View Full Version : Thai Boys and Cheese

March 17th, 2013, 17:17
Have you ever noticed that all the Thais that I ever met, hate cheese? I mean there is no way they want pizza or anything that looks like it remotely resembles cheese. Well the other day I just had the need of what we Americans (come on American haters I know you want to make your rude comments here) what we Americans call comfort food. That's right, macaroni and cheese. Well I would not tell B or his sister what I was making and what was in it. Sister has no problem with falang food so she was an easy win but B (??) well he hates cheese. Pizza with cheese or anything with cheese. Well I was in for dialysis and B went and heated up what I had brought with me for a snack. Macaroni and cheese. I ate half the bowl and I knew he was hungry so I pushed it over to him and said I had had enough. Full, I said. He asked what it was playing with it and I just did not respond. He took a little taste and polished off the rest. Said it tasted like a creamy macaroni. I then told him it was macaroni and cheese. He was horrified. Well now he will eat macaroni and cheese but I kind of sense that's as far as we will be able to experiment. Hey! Baby steps. :evil4:

March 17th, 2013, 20:35
Neal, I think the issue is wider than just cheese. The asian diet rarely includes diary products which is often why you see products with added calcium to make up for a perceived deficieny in the diet. Thais tend not to eat cheese, yoghurt, milk, or even much chocolate. Again these products tend to be expensive and are seen as both "fatty" unhealthy foods and more importantly the asian metabolism is not vey good at digesting lactose. I was told this by a doctor friend when I lived in Hong Kong and I presume it is the same for Thais?

March 17th, 2013, 20:55
Tht's interesting. In the years we go shopping they have bought yoghurt and this yoghurt shake and they seem to love chocolate but no I haven't seen them buy much milk. They do tend to buy this new milk/orange juice mix. Have to check that more closely. Thanks for the tip.

March 17th, 2013, 21:17
I did turn the bf onto some cheeses, the soft variety such as Brie and Camembert which he loved but not hard cheeses. Can't blame anyone for not eating mac and cheese!

March 17th, 2013, 21:21
You got that all backwards Francios. I said they all loved the Mac and cheese.

March 17th, 2013, 22:56
Neal, I know what you said; I meant that I and the bf would never eat that concoction. Yuk. Well, I never did ask him to try it so who really knows? :jok:

I am glad you made the post about cheese since I had forgotten how much the bf loves it. So will bring some with me on next visit since it much cheaper at home. Maybe even a Kraft Mac & Cheese dinner?

March 17th, 2013, 23:18
I think even the Thai's who like cheese tend to avoid it as it affects their regularity. Binds them up. At least this seemed to be the case with a friend of mine. He loved milk and he always wanted it from 7-11 and did not seem to have any problems. He loved pizza also but seemed to suffer for a day or two afterwards and was very worried when he did not have his normal visit to hong nam.

March 18th, 2013, 00:17
Cheese and other dairy products have the reputation to change body odours.....
and that for a Thai is a sufficient no no.
And eating milk is not in their culture, as eating bugs is not part of the farang world.

March 18th, 2013, 01:29
And why would they want to eat McDonalds ? unless their looking to get Heart disease or Obesity...my Thai bf say's its not real food....he's not wrong lol

March 18th, 2013, 04:44
interesting about the dairy intake. BF does not like cheese...at least I have never seen him eat any....but he does not hardly eat falang food at all.


He does like to drink milk in the morning, when he first wakes up. We tend to keep some in the fridge now. He also really likes ice cream, though does not eat it often.

So, appears dairy is generally OK with him, but not cheese. Probably a taste thing.

I will have to ask him about it sometime.

March 18th, 2013, 05:07
Yeah, I don't think dairy in and of itself is a big deal here. There's milk and ice cream shops everywhere. Even the small mom & pop convenience stores have a good chunk of their fridge space devoted to milk products.

I think many Thais don't like cheese because it's just "weird" for them. Same as us eating insects for example, although maybe not that weird. That, and the other reason I think Thais don't eat much cheese is simply because it's too expensive. We all know how much decent cheese costs in Thailand, and it's quite a bit more than our home countries, so what Thai is going to dole out for that?

March 18th, 2013, 07:55
When i told my bf ..i was drinking milk....he said you baby....cause he thinks about mothers giving milk to thier baby's

March 18th, 2013, 07:55
And why would they want to eat McDonalds ? unless their looking to get Heart disease or Obesity...my Thai bf say's its not real food....he's not wrong lol
Truer words have never before been spoken.

March 18th, 2013, 08:06
In addition to the comments posted about why Thais don't eat cheese perhaps cost is one of the most forboding reason that they avoid it. Some of my Thai friends like cheese but the cost is just too much for them. As Ten says, "Cheese hi-so food."

Captain Swing
March 18th, 2013, 09:43
Price wasn't the issue with my BF--it was the smell. He had no experience of any farang food when I first met him (trying to be agreeable he said "I like American fried rice!"--something unknown in the USA). Through knowing me and later through his job as a room service waiter in a hotel he was exposed to Western dishes and was usually willing to try things, but he drew the line at cheese. He would willingly order spaghetti, but always quickly pushed the dish of grated cheese over to me--"Schmell bad!" In recent years when we stayed in a condo with cooking facilities he finally tried grilled cheese sandwiches that I made, and liked them well enough to eat them again. But of course they were made with Kraft American cheese slices--the blandest cheese-type food imaginable; in fact I think not technically cheese at all.

March 18th, 2013, 09:45
Deleted off topic

March 18th, 2013, 11:08
Your experience may be different but I find many Thais to be reluctant to even trying foreign food. They like Thai food and that's it.

March 18th, 2013, 11:28
Absolutely correct Kjun but about 1 out of 15 or 20 are willing to try and some really like many items. While I brought up mac and cheese as a funny, I have had several that enjoy Australian or US beef much more than Thai beef but have never had the money to try it. When I cook it medium to medium rare they start to have a fit because of the rareness but after trying it realize that better beef does not have to be cooked well done. Last week we experimented with stuffed cabbage in a tomato sauce and that also went over well. Yes there are many things that they just would rather have their Thai food but there is room for baby steps.

March 18th, 2013, 15:13
Whenever I've taken a guy out to eat, I always let them choose the type of food. They have always chosen Thai food.

Great for me, cos Thai food is the best in the world, IMHO. Western food is so....bland!

March 18th, 2013, 15:21
Western food is ok but I prefer all other kinds of food from around the world. I enjoy Thai food that is not spicy (hot). I went to Cambodia and really enjoyed the flavors there. Yes western foods can be boring unless you go to a restaurant that livens it all up.

March 18th, 2013, 16:04
Western food is so....bland!
You have never eaten in New Orleans.

March 18th, 2013, 16:12
New Orleans is great and not expensive. I know A447 stays at thhe Ambiance so it's just round the corner. Their gumbo spoup is great and most of their entrees.
Or what was that I am supposed to call it for hose few that keep putting us Americans down....Plat? One dish they make there which I love is ther mozzerela stuffed chicken breast with mushroon sauce. Their ribs? The meat just falls off the bone. And to stay on topic, the boys do eat the gumbo and enjoy it and the seafood spagetti and enjoy it.

March 18th, 2013, 22:49
I had two Thai friends lead me to Japanes restaurants for dinner. One friend wanted Korean, but I was in the mood for Italian. Apart from that, I see little point in taking them to restaurants with non-Thai food unless they like it and say so before we go.

March 21st, 2013, 00:50
I had a Thai friend who always wrinkled his nose if I ate anything with cheese.
He said it was rotten milk. But I always see Thais eating at Pizza Factory...
the place is always packed, every one of them. And mostly with Thais. Maybe
they think they're hi-so eating western food.

I agree a lot of Thais like milk tho. I have a moneyboyfriend who prefers mew
over anything else. "You want a Coke?" "No! Mew! I like so much"