View Full Version : how the mod... i mean mighty fall ..

March 24th, 2013, 22:29
after a quick hop across to gaythailand for a look/see how refreshing to see our dearly departed mod hanging out with people he would have crossed the road to avoid a few weeks ago.
thers nowt so queer as folk, specially queer folk :evil4:
neal do as you wish with this one :tongue3:

March 24th, 2013, 23:08
his latest buddy seems to be founty, the self same founty he deleted messages from and stopped him posting on the board, talk about desperate !! word has it not many people over there have much time for him.
i surpose as soon as he joined there he thought all his put downs and rubbish he posted over here would be forgotten ??
i didnt last long there mind ... to many a.holes in one place for my liking. kinda looking at a stye full of pigs at feeding time .. theres only one thing on view and its not nice.
**** my post was made to a post that has been depleted ive not gone mad and started talking to myslef. ill leave that to others ******

March 25th, 2013, 08:31
post that has been depleted
Do you mean deleted?

March 25th, 2013, 19:53
Timberty, it would help if you gave us a bigger hint as to who you are talking about. I don't meant to be rude, given that you do not know me as a poster here,however I have posted in the past.
Can I ask is the offending party from north of HADRIAN'S WALL?

March 25th, 2013, 21:22
North of Hadrian's Wall was Caldedonia I recall .

March 26th, 2013, 02:10
Zebedee I think I have finally fixed the problem. For those who have written me as to notify me of the problem I will explain.
Seems on jinks or smiles watch Zebedee asked to be deleted and was. Recently he asked me to reinstate him which I did. After one post somehow he got caught in the spam filter and was deleted again which is why you did not see a profile or could respond to him.
I reinstated him again after tinkering with the system for at least and hour and I think I have it fully fixed now.
Thanks for everyone's patience!

ALSO: The post that was "depleted" as Timmberty mentions was MY POST which I had intended on sending Timmberty as a PM and not an open post. When I realized my error I deleted it but he had already responded.

March 26th, 2013, 12:19
Timberty: Have you not got anything better to post? Hardly makes you tough to attack someone who is no longer a member on this board.

March 26th, 2013, 13:01
Timberty, I now know who you were referring to, thanks. I don't think we'll be seeing him on this board again as Neal has , quite rightly , told him he is no longer welcome!
I suspect he will get tired of talking to himself over on GT, and hopefully just fade away. In any event thanks for the update .

March 26th, 2013, 16:15
Timberty: Have you not got anything better to post? Hardly makes you tough to attack someone who is no longer a member on this board.
who said it makes me tough ? and dont you have anything better to do than attack me whilst trying to accuse me of attacking someone else ??

yes zebedee i didnt reply to your question as you disapeared after it was written.. but nice to see you back again.
anyhows i shall bother no more with s.g. he enjoys the intrest, so best to let him sulk in silence.

March 26th, 2013, 23:10
i didnt last long there [www.gaythailand.com] mind ... to many a.holes in one place for my liking. kinda looking at a stye full of pigs at feeding time .. theres only one thing on view and its not nice.

And it took you 4 months of membership and 247 posts on gaythailand (according to your profile on gaythailand - just checked) to come to this conclusion?

Seriously, you recent postings do not shine a good light on your character.

March 26th, 2013, 23:20
i didnt last long there [www.gaythailand.com] mind ... to many a.holes in one place for my liking. kinda looking at a stye full of pigs at feeding time .. theres only one thing on view and its not nice.

And it took you 4 months of membership and 247 posts on gaythailand (according to your profile on gaythailand - just checked) to come to this conclusion?

Seriously, you recent postings do not shine a good light on your character.
no it took my last few posts on there and the p.m.s i got after i posted again..
most you dont know about as they got deleted for whatever reason, a reason you wouldnt know about !!
hence i decided to delete my profile for the 2nd time .. so i'll stand by what i say ...
i think a few of them beliving me to be lmtu would have been reason enough to call them what i did with out the rest of it.
i note you have been called a racist and sick on a thread over there... now if they are your kinda people, enjoy them.
im sure my character is capable of not needing to be loved by everybody.
bty there are some decent people over there ... they just dont tend to post to often.

March 28th, 2013, 02:52
after a quick hop across to gaythailand for a look/see how refreshing to see our dearly departed mod hanging out with people he would have crossed the road to avoid a few weeks ago.
thers nowt so queer as folk, specially queer folk :evil4:
neal do as you wish with this one :tongue3:

OMG check out the thread on GT about:

#1 scottishguy
184 posts
Posted 26 March 2013 - 01:48 AM
Which Thai Bank would members recommend for ease of opening a basic deposit Account which offers ATM Card withdrawals.

Thank in advance for advice

LOL and it goes on ......and on.....with the predictable sycophants in tow. Gees it's almost embarrassing , I guess next it will be " are there any gay bars in sunee plaza"?

Lol,talk about rent a-crowd!
oops sorry I nearly forgot :occasion9:

There that's better.

LOL ,some people have no shame,but it really is so pathetic ! Just go mate,without making a bigger fool of yourself!

March 28th, 2013, 15:46
Timmberty wrote:
how refreshing to see our dearly departed mod hanging out with people he would have crossed the road to avoid a few weeks ago.

Timmberty still hasn't addressed the hypocrisy of this comment.

Does he think people have short memories? Does he think people have forgotten his criticism of Neal on the BB?

March 28th, 2013, 15:57
sorry i know how the others feel now .. youre begining to stalk me,
thread after thread it gets abit creepy ... but as i said before, take a look at yourself before asking things of others,
you flying off into the sunset with the other 2, then after finding out how boring and mundane it all is over there, you begged to be allowed to post on here again ....hypocrisy you call it ?
im sure if you do as you noramlly do you can look back thru a few posts and find answers to all your questions ... or do as you did on the post *bitch board closes yet again* and just ignor it as you do when you are wrong, i do belive you accuse latinpox of doing the same.
now we have both yourself and newallen boring the pants off people maybe you should take it in turns ?
:sign5: im just getting into a more laid back style...

March 28th, 2013, 16:36
OK, OK this is all wrong!

First A447, I know who said what about me on BB and I know I said ley bygones be bygones so I do not need you sticking up for me. To my recollection he did not say anything about you over there. Stick to your on fights,.

Now Timmberty, while I hate to have to take A447's side, he did not beg to come back. In fact his account was never ssuspended or closed. While he did announce on the Gay Thailand board that he had left this board and sounded pretty final and damning, he did not make a request to have his account closed.

But seeing as you have broached the topic, I left SGT because the board was hijaked by a small group of guys who are laughing at the rest of the members - and the owner.


I didn't leave the board on account of the contents of one poster's posts. I felt a group of guys had hijacked the board and I didn't want to be a part of their "fun." I've got no interest in discussing chicken soup, which is one of their latest topics started by one of the group. That's all.

And finally:

I haven't de-registered from that board. I just don't post there any more.

So yes, to me (and he and I have had words about these posts) it did sound pretty permenant but no he did not quit and did not need to beg his way back.

March 28th, 2013, 16:51
well thanks for clearing that up .. as i said before tho i tend to use words in a fairly liberal like mannor ... he made it clear he was off and wouldnt be coming back .. i assume that talking about a group of hijackers i would have been one of said hijackers..
so hes posting here still with one hijacker still here ....
ah he will rely .. where did i say who the hijackers where .. did i mention you .. tell me where i said you where one of them .. how grown up he is !!
now i really have no wish to go on and on and on with this crap over and over.. so a447, newallan have a fight between the two of you .. let me be :alc: ... :sign5:

March 28th, 2013, 19:11
as i said before tho i tend to use words in a fairly liberal like mannor ...

You mean, like this?

he made it clear he was off and wouldnt be coming back

And this?

i would have been one of said hijackers..

You'd make a good politician, Timmberty. Although you need to be a little more" laid back".

And I couldn't care less what you post about me; go for it if you want to - as long as it is the truth.

Simple, really.

Neal wrote:
I do not need you sticking up for me.

I wasn't.

I was making the point that he was criticising you on BB and now is back talking to you, while at the same time he is criticizing Scottishguy for doing the exactly the same thing with Fountainhall.
What he wrote about you over thereon the BB is for you to deal with in a way that suits you, not me.

But thanks for clearing things up.

And let's leave it at that.