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View Full Version : How can you PC guys enjoy the fun we Mobile guys are having?

March 29th, 2013, 22:31
Are you stuck on a PC and tired of hearing us guys talk about Grindr, jack'd and scruff? Maybe you want to use Whatsapp?

Well you can now have mobile apps on your PC by using "Bluestacks" http://www.bluestacks.com/


Related News on this product.


March 29th, 2013, 22:39
i think bored of you going on about your phones and mobile devices would be nearer the mark ..
im sure we could all have the same technology if we wanted it .. but im more than happy not to be a sex freak who needs to have a bit of cock hanging on the end of a phone 24/7 !!
im sure you know in a place like pattaya/bangkok, you can walk around and there will be people wanting to have sex with you, just imagine how many hot horny guys you probably pass by whilst you are glued to your phone ??
you can keep the phone, ill stick to walking about smelling the roses rather than squinting at a message on a screen.

March 29th, 2013, 22:46
i think bored of you going on about your phones and mobile devices would be nearer the mark ..
im sure we could all have the same technology if we wanted it .. but im more than happy not to be a sex freak who needs to have a bit of cock hanging on the end of a phone 24/7 !!
im sure you know in a place like pattaya/bangkok, you can walk around and there will be people wanting to have sex with you, just imagine how many hot horny guys you probably pass by whilst you are glued to your phone ??
you can keep the phone, ill stick to walking about smelling the roses rather than squinting at a message on a screen.

If you truly were bored of the topic, you would have passed it by... Come one now... Admit it :love4: :sign5:

March 29th, 2013, 22:53
If you truly were bored of the topic, you would have passed it by... Come one now... Admit it :love4: :sign5:
indeed i could have, just like i have passed by the chance to have my ears and eyes to a smart phone all day and all night ...
but then you would have missed my words of wisdom :tongue3:
bty its not personal, you may noticed i had a winge at someone going on about wi fi the other day.
i just dont see the need to be conected 24/7 365 days a year..

March 29th, 2013, 22:59
You don't have to be connected every moment of every day. It's a mater of you enjoying your time as you choose. Just as there are those who don't have time for message boards and think we are all wasting our time posting while life is happening, there too are those who say that these things add to their enjoyment in life.

We all indulge to the point of satisfaction and we all reach that level at different times.

And no worry, I am not taking it personal :lam: :hello2:

March 30th, 2013, 02:34
You don't have to be connected every moment of every day. It's a mater of you enjoying your time as you choose.

So, WE PC guys choose to go out and leave the techno shit at home, or like me just do not care and do not spend money on it.

I spend 6 out of 7 days a week at home on the computer, so I go out 1 day a week,

WELL, no techno shit for me for a few hours talking to friends and drinking together.

H├Й BUCKY, can not have a relaxing holiday, need 24 hours techno shit:
Twitter, Facebook, actually those 2 are all I can think of and I do not use them.

BUT, I do make my money by computer and internet, but my TECHNO shit is at home (Thailand) not in the bar when I go out. :3some:

March 30th, 2013, 02:45
When i'm at home i use my laptop a lot....but never take it with me when i go to Thai...good job else i'd be on it too much when i'm away...i dont even use my mobile much..there is allways the internet cafe's in Thai if i need to use them

March 30th, 2013, 02:48
i remember i was sitting at dicks last year and 3 asian guys sat on the table next to me .. two of them started to have a conversation, one got his phone out and started messing about with it ..
i seem to recall for about an hour the two guys where chatting the other one spent all his time on his phone, so hes gone out with his mates to have a beer.. then totally ignored them, and tho im guessing i think he spent all that time *talking to online friends* .... now call me old fashioned, but if i go out with my mates id rather talk to them than spend my time *talking* to people who arnt there ...
maybe the next night he went out with some other people, and spent all night chatting to the ones on his phone that he ignored the previous night ?

March 30th, 2013, 03:01
Yes it is bad manners to be on the phone all night, it would be nice if they put thier phone away when in company.

March 30th, 2013, 05:03
What are you guys talking about?

This is simply about running mobile apps on a computer. This has nothing to do with guys being on the phone out in public :violent1:

March 30th, 2013, 06:03
What are you guys talking about?

This is simply about running mobile apps on a computer. This has nothing to do with guys being on the phone out in public :violent1:
so you are suggesting we carry a p.c. about with us instead of a phone ?? do you know where i can get a 3 mile stretch of lead ? :tongue3:

March 30th, 2013, 07:05
Silly Billy :sign5:

You are forgetting some of the other useful features.

If you have failing eyesight, you can use this program to not have to strain to read what would be displayed on a tiny phone screen.
If you have friends that like to send sms messages, you can do so from your big PC screen and full size keyboard.
Want to update any of your mobile profiles? Do it from your PC instead of typing on your tiny phone screen.
Copy vital information from your PC to your phone that will come in handy in your travels or vice-verse.

But mobile is gaining speed for the generation that was born with it. This is not new for them.

Just as the older generation can look back and remember how families would stroll down the street on a Sunday walking to Church, and how nothing was open on a Sunday here in the USA and we all ate together at the dinner table as a family but then came mass produced automobiles, TV's with remotes and over 50 channels and 24 hour tellers that changed it all. Causing many a old person to shake their fist at us cause we don't sit around the radio as a family while listening to the "Bell Telephone Hour" radio variety show.

No matter how much we hate change, the times are-a-changing. You don't have to change with it, but it would be nice if you just shook your fist when no one is watching. :tongue3:

March 30th, 2013, 18:33
...all theses twits twittering away on twitter and other so called social (anyi..) platforms..are simply socially inadequate...they need to look busy...its a crutch..look I'm not actually alone...am simply waiting for someone..checking my phone every 3 nano seconds..pathetic...whilst all the time gorgeous guys are walking by...and beautiful scenery is being missed...if a so called friend pulls out his gadget in my company and pays nore attention to it than to me...then I walk away...I'm not a prop...

March 30th, 2013, 23:33
The best part about the grindr app is that you can meet people only a few feet away thanks to the GPS !

But it doesnt work with Bluestacks on your PC , I tried GR app and there you can manually add your location so it works there.

March 31st, 2013, 01:12
Yeah, that's true, the GPS function only works if your pc has a GPS chip in it. That's part of the reason I have not purchased a windows surface pro pc. It comes without the GPS chip.

March 31st, 2013, 08:50
Bucky, I'm now looking for a tablet. I decided against an iPad because it is too heavy and I don't like Apple's take it or leave it attitude. I much prefer android. The iPad beating Google Nexus 10 is not yet available here, so I was wondering what tablet you have.

And do you walk around with the tablet all day looking for guys on Grindr/GR? Is that how it works?

I guess it would have to is Grindr is GPS based.

Just wondering.

March 31st, 2013, 10:11
I have a iPhone and an iPad, the rest of my tech is Microsoft based. I want to shy away from apple but Microsofts surface just seems to lack on a few fronts but the one thing it has going for it is that the pro surface can run windows xp, vista and windows 7 legacy software since it is a tru pc in tablet form

March 31st, 2013, 11:36
I had an iPad and an iPad mini, which I can easily carry around with me.
When I had a problem with the iPad I found the service at the Apple store and on the phone really good.

March 31st, 2013, 12:12
When I was in Thailand I got unlimited internet for my phone and when I needed to use my ipad, and if there was no wifi, I put my phone into wifi hotspot mode so that I could let my ipad or laptop connect to the internet. It worked very well and didn't cost anything extra.

March 31st, 2013, 14:53
When I was in Thailand I got unlimited internet for my phone and when I needed to use my ipad, and if there was no wifi, I put my phone into wifi hotspot mode so that I could let my ipad or laptop connect to the internet. It worked very well and didn't cost anything extra.

Can I ask what service provider you were with and how much it cost for unlimited Internet . On my last trip I was with DTAC per-paid, and I had to keep " topping up" every few days, and the coverage was not great in my hotel room either, when using my iPhone for local calls.

March 31st, 2013, 20:55
I had Dtac and unlimited Internet was 900 baht and I had to pay for talk time separately. There were times when I could not send a SMS or place a phone call because I needed to top up my phone but I still had Internet.

March 31st, 2013, 22:44
I had Dtac and unlimited Internet was 900 baht and I had to pay for talk time separately. There were times when I could not send a SMS or place a phone call because I needed to top up my phone but I still had Internet.

Sounds like you chose a better option than I did, next time I'll ask for unlimited Internet. Thanks for the tip.

March 31st, 2013, 22:49
(PC = personal computer, not politically correcct in this thread)

I am largely with timmberty on this subject. I just had three days without internet and only phone calls that were absolutely necessary, and it was great (although I have to admit back home I headed to the internet cafe to see what I missed on gay thailand boards).

I find it very annoying when Thai friends play* with their phones when we are going out. To the extent that this is on my list of requirements for a future boyfriend.

I sometimes pass a guy who looks cute, as far as I can judge because he is looking down on his phone, and is absorbed in it. If only he would look up so I can see his full face.

But to tell the truth, I find it much easier to hook up online then in real live. But then you have the problem with traveling to meet. Grindr would be great to hook up in my vicinity, so I will have a look at the link you provided.

*According to my judgement. I don't know what exactly they are doing, it could be a matter of dead or life. But from a few glimpes I got I am sure I am right. One boy played "find the differences between two pictures".

March 31st, 2013, 23:05
It's going to be interesting to see how you guys feel about Google Glasses when they hit the streets.

I do like the ability to look at Chinese text and have it converted to English in real time. :)

March 31st, 2013, 23:48
It's going to be interesting to see how you guys feel about Google Glasses when they hit the streets.

I do like the ability to look at Chinese text and have it converted to English in real time. :)
and then when the waiter asks what you would like to order in chinese . you will reply ??
or the shop keeper asks what you want buy ?
its just as easy to point if you cant read what is says over the picture than if you can.

April 1st, 2013, 00:12
It's going to be interesting to see how you guys feel about Google Glasses when they hit the streets.

I do like the ability to look at Chinese text and have it converted to English in real time. :)
and then when the waiter asks what you would like to order in chinese . you will reply ??
or the shop keeper asks what you want buy ?
its just as easy to point if you cant read what is says over the picture than if you can.

Or when you walk up to the street vendor and his menu has no pictures and everything is written in Thai, you can ask Google glass how to say Chicken soup to go with mango and rice and it will tell you and it will also translate the writing for you so you can also point at the menu if you are too shy to repeat the Thai words it tells you.

You don't have to use it. Others will use it and there will be no law that says you have to use the technology others will be enjoying :)

April 1st, 2013, 00:31
have looked more than once for
Google Goggles for my IPhone
not available

April 1st, 2013, 00:45
I don't have google goggles but google says it is available for the iphone. try this link. Seems that google googles is built into the google search app.


April 1st, 2013, 00:48
why not just wait until the google voice box and hearing into thai is released ?
then what comes out of you is translated into thai, and what you hear from them is english.. that wont be long coming !!
things that are released are 3 years behind what is being developed in the labs now, that was told to me by an i.b.m. computery person.
you never know it might even work on the red neck hillbillies .. now that would be special ... deppery dowgs got nothing on them baby !!!!

April 1st, 2013, 02:29
I don't have google goggles but google says it is available for the iphone. try this link. Seems that google googles is built into the google search app.


thanks. now Google can keep track
of everything I do :)

wish they had an audio google goggles
to listen to an identify music and maybe the artist/composer

April 1st, 2013, 11:02
(too late to edit previous post.)

wish they had an audio google goggles
to listen to an identify music and maybe the artist/composer

April 1st, 2013, 11:21
Try this

https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta ... ears&hl=en (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.ears&hl=en)

April 1st, 2013, 16:18
bucky i had a thought yesterday about your google goggles, after using google translation on many gay romeo profiles, i reckon when you go and order the duck ala orange... you could well end up chewing a toilet seat.