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March 16th, 2013, 22:28
I would like to ask bruce_nyc two questions. Who is your master and why were you bating him in your own room? : )

I would like to ask the same - I for my part like to masturbate sometimes alone in my room.

It is definately* even more pleasant with freinds** and thier*** friends

*) Idiot-speak for "definitely". One of the most common moronic misspellings found on the internet. Urbandictionary.com

**) how dew u spel friends? Urbandictionary.com

***) a common misspelling of "their"; Often made by new generation kids who spend all their time slacking off in school, and using abbreviations on nearly any word concievable; Urbandictionary.com

English is not my 1st language, so I'm sometimes puzzeled about how native English speakers spell some words - fortunately there are the internet and spell checks.

Neal may not like my off-topic remark but I had to get this off my chest for once.

March 16th, 2013, 23:42
Neal may not like my off-topic remark but I had to get this off my chest for once.

Ben, I am assuming your spelling of puzzled and conceivable were intentional?

Some of the words you listed such as their/thier and friends/freinds are often a result of typos rather than misspellings. Sometimes the fingers get confused when "touch typing" with letters being transposed. But,you are correct, a spell check usually picks up these errors so no real excuse. Regarding "their" the usual mistake is to use "there".

March 16th, 2013, 23:50
may i ask who really cares ?? as long as you can read whats been written does it matter if the spellings not 100% correct . this is a light hearted forum, not a school classroom, tho im sure thats where some would prefer to be!!
and do i get detention for not using capitals or should that be capital's ... get a life comes to mind.

March 16th, 2013, 23:54
Ah ha! That's where that I before E except after C is a worthless lie! :laughing3:

March 17th, 2013, 00:18
Ha ha ..yes i do that all the time...pressing the wrong keys when i type....its not a major problem

March 17th, 2013, 00:57
Ben, I am assuming your spelling of puzzled and conceivable were intentional?

Fran├зois, no, not intentionally misspelled; I had thought to have corrected puzzled, but obviously not! And "concievable" was copied-pasted from Urbandictionary.com - so quite a shock.

As non-native English speaker I care about spellings and am sometimes unsure about what is correct. I believe I can see the difference between typing errors and misconception - and I would not react to typing errors. The examples I gave are notorious here. Bear in mind: I am ignorant as far as English is concerned and would like to learn!

Now, go ahead and correct my language errors again, I'm grateful for it!

March 17th, 2013, 16:26
Ben, I am assuming your spelling of puzzled and conceivable were intentional?

Fran├зois, no, not intentionally misspelled; I had thought to have corrected puzzled, but obviously not! And "concievable" was copied-pasted from Urbandictionary.com - so quite a shock.

As non-native English speaker I care about spellings and am sometimes unsure about what is correct. I believe I can see the difference between typing errors and misconception - and I would not react to typing errors. The examples I gave are notorious here. Bear in mind: I am ignorant as far as English is concerned and would like to learn!

Now, go ahead and correct my language errors again, I'm grateful for it!

ChristianPFC likes BenCH's post. We had a thread about native and non-native English speaker on this or another forum, where I expressed similar thoughts. On this occasion, I might praise gaybutton for his clear and error-free English, I have yet to find a single mistake in his posts. (For others, it is difficult to find a single post with correct spelling and standard punctuation.)

March 17th, 2013, 16:33
i still dont get it ... so you like to read proper english as it helps you learn better .. would you be happy if when actually speaking to an english speaking person, he kept on saying he couldnt understand you because of your accent ?
or would you consider that to be rude ?

March 17th, 2013, 16:44
I prefer to read correct English.

I have an accent, some people (native speakers) mentioned that they found it initially difficult to understand, that's not rude, I appreciate any advice on my English, written or spoken.

March 17th, 2013, 19:23
Nothing to do with the curtained bars, but I agree with Christian.
A text with faults (more than typos) discredit the writer.

March 17th, 2013, 21:22
sorry christian, i didnt say what i meant .. so this will be for lok too ... you like to read correct english .. so how do people say, do not ?.. most would say don't will not is won't ... can not is can't etc etc etc ..
i am not going to do that = i aint doing it .. do you then tell people off for not speaking the queens english ?
if you learn only correct english, you lose out on a lot of things. im sure you're own languages have simular patterns ... or do you only speak the correct way ?
maybe the colledge lecturer will only type in a full and correct sentance time after time .. i dont know if i can speak for others, but for me, as i said the board is a bit of fun and i'd be buggered if i could be arsed checking to see if every thing is ship shapped and bristol fashioned before i enter it for the world to see.

March 17th, 2013, 21:40
For the benefit of non-native speakers of English, and to please those of us who would like to live in a perfect world, yes, it would be nice if the native speakers on the board checked their spelling when posting.

But at the end of the day, as Tim said, тАЬas long as you can read whats been written does it matter if the spellings not 100% correct . this is a light hearted forum, not a school classroomтАЭ.

I have the greatest respect and admiration for people who can function in a second or third language. I ask them to make allowances for the spelling in text messaging, forum postings and other informal styles of communication that are becoming more the rule than the exception. After all, native speakers of any language can never be "wrong" in the communicative sense, if they are producing elements of language that are intelligble.

March 17th, 2013, 23:34
When in Thailand I really enjoy helping non-native English speakers improve their speaking skills. I do not purposely correct but I may correct by example of my own speaking. But I focus on speaking, not writing. Many Thais can write English but can' or won't try to speak a word. I take it as a challenge to get them to try speaking what they can write. I have been taught not to formally correct as it increases their fear of doing something wrong. Many Thais want me to correct them but I politely tell them that I do not because I want them to speak "without thinking too much". I can spend hours with a Thai friend helping them with their English and truly enjoy doing so.
So I value having a conversation much more than correctness. I easily tolerate the mistakes since they generally easily tolerate my many mistakes in speaking Thai.

March 17th, 2013, 23:53
In this day and age, many of us are using iPads which have a frigging mind of their own when it comes to auto correcting typing and spelling mistakes, which maybe why you may notice an increase in the minor errors.....ie missing letters, correctly spelled but misused words etc......


March 18th, 2013, 00:56
sorry christian, i didnt say what i meant .. so this will be for lok too ... you like to read correct english .. so how do people say, do not ?.. most would say don't will not is won't ... can not is can't etc etc etc ..
i am not going to do that = i aint doing it .. do you then tell people off for not speaking the queens english ?
if you learn only correct english, you lose out on a lot of things. im sure you're own languages have simular patterns ... or do you only speak the correct way ?
maybe the colledge lecturer will only type in a full and correct sentance time after time .. i dont know if i can speak for others, but for me, as i said the board is a bit of fun and i'd be buggered if i could be arsed checking to see if every thing is ship shapped and bristol fashioned before i enter it for the world to see.
I surely use don't and won't, but ain't ?
you're own languages for your ? Certainly the fault of your teacher who taught you to write sounds and not ideas. Cfr their, there, they're or sight, site.
sentance, shapped would not have escaped the corrector.
And I am not enough of a grammarian to check : "I'd be... if I could be....
For me it is a question of politeness to re-read the text before hitting "submit".
English is a beautiful language.
It is also the common language of billions of people, who more or less deform it.
If the native speakers don't defend it, it will soon become a soup.
And a precise language is the first tool for studies and research.
Many first year university students fail because they don't understand the questions.

Ok, that was my rant, now write as you wish !

March 18th, 2013, 01:06
lok, you should get over to london and see just how badly the english language is used by the kids of today..
i would imagine if you sat on a bus in the middle of a group of our lovely inner city school kids you wouldnt understand a word that was being said..
you sure as hell wouldnt be moaning about a few wrong spellings or . , ' being put in the wrong place..
aint = is not/ am not .. no different from the rest of em (them)
p.s. my teacher didnt teach me to use such words its just the way we speak .. i remember an incident at school where after a kid was told by a teacher to do something, he said i aint doing that .. the teacher told him there was no such word as aint ... so he said .. ok "i am not" doing it!!

March 18th, 2013, 01:37
In this day and age, many of us are using iPads which have a frigging mind of their own when it comes to auto correcting typing and spelling mistakes, which maybe why you may notice an increase in the minor errors.....ie missing letters, correctly spelled but misused words etc......


Turn off autocorrect and check spelling in the settings menu. Simple :sign5:

March 18th, 2013, 05:43
In this day and age, many of us are using iPads which have a frigging mind of their own when it comes to auto correcting typing and spelling mistakes, which maybe why you may notice an increase in the minor errors.....ie missing letters, correctly spelled but misused words etc......


Turn off autocorrect and check spelling in the settings menu. Simple :sign5:

Some of us just paid attention at school and learned to spell correctly - I don't rely on this machine made in China or wherever to correct my spelling :occasion9:

Actually, although it bothers me slightly, I don't really mind poor spelling or punctuation on these boards, as timmberty said - they are just for fun and entertainment. In other areas of life, such as work, proper spelling and grammar are important.

March 18th, 2013, 08:33
i still dont get it
And, you probably never will. Some people care about proper English. I'm one of them. That is not to say that I use proper English on every occasion I write it but I try. It is extremely distracting when I read improperly written English and I tend to think less of the writer.

March 18th, 2013, 09:47
For the benefit of non-native speakers of EnglishYou mean Americans?

March 18th, 2013, 10:32
Sorry mate, but if we start comparing accents, slang, grammar and intelligibility, Aussies will fare no better than Yanks. :happy7:

March 18th, 2013, 10:54
lok, you should get over to london and see just how badly the english language is used by the kids of today..

Certainly true ! But if the standard is low, do we try to match it ? or do we try to improve it ?

How difficult will it be for those kids to find a decent job, or maybe....just try to learn another language ?

Poor command of the language is a huge barrier to find a job.

In France, - and I am not french - the governement has even started special classes to enable the young people issued from immigration, to lose their accent.

March 18th, 2013, 11:23
Obstacle #1 to improving language use of students: TV, cinema, popular music, social media, and society in general are all bad-usage culprits hereтАж.or, viewed differently, they reflect the real use of language (vernacular) and must be accepted for that reason.

Obstacle #2 is the combination of notions of democracy and pluralism which supports the claim that one personтАЩs idiolect/patois/dialect is as good as anotherтАЩs.

Yes, it is true that poor language skills can prevent young people from gaining desired employment. That applies mainly to working class children whose parents are not models of тАЬproperтАЭ language usage but does not apply to the privileged students and their families who recognize the importance of a тАЬgoodтАЭ accent and grammar in certain academic or occupational environments.

HasnтАЩt it always been that way? The difference is that these days the internet reveals the extent of тАЬimproperтАЭ language use.

March 18th, 2013, 11:28
The difference is that these days the internet reveals the extent of тАЬimproperтАЭ language use.
Bob, I never thought of that. You may have struck a very salient point. Because of postings on the internet we get to see the ignorance of people as regards literacy.

March 18th, 2013, 22:18
sorry christian, i didnt say what i meant .. so this will be for lok too ... you like to read correct english .. so how do people say, do not ?.. most would say don't will not is won't ... can not is can't etc etc etc .. i am not going to do that = i aint doing it .. do you then tell people off for not speaking the queens english ?

That's different, you are talking about the level of English you are using. "I am not going to do that" is hi-so, "I ain't doing it" is lo-so, "I aint doing it" is lo-so without apostrophe.

We can compare this to Thai, you use different levels of the language depending on whom you are talking (writing) to. It shows your respect or disrespect to the person.

Whenever I read lo-so English on the forum, I have to keep in mind that the writer does not show his disrespect for me, it's just his writing style.

March 19th, 2013, 02:02
lok, when most teenage role models are people who can barely put a sentance together, i think the chances of improvement are very slim.

March 19th, 2013, 02:06
I would like to thank all posters who take the time to re-read their posts before submitting it. For the non-native speakers of English it is much more easier to follow a correct post. Actually I use this forum to train and improve my English, not just for this gay Thailand things.

March 19th, 2013, 02:23
In that case, Magnum, your use of the phrase "much more easier" is incorrect. You could say either "much easier" or "much more easy" -- I would probably just use much easier - hope this helps

March 19th, 2013, 02:46

Yep, thanks joe, that helps. My english teacher was a total failure...

March 19th, 2013, 02:52
If you're young and good looking, we could talk about private lessons :sign5:

March 19th, 2013, 04:25
This thread has been an eye openor for me and I promise to try and remember to be in Mozilla so that I have the spell check. The stroke has affected my fingers and they don't always hit the right keys and I don't always remember to re-read. I will try harder but if I fuck up, just spank me. :idea1: :snorting:

March 19th, 2013, 05:17
me too ... but to tell the truth if i wanted to learn proper queen's english, i'd be far more likely to read a board about the english language than a board on gay thailand ... i'm sure there are plenty out there ... just a thought for those who get upset about such trivial things !

March 19th, 2013, 05:46
me too ... but to tell the truth if i wanted to learn proper queen's english, i'd be far more likely to read a board about the english language than a board on gay thailand ... i'm sure there are plenty out there ... just a thought for those who get upset about such trivial things !

Where better to learn about "proper queen's english" than a gay board?

For proper Queen's English, on the other hand....

March 20th, 2013, 01:08
just how big are you ?? and how many hands do you need ?

March 21st, 2013, 01:06
I read this whole thread trying to find what this had to do with anything related to
gay or Thailand. Didn't find it.

I'd much rather talk about Tinglish musings or something slightly more interesting
than misspelling rants from typo Nazis. For example, ever try to figure out why
some words are repeated in Thai, like the boy who tells me likes to "saleep" in
my room because it's so "sabai sabai." And when they duplicate words in
English like "same same."

March 21st, 2013, 01:09
start a thread on tinglish musings then ... not so hard to do is it ?? and you wouldnt have had to have a moan about this one !!

March 21st, 2013, 06:56
misspelling rants from typo Nazis
It is just a discussion about improving our English. No problem that I see in this.

For example, ever try to figure out why
some words are repeated in Thai, like the boy who tells me likes to "saleep" in
my room because it's so "sabai sabai."
Don't get the connection between this and the topic.

And when they duplicate words in
English like "same same."
I have not heard this used in a very long time. Do you actually live in Thailand?

March 21st, 2013, 07:06
This was taken from the Urban Dictionary.

1. spelling nazi 34 up, 19 down
In essence, in a chatroom context, a person who insists on rectifying the spelling errors of anyone by rephrasing the said line accordingly. To remain faithful to their cause, they must invariably make no spelling mistakes whatsoever of their own, otherwise he/she is engaging in hypocrisy, in turn, looking like an oblivious dumbass. Further, they justify their cause by asserting that the victims' spelling is "imposible" to read.

What the prick fails to realise is how needless his/her cause really is, seeing as he/she is perfectly capable of construing the sentence containing the spelling errors sufficiently to be able to rephrase it suitably. Ultimately, he/she incurs embarrassment and looks like a total douchebag, as a result.
Random chatroom: Aimee(5) = Spelling nazi. vicki cee(4) = Victim

Aimee(5) (Says to vicki cee(4)) i think you mean 'and I can spell'
vicki cee(4) (Says to Aimee(5)) no a ment a can spell
Aimee(5) *No i meant i can spell

*5 minutes later *

vicki cee(4) (Says to Aimee(5)) wot u have got agent me newayz
Aimee(5) (Says to vicki cee(4)) "wot u have got agent me newayz" .yeah makes no SENCE

2. Internet Troll 212 up, 79 down
A person whose sole purpose in life is to seek out people to argue with on the internet over extremely trivial issues. Such arguments can happen on blogs, Facebook, Myspace and a host of others.
The best thing you can do to fight an internet troll is to not answer..or report them.
"God, Jeromy won't stop posting about Larry's bad spelling in that conversation."

"Yeah, I know, what a Internet Troll."

3. SS. Spelling 1 thumb down
A sub category of the Grammar Nazi Regime.

They are the same annoying nit pickers, screaming at every little mistake in a written sentences/ The only difference is their specialty is spelling.
Forumer: Man their was alot of idiots trying to sell me 8 hour shots. Thold me it would give me alot of strangth.

SS. Spelling Private Class: Where did you learn English from? The back of a cereal box? It's "THERE "A (SPACE) LOT", "TOLD" and "STRENGTH"!

Forumer: aww man another grammar nazi.

Another Forumer: Yeah and he's part of the SS Spelling.

4. spelling nazi 5 up, 7 down
people that care more about the spelling of words and correcting them then what the words mean.
even if everyone reading if can understand it just fine!

they love the feeling of superiority that comes from correcting other people.

an older name for the spelling nazi and one we still use to this day but to a lesser extent is : SMUG.

some chronic conditions have been recorded when the subjects tried to fix 1337...
johnny: OMG my teacher just ripped a students ears of, she gona get arrested!!!

spelling nazi: by "of" i`m guessing you meant off and by "gona" i think you meant: probably going to.
and you not black dude so stop trying to sound like a nigger!

March 21st, 2013, 08:44
The stroke has affected my fingers and they don't always hit the right keys and I don't always remember to re-read. I will try harder but if I fuck up, just spank me. :idea1: :snorting:

Oddly there is a new symptom for certain victims of stroke. They can read, write, speak and email with no problem but when they text/SMS their message is gibberish even though the person cannot discern that.

March 21st, 2013, 12:10
Do you actually live in Thailand?


March 22nd, 2013, 00:31
waht a fukcing laod of old bollox tihs is truning into !!!

Rush, Yet Again
March 22nd, 2013, 01:45
I always proofread what I write carefully to make sure I didnтАЩt leave any out.

March 22nd, 2013, 01:53
I always proofread what I write carefully to make sure I didnтАЩt leave any out.
then you leave it for us to poofread it ? and wish you had left it all out ... haha.. see im still funny :love4:
p.s. SG, :occasion9: who needs ya !!!!!!!!!!!!??????????

Rush, Yet Again
March 22nd, 2013, 10:54
You stepped on my line bitch.
ThatтАЩs not funny.
But your homage to SG throwing a hissy fit after misconstruing what someone else posted - not bad!

March 22nd, 2013, 16:15
may i ask who really cares ?? as long as you can read whats been written does it matter if the spellings not 100% correct . this is a light hearted forum, not a school classroom, tho im sure thats where some would prefer to be!!
and do i get detention for not using capitals or should that be capital's ... get a life comes to mind.

I care, maybe not to the extreme, although I do find the obvious incorrect use of the English language an annoying by product of the internet. Contractions such as "tho" instead of although is net speak which helps no-one, especially those who have ESL (English as a second language). We all understand that "typos" are frequent however people just do not know how to spell these days. Their ( denoting persons) and there (denoting (a place or position) are a frequent and common mistake. Contractions are another thing not understood it's not its, that's not thats.
As to the comment about not understanding an accent, it is quite acceptable in polite society to ask someone to repeat a misunderstood oral communication, My name doesn't follow the old " i before e except after c " rule we were taught in school. My name is constantly written as Kieth not Keith, an understandable error but one which I am quick to correct :happy7: however it doesn't deter me from using this or other forums
Spell checkers unfortunately use Amerispeak which as we all know is not always the "Queen's English" ie it's colour not color. As has been said by others here, does it really matter as long as the communication is understood. Probably not.
I confess to being pedantic however it doesn't stop me using this forum or others. I'm sure it must be frustrating for those here who have ESL.
Anyway happy posting folks.
Tmmberty it IS capitals

March 22nd, 2013, 16:25
This thread has been an eye openor for me and I promise to try and remember to be in Mozilla so that I have the spell check. The stroke has affected my fingers and they don't always hit the right keys and I don't always remember to re-read. I will try harder but if I fuck up, just spank me. :idea1: :snorting:

I'm with you Neal, I get it completely, I'm a "hunt and peck" typist due to a stroke, however I always read my posts before submitting and hope I catch most of my errors.spelling, typos and the many other mistakes I make in my posts.
I promise not to spank you if I see mistakes n your posts. :jok:

March 22nd, 2013, 16:29

March 22nd, 2013, 16:31
krazy you need to go far far deeper than worry about a gay message board to get to the root of the problem.
do you know how bad the education system is now in schools in england? you get top marks for showing up to the class now ... then if you bother to turn up for the year end exams, a free holiday and a car is the reward.
teachers dont care, pupils dont care, education has gotten lost in search of targets.
it matters not if you can spell properly, you will get a pass because we need to meet our targets !!
bty .. i used to have a cross eyed teacher he was rubbish. he couldnt control his pupils.
geography was my favorite subject, but i didnt pass the exam as i couldnt find the class room.
my name is tim .. i was once called tom by a customer for a whole day ,, it was only upon leaving, and her saying thanks and goodbye tom. i told her my name was tim, which i had infact told her i was called when i first shook her hand.
she said oh im sorry .. i laughed and told her it was far better then what i normally get called ... these things dont really bother me.

March 22nd, 2013, 16:39
I'm with you Neal, I get it completely, I'm a "hunt and peck" typist due to a stroke, however I always read my posts before submitting and hope I catch most of my errors.spelling, typos and the many other mistakes I make in my posts.
I promise not to spank you if I see mistakes n your posts. :jok:
if i see mistakes n your posts. X
if i see mistakes IN your posts. 5/10

March 22nd, 2013, 17:46
...ther is no correct english....all English is good!!...if we do it the democtaric way then the Indian version would rule...

March 22nd, 2013, 21:25
Ai yewsherly eegnor peepil who neet-pik mai postes. Dey r trolls en ai yam not gonna gif dem de sateesfakshun ov getteeng arnder mai skeen bai deegnifai-ying dere postes wif a ree-plai.

March 23rd, 2013, 04:38
If you don't care about whether people understand what you post then by all means don't worry about how you express yourself. I've always assumed that not caring means you think that expressing your opinion is more important to you than your readers understanding what you think. It's just common courtesy to write as clearly and accurately as possible.

March 23rd, 2013, 17:33
I read this whole thread trying to find what this had to do with anything related to
gay or Thailand. Didn't find it.

I'd much rather talk about Tinglish musings or something slightly more interesting
than misspelling rants from typo Nazis. "

Funny, how in any discussion, when one has no argument, the word "Nazi" is used as a supreme weapon !

March 25th, 2013, 23:19
LMTU used to call those "grammar police and spelling nazis" who commented about his writing style.

In Germany, this is a powerful weapon, if you can accuse someone of sympathy with national socialist ideology.

Plenty of people are employed on government money for the "fight against right (in the political sense) ideology".