View Full Version : "The Thrill of the Chase"

March 10th, 2013, 07:38
That reminds me of the typical response I get when asking my best friend why he hunts anmials. Admittely, I'm a non-hunter...non-killing animals...non-gun type of person and these type of...it's the thrill of the chase" responses never cease to amaze me, but it's humerous anyway.

My friend drives his late model 4-wheel drive SUV (using GPS of course) right up to the patch of woods where he hunts...parks the thing, carries his camoflaged Rambo lunch box and high powered rifle fitted with a military grade sniper scope all of about 100 yards to his $2,000 camoflaged tree stand...positions himself in the tree in the ready position as if he's a special forces commando and waits for an unsuspecting deer to graze into his sights. The most humorous part of this is that the idiot either misses the dam thing or ends up falling out of the tree as he did last year which was just too funny. If only the deer could talk: "Look, here comes that clown with the Rambo lunch box again right on schedule - who's turn is it to run past him this time?

Dodger, that's an absolutely hilarious story and I do understand what you were making the comment about but would like to quickly duck in and try and explain at least for me....
First of all I too am/was not a hunter of animals in the woods and do not believe in guns. I use the saying that "it is the thrill of the chase" because I love going after straight boys; well unsuspecting prey. :sign5: I go after orderlies in the hospital, after gas attendants, mechanics, elephant trainers, I love going after the boys selling thier Buddah flowers on the corner and the other day went after the security guard at ...well I won't say as many of you go there and I want to try first and the other day he made a sweet comment to me. I go after the bag boys at Foodland, the 2 butchers at Villa Market, I mean those are the prey I shoot for although yes when I am horney I have to rely on Gay Romeo, the bar or beach. It is no longer "thrilling" when they say ok". Some I even don't want to go to bed with after they agree! I absolutely hate it when they call me back on the phone, show up at the door or run over to me and sit down on the beach. I want to have to go look for them, I want them to say I'm can't, maybe some other time. I want to have to chase them. I had one boy that finally understood this and just like your deer story used to walk past me making sure he was in full sight of me and pretend not to look at me hoping I would yell out to him. Nope, that doesn't work. Maybe, just maybe that's what some people mean by "the thrill of the chase".

March 10th, 2013, 15:00
Agree...hunting for boys in these "off the scene" places is more fun than pointing at a number on a stage any day.

Last holiday it was a boy serving popcorn at the Central Festivle movie theater, a new boy working at the laundry shop in my apartment building, a boy who works at a curtain shop on Threpprasit Road, a boy who pushes a fruit cart down soi Yensabai every morning (nickname Mango Boy), and a cashier at a 7/11 on soi VC. I never hooked up with any of them but ended up bagging a monk...go figure!

March 10th, 2013, 23:21
DaBoss, if I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times, I'm can't, maybe some other time.

I once had a monk..... in full robe and all..... offer me USD$100 for sex.... in front of my hotel ( The Grand Hyatt ) in Taipei, Taiwan.... So strange.... He was handsome. I would have done it too..... but I was late for a business meeting. :-(

I can see where "the foridden fruit" thing is a turn on..... But in MY fantasies.... I always help them realize that they actually DO love it.... and aren't straight after all.... ;-)

If they remain straight and not really interested... That's more boring to me than being with a woman. At least a straight woman could sincerely be into me.

March 12th, 2013, 22:53
A general question: Do you lust after and seduce boys in your neighborhood? That means you will come across them later, doing normal business in the area. And how to you undertake this? I am in the situation that there are a few boys in my area that I would like to invite to my room. But I don't want to be too blunt and direct. I have a declaration of intent of studying English and Thai together with some of them, but if I continue at my pace (slow), then my year here will be over without getting any of them to bed.

On the other hand there is a bunch who drink and play guitar at night, they say hello and wave me over and invite me for a drink, that would be a home match, but these are not my type.

March 12th, 2013, 23:51
I'm of a totally different mind-set than you for boys living in Pattaya.

I think if boys working in Pattaya wanted a good shag on a regular basis that it would be financially better for them to give up their simple jobs to become bar boys or to work in erotic massage parlors...or if they are selective, to play the Planet Romeo trade. I've seen guys and I know guys that prey on these normal working boys in a town that has far more boys for rent than renters. I know some of the beach workers get a little uncomfortable with the persistance of some and I imagine that if they can't take it, knowing who they are serving down at the beach...that they could probably apply to work elsewhere. Unfortunately, the Gay Sections are doing quite well compared to many of the straight Sections with some down near the Pattaya Water Park totally empty.

My philosophy is that if these normal workers are good at what they do, serving outside the sex trade community, then we should let them continue doing what they do best and stick to the lazy sex trade workers, who are content to sit around in a beach chair all day burning only enough calories it takes to feed their faces and spend our money.

Having said this though, that does not apply elsewhere. My first and still best experience to this day was a street cigarette vendor in Bangkok that propositioned me many years back. The best thing about the experience was that he hadn't done it before ( to my knowledge ), wasn't following a script that he learned from a mamasan or another bar boy...and when he came out of the shower naked and hard, actually leaped not my arms with his hands around the back of my neck and insisted I carry him to the bed....where he stayed until the next morning.

The same applies when I've travelled up country. My Gaydar works just fine and so when I get the feeling someone's into me I'll lead them in that direction, giving them plenty of opportunity to back out...if I've got them wrong or they have last minute cold feet. This is one of the best attributes to traveling alone outside the cities and off the tourist track. As Neal said, mechanics, elephant trainers (plenty nice one's up north), snake trainers, army, police....with hotel / restaurant workers being probably the safest bet. This also just isn't a Thailand thing, with so much of this happening in many Asian countries.

As for monks, this is a common tale I've heard from so many and it just makes sense if everyone has to either serve in the military or to be a monk for a period of time in their young life. Clearly military life is only attractive to a select type of Gay Thai....and especially not for those of the lazy persuasion.


March 13th, 2013, 01:28
Christian I really can't explain it too well. You either have the knack or you don't I think. I like to open it up with a conversation that I have a bar here boys go and work etc etc and it automatically puts the idea in thier head. I guess you could always approach that you are going out with friends to a go go boy club and then get into what they do there. You are never approaching the person just giving them room for thought and allowing them to approach YOU if they seem more interested. :idea1: