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March 7th, 2013, 09:15
I have often wondered why Thais have the habit of putting ceramic tile on driveways of homes. This is very dangerous because when it becomes wet it is slippery. This past week I was washing my truck and slipped and fell splitting my scalp which required 11 stitches. Not a particularly fun experience. It will cost me 80,000 baht to replace the tile with something slip resistant. Just seems a little goofy to me.

March 7th, 2013, 10:56
Because in many Thai homes, that's where all the cleaning takes place. Dishes, laundry, dogs, and even showers.

March 7th, 2013, 12:05
I think Cd has it backwards or I'm confused again. Kjun is basically saying why are they smooth in the driveway as it gets slippery. Cd is saying because all the washing takes place in the driveway. I think Kjun's point is that if there is washing in the driveway, the tiles should be slip resistant. As far as me, not only would I strongly agree but all through out the house I have slippery tile rather than a textured tile and of course when I come out of the shower I almost slip. Also I have a 3 bungalow type house and the access to the other bungalows is through the patio. When it rains where else do you have to walk? Yup! The rain drenched slippery tiles.

March 7th, 2013, 12:07
^^ Same reason as your bathroom is tiled. All the water, soap, etc... tile helps fend off and fungus from growing, and doesn't rot / bend due to water.

March 7th, 2013, 12:12
Yes agreed by Kjun and I that it could be tiled the question is not that but as to textured tile or smooth. Smooth you slip and fall whereas a textured tile you don't slip and crack your head as easily.

March 7th, 2013, 23:56
I have often wondered why Thais have the habit of putting ceramic tile on driveways of homes. This is very dangerous because when it becomes wet it is slippery. This past week I was washing my truck and slipped and fell splitting my scalp which required 11 stitches. Not a particularly fun experience. It will cost me 80,000 baht to replace the tile with something slip resistant. Just seems a little goofy to me.

why not just buy a hard hat, much cheaper .. and no need to pay me for the advice.

March 8th, 2013, 00:02
why Thais have the habit of putting ceramic tile on driveways of homes
Probably because they are cheap. Duh

March 8th, 2013, 01:16
big long curved raised driveway for hotel on Phechaburi,
maids were cleaning with towels from auto traffic.
looked kind of odd.

March 8th, 2013, 07:45
why Thais have the habit of putting ceramic tile on driveways of homes
Probably because they are cheap. Duh
I understand that you are just trying to be cute but why just not leave the concrete exposed. It would not be as slippery then.