ill feelings against the man, you too are saddened to hear this.

I would appreciate it if the posts that are made now are heartfelt and warming to a man that has the ability to read their best wishes and a recovery. I have reread the letter and I think for him to say this he knows that he will never recoupe his integrity if it is untrue, and that's why I have decided that I think it's true.

Peace be with you LMTU.

April 3rd, 2013, 19:02
If, and it is a big if any of this is true all John Booth has to do is find the cost of a one way air ticket to the UK. Once there as he is a UK citizen he will be entitled to treatment on the National Health Service without charge.

A few years ago when LMTU developed theat 'cancer' he posted a similar thing on a sufferers support forum pleading poverty and that he was unable to find the cost of treatment.

So why he would need 600,000baht to pay for treatment is beyond me, maybe he is confusing it with the legal case he lost that as left him facing considerable damages that he has been unable to pay.

Sorry but having known John Booth for more than 25 years I do not believe a word of it.

April 3rd, 2013, 19:26
LMTU.. 4 letters that can stir the emotions of people on message boards more than anything else...
no i wouldnt wish cancer on him or anyone else ... i belive the thais would call it karma .. but i dont belive any of that rubbish ...
ive never meet him, and only know him thru his ramblings on this and other boards... for me he comes across as a sad man who wants to be liked but doesnt know how to go about doing it.
i dont surpose he meant much of what he said about anyone .. and was going with the flow.
all in all to me he seemed fairly harmless . and i wish him all the best.

April 3rd, 2013, 19:49
... all John Booth has to do is find the cost of a one way air ticket to the UK. Once there as he is a UK citizen he will be entitled to treatment on the National Health Service without charge.

Not true. This would only be the case if he had kept up his National Insurance contributions. If he has not then he will be treated by the NHS and charged for it until he has been resident in UK for six months.

April 3rd, 2013, 19:50
Sorry to hear about the illness. Cancer, excruciating back pain and legs/arms being immobilised... Sounds quite gruesome. Not something I would wish on anyone.

Though I have no sympathy for the "being stranded" situation as that's simply a situation someone brings on them self.

I have tried to get repatriated or have my treatment paid for but I'm afraid the British Consulate phoned me Friday to say I must tell you, under No circumstances do we repatriate any British citizens or pay for there treatment, so i said to him " so you let your citizens die, he said yes"
This seems quite unfair on the British Consulate and the staff who had to answer that question.

I don't know any government that repatriates its citizens just because they've become ill.

April 3rd, 2013, 20:17
Sorry to hear about the illness. Cancer, excruciating back pain and legs/arms being immobilised... Sounds quite gruesome. Not something I would wish on anyone.

Though I have no sympathy for the "being stranded" situation as that's simply a situation someone brings on them self.

I have tried to get repatriated or have my treatment paid for but I'm afraid the British Consulate phoned me Friday to say I must tell you, under No circumstances do we repatriate any British citizens or pay for there treatment, so i said to him " so you let your citizens die, he said yes"
This seems quite unfair on the British Consulate and the staff who had to answer that question.

I don't know any government that repatriates its citizens just because they've become ill.

Why is it unfair? All LMTU is doing is publicising the British Consulate Policy. And here you are heroically defending the Consulate staff. Wow what a star you are.

My god BL, here is another fellow human being on his last legs,and you take every and any opportunity to put the boot (pardon the pun) in. Don't you have even a little compassion for him? The guy was a nuisance for sure,but your pathological hatred for him (your history here on this board) is offensive.
At the very least you could have chose not to respond to the post,but no, you jumped at the chance to inflict more pain to a guy who is....as someone mentioned "harmless" ,. BL you're a cunning evil bastard! Bring on the karma!

Before anyone jumps down my throat,at the harsh language I've used, take the time to look at BL's history here and his fixation with LMTU. I can understand a poster letting off steam,as it were , from time to time, but this is not that type of situation we see here, this is DEEP ,scary and downright evil..

April 3rd, 2013, 21:41
I would like to add this. I have also recieved confirmation that LMTU's story a sad story is very true. I do have a heart under this mean exterior but inside when things are really bad, well the heart comes out.

As I am told this is very true I am sorry for this man even beside what he has done during his time. I wish no ill on a person and my heart does go out to him and hope that with his prayers and honesty, he can get well. This being said, I have sent him an email telling him if he would like to make a genuine honest post, that he is welcome to and I know that no matter how many people may have ill feelings against the man, you too are saddened to hear this.

I would appreciate it if the posts that are made now are heartfelt and warming to a man that has the ability to read their best wishes and a recovery. I have reread the letter and I think for him to say this he knows that he will never recoupe his integrity if it is untrue, and that's why I have decided that I think it's true.

Peace be with you LMTU.

A very "normal humane" response. Refreshing to see from someone who was genuinely wronged by LMTU, but Neal you still have the the ability to forgive, nothing less than what I would expect from you. SHALOM

April 3rd, 2013, 22:11
One thing for sure, he loves the attention, lives for the attention and thrives on it too..
I thought he might change his way after his bout with tongue/throat cancer, but he just continued the same
way and he was banned and banned again and again here and elsewhere.

Has there ever been a more pathetic, despised, vile man with a severe personality disorder and a compulsive liar to boot?

His glee when reporting (scooping in his words) the tragic suicide death of the Funny Boys bar co-owner recently was just
another ugly moment in his long long posting career.
Maybe it was karma when the throat cancer turned his tongue black and it seemed that all the years of
nasty gossiping caught up with him. I felt pity when I heard about the mouth/tongue cancer and still feel pity for this
pitiful man.
He is fortunate to have so many wealthy friends who adore him and vast wealth of his own from 5 star hotels and mansions etc.
Perhaps some crocodile tears would be appropriate.. :crybaby:

April 3rd, 2013, 22:46
One thing for sure, he loves the attention, lives for the attention and thrives on it too..
I thought he might change his way after his bout with tongue/throat cancer, but he just continued the same
way and he was banned and banned again and again here and elsewhere.

Has there ever been a more pathetic, despised, vile man with a severe personality disorder and a compulsive liar to boot?

His glee when reporting (scooping in his words) the tragic suicide death of the Funny Boys bar co-owner recently was just
another ugly moment in his long long posting career.
Maybe it was karma when the throat cancer turned his tongue black and it seemed that all the years of
nasty gossiping caught up with him. I felt pity when I heard about the mouth/tongue cancer and still feel pity for this
pitiful man.
He is fortunate to have so many wealthy friends who adore him and vast wealth of his own from 5 star hotels and mansions etc.
Perhaps some crocodile tears would be appropriate.. :crybaby:

Oh for heavens sakes man ,get a grip! You are equating what goes on in a ( cyber forum SGT) to real life! Here in a forum it releases all sorts of individuals pent up dreams and aspirations. They are not real! In the sense that they would not and could not be taken seriously in the real world. People like LMTU have a channel thro' a forum like this to articulate their dream world. But you have taken it as if it is real.
Look now at his predicament , he has no insurance ,no real income, he has cancer, his only outlet was to post on Gay boards, boasting of ridiculous fantasies.
Be a man, how does it benefit you ,or anyone to kick someone when they're defenceless.
I do not know LMTU, but if I saw a gang of thugs attack someone defenceless I would like to think I would jump in.

April 3rd, 2013, 23:38
It is not an attack. Just my opinion and the facts as I see them.. I also felt sorry and felt he needed the community to support him
with the last cancer. But, when he recovered he started up the same stuff again, attacking friends of mine and his vile scoop on
the suicide was the last straw.
Don't worry about him. He has many very wealthy friends who adore him and will provide for him.
He was down with the last cancer and like a scorpion kept on stinging.
All he really needs is attention and he is getting it.
There are many many gay farangs in Pattaya with cancers and other illnesses and many die without mention. For many gay
farangs' Thailand is Gods waiting room and frankly why not die where you are/were happy and surrounded by friends.
And my last words on
this is that with compulsive liars you never know when they are telling the truth and not pulling some scam for pity or money...
I take no joy in others miseries and realize that most of his nonsense is hot air and as I stated, it is all a pathetic situation

April 3rd, 2013, 23:42
The situation is an enigma. One hardly knows how to regard it.

It's true that a few years ago he made a series of posts on another board concerning a life-threatening throat condition, and his inability to pay for treatment.

But it is also true that in the past few years he has written posts about his "salubrious (sic) mansion" in Bangkok. In conversations he has told people of his villa in Spain, and posted a photo of it on a gay message board. If you've not seen it, it's perched on a cliff above the sea, and is truly impressive.

It is difficult to believe he is now impecunious. Perhaps it's an unfortunate case of 'easy come, easy go'.

April 4th, 2013, 00:48
Perhaps it's an unfortunate case of 'easy come, easy go'.

Do you imagine people say this when someone is confined to a wheelchair?

April 4th, 2013, 00:53
Perhaps it's an unfortunate case of 'easy come, easy go'.

Do you imagine people say this when someone is confined to a wheelchair?
if in a wheelchair perched on the edge of a cliff i would imagine one turn of the wheels and it would certainly be a case of easy go !!

April 4th, 2013, 01:03
Perhaps it's an unfortunate case of 'easy come, easy go'.

Do you imagine people say this when someone is confined to a wheelchair?
if in a wheelchair perched on the edge of a cliff i would imagine one turn of the wheels and it would certainly be a case of easy go !!

Not quite sure what you are trying to say here mate, is it a joke? Is there some deep meaning to your comment that has escaped me? Or are you just trying to be funny?

April 4th, 2013, 01:11
Not quite sure what you are trying to say here mate, is it a joke? Is there some deep meaning to your comment that has escaped me? Or are you just trying to be funny?

Last I saw the author of that statement recently began using a wheelchair.

April 4th, 2013, 01:21
Not quite sure what you are trying to say here mate, is it a joke? Is there some deep meaning to your comment that has escaped me? Or are you just trying to be funny?

Last I saw the author of that statement recently began using a wheelchair.

Well given that I am the author of that statement , and I am very able bodied , I don't quite follow what you are saying. Pleases explain?

April 4th, 2013, 01:29
god forbid someone makes a joke .. cant be having that now can we !!!
its ok for people to go off and slag off someone who has cancer or so we are told .. also loads who think it might all be in someones imagination ... but good lord if someone makes a joke about someone sitting in a wheelchair next to a cliff ...
we cant be having that can we ??
do let me know what your censorship rules are zebeede, i dont want to upset you again ! otherwise just block me.
manforallseasons i doubt zebedee knows geezer is using a chair ... or maybe he does .. maybe he just wants it all to be about him ?

April 4th, 2013, 01:34
The quote I meant to reference was made by Geezer, sorry for the confusion.

April 4th, 2013, 01:40
god forbid someone makes a joke .. cant be having that now can we !!!
its ok for people to go off and slag off someone who has cancer or so we are told .. also loads who think it might all be in someones imagination ... but good lord if someone makes a joke about someone sitting in a wheelchair next to a cliff ...
we cant be having that can we ??
do let me know what your censorship rules are zebeede, i dont want to upset you again ! otherwise just block me.
manforallseasons i doubt zebedee knows geezer is using a chair ... or maybe he does .. maybe he just wants it all to be about him ?

Oh I see, how stupid of me it was a joke! Right! Wheelchairs, cliffs, cancer, . Ok moving along, thanks for that timberty. See ya!

April 4th, 2013, 02:24
Well, to clear up the confusion you need to know I'm seventy-nine years old, in a wheelchair, and, yes it's a hassle to navigate the contraption through the sofas at X Boys.

A couple of weeks ago employing charm, good looks and the wallet I offed a hunk who now visits weekly. The legs don't work worth a darn but, at least I don't need chemical assistance while entertaining visitors.

тАж and the cliff is not a problem. I was skydiving shortly after getting out of college, and rock climbing later on.

Life in Pattaya is great. My friends will tell you that after a wonderful and rewarding life I don't plan to spend the last few weeks of it in hopeless agony.

I'm going off the ole balcony. I expect it'll be quite a while yet, but watch the papers!

PS: The wheelchair is a recent addition. Regarding the avatar -- I was on the palanquin in Burma going up the mountain to a huge golden boulder. Some of you will know what that's all about. Farangs aren't supposed to walk up, but to be born aloft in splendor.

April 4th, 2013, 02:50
thanks geezer . its nice to know some people can still laugh even when things dont go 100%
i have a mate whos 74 he had cancer last year and had most of his stomach cut away , he kind of recovered then went back downhill (no wheelchair involved) .
i'll be surprised if he lasts to the end of this year, hes in a very bad way and he knows it.
all the people who visit him try to cheer him up saying things will get better etc etc .. all it does is depress him.
i go around and joke with him about how bad he is .. like if he takes a while to answer the door .. im say things like oh i didnt think you'd made it thru the week... we laugh and do you know what.. he enjoys my visits far more than the other who go and depress him ..
he knows he is dying, i know he is dying, so why try and pretend its not happening ?
let those who want to drown in sorrow do so ... but i'd rather have my last impression of a good friend as someone with a big smile on his face, rather than someone looking like he wants to cry.

April 4th, 2013, 03:02
I really think many people take death too seriously. Of course the pain involved in dying can be a excruciating, but that is avoidable.

There is no discomfort at all in being dead.

April 4th, 2013, 04:07
great attitude Geezer - wish you many more happy days and nights with the boys

April 4th, 2013, 04:33
I understand that the internet allows users to be meaner and spiteful...more so that if they were conversing in person, but can you show some more respect for someone who might be suffering?

I know LMTU as an aquantance, we met about seven years ago in a guesthouse in Sunee Paza, my first time in Sunee. If youv'e never met him in person, he is very witty, and can tell stories in a very entertaining way. He made me laugh more than anyone did during that stay. And I was having a serious problem towards the end of my stay there, he was very supportive and in some way he got me through a dark time in my life.

He was having financial problems at the time and I gave him 8,000 baht to help him out. Believe me it was worth it as in some ways he was a replacement for a shrink. I never expected to be paid back, even though some settlement was on its way to him in time.

I met him once or twice passing on a soi a couple years after that and exchanged hello's. I knew right from the get go that he was a bullshit artist, no big deal I've met many in my life. He was an entertaining bs'er and a character at the same time. Even way back then he was talking bad shit about Cat, so I can understand your hatred for the man,as well as everyone else for all his lying and false claims.

About three years ago, he claimed to have tongue cancer and stem cell therapy which cured him. That was the moment that I decided if I would pity him or slam him as a shameless liar. However I never recieved any real confirming answer as to what really happened. I was still waiting for that, and now this. I need more info, and until then I will give him the benefit of the doubt. I wish everyone would wait a bit before calling this a sham.

If it turns out to be an attention grab on LMTU's part, then we can all ignore him as being ignored would be the worst possible outcome for this man.

Lunchtime O'Booze
April 4th, 2013, 07:56
Time for old Lunchtime to come out of retirement and to the defense of our dear pal LMTU.

Those who have never met the man except through the pages of Sawatdee etc are that little bit the poorer for not doing so.

He is a warm, generous and funny man who makes every waking moment into a joy.
I admit I tire of his company after 3/4 days but that is only because one laughs so much, is on such a whirlwind of activity, you become exhausted !
Fun can do that.:joker:

Larger than life people often offend and frighten others for no other reason than they perplex and mystify as to why they simply do not take this mortal vale of tears seriously.

I can confirm that Jon is ill and it's bad and he cannot afford treatment.
Wanting to go back to the UK for treatment would have been a last thing on his mind given the current state of the NHS and yes, the British Consulate is there for you not the other way around especially given they are generously paid (with full medical insurance and so on).

Now is the time for friends & acquaintances of JB to rally round just as you would hope they would if it were you .
( we'll excuse Catawampus as possibly having too full a social life)

April 4th, 2013, 13:50
Why is it unfair? All LMTU is doing is publicising the British Consulate Policy.
No, you're blatantly wrong here... He's not just reporting on their policy. When he asks a no-win question like "so you just leave your citizens to die", he is clearly criticising them and making a shameless and uncalled for attempt to make them look bad.

Don't you have even a little compassion for him?
You obviously didn't read my post. I expressed sympathy for the illness, just not for the situation (in terms of being financially limited from treatment/repatriation). Others here who know him better are saying even worse things.

Oh for heavens sakes man ,get a grip! You are equating what goes on in a ( cyber forum SGT) to real life!
Your criticism of Cat above is out of line because Cat has probably interacted with LMTU in real life more than on this forum... They were in the same social circles in Pattaya. That's where his issues with LMTU have arisen. You're happy to comment and criticise him while being completely ignorant of this.

April 4th, 2013, 15:25
Wanting to go back to the UK for treatment would have been a last thing on his mind...

That is a curious statement considering LMTU wrote, "I have tried to get repatriatedтАж".

April 4th, 2013, 15:52
I just recieved an email from someone claiming to be Boy Billy. As you know I personally have always felt that the Bitch Queen, LMTU, Sirclivejames and a person who has written to me before as BB are all one in the same. The email requested that Sawatdee Gay Forum host fund raiser events on and off the forum. While I do feel sorry for the man or anyone else that is in serious condition I cannot place myself in that kind of situation. If you would like to help LMTU by providing him with a cash contribution for whatever, you can write to me via PM and I will email it to him. Pesonally again I feel it is best for him to geet a one way ticket on a plane and throw himself on the health services of Britain as I do not think 66,000 will be enough and then when he needs to stay extra days in the hospital or have unexpected proceedures the community will need more fund raisers. Depending on the stage of this cancer he may need ongoing treatments and that's why I say 66,000 will probably not be enough. Get a plane ticket, go home with the doctors report and as you are a British citizen with a government medical system, I doubt they would turn their back on you once you are in Britain. Should you decide to stay here I might suggest you approach the many business and restaurants that you have promoted. After all 66,000 is not a killer amount if 3 businesses chipped in 22,000 baht each. I do know that in USA a hospital is not allowed to turn you away and would help you get treatment at a county medical hospital. Best of luck to you.

Lunchtime O'Booze
April 4th, 2013, 15:55
Wanting to go back to the UK for treatment would have been a last thing on his mind...

That is a curious statement considering LMTU wrote, "I have tried to get repatriatedтАж".

would you really want to leave Thailand for the UK with frigging rain and snow pissing down and all the misery that accompanies life in the God forsaken NHS where you have to beg for a glass of water and that's even if they put you in a room with a dozen others.

You are judged in the next life, by how you treat your foes in this one...believe me I know as this is my 27th time around according to my resident psychic.

As for Catawampus, she's just pissed of because LMTU made references to her toupee which I believe was inherited form the late Frankie Howerd.

Not a good enough reason to rejoice over someone's else's misfortune.

April 4th, 2013, 16:22
It is true that our National Health Service is now underfunded by our despicable right-wing government (who are all wealthy enough to "go private" ) but the fact remains that the vast majority of us who could never afford private medicine are given excellent service by hard-pressed doctors and nurses in the system. And the same has always been true for my family. The NHS is the envy of the world; while citizens in other countries are impoverished by illness, we can rely on well-trained professionals treating us free of charge. Unfortunately, there are some who oppose free healthcare for ideological reasons.

They tend to be those who can afford private care....unsurprisingly.

The unfortunate gentleman should come home. That is what I'd do if I were ever ill in Thailand. Or anywhere in the world.

I agree with Lunchtime about the weather though.

April 4th, 2013, 16:37
I know LMTU as an aquantance, we met about seven years ago in a guesthouse in Sunee Paza, my first time in Sunee. If youv'e never met him in person, he is very witty, and can tell stories in a very entertaining way. He made me laugh more than anyone did during that stay.
Yeah....I've had some fun times out with John and the boys....he's a witty guy....a good laugh....and whatever comes with that.....god bless him


April 4th, 2013, 16:51
Come home John !

We have lots of East Europeans sponging off our system, your additional drain will not be noticed.

April 4th, 2013, 17:57
The fact is that if JB returns to the UK. He will be treated by te NHS, people are not left to die without treatment. All he needs is for someone to buy him a one way ticket for about ┬г600 to get him home.

As for some ridiculous fund raising for that low life who delighted in making fun of the death and serious illnesses of others, that is just ludicrous and reminiscent of JB's many scams. Once on that bandwagon then you can be assured that JB. Would forever be making further pleas for more money for spurious drugs and treatment until he had bled everyone dry to fund a lifestyle that his LMTU character always boasted of but sadly never achieved.

If any of the so called 'cancer' is true then Karma has caught up with him.

April 4th, 2013, 18:54
I find it interesting to see who crawls out from under the rocks at times like this, of course the usual suspects!

April 4th, 2013, 20:25
oliver .. you work i take it ? if so you do not get free treatment on the n.h.s. you pay a lot for it .. just because the money is taken out of your wages either monthly of weekly, and you dont have to hand it over directly, does not mean you get anything for free ..
as to whether its underfunded or not ... tell me how many businesses have more managers than proper workers, work out how much is wasted - daily it runs into millions of pounds ... whilst beachlover might be able to cover a loss like that the n.h.s certainly can not ...
as for getting cancer because of karma, making jokes or taking the piss out of others who have had misfortunes ... that is one load of bollox from a sick mind.

April 4th, 2013, 20:57
would you really want to leave Thailand for the UK with frigging rain and snow pissing down and all the misery that accompanies life in the God forsaken NHS where you have to beg for a glass of water and that's even if they put you in a room with a dozen others .

Interesting comment Lunchtime but I would like to counter it with the following. This is not the first, second or third time that there have been fundaisers because he is ill, can't pay his rent and gets loans and a host of other things. I am not trying to talk bad although it probably sounds like it, but here is the question:
A) Don't you think the community has loaned without repayments enough? Wasn't there assistance when he had throat & mouth cancer when people knew the possible consequenses for their actions?

Well is it fair to ask for the community, which he has done so much to put down, to make fun of and borrowed money from when he can go home and get free medical care or should we spend our retirement because he doesn't wan't to bear the cold and rain at home or the delay in getting a glass of water? There are other patients and many paid the dues with their taxes and all and are not there for free. Maybe instead of a glass of water he should ask some of his freinds in England to bring him a pitcher so it will last all day. I am sure they could fill it up with ice and water for him when they come to visit.

If he wants private well that is possible too. He might have to settle some of his cases at a discount, Maybe sell some of his flats, his hotel and his condo. :3some:

No I am not trying to put him down or make fun or anything like that. I stated earlier that I felt sorry for him and wished him the best. All he said and did to me I have forgiven him for but I am not willing to take money out of my hospital fund because you think it unfair for him to go home and get help where it will be provided by those people that did make contributions to their health care system.

May I suggest that many people would put some money together to buy an economy one way ticket and then if and when he is cured, God willing, he can pay for his return. Even I would chip in for that as long as an independent person purchased said ticket on a berevement discount. They do give discounts for special circumstances.

April 4th, 2013, 21:09
Wanting to go back to the UK for treatment would have been a last thing on his mind...

As for Catawampus, she's just pissed of because LMTU made references to his Deleted. Partial personal description. Neal which I believe was inherited form the late Frankie Howerd.

O'Booze are you now taking over for LMTU and the kind of insulting posts he is infamous for?
LMTU is reaping the enmity that he has sown and can expect little sympathy or empathy from those he has denigrated. His friends may accept him as a jolly good fellow but others have just cause to think otherwise.

Get you facts right. Deleted. Partial personal description. Neal

April 4th, 2013, 21:54
Get you facts right, Deleted. Patial personal description.
Frankly I can't see how that would help.

April 4th, 2013, 22:29
This is not the first, second or third time that there have been fundaisers because he is ill, can't pay his rent and gets loans and a host of other things.

I just today, for the first time since I was a child, reread Aesop's fable of the grasshopper and the ant.

April 4th, 2013, 22:56
Well, at least it seems that lunchbox is not lmtu as lmtu knows I am bald, keep my head shaven and am a proud gay bald farang.
I regret having sent lunchy a pm earlier commending him on his earlier posting and forgot what a loser he was. You have to be
a loser and a miscreant to befriend such a vile person like lmtu.
Attacking ones personal appearance is what bullies and lowlifes thrive on and of course when it is a blatant lie, it just illustrates
what scum is.
Lmtu was infamous for scamming new farangs out of their money and would say anything to "borrow" money and is a compulsive
liar. Of course, sometimes a liar tells the truth but I would let his many wealthy friends cough up the 600,000B.
I know a couple of farangs who were his close friends and am sure they will help him now that he is
in dire straits...unless they were fair weather friends.

April 5th, 2013, 00:16
am sure his wealthy friends will come to his aid.He has many.

April 5th, 2013, 01:49
I have received an email from LMTU and asked him to write a post and send it to me and I will post it. I would have posted it but it includes several things that are personal.

LMTU wanted to let me know that he needs 100,000 pounds to be repatriated and get hospital service.

Don't you all step forward at once!

April 5th, 2013, 02:08
Well, at least it seems that lunchbox is not lmtu as lmtu knows I am bald, keep my head shaven and am a proud gay bald farang..

Cat I am pleased that you corrected that bald-faced lie, posted by xxxx, concerning your personal description.

April 5th, 2013, 02:28
Lying here awake and now before I go to sleep It occured to me that in LMTU's broken way of saying things, what he meant to say was that he wanted to raise the money for the operation here as his returning home would cost him 100,000 pounds and that he would have to get repatriated if he was to return home. This sounds more of a logical meaning of his email, but he did not exactly say this.

April 5th, 2013, 02:58
Pardon me....
but for LMTU asking for 100,000 British pounds ...
or any amount of $$$ is IMHO ridiculous!

I have great empathy for LMTU and his plight... and the challenge now facing him.

However, there is NO doubt in my mind that he should fly back to the UK
and seek medical care (regardless of the days weather)...under the UK National Health Service.
Regardless of the details, the National Health Plan will provide him care...upon his arrival into the UK.

IF poster "fountainhall" is reading this, quite possibly he can elaborate on this as we researched this a couple of years ago...
when the subject arose regarding the UK National Health Plan system treating UK residents upon arrival at UK airport.

To stay in Thailand and seek money to pay and pay and pay for expensive, extended treatment if pure foolish.

I am sure his friends can come up with the one way ticket to the UK in a flash moment.
I would be pleased...to contribute to the purchase by an independent third party of the one-way ticket.

Also, quite possibly, there is someone reading this posting which might have the frequent flier miles needed for
a ONE-WAY ticket from BKK to the UK ??? and be willing to donate the miles for the flight ???

I wish him well...but I truly believe his medical care is best for him back home in UK.

Otherwise, hospice care is available here in Thailand at several Buddhist Temples.

Good luck LMTU in your battle with cancer...


April 5th, 2013, 03:10
Pardon me....
but for LMTU asking for 100,000 British pounds ...
or any amount of $$$ is IMHO ridiculous!

I must be missing something? He said what his treatment would cost, but he or no one on his behalf has outright asked for anything. :dontknow:

April 5th, 2013, 03:11
LMTU can go and buy himself a 1 way economy ticket & get repatriated for about ┬г600.

How much of that am I prepared to contribute? ┬г0.

April 5th, 2013, 04:43
Pardon me....
but for LMTU asking for 100,000 British pounds ...
or any amount of $$$ is IMHO ridiculous!

I must be missing something? He said what his treatment would cost, but he or no one on his behalf has outright asked for anything. :dontknow:


I wish not to split hairs about who said what or when..or inferred.
LMTU is an adult and can choose his own destiny, within reason...as even
the Thai government hospitals are going to ask for the $$$ and source of $$$ to pay the bill on admit.

The real issue is where LMTU should get medical care for his cancer...
IMHO he should return to UK... the UK is in best position to care for him...
vs paying from whatever sources ....many, many hundreds and hundreds of thousands of Thai baht.
600,000 THB was mentioned by LMTU...some have said 100,000 British Pounds.

Suffice to say, I believe it will be a very costly care for LMTU to stay here in Thailand vs return to UK.
There is a government hospital in Chonburi which specializes in cancer care...possibly he could access
lower cost chemo care there. The Thais know about it...I believe the Queen or a Princess is very involved with it.

As the Thais often say though "Up to You LMTU".

Good Luck to You!


April 5th, 2013, 06:08
Don't you think the community has loaned without repayments enough?
I couldn't agree more... Though I would call it more "charity" than "loan".

I feel sorry for his illness but no sympathy for his financial/logistical predicament. He knew exactly what he was doing by staying abroad without insurance or cash reserves for contingencies like this.

He went through the same thing when he struggled to fund treatment for his mouth/throat cancer illness a couple of years ago. So he's already been taught that lesson but decided he would prefer to burden others with charity for his own problems if it happened again - and it has.

April 5th, 2013, 06:10
I must be missing something?
You certainly are, a brain. You seem incapable of adding two plus two by the looks of it.

April 5th, 2013, 06:12
So there seems to be a clear pattern here...

Lmtu was infamous for scamming new farangs out of their money and would say anything to "borrow" money
He was having financial problems at the time and I gave him 8,000 baht to help him out....
LMTU wanted to let me know that he needs 100,000 pounds to be repatriated and get hospital service.
just ludicrous and reminiscent of JB's many scams. Once on that bandwagon then you can be assured that JB. Would forever be making further pleas for more money for spurious drugs and treatment until he had bled everyone dry

And from people who've known him for many years...

I get the impression someone is angling to get money (600,000) for "treatment"..
why he would need 600,000baht to pay for treatment is beyond me, maybe he is confusing it with the legal case he lost that as left him facing considerable damages that he has been unable to pay... Sorry but having known John Booth for more than 25 years I do not believe a word of it.
with compulsive liars you never know when they are telling the truth and not pulling some scam for pity or money...
a few years ago he made a series of posts on another board concerning a life-threatening throat condition, and his inability to pay for treatment... in the past few years he has written posts about his "salubrious (sic) mansion" in Bangkok. In conversations he has told people of his villa in Spain, and posted a photo of it on a gay message board...

April 5th, 2013, 09:00
First I would like to say that I was in Villa Market one day and a nice man approached me and introduced himself as Manforallseasons. We spoke and seemed to have a nice friendly conversation.

That being said I also need to advise maforallseasons that a very close friend of LMTU contacted me via email and said it would be a very nice thing if Sawatdee Forum could have some fundraisers out in the community. I replied and said no. The email also said it would be nice if we coud throw a fund raiser on Sawatdee Foum board. I said this in a much earlier post. So maybe or maybe not LMTU mentioned it, maybe hinted at it, maybe someone mentioned he would try to suggest fundraisers to me, and maybe he never even said anything to LMTU and the man did this all on his own. I don't know, but someone emailed me and suggested I do all this.

With my physical problems which are not easy or pretty, I don't have the strength to do any of it and as I mentioned before, should I get much more sick it is going to cost me fortune, and very possibly after a few million baht I will need fundraisers and it would be nice if you all saved money for me! :gy:

April 5th, 2013, 09:29
And PS, if anyone would like to send money no, in advance for my hospital fund, well I would be happy to recieve it and promise not to splurge on any dinners at Mati Hari and Alois. I may splurge on a respite at the Shangri-la Bangkok. The massages, huge pool and buffets are all necessary for my mind being well don't ya know. :laughing3:

Khor tose
April 5th, 2013, 10:17
a very close friend of LMTU contacted me via email and said it would be a very nice thing if Sawatdee Forum could have some fundraisers out in the community. I replied and said no.

I think it would be a better idea to hold a fund raiser for LMTU on the bitch board. :tongue1:

With my physical problems which are not easy or pretty, I don't have the strength to do any of it and as I mentioned before, should I get much more sick it is going to cost me fortune, and very possibly after a few million baht I will need fundraisers and it would be nice if you all saved money for me! And PS, if anyone would like to send money no, in advance for my hospital fund, well I would be happy to receive it and promise not to splurge on any dinners at Mati Hari and Alois. I may splurge on a respite at the Shangra-la Bangkok. The massages, huge pool and buffets are all necessary for my mind being well don't ya know. :laughing3:

Does this mean I won't be able to ask you for a $100,000 loan to get me back to the USA for my medical marijuana treatments? ;)

April 5th, 2013, 10:22
My dear, you can always ask me for anything. :laughing3:

April 5th, 2013, 11:31
Hi Neal

Until I'm blue in the face I keep telling you I do not have to come
clean I don't want to say this but I'm talking on my death bed may be
with in six month,

I am paralized his down because Tumor is touching mercer in my hips,
but I do have feelings in my legs I can even feel an ant crossing over
my legs but can't walk or leave my bed.

I'm far to sick for any airline to alow me to take me on board apart
from Air Ambulance that I have been quoted :- 100,000 pounds sterling
so that's out.

In your stubbornness you seem to have it in your head I'm Clive James
/ bitchqueen / who incidentally now writing to me Nd has taken BBB
Back bitch board back and gave me new password I'll send you email.

I am only LMTU on all forums apart from gaythailand im HeyGay there.

None if these other people you claim me to be. Never have been.

Neal what you don't seem to realise is I have all the genuine friends
I need, I use to own a wonderful holiday Villa in Spain for over 18
years when I was in business and use to be rolling in money, so I
moved here when I was attacked by an enormous tax bill 2004 from my
hotel and a flop house a Gold Mine.after spending more and more time
Not Taking Care of business, I was making arrangements to buy Coconut
palm hotel next to The Falcon hotel on the beach. Plus buying the
fabulouse home I was recanting on the beach that was my back garden
past Banglanong a place we use to have the partys of the year here.

But my account contacted me and told me I am about to be hit big time
big time financially

All my friends from Spain were moving here as the New Spain, about 23
of us who are still friends after 45 years and have regular get
togethers, the last big one with 150 people was at Baan Souy for
Archie Dunlop my oldest friend if you want to know about my life ask
him he brought me here late 90s I had a partner with a night club in
London in the 70s then bought a villa in "Ft Lardy Dar" as we called
it with the Marlin Beach hotel .

This is all the truth No Lies so tell me what your referring to as
lies ill tell you the truth.

The funny thing is underneath I find you a lovely guy your not bitter,
as me I love to wind them up it works

Because I'm trying to get rid of assholes out of my live not make any more.

Thanks for your help

Please rethink your ideas and then your soon realise that as I always
say" The Truth can do a lot more damage than lies. And the proof is
they alway keep coming back for more.

I co

Hope I'm not boring you but you did ask for the truth

LMTU sent

April 5th, 2013, 13:44
So even on his imaginary 'deathbed' he still can't tell the truth.

I haven't noticed a rush by his many rich friends to stump up the money, once bitten twice shy?

April 5th, 2013, 15:04
Geeez and there are emails I have not even posted because well he said it prior. My comment to someone is that he sure can be a great fundraiser with so many emails, their length, talking about all these old places and topics while is in dire pain and on his death bed. I think it great that he has the will and desire to raise money to go on.

Yes I thought of that line before I read yours Ainamor.

Well again these emails are being printed so that those friends who he has who are in other countries and other provinces and who do not know he has cancer wll get in touch with him through me. I will send him your first email and if he wants to, he will write back to you. God bless our dear LMTU. :ow:

April 5th, 2013, 15:07
Neal:Ooops! I forgot to paste! :laughing3:

LMTU states:


Sea falcon is a restaurant on beach near where you sit.

Sorry Archie brought me here late 70s not 90s.

By the way who said my friends are all rich I'm not looking for hand
outs or sympathy only genuine help if any one wanted help from their
heart , of course I would not say no.

But more truth. When I found myself destitute I was lent money even
given it. But as I have never had to borrow money in my life its a
sham you would suggest I have made every effort to pay them all back.
Amazing how they gay half a storey then try to turn it in negative

Thank you for help

Quite honestly I need all I can get at thins time
If by some miriacal and one of your many readers did want to give you
a donation YIU could even come here to give it to me but may be bit
worth it for 500 baht :)

Thanks NEAL


Neal: Yes, if anyone wants to give LMTU a generous donation I will bank transfer it to him. If you would like to send it by using our Donation link it is board features> Donate > it wiil bring you to Paypal button so you can make it through any one of your credit cards they are all accepted. Please write on the message area on the Paypal that it is for the John Booth hospital fund. :nomail:

April 5th, 2013, 15:27
Geez... Not even a smidgen of shame huh? This is sounding more pathetic by the minute.

I'm far to sick for any airline to alow me to take me on board apart from Air Ambulance that I have been quoted :- 100,000 pounds sterling so that's out.
If he's really only fit to travel via medical evacuation and can't obtain treatment then yes, he is pretty screwed. Palliative care at home may be his only option here (making a dangerous assumption that he's telling the truth).

Again, no sympathy as it is a situation he knowingly created for himself. He knew this was likely to happen, especially after his last illness. Yet he chose to continue this way.

as me I love to wind them up it works
The thing is... It's one thing to wind people up. It's another thing to spread false gossip about people and businesses, promote underage sex, help Thai boys scam other other farangs (which he has admitted to) and be successfully sued for defamation.

April 5th, 2013, 15:48
i would imagine lmtu has spent the best part of his life taking bullshit and living in his make belive world, now if he is or is not on his death bed, why would anybody expect him to stop ?
would you expect him to come clean and say sorry, to me that would be even worse, and for him it would be impossible, it would mean the life he has had would even been false to him.
i dont belive in karma. but for those that do, i do so hope its a two way street... if you cant work out what i mean, then sit and listen :alc: you say he has gotten what he deserves because he has been so nasty in the past, whether all he might have done is joked about people dying or spread a bit of gossip about someone who has died .. and i agree the gossip was nasty, shouldnt have been spread, but if its the truth, then hey ho.
so here we have a man in need of help and karma says he will/is getting what he deserves ... well my dears karma will be looking at you, and when your time comes to be helped it will say, oh theses are the nasty men who let a fellow human suffer, and taunted him whilst he was suffering!!! ,not being a bhuddist i dont know how its surposed to work .. but that would be my take on it :)
instant karmas gonna get you, gonna knock you right on the head.. better get yourself together, pretty soon your gonna be dead.
i almost forgot to add ... i bet this thread is making lmtu smile .. even after getting kicked off here lord knows how many times, he is still the main topic, still attracting the most replies and probably isnt even hitting the entre button to get the views up ...
there is nothing most people hate more than being ignored, and we sure make sure he isnt being !!!
i bet theres another *multi-millionaire* on here who also lives in lala land who wishes he had the same level of intrest from others ... NO NEAL not you :love4:

April 5th, 2013, 16:19
Re. LMTU's letter: It appears nothing has changed.

Shuckin' and jivin' is a slang term for the behavior of joking and acting evasively.. Shuckin' and jivin' usually involves clever lies and impromptu storytelling The term is also used in the referring to deceit or mischief involving lies.

I shall leave his financial support to someone who hasn't been the object of his mendacity.

April 5th, 2013, 16:22
Re. LMTU's letter: It appears nothing has changed.

Shuckin' and jivin' is a slang term for the behavior of joking and acting evasively.. Shuckin' and jivin' usually involves clever lies and impromptu storytelling The term is also used in the referring to deceit or mischief involving lies.

I shall leave financial support to someone who hasn't been the object of his mendacity.
geezer thats what i meant about him beliving in what he says .. he can not change !!
he will tell you he has a million pound cheque being delivered to pay back everyone he owes even as the lid on his coffin is being nailed down, he probably belives what he says is the truth, im sure hes not the first to live in a make belive world and hes deffo not the last.

April 5th, 2013, 17:49
Hello Sawatdee friends,

During the past day, since I posted my thoughts regarding LMTU's plight,
I have been in e-mail communication with another friend of mine who has first hand
personal knowledge of LMTU's condition and care John Booth is receiving.

Essentially, what John Booth has posted about his cancer condition is all true.
He has a serious cancer and is unable to fly back to the UK - unless it was on
a special medical attended flight, which is extremely expensive and even so, not feasible.

John Booth is receiving "palliative care" 24 hours a day...
http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/fact ... ative-care (http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/factsheet/Support/palliative-care)

John is being cared for in my friends home near Bangkok. A Thai lady and man
are taking care of John Booth while my friend is away at work in Bangkok.

My friend said:

"John Booth AKA LMTU is receiving palliative care at my house. He is paralyzed from the waist down. He has no control of his bladder or bowels. I have made a bed for him downstairs in my lounge. I work every day so I have got a man and lady staying here to attend to his needs. There is no chance of him being repatriated as he cannot sit up and must remain in a horizontal position constantly."

I am appreciative that my friend has opened his home and heart to help John Booth is his days of greatest need for care.

The journey ahead for both John and care givers is a difficult one...and may be a long one.
May they endure it with as little pain as possuble, which is most difficult in a cancer case.

Take good care...


April 5th, 2013, 17:50
i bet this thread is making lmtu smile .. even after getting kicked off here lord knows how many times, he is still the main topic, still attracting the most replies and probably isnt even hitting the entre button to get the views up ...
I'm not so sure about your suggestion that this thread will be making LMTU smile, I would reckon it would be more depressing than anything to smile about. Your inference that there is a huge amount of interest in him is at odds with the facts here. Sure this thread is the most popular on the front page but thats only because things are so quiet accross all the gay thailand forums..

The facts are that this one thread, which was set up on the false premise that there was a ownership connection between LMTU and Gaytingtong, has morphed into a 68 post 1700 view thread of which there are only about 20-ish actual different posters, a thread with 68 or so posts a year or two ago would easily have had 3000-4000 views. There is virtually no interest in him on other forums with a couple not even having one single mention of the man.

So i would guess there are about 20-ish posters in the whole of gay thailand forums interested in him, and here, probably the 20-ish are re-reading the thread which will account for 90% of the viewing figures. So in my opinion there is an unbelievebly SMALL amount of interest in LMTU and his plight on this occassion. Of the 20 or so posters there is only a handful actually giving any credence or support to the poor man, most of the rest are using the opportunity to get the 'boot in' so to speak. Those in the 'getting the boot in' mode would probably have been much better to simply say nothing as it makes some look a tad bitter (which a few will probably be quite happy to admit) and in one case completely demented (Beachlover of course) and actually says as much about himself than it does LMTU.

So if I were LMTU I would consider this thread would make for very depressing reading indeed. Nothing to smile about whatsoever.

instant karmas gonna get you, gonna knock you right on the head.. better get yourself together, pretty soon your gonna be dead.
Not everybody knows the lyrics to John Lennon songs so I would hate to think some might attribute these words to you. Also I wouldn't like to think some might consider you are starting to get a bit 'unbalanced' and are now going to start posting in rhyming fashion. But for someone who doesn't believe in karma you are certainly obssessed with it, you have mention that you 'dont believe in it' in about 4 posts already and now another post with it mentioned umpteen times, are you SURE you dont 'believe' in it or it's power Timmberty? It seems to be having an 'effect' on you.

I musty be missing something
Is this what you were missing?

Quite honestly I need all I can get at thins timeIf by some miriacal and one of your many readers did want to give youa donation YIU could even come here to give it to me but may be bitworth it for 500 baht :)........only genuine help if any one wanted help from theirheart , of course I would not say no.

April 5th, 2013, 18:08
I am sorry for you John. I want you to know that I as one forgive you for what you have said about me and God hear and answer your prayers.

April 5th, 2013, 19:45
newallen thats a hell of a reply to something you have none or little intrest it :)
oh and did i tell you ... i dont belive in karma ... instant or decaf'
john lennon ? never heard of him ... someone been stealing my lyrics ?

April 5th, 2013, 22:29
The facts are that this one thread, which was set up on the false premise that there was a ownership connection between LMTU and Gaytingtong, ..........

I love drama don't you? From what I read I got the impression (true it was incorrect and certainly not the first or last) that LMTU was saying that he owned Gay Ting Tong. Later on I was sent a note from someone that said I made an error that this was not the case and to reread the email. Of course there were already a few posts and what was I to do, edit their posts and catch hell? Also you say that it was set up under false premise. I see question marks in the title as I was not 100% sure that either were correct. Drama. Better than looking at the old show Dallas. :pottytrain2:

April 6th, 2013, 02:02
For the past days days, I have been reading all this and choose NOT to say anything.

DAMN, I came home not driving, but not sober ....

Maybe in a few days I will give an analysis, off all this crap.

NOT today (night, I am drunk now), OOPS shut up lady whom been here (= Pattaya, in the back, but hears all) very long time.

YES, John (LMTU), sexy boy, he did and does have a big cock.

Hope you still pay everyday 300 baht for BF and when have sex, give him 500 baht extra/per sex.

:love4: for NEAL

April 6th, 2013, 03:29
Though I have no sympathy for the "being stranded" situation as that's simply a situation someone brings on them self. No, you're blatantly wrong here... He's not just reporting on their policy. When he asks a no-win question like "so you just leave your citizens to die", he is clearly criticising them and making a shameless and uncalled for attempt to make them look bad. You obviously didn't read my post. I expressed sympathy for the illness, just not for the situation (in terms of being financially limited from treatment/repatriation). Others here who know him better are saying even worse things. Your criticism of Cat above is out of line because Cat has probably interacted with LMTU in real life more than on this forum... They were in the same social circles in Pattaya. That's where his issues with LMTU have arisen. You're happy to comment and criticise him while being completely ignorant of this. I couldn't agree more... Though I would call it more "charity" than "loan". I feel sorry for his illness but no sympathy for his financial/logistical predicament. He knew exactly what he was doing by staying abroad without insurance or cash reserves for contingencies like this.
He went through the same thing when he struggled to fund treatment for his mouth/throat cancer illness a couple of years ago. So he's already been taught that lesson but decided he would prefer to burden others with charity for his own problems if it happened again - and it has
Geez... Not even a smidgen of shame huh? This is sounding more pathetic by the minute. Again, no sympathy as it is a situation he knowingly created for himself. He knew this was likely to happen, especially after his last illness. Yet he chose to continue this way.
The thing is... It's one thing to wind people up. It's another thing to spread false gossip about people and businesses, promote underage sex, help Thai boys scam other other farangs (which he has admitted to) and be successfully sued for defamation.
I find difficult to understand how Beachlover, with virtually no experiences of his own in Pattaya and personally unknown to anyone on this board as well never to have met John (LMTU)тАжhas so many opinions about the man. Surely, like the few experiences heтАЩs actually shared about Thailand these are opinions of others that he has borrowed to share as his own. No need to roll out the definition of trolling once again to show what we are all smart enough to know already.

As for basing his opinions on LMTU on what has been posted on this anonymous message board, one needs only to look at BeachloverтАЩs Googled hotel photos that he posted as his own to see that he should be the last person here throwing stones.

The fact of the matter is, we all go sometime. Some of us go in our sleep, others suddenly drop dead mowing the lawnтАжwhile others donтАЩt go so peacefully and even suffer some in the end. Some of us die before the retirement money runs out and are able to leave some behind for others or charityтАжwhile others live longer than their meansтАжand require assistance. Some of us have family or friends we can depend on until the endтАжand who can depend on usтАж.while others donтАЩt. We can control some of these factors, but based on individual circumstanceтАжnot all of them. We donтАЩt all go, as we plannedтАж.as we likeтАжand to look down on someone, when that situation might very well apply to you one day is patheticтАжto say the least.


April 6th, 2013, 03:41
I've resisted posting on this topic since I don't know the individual concerned, but felt I wanted to applaud what Surfcrest has just posted. Absoulutely right - thanks Surfcrest.

April 6th, 2013, 07:33
Excellent post Surfcrest.

First for denouncing BL for the imposter he is; but most importantly for reminding us of our own mortality and the need for compassion when that time arrives.

Khor tose
April 6th, 2013, 08:12
I've resisted posting on this topic since I don't know the individual concerned, but felt I wanted to applaud what Surfcrest has just posted. Absoulutely right - thanks Surfcrest.

Excellent post Surfcrest.

First for denouncing BL for the imposter he is; but most importantly for reminding us of our own mortality and the need for compassion when that time arrives.

I just wanted to be the third to add a well said to surfcrest's post.

April 6th, 2013, 08:20
I'll be the fourth. And in LMTU's defense, I offered him that 8,000 baht with no strings attached, he never asked me for it, I offered it.

April 6th, 2013, 08:24
Thanks Surfcrest...
You said it and were right on the mark!


April 6th, 2013, 13:24
I have not logged in for a couple of weeks and so have just seen this thread, as well as Jim's request in one post for information from me. Unfortunately, a later post has meant this information is probably largely irrelevant.

However, for those from the UK living in Thailand, it is very important to note that merely returning to the UK and expecting to get medical treatment is no longer automatic. The law was changed some years ago. Now, even if your national insurance contributions were not all fully paid up - including the years when you were living overseas - and you decide that you will return to the UK PERMANENTLY, you will qualify for free treatment as soon as you land back in the country. Qualification is based purely on residency. However, if you just want to return for treatment and then plan to come back to Thailand or somewhere else overseas, you do NOT qualify for free treatment. You will be charged as a private patient.

You will therefore be subjected to a lot of questions about where you will be living, how you will support yourself in the UK, and so on, and you have to satisfy the doctors and hospital administrators that you are indeed genuine about having given up residence abroad.

My brother and sister are both doctors and two years ago I quizzed them on this particular subject. Both said there may be degree of latitude depending on the individual medical staff. But most doctors/hospitals do obey the regulations. What my siblings suggested is that anyone who even THINKS he may require medical treatment for a serious illness at some point in the future should take steps now that will help when it comes to proving that you are returning permanently. This can include registering a bank account in a town/city where a relative lives, having mail occasionally sent to the relative's address, registering with an estate agent on one earlier visit saying you are looking for a place to rent/buy and then keeping your name on their books - and so on. Anything that will help to prove your case.

The issue which no doctor or administrator will know for certain is whether or not you will actually stay in Britain after the treatment is over or disappear back to Thailand or wherever. Apparently the Health Authorities do not run such checks. So both my brother and sister advised not to pay too much attention to this regulation when returning for treatment! Just tell them you are back for good! But every little piece of evidence will help your case.

April 6th, 2013, 13:38
John is being cared for in my friends home near Bangkok. A Thai lady and man
are taking care of John Booth while my friend is away at work in Bangkok.
Still not a nice predicament to be in but at least this way he has some dignity and perhaps less suffering.

I'm not so sure about your suggestion that this thread will be making LMTU smile, I would reckon it would be more depressing than anything to smile about...
I agree with that line Newalaan...

Also rather like the bit where you call me demented. You're so adorable when you abuse me. :happy7:

April 6th, 2013, 13:43

DELETED. 1) You have already said this about LMTU many times in this thread. Give it a rest.

2) Your attacks on 4 other posters about the past is irrelevant and off topic.

For now, still Neal/Daboss :3some:

April 6th, 2013, 14:53
Thank you fountainhall for your informative posting about the UK National Health Service.

Indeed, the information you shared may prove most helpful to a UK expat who has need to return to the UK for medical care.

As always, your replies to questions posed from time to time are detailed and helpful information.
and...Much appreciated!


April 6th, 2013, 16:21
Very grateful fountainhead for the extremely useful info re an expat returning to the UK for the NHS.
Thank you!

April 6th, 2013, 16:49
I dont know this man , we can only hope he will recover.

And if you want to know the truth on a forum , its impossible to tell. Then you have to meet him personally in Bangkok before you decide to give a donation.

April 7th, 2013, 05:25
And if you want to know the truth on a forum , its impossible to tell.

" Believe only half of what you see..... and none of what you hear."

April 7th, 2013, 06:53
An old adage goes something like " If three people tell you that you are drunk, its time to lie down"
Another goes "where there's smoke there's fire"
You don't have to believe anything on the Internet but here one can do a little research and see for yourself
the history of certain posters, the reactions to them and at least get an idea of what is true.
You will find hundreds of postings unless they were all deleted when certain posters got banned.. :old:

April 7th, 2013, 08:06
I want everyone to know I feel bad today. Why, you ask? Well I read someone's post yesterday and it got me to thinking. It was a restless sleep and I awoke several times thinking about it. It was a post from kommentariat.

I'm always amazed at how many people believe they can divine a person's entire character based on what that person posts in an online Forum. In my experience the respondent don't like what they read or, more often, doesn't like their opinion being challenged, and let lose a stream of invective about what a sad, unhappy, perverted individual the writer "is" without ever having met them or knowing any more than what they write online.

It got me to thinking. The post was about Timmberty and LMTU. Thread titled something like the Bitch Board is closing. It got me to thinking about LMTU and what this person was saying about me. I struggled with this all nite and awoke at 4am to start to compose this.

How do I start to see how it applies to me and so many others?
LMTU never knew me. Never met me, never spoke to me, in fact never sent me an email. How was he to judge me!

Over the two years I have been the target of numerous posts that were down right nasty. His name for me was Boss Hogg. Really, really big fat man (ok, maybe that's true :-) ) and he made posts on his Bitch Board that hurt the bar like, "don't go there it is all full of ladyboys. Not a man amongst them". That can hurt a business especially when we had more men than ladyboys. All the time it was Boss Hogg this and Boss Hogg that; and the filthy lies he would post about this board, bar and me. How do I forgive him? I mean we are all going to die and some of us will die quicker than others. LMTU was so sick that he wrote about my sleep apnea, my dialysis, my weight and made this big prediction that I was to die in my sleep in 2014. I do hope it is peaceful, sure, and I do hope it will be in my sleep. Well I know it's not far away but I also hope it's not close, but to write a prediction of when I will die? Cruel and distasteful.

I am not cruel person although I can be when someone makes up lies and are two faced. Anyone would get angry. It's human nature. I don't wish this man to have cancer but I am a firm believer in karma. What you reap, is what you will sew. What comes around, goes around. I can't stop the karma for you because I don't have that power. If there is a God, there will be a judgement day for everyone. I just look on at all the people he made sick comments about, made ill with his really sick posts, and I know that karma has struck yet again.

No John, I cannot forgive you as you never met me. Never asked about how I was or my difficulties from dialysis and all. You never met me to see what kind of person I can be. Yes cruel, hard and sometimes unforgiving, but with a heart of gold if you try to see it. No, you knew nothing about me yet you crucified me.

If there is a God, I do hope he forgives you.

April 7th, 2013, 20:49
Neal has been a saint in this whole lmtu death bed, banning, forgiving story.
Over the last decade, lmut has been banned by many moderators and board owners many times.
If I were Neal, I would forget lmtu and move on.
Let his friends take care of lmtu.. Neal needs to take care of Neal.

April 7th, 2013, 21:13
Yup This is well over the top and has to end. If the new owner wishes to reopen it it is his decision.

April 8th, 2013, 05:58
After reading Neal's closing post and after spending a couple of hours with LMTU Saturday afternoon in a hideous state "Boss Hog" is being exceptionally kind!.

April 8th, 2013, 08:42
Odd that LMTU should generate so many posts. I personally never met him though I did read his posts on the first Bitch Board and many others he made on the various gay Thailand boards but when I did communicate with him (by PM) he was invariably courteous to me (I'm not counting some of our barbed exchanges at th BB, especially since it was me that tweaked his tits first, so to speak).

All I can say is I am sad to hear that he is suffering so badly now and if he'd been on all sorts of medication for such serious illnesses so long, then I' m not surprised that he swung mentally and emotionally between two extremes all the time.

I pray for him to find peace and an end to his pain.

Lunchtime O'Booze
April 8th, 2013, 10:42
After reading Neal's closing post and after spending a couple of hours with LMTU Saturday afternoon in a hideous state "Boss Hog" is being exceptionally kind!.

thanks for the update Manforallseasons.

There are many people both in Thailand and abroad who have contacted me to get updates of John's health.

The former top Pattaya real estate agent now in Queensland
The famous rock'n'roll manager and songwriter who lives in Pattaya and travels the world producing music shows
The very very famous British singer who used to include John Booth in his entourage because JB always made him laugh and not take everything so seriously..
The ex-rent boy from Soho who JB sponsored out of a grim life and is now happily married with kids in a house purchased by JB for them.
The ex-top New York hairdresser who ensured John Booth would be in Pattaya before he sets off for his holidays there..
The NASA scientist from Tennessee who does likewise.
The top journalist from Australia who does likewise..who says no visit to Pattaya would be complete without the roller coaster ride of JB's company..

..they are just some of the dozens of people from diverse backgrounds...many who have become friendly with each other but have a common factor...a friendship with John Booth and a love of him for his sheer optimism.

John Booth has hinted at his illness to all but it's typical that he would downplay how ill he really is and that is why many contacted me to get more info.

I haven't seen John since his illness with his throat but those who regularly travel to Thailand report the that he had lost an enormous amount of weight.
The latest illness came as a bolt from the blue.

Typical of John Booth to continue laughing at himself and the several boards.
My thoughts are with him always...you are one of the greatest treasures in my life JB

April 8th, 2013, 10:50
I am not sure why it was necessary to list all his "famous visitors", sounds like JB as he always tried to sound important and since you have "not seen him" since the throat cancer a few years ago I just don't know how you are able to report on his calls and visitors. Now this thread is for updates on his health and not a thread to continue on threads that were finished and locked. Keep the conversation only to updates and not report on who has called you for updates. :3some:

Lunchtime O'Booze
April 8th, 2013, 16:17
I am not sure why it was necessary to list all his "famous visitors", sounds like JB as he always tried to sound important and since you have "not seen him" since the throat cancer a few years ago I just don't know how you are able to report on his calls and visitors. Now this thread is for updates on his health and not a thread to continue on threads that were finished and locked. Keep the conversation only to updates and not report on who has called you for updates. :3some:

My hope is that JB reads my messages on here as he hasn't responded for a fortnight to my emails which is very unusual.

I am reporting on the emails I have had from people who haven't been able to contact John Booth by email or telephone and to show in my tiny way that he has a tremendous amount of support out there.
You know, how one does for a sick person in the hope it cheers them up.

I said nothing about his "calls and visitors"...you must have mis-read my post Neal.

April 8th, 2013, 19:00
Well Lunchime this board is not about cheering someone up who has a life threatening medical problem. I would have suggested you call him and tell him or emailed him or there was plenty of time on the othere two threads that ran 6 pages. Who visted him or as you say called and sent emails to him is not what the thread is. It is for updates on his condition reads were open. As it is I am moving it to one of the locked thread so tat your ost is in the proper thread and everyone can still see it.