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March 5th, 2013, 03:28
I have been contacted by a reliable source that there was a problem at Mic My Bar this evening, Monday night going into Tuesday early morning hours.
The source states that several police may have executed a warrant and taken away one falang as well as possibly 20 of the employees. Waiting for confirmation but was told that the bar remained closed the rest of the night. :dontknow:

March 5th, 2013, 03:35
I've been there once and I'm surprised they let the place exist

March 5th, 2013, 09:13
Has now been posted by media.


The target of the operation was the Mic My Boy Bar in Soi VC in South Pattaya. Over 20 officers took part in the raid and initially foreign patrons inside the bar were told to stay where they were and were later taken to the Immigration Office in Jomtien where their Immigration status was checked. We understand they were all later released without charge.

17 boys aged between 14 and 17 were found inside the bar and some were hiding in тАЬShort TimeтАЭ rooms on the second floor. Police also confiscated condoms and lubricating Jelly which was taken into evidence.

March 5th, 2013, 09:26
Well I am going to say it and probably get a good kicking for it BUT GOOD GLAD THAT THEY CHECKED THE STATUS OF THE CUSTOMERS AS WELL.

It is the only thing that will stop this kind of bar. If the customers where not there the bars would not existed and do not any body give me that its OK to sit and look.

Most people living here know which bars to avoid and if you are on holiday most people can tell the difference between a 14 year old and an 18 year old even in Thailand.


PS For any one holidaying here that may not know you should at all times carry a photo copy of you passport, entry stamp,and current visa. Or at any time you can be taken to the immigration offices and may have to wait while you entry states and visa are checked.

March 5th, 2013, 10:23
Mark you will not get kicked by me. I agree 100%

March 5th, 2013, 11:23
17 boys aged 14 - 17 found? Is it just me, or does that seem high? Is that number actually plausible, or are the police / media exaggerating it to make themselves look better?

I don't know, I could see a couple underage here and there finding their way into the bars, but 17 of them in one bar? Fuck me that's high, isn't it? I haven't been down to Pattaya in ages, so has Sunee changed in the past few years, or something? I've spent loads of time in Sunne, and sure I've seen the odd guy who was quite obviously underage, but never have I walked into a bar and seen 17 of them.

March 5th, 2013, 11:31
Sounds like it could have been the vatican.

March 5th, 2013, 11:56
Rather then speculating like another forum has been which is full of melodrama and talking about falangs now being tested in all the bars, story has it that this bar and a falang have been under surveillance by the police for sometime now for trying to engage in sexul activity with minors. That the reason behind the raid on this bar was because a warrant had been issued based on such information and the police went in the bar to serch for and test all for procurring underage sex.
This is not a case of the police now going around to different bars taking in falang etc but of a warrant based on an ivestigation tht had been ongoing. So rest yer heels unless you are in one of these types of bars and there seem to be underage workers.

March 5th, 2013, 14:11
http://www.pattayaone.net/pattaya-news/ ... lice-raid/ (http://www.pattayaone.net/pattaya-news/77538/foreign-patrons-underage-workers-detained-south-pattaya-boy-bay-police-raid/)

March 5th, 2013, 14:31
The lesson to be learned by farangs is do not go to or frequent bars which have a policy of harbouring under age staff. Right????

March 5th, 2013, 14:39
The lesson to be learned by farangs is do not go to or frequent bars which have a policy of harbouring under age staff. Right????

Yes: stay away from most of the Bars in Sunee.................. :laughing3:

March 5th, 2013, 14:54
story has it that this bar and a falang have been under surveillance by the police for sometime

the police went in the bar to serch for and test all for procurring underage sex


So which is it? Were the police targeting a specific farang (the one the warrant was out for) or "all"?

If it is the latter, then it is hardly "melodrama" if people are "talking about falangs now being tested in all the bars."

I would think it was a distinct possibility.

March 5th, 2013, 15:00
Moderator: I have just noticed there is a parallel thread running with the same story. Maybe best to combine them.

March 5th, 2013, 15:41
Good idea.

March 5th, 2013, 16:47
have to agree with Matt that 17 underage boys seems like a lot for one bar. of course, 1 underage is too many

March 5th, 2013, 17:33
I was in MicMy recently and from about 12 boys on stage there was only one who looked to me to maybe be under 18.
If they had 17 underage boys on Monday I don't know where they were hiding or maybe there is something going on in this bar that I was not aware of.

March 5th, 2013, 17:40
I've visited Mic My a couple of nights ago. It's often hard to tell ages but I have not the impression that there were 17 underaged boys. Agreed that even one is too many.

March 5th, 2013, 18:07
The authorities have done this before, Got police forces from other areas to conduct raids thereby bypassing the infamous tip off. A year or so ago the Sattahip Drug Enforcement Agency carried out several raids in Pattaya.
As for this one, well no one actually knows the whole story, probably not even those involved. GB says he has spoken to someone who was in the bar which if there were 17 underage boys (some as young as 14) seems to me to be something of a confession by whoever GB spoke to.
It must have been terrifying for the farang taken to the immigration department and I suspect that was the whole idea. I walked into Mic My bar several years ago and it was obviously not my kind of bar so I left immediately.

March 5th, 2013, 18:13
You are right. No one knows the exact answers. We have our source and someone else may have thiers, but anyone suggesting that we go down to the police and or city hall mayors office to get answers (?) well I nominate YOU!

March 5th, 2013, 18:52
Another nail in the Sunee peadophiles coffins! i was taken to this bar a few weeks ago by a friend, i went, reluctantly, because i knew what to expect, and i wasn't dissapointed, on the stage right were all the straight boys playing with their cocks looking at girlie porn on their mobiles (1 boy showed me what he was watching) stage left were all the "gay" ladyboys, and i think there were about 10 or 12 on stage, and in my opinion not one of them was 18 or over, so it is quite plausable that all 17 were under age, because all of the "legal" ones do not want to work in sunee anymore (sadly) they all go off toy boys or funny boys, thus leaving a void of a stage to fill, hence the kids!

March 5th, 2013, 19:23
On my last visit to Sunee I sat eating dinner in the thai Rest. around the corner from Mic my - used to be a Karaoke Bar- opp YSN Internet and I saw the mamsan bring 2 or 3 boys from The Bar to the short time rooms over the Restaurant and soon after the farangs arrived- and those boys were 100% under 18.

March 5th, 2013, 20:11
On my last visit to Sunee I sat eating dinner in the thai Rest. around the corner from Mic my - used to be a Karaoke Bar- opp YSN Internet and I saw the mamsan bring 2 or 3 boys from The Bar to the short time rooms over the Restaurant and soon after the farangs arrived- and those boys were 100% under 18.

I wonder if they have menus in the rooms?

March 5th, 2013, 23:39
Seem obvious that if we can't tell if a guy in his underwear is 14 or 18 there are going to be a lot of customers sitting in jail.... Is the underage count accurate? What difference does it make?

March 5th, 2013, 23:45
Simple. If in doubt check thier ID cards and above all do not accept photo copies.

March 5th, 2013, 23:51
I think that is still playing with fire.
At some point one will slip by, maybe with a brothers ID
One mistake and your life and reputation are over

March 6th, 2013, 00:20
It pisses me off to read, again, about a Thai owned Gogo bar ignoring the law in their own country and doing this shit.

All the pervious problems are Thai owned, without exception. Look at Goodboys, Villa Rouge and numerous others over the years.

The Farang Gogo bars obey the law (even in a foreign country), but see this crap going on by the local population.

Furhtermore, wasnt it this bar that had the Mamasan arrested a few weeks ago but no one here would mention the name, even though they knew it? Just proves that we should name and shame these operators, if only to save an innocent Farang accidentally being in the middle of a raid as obviously a few were.

Rant over.

March 6th, 2013, 00:26
REALLY?! Are you sure? This was the bar where the mamasan was originally working that was arrested a fw weeks ago that caused the earlier row? Wow, and how wrong a couple of a people said we were to identify the place.

March 6th, 2013, 00:28
Edit: Well then this might explain what I was told as it being an ongoing ivestigation. Wonder if the ones arrested last month or two flipped in order to make a deal if they helped the boys in brown get a few more? Never know. :dontknow:

March 6th, 2013, 00:38
I visited MicMy November last year and from all Sunee bars this one was most memorable. I was drunk but in a clear moment I became aware that I hit the bottom of my life...hehe...However, after warned about an upcoming raid most boys run out of the bar very quickly. From ten boys were only 2 or 3 left, so there were more customers than boys. The mamasan told me the boys had gone because they are under 21 yo (?). One boy looked really young, most 18-20.

March 6th, 2013, 00:48
As far as I am aware Villa rouge had a farang owner and one of the most notorious bars in Pattayaland over the years also had a farang owner
(not forgetting The original Cocktail, All boys, Kaos and Sundance... all of which had farang owners)

The mamasan that was arrested a few weeks ago is not involved in Mic My.

So tone down your ranting!

As for the Story... i showed it to my BF and he pointed out a few anomalies:
1. Mic My rarely has 17 boys working there these days... so strange that so many of them should be there that night (a monday night)
2. The MicMy boys always put on their shirts as soon as they leave the stage, strange how all the boys in the group pic have their shirts off in what i presume is an upstairs short time room.
3. the raid happened in the early hours of Tuesday morning... The micmy boys are free lancers and most go home by 12 if they have not been ofed (just leaving the salaried boys)

To my mind there was a huge amound of spindoctoring and false publicity about this story... but i expect nothing else from the Pattaya amateur press

Interesting to hear if MicMy was back open again tonight?

March 6th, 2013, 03:23
There seems to be a lot of unfactual speculation and misinformation going on here and elsewhere. Of course the "sensational" pattaya news sources are partly responsible for that. The arrested mamasan worked at many bars but I never saw her/him at MicMy.

I doubt the raid had anything to do with Thai owners but rather farang customers and pressure from concerns outside Thailand hence the presence of media. Thailand has many opportunities Thai and other Asian customers seeking young "dancers" but there's no pressure groups forcing the BiBs to take notice. Thai authorities are less interested in the abuse of children than the bad publicity of foreign countries.

I am still unsure if the customers at MicMy were taken away from the bar of processed in the bar.

If we're betting, I'm putting my money on the bar being open before the weekend. The local BiB don't want to lose the golden goose.

March 6th, 2013, 03:32
What is the argument? Are we truly going to split hairs on if there were 7 or 17 underage boys working there? Are we going to pretend that no one goes there looking for the very young ones? Are we going to continue to cry that pedophilia has nothing to do with the gay community and when we are forced to see the truth that it is going on at gay establishments, we want to talk about technicalities and how it happens in other places?

Maybe if we did a better job at policing our own community we would be taken more seriously when we protest about the perverted link others make with gay men and children.

Now with that said, maybe I can walk away from this thread....... (Oh, I'll keep reading but I think I said what was on my mind)

March 6th, 2013, 03:57
Are we going to continue to cry that pedophilia has nothing to do with the gay community and when we are forced to see the truth that it is going on at gay establishments

I for one will continue to cry that pedophilia has nothing to do with the gay community. The fact that some bars may be facilitating underage sexual activity is not exclusive to gay bars in Pattaya. Young underage females are also exploited in bars in Pattaya. This recent story about Mic My bar is not unique to the bars of Sunee Plaza - if you read some of the "mainstream" news outlets (not just PattayaOne) it is a regular story across the entertainment areas of the city.

March 6th, 2013, 04:08
And how often is it that the gay community did or said anything to help rid this from the bars?

March 6th, 2013, 04:09
bucknaway...you disgust me!!....and trust me thats not easy.
As for all the pedo nonsense...thank goodness I'm into dominating men...preferably with hairy legs....,.so no way I'll get tempted...even at good boys I zeroed in on the oldest (clearly way over 21) number and brought him down a coupe of pegs...in front of his mates too...

March 6th, 2013, 04:26
That is fine... I am just as guilty as everyone else when it comes to turning a blind eye to underage sex. Not once have I called the police or even offered a look of shame. But when I hear about an arrest I blow up and go on and on about how hanging is too good for them.

We say we want to protect the very young, but when we have a chance to do it.........

March 6th, 2013, 04:40
Maybe I've been blind while drinking in Sunee, but I've never been aware of underage boys in the bars I frequent. I don't buy into bucknaway's collective responsibility idea. It's up to the Thai authorities to enforce the law, not the average bar customer.

March 6th, 2013, 04:44
bucky boy....go take your meds...plse...stop ranting and raving....ofcourse if I say a 12 years old being analised on stage I might get up and object...but an 18 maybe 17 year old in underwear on a stage???....who the fuck am i to make a scene...thats what the police are paid for...I'm not a tree hugging sandal wearing tree hugging democrat.

Brad the Impala
March 6th, 2013, 05:09
Are we going to continue to cry that pedophilia has nothing to do with the gay community and when we are forced to see the truth that it is going on at gay establishments

I for one will continue to cry that pedophilia has nothing to do with the gay community.

However several members of this forum were customers of this bar, and it sounds like recently. I am presuming that they are gay rather than pedophiles, so there clearly is a connection between the gay community and the pedophiles, if they are customers of the same bar, and presumably at the same time. It seems unlikely that this is the only establishment that exists which simultaneously services both markets from the same premises.

March 6th, 2013, 06:46
Well I am going to say it and probably get a good kicking for it BUT GOOD GLAD THAT THEY CHECKED THE STATUS OF THE CUSTOMERS AS WELL. It is the only thing that will stop this kind of bar. If the customers where not there the bars would not existed and do not any body give me that its OK to sit and look. Most people living here know which bars to avoid and if you are on holiday most people can tell the difference between a 14 year old and an 18 year old even in Thailand. MarkPS For any one holidaying here that may not know you should at all times carry a photo copy of you passport, entry stamp,and current visa. Or at any time you can be taken to the immigration offices and may have to wait while you entry states and visa are checked.
I certainly wont give you any kind of kicking for your suggestion Mark but really it is futile and pointless, what is 'checking the status' of customers going to achieve? Maybe those who live on Pattaya permanently and who visit sunee most nights know what is going on and where, but it is very difficult for visitors to know what is happening on a daily basis. I visit Thailand about every 3-4 months, I pop into agogos from time to time, not to off boys as I have a bf already, but just to check out the scene, and it changes so quickly from visit to visit.

If I or any other farang stop going there do you honestly think that would in any way contribute to that bar stopping employing underage? Not a hope, all that happens is holidaymakers get caught up, I would say probably innocently, i bet any farang who engage in underage already have backdoor agreements with mamasans etc.. and probably wouldn't brazingly go and off an obviously underaged boy in full view of all. Also the raid was not initiated by a customer offing an underage boy, it was a planted officer, so obviously it was staged for a specific purpose, they could check the 'status' of any westerner anytime they want, it doesn't need to be a raid to do that. So Mark I really cant see what carting western customers off to immigration is going to achieve in terms of getting rid of the underage problem. Thais simply do not see the political side of these things, it's all transactions, luck, unlucky. Bad image? they could close down the sunee underage problem in an instant if they REALLY wanted to....it's clear, so far, that they dont.

Those of us not into the underage scene probably have no idea the extent, what actually goes on, the business gained from 'home delivery' of boys working out of these bars etc.. But just sitting at Colonial you can see there are some kind of connections between Samorn and either Nice Boys or MicMy, and there are borderline looking boys going back and fore between these bars, you would have to be blind not to pick up on that.

I have noted in previous trip reports that while Micmy bar has a tendancy to have borderline legal aged looking boys in their line up, (which I have said many times I really wish they would just ditch altogether, they would still get plenty of custom if they only employed over 18's) they also do have mostly over 18's and these boys deserve a chance of getting tips and customers just as much as other legal aged boys in other bars. There are bars I previously wouldn't and won't go into under any circumstances, notebly sawatdee beer bar(dont know name), old Tum Yum, old Good boys, old sawatdee and the new breed of beer bars with the 'screens', it's just a matter of time surely here too that a raid will occur.

I'm not sure what the idea is behind checking westerners status, (if true) it is surprising that there has been no first hand report on any of the gay Thailand forums so far from any members, only a secondhand one on Gaybutt, without first-hand report or knowledge it is impossible to believe or verify the newspapers reporting as it is so often inaccurate. If someone comes forward and can verify the change in attitute to westerners in these bars then many may reconsider where they visit, will that alone bring about the end of underage trade......i very much doubt it.

March 6th, 2013, 11:15
As far as I am aware Villa rouge had a farang owner and one of the most notorious bars in Pattayaland over the years also had a farang owner
(not forgetting The original Cocktail, All boys, Kaos and Sundance... all of which had farang owners)

The mamasan that was arrested a few weeks ago is not involved in Mic My.

So tone down your ranting!

As for the Story... i showed it to my BF and he pointed out a few anomalies:
1. Mic My rarely has 17 boys working there these days... so strange that so many of them should be there that night (a monday night)
2. The MicMy boys always put on their shirts as soon as they leave the stage, strange how all the boys in the group pic have their shirts off in what i presume is an upstairs short time room.
3. the raid happened in the early hours of Tuesday morning... The micmy boys are free lancers and most go home by 12 if they have not been ofed (just leaving the salaried boys)

To my mind there was a huge amound of spindoctoring and false publicity about this story... but i expect nothing else from the Pattaya amateur press

Interesting to hear if MicMy was back open again tonight?
Excellent post, Colmx and 100 hundred percent correct. Mic My is one of the better run bars in Pattaya and the story raises a lot of questions. There are very few bars in Pattaya which are actually well run (and some were run into ground). While it is true that Mic My occasionally had some underage boys, vast majority of dancers are of legal age. This thread, by the way, confirms one obvious thing: do not trust posters who have no idea what they are talking about
or just sore losers when it comes to running a business.

March 6th, 2013, 11:30
And how often is it that the gay community did or said anything to help rid this from the bars?

Then do something about it. Start a non-profit awareness organization, or something. More than likely, you could probably do it right in your own backyard. I bet I could go to a poor neighborhood in Wilmington, Delaware, and if I didn't get murdered, would be able to find some 16 year old willing to suck me off for $50.

Not that I would ever do that, but just saying... this is hardly a Pattaya problem, and it's not getting solved unless you can somehow magically bring all 7 billion of us out of poverty. One thing I do know though it, getting all flustered and emotional about it on internet forums isn't going to help the problem whatsoever.

March 6th, 2013, 14:40
...too true..been patronising lotsa strip clubs/bars in the US...from St Louis to Atlanta to Chicago and can most definitely confirm that USD75 lap dances (and more!!) can be had for under USD30. And the strippers definitely work the floor. .....definitely a case of falling demand...lowers prices...and brings a flood of fresh out of work talent onto the stage...

March 6th, 2013, 15:12
The salient point is that the raid was conducted by Immigration, not the usual women/child protection agency.
I suspect that the targets were guys from Laos or Burma, and , given that some of them may have entered Thailand illegally, they wouldn't have ID.
Accordingly, they were described as under-age to add a bit of spice to the proceedings.

March 6th, 2013, 15:31
Sorry to correct you Oliver.....

Early on Tuesday morning Chonburi Immigration Police and District Social Welfare Officials conducted a raid on a South Pattaya Boy Bar which resulted in the detention of 17 underage sex workers and a number of foreign patrons.

March 6th, 2013, 16:38
if this is true then it's totally shocking...and unacceptab le. I can still believe that 1 or 2 might slip through using an older brother/cousin ID card, after all family members can look alike. But 17...in one bar?? Clearly the owner is running a pedo ring and needs to be brought to justice. My heart goes out to the victims who are too young and stupid to protect themselves.

March 6th, 2013, 18:54
In my mind, nobody can defend this bar..they clearly knew what type of operation they were running, and should, I believe be punished for this. Its as simple as that, and I really can not see any other point of view that be justified.

March 6th, 2013, 22:32
Just a couple thoughts...

(1) It seems to me that if someone was running a "pedo bar", they would never put the underage boys on stage. They know it's illegal. They're not totally stupid. They would keep them hiding in short-time rooms upstairs or somewhere else. Then they would provide customers with a "private viewing" only upon request. Then they would send the boys off to some nearby short time room..... and send the customer to meet him in that room 10 minutes later. That seems like common sense. So saying that, "I've never seen boys that look underage on stage there." .....means nothing.

(2) One time I was in a boy bar.... and it was NOT in Sunee.... and I picked out a boy... The mamasan told me he was 19.... which I totally believed. When I sat with the boy, he told me he was 18. I just chalked that up as some sorta "Thai year math strangeness"... Anyway, I offed him and we left together... We walked back to my hotel, the hotel front desk checked his ID card.... and promptly showed me that he was, in fact, 17. I quickly told him, "Sorry. Maybe next year." .....and said goodbye.

The Point Is: Sometimes it's not that easy --- at least for me --- to always be able to visually tell the difference between a 19 year old and a 17 year old. ( In the past, I've been with guys who looked younger than him... yet I know for a fact they were older than him. )

It's such a fine line between the-day-BEFORE-their-18th-birthday..... and the-day-AFTER-their-18th-birthday ... Yet, legally, it makes all the difference in the world.

I remember clearly how sexually active I was..... at 16... By the time I was 17, I had a 19 year old boyfriend.

It's like you just wanna take that cute 17 year old and put him in a shoebox in your closet.... labelled.... "Take out next year."

Funny thing is, he might be legal by the time of your next trip to Thailand.... depending on what month his birthday is in...

One of my best friends, Rob, is 24. When he introduces you to his boyfriend, Troy.... If you ask.... He'll tell you that Troy is 19.... and they've been together for 3 years.

March 7th, 2013, 00:38
.....speechless....totally speechless....

March 7th, 2013, 00:44
.....speechless....totally speechless....
for once i agree with latin .. i didnt want to comment on this thread as it kinda chills my bones ... i even had to open dear old bruces post to see what latin was so spechless about !!
bruce is best friends with a pedo .. his words.. is this really the sort of person we want posting on this board ??

March 7th, 2013, 05:57
Yeah right...

So a 19 year old dating a 17 year old is a "pedo"......

Whatever you say.....

And a 60 year old shagging an 18 year old is perfectly ok.


March 7th, 2013, 07:49
For the record, my mother was married and had her first child when she was 17 and from what I heard my grandparents were PISSED!

March 7th, 2013, 08:56
Hi all,
All thou I have been reading this and other boards for years, I really never am in to posting, but now decided to register and post something.

Maybe this is the wrong thread to start saying something as a newbie, but it is the reason I registered now.

I have not been in Sunee for almost 2 years or any gay bar for that matter, just had enough of that while living here.

Anyway back to topic.

What I read here sounds to me like most are trying to say I am not a pedo and do not want to be associated with it.
True and I think that goes for most of us.

But be realistic, most of us come to Thailand/Sunee for the boys, not the youngmen 25+.
Of course with the term boys I mean 18+, but in the thai/farang scene a 30yo is still called a boy.

90+% of the 18+ yo boys look a few years younger, with their sexy smooth, slim, small bodies.
Back home if you are in to smooth, slim, small bodies you will have to go below 18, so in reality most Sunee going farangs are in heart pederast (really pedophiles are in to pre-puberty 6-13/14 yo).

This also go for the girl bars.

As someone earlier mention, a 60yo with an 18yo is OK, yes legally it is and I have no problems with that.
I also have no problem with that, certainly in the past, most bars did have 16-17-18-minus boys working,
and all farangs could not take their eyes of them and off-ed them daily.

As most of you, I like my boy smooth, slim and less tall then me. Those that make a pedo?
No, but I can enjoy the view. Will I have sex with a 18- yo boy? No, but they look great and then I always think in 1-2 years he still looks the same, hope he still works somewhere in a few years.

Why would I want a 14-17 yo old if I can get a 18-19yo that look like 14-15 anyway?
The people who go for the 14-17 yo olds here in the bars, really like them back home 10-13yo, since that is what the 14-17yo olds here look like.

Anyway as I mention I have not been to Sunee or any gay bar for many years. No need for that.

2 days ago I met this lovely hot, sexy, smooth, slim small body 30yo (well 29, but he says 30)
A salesman on his bike going from, bar to bar promoting his thing for work.
I just said hello sexy man. He smiled, turned of his bike and we had a great evening. I was almost the end of his working day.
I will see him again tomorrow when my friends girlfriend has her 38 birthday party.
I hope it will work out with him, since he is really my type and one in a long time I connect to and he to me.
Before anyone asks, I am 46

I am not here to stir things up, but if it looks like a boy, it is a .....

March 7th, 2013, 14:31
smoothie...well written....however dont fully agree with you...personally cant stand the young twinkie fem looking "boys"....

March 7th, 2013, 14:39
By the way, someone mentioned to me recently that in all three states that make up the New York City area - New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut - the legal age is 17.

I was surprised. Most people assume it's 18.

I think that's a good number. If I were in charge of lawmaking, I would make the legal age of consent more in alignment with the age most people begin having sex..... In order to make the law reflect the morals of the majority of people. Here in the USA, the average age males begin having sex is 16. ( Well, 16.9 .... but as we all know, legally, 16.9 is still 16. )

( I Googled it just now. See
http://www.kinseyinstitute.org/resources/FAQ.html and https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source= ... dX3OEi7l_Q (https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=18&ved=0CEMQFjAHOAo&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.data360.org%2Fpdf%2F200704160 64139.Global%2520Sex%2520Survey.pdf&ei=4VA4UZaPFqbq0AGipYEQ&usg=AFQjCNHeAGe894YqbN8FPPsgPvG_doslLA&sig2=uGpY6EbnAqHtdX3OEi7l_Q) )

March 7th, 2013, 15:51
I agree that some of us were sexually active long before the legal age of consent, I was very busy at the tender age of 15....but then maybe I simply matured a bit sooner than my class mates. However the law is there for a reason, at that age you are basically a walking erection and personally speaking i simply didnt care what I fucked...all I wanted to do was do it. ...and I did it with men of all ages. I never felt like I was molested, quite the opposite, I actively sought it out; but at that age it is easy to be taken advantage of and a certain level of protection is needed to prevent much older men from abusing their influence over children.

March 7th, 2013, 23:44
bruce if you take 3 away from 19 you are left with 16 .. was maths not one of your strong points ..
even taking away the fact the legal age in new york or where ever you mentioned is 17yrs it still leaves your mate a pedo ..
as for 18yr olds and 60 year olds .. its not for you or me to say its ok is it ? its legal so i guess its up to the adults involved.
i dont think your .. well im only 4 years older than him even tho hes just a 16yr old.. have you seen all those dirty old men out there with guys old enough to be their granfathers ... would work down at the cop shop .. but hey try it .. ill send you a food parcel ..
now ill put you back in the box where you belong .. goodbye.

March 7th, 2013, 23:55
@timmberty First, we're talking about someone I know. Not me. I'm sure you probably have some Pedophiles within your circles of friends, acquaintances, coworkers, etc. and don't even know it. It's not something people usually brag about. Probably everyone does. What's the point?

Second, that person does not live in this country. And, in fact, where he lives, the legal age of consent is 16. So this couple, in fact, never broke any laws.


Whether it's legal or not.... is not the determining factor as to whether someone is a Pedophile.

I think you might want to learn the definition of the word, Pedophile. It means someone who is primarily or exclusively sexually attracted to children who have not begun puberty (girls 10 years old or less, and boys 11 year old or less, on average). ( source: http://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pedophile )

March 8th, 2013, 00:06
ok last last go .. i know we wasnt talking about you hence i mentioned your friend .. who was one of your best friends .. who now just happens to be someone you know ..
i dont know the defination of a pedo as unlike you 'it seems' its not something im that intrested in .. i do know how the law looks at it tho .. again if you want to take a stab at it and see if the police take your side then go ahead ..
now im sure you are going to google what states the legal age of consent is and tell me, someone you once walked past in the street comes from there, and meet his 16yr old boyfriend in ..
i would be intrested to know why you bothered telling us some states allow sex at 17 tho .. it had nothing to do with anything .. trouble is i really cant be bothered to reply to anything else you write .. as you come across as a complete fraud .. so save your fingers and dont bother to reply.

March 8th, 2013, 00:43
Mic My is one of the better run bars in Pattaya

Im afraid I disagree with that and, presumably, so did the raid organisers.

I was in this Bar a few weeks ago and one of the waiters told us the true age of each boy. He was quite open about it, nothing hidden.
There weren't many over 18, some considerably younger.

We left immediately.

March 8th, 2013, 04:02
Bruce and Tmmberty please stop your discussion on this off topic immediately.
Thank you.

March 8th, 2013, 07:19
It might be worth pointing out that the only people who see a difference in this is us. If you're someone who frequents go-go bars, it doesn't matter to the mainstream public whether you're a 50 year old fucking a 24 year old, or a 24 year old fucking a 16 year old. Everyone gets lumped into the same group -- sex tourists and perverts.

March 8th, 2013, 08:56
I think that's a good number. If I were in charge of lawmaking, I would make the legal age of consent more in alignment with the age most people begin having sex.....

A better legal age of consent would be to make it the same as the legal age to get a driving license. If someone is judged mature enough to legally drive a car, requiring life and death decisions every minute, then they should be mature enough for sex. Having said that, the driving age is some jurisdictions is too low.

March 8th, 2013, 09:36
I think that's a good number. If I were in charge of lawmaking, I would make the legal age of consent more in alignment with the age most people begin having sex.....

A better legal age of consent would be to make it the same as the legal age to get a driving license. If someone is judged mature enough to legally drive a car, requiring life and death decisions every minute, then they should be mature enough for sex. Having said that, the driving age is some jurisdictions is too low.

Hmmm.... equating driving and sex? Well I have had sex while driving. A boner is a boner and sex is sex, our bodies tell us when we are ready and not society. The boys at Mic My were too young for commercial sex by the laws of Thailand. So be it.

March 8th, 2013, 15:05
This thread is getting into dangerous territory and violations of board policies and rules.Thread closed sorry