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March 10th, 2013, 22:00
What do Thai boys REALLY want for their birthday...?

( I mean besides money.... when you can't be there with them for their birthday... )

March 10th, 2013, 23:40
in my experience its usually a good party for them and their friends with lots of whiskey and a big cake... lots of face to be gained

March 11th, 2013, 00:02
Even if you can't be there....?

Also, all 3 of my Thai boyfriends don't drink... They really don't.

March 11th, 2013, 00:10
Even if you can't be there....?

Even better if you can't be there!

How did you manage to find the only 3 teetotal boys in pattaya... did you pick them up at an AA meeting! :party :party

March 11th, 2013, 00:16
I posted him a box with small gifts wrapped inside with alsorts of things, mainly connected to his favourite English premier football team and a pair of very very posy underwear which I have told him I want to see on him when we meet next month. He loved the gifts and sent me pics of him Penang each one.

March 11th, 2013, 00:48
The latest IPhone and a big flat screen tv and some gold and a business in Pattaya and a condo in Pattaya. I once bought the boy of the moment a camera for his birthday and paid him in advance for the week. He went to see his mother. When he returned he told me that he had given the money I had given him for his birthday to his mother but he had forgotten to take the camera so he had no photos of his mother. A nifty queen to B6 chess move, I thought. I don't know if he had really gone to see another customer for 2 days. I don't recall if I gave him more money but I was so soft then I probably did. And buying a camera for his birthday was a mistake anyway when every decent phone has a perfectly good camera in it.

March 11th, 2013, 01:16
Everyone's different, and depends on the individual. I remember the first birthday Kim and I celebrated together. We were still in Pattaya. I bought two sets of flowers, and a birthday cake. Took one set of flowers and the cake down to a small karaoke bar we frequent in the early evening, and asked them staff to hide them. They didn't hide them at all, but I guess that's my own fault for not speaking enough Thai at the time.

Hid the other set of flowers in my hotel room. Later on Kim and his roommate came by, and I gave Kim the first set of flowers. Then off we went to a BBQ restaurant he enjoys. Afterwards, we went to the karaoke bar where several of his friends were waiting, and so was the cake & flowers. After a few hours there, we went to one of those small lao-khao stands and drank cheap whiskey there.

He was so shocked that someone went out of their way for him like this, he was literally crying uncontrollably. He just sat there for hours crying, and thanking me for doing that for him.

March 11th, 2013, 02:08
tears of joy....

Wow, that's beautiful Matt.

March 11th, 2013, 10:22
I find that a lovely card with a hand written poem letting your boy know just how much you love and appreciate him is worth exponentially more than any monetary sum that is spent on him. When a gave a card like this to my BF he literally fell to his knees and wept. He told me must farlang only want to show their love with money a gifts, but when he read in that card how much I love him, his love for me poured out 10 fold. As a matter of fact, he made me swear to never shower him with gifts or money on his birthday but to only reinforce our love for each other, as money can't buy true love.

March 11th, 2013, 12:03
Droll, very droll.

March 11th, 2013, 12:57
in my experience its usually a good party for them and their friends with lots of whiskey and a big cake... lots of face to be gained

Absolutely correct. A party for their friends so they can have a great time with thier friends is paramount. The bigger the better. A few times I went and rented a place it was called SBI on the side street as Fascino on north Pattaya Road. We told all his friends, had a huge cake, all free drinks, decorations and a pig roast. If my memory serves me correctly it was about $1,000 USD but that was back when I was working. I am sure you can still do some of that and oh I need to say SBI is a very well known kraoke club and is a winning place with the boys. We had all his friends, all the people from the Ambiance and my friends and it was a huge success. I bet you could just have a bunch of his friends, decortions, a cake, food and some bottles. Nothing really big. They cater thai food and all.
A great time if you can afford it.

March 14th, 2013, 17:22
He was so shocked that someone went out of their way for him like this, he was literally crying uncontrollably. He just sat there for hours crying, and thanking me for doing that for him.

If I was in a similar situation I would take the crying as a sign of emotional imaturity and a prelude to drama. I would dump the boy. I want as little drama in my life as possible.

Maybe that is a separate thread. What do you want or look for in a boyfriend. What do you avoid?