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View Full Version : Police sleeping or what??

May 31st, 2006, 09:18
I have noticed the full scale renewal of vendors on Jomtien Beach.. For a long time, the police were visible and the food vendors, donoutboys, sunglasses, swimsuits, belt, temporary tattoo guys, etal. had disappeared but now they are all back and no one seems afraid of the police..

The curfew in Sunee was very effective for a long time but again, it is flouted now and large packs of pre-teens flow, unperturbed by police and
it looks like pedophiladelphia..I cannot believe it will be long before there is a news expose or a newspaper article as it so blatant that the blind can
see it.. Popular go go bars are also flouting the age regulations and it is rampant.. But, lets deny this is hapening and close this thread and sit back and
watch or participate in this exploitation which give ammo to the christian right wing neo-nazis, fox news and the rest of the enemies of gay people...

May 31st, 2006, 09:41
That's how it works in Thailand. Situation gets bad, there's an expose, there's a crackdown, crackdown ends, situation gets bad, there's an expose...repeat ad nauseum.

May 31st, 2006, 09:43
"I have noticed the full scale renewal of vendors on Jomtien Beach" If only this were true. I miss them and there is never a fruit lady around to peel a delicious ripe mango when you want one. I never understood some people's problem with these poor people scratching a living by trudging up and down the beach in the hot sun often trying to sell something ludicrous like a large heavy carving to tourists already overweight in every area including the baggage allowance. The Police still round them up occasionally. Only recently I saw a Policeman select a silk shawl though I did not see him pay.

I am not sure about the 'enemies of gay people' but I am sure about the enemies of pederasts and pedophiles who are the vast majority of people. These people do give the gay community a very bad name in Thailand.

We have to accept that the Police ethics in Thailand are not those espoused by Sir Robert Peel.

May 31st, 2006, 13:07
... The curfew in Sunee was very effective for a long time but again, it is flouted now and large packs of pre-teens flow, unperturbed by police and
it looks like pedophiladelphia..I cannot believe it will be long before there is a news expose or a newspaper article as it so blatant that the blind can
see it ... But, lets deny this is hapening and close this thread and sit back and
watch or participate in this exploitation which give ammo to the christian right wing neo-nazis, fox news and the rest of the enemies of gay people...

I have to agree with you Catwampuscat. I know that some people will say that paedophilia is a mental illness, but that does not mean that there should be opportunities made for this to happen in Sunee Plaza. I am gay and feel I have nothing in common with paedophiles, but from what I can see, the paedo's hang around the bar's in Sunnee. Tell me if I am wrong, but I have walked past at least one bar opposite Monty's Pool that has kids sat outside and inside, with many Farang stopping off there. I have no interest in finding out what goes on here but the kids (and they are little kids) are often seen groping themselves with Farang's looking on lustfully.

There may be some of us who are of the opinion that 'if they crack down on the paedo's, what will stop them from coming and closing down the gay bars'? My response would be that I would hate for the gay bars and gogo's to be on the list of closures but that shouldn't stop underage bars being hit by a crackdown.

Ok, it all looks different depending on where you stand. From a certain moralist point of view we may all be devils taking advantage of the poor finances of the Thai population to satisfy our own needs. But I want anyone I off to be of a certain age where they can have made informed judgement to enter into being a bar boy. I also want them to have passed through puberty a significant number of years ago!

May 31st, 2006, 13:16
" ... I have noticed the full scale renewal of vendors on Jomtien Beach.. For a long time, the police were visible and the food vendors, donoutboys, sunglasses, swimsuits, belt, temporary tattoo guys, etal. had disappeared but now they are all back and no one seems afraid of the police ... "
Good for the Vendors, best wishes to them . . . screw the Police.

" ... The curfew in Sunee was very effective for a long time but again, it is flouted now and large packs of pre-teens flow, unperturbed by police ... "
The Police are simply getting back to the business that REALLY counts ... petty, institutionalized corruption.
Write a letter to The Editor.

I'm not nearly as cynical about Thai guys as many folks here . . . but I'm much more cynical than many here regarding the Thai body politic in general, from top to bottom.

Cheers ...

May 31st, 2006, 15:25
There are still some around in plain clothes...........every now and again all the vendors start jabbering and zip off until the coast is clear.............once in the middle of my friend having his fake tattoo done lol.......

May 31st, 2006, 17:18
"Good for the Vendors, best wishes to them . . . screw the Police." Smiles

A boy I know works in a well known massage house. Not only did he screw a Policeman but the man paid!

================================================== ==========================

"Police Sleeping"

U.K. English jargon. Sleeping Policeman = raised bumps in the road to calm the traffic speed.

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"or what?"

Recent telephone conversation

" ring ring"

Me - "hello"

Caller "Hello Papa"

Me " Who are you"

Caller " I'm fine thank you"

Me "What your name"

Caller "Me What?"

Me " What your name?"

Caller "My name WAT!"

Me " Oh hello Wat - How are you?"

Wat " I'm fine thank you".

This was real but I condensed the exchanges. I think it was Abbot and Costello who did the sketch that went on forever.

================================================== ====================================

"christian right wing, neo-nazis, fox news and the rest of the enemies"

I wonder what the Christian right wing think of being listed with neo - Nazis

I wonder what the neo-Nazis think of being listed with Fox news?