View Full Version : Waiters - can you take off.

March 4th, 2013, 06:05
Dear old hands and long term expats - are the boys who serve at Panorama, Oscars and other such bars available to take off ( for sex) ? Is it the same procedure as for host boys in the go go bars? I have noticed a few cute ones in some bars, but never wanted to offend by asking the question. Thanks for any advice.

March 4th, 2013, 11:08
short answer is yes..

March 4th, 2013, 11:21
Of course you can. It's Pattaya -- everyone's for sale! Only difference is, the waiters can easily say no, and are by no means obligated to go with you. Just ask them what they're doing later that night after work, and see how it goes from there.

March 4th, 2013, 12:06
How much money have you got?

March 4th, 2013, 12:31
You couldn't possibly offend anyone in Boyztown or Sunee by asking if you could off him. Dancers, doormen, waiters, cashiers, even some mamasans, will readily agree.

I think most waiters are available to accompany you as soon as they are invited to do so, rather than wait till the bar closes. I've only done it once (Serene Bar) and I don't recall if there was an off fee.

Brings to mind a boy who was working at Robinsons Silom several years ago. He was ready to meet me after work if I agreed to show up half an hour before closing and buy him a T shirt that cost 1,000 Baht. Very pleasant evening. :happy7:

March 4th, 2013, 14:52
Waiters, hosts, cahier, everyone was available in Happy Place to off.

March 4th, 2013, 14:58
In short yes, everyone in most bars is available....the off fee depends, (well it used to) according to the importance/seniority of that person eg the DJ usually commanded a higher fee; bar captain higher fee than waiter etc. I am sure the owners werevery highly priced, and hence nobody could afford Neal when he owned Happy Place :sign5:

March 4th, 2013, 15:12
:sign5: The boys in HP were 300, the waiters and staff were 500 and the manager was 1,000.
Quick funny story. One day we must have been having a big party of some sort becuse it was like standing room only. I was standing near the cashier and this middle eastern guy was next to me and in the way of the waiters. They asked him what he wanted to drink and he said no. I said to him that I am sorry but you need to buy one drink. He said ok and I forget what he ordered. I asked if he would please move so the waiters could get in. He then asked me if I was "one of the boys" and could I be offed. I thought I was gonna die!! A falang chubby chaser!

I was at the beach many years ago and there were two very heavy Japanese guys. I mean like sumo wrestlers. When my b/f and I stood to leave they rushed over all goo goo eyed and said, can we have a picture with you, you sexy fat man? Oh God a three way with tons of fun. Well I did take the picture with them but said thank you and quickly left.
I guess anyone can get into it with anyone. Looking back I wonder what they would have paid for my off? :8(

March 4th, 2013, 16:07
Dear old hands and long term expats - are the boys who serve at Panorama, Oscars and other such bars available to take off ( for sex) ? Is it the same procedure as for host boys in the go go bars? I have noticed a few cute ones in some bars, but never wanted to offend by asking the question. Thanks for any advice.
I agree with posters here regarding boys from Boyztown bars, you will never offend them by asking, if you are not sure/shy ask another of the co-workers of the boy if he goes off with customers first, they all know about eachother. I have found in the past this is a good way of making initial contact, invariably the boy you ask about the friend you are interested in will tell the boy in question and the chances are he will actually approach you first. The boys in Oscars are very keen for offs, I know a couple of waiters here and they were bemoaning the fact they had no offers one particular night, they said they try hard every night for an off. A customer who off's them and takes them to a club for a bit of fun first before the sex bit, is the jackpot.

Of course you can. It's Pattaya -- everyone's for sale! Only difference is, the waiters can easily say no, and are by no means obligated to go with you.
You couldn't possibly offend anyone in Boyztown or Sunee by asking if you could off him. Dancers, doormen, waiters, cashiers, even some mamasans, will readily agree.
"bobsaigon" nutshelled it accurately. Although I disagree with cdnmatt's basic assessment that everyone is for sale in Pattaya, it is simply not true (I know a few boys who work hotels, clubs etc..with Thai boyfriends and would never consider going with a westerner or anyone for cash), however, yes in Pattaya the chances are high that boys you even meet in malls and markets will consider sex for money. One thing cdnmatt does mention which is true is the fact that being a waiter gives the boy and option of not going off with a customer. I know one boy who has recently started work at Panorama after a while away from the scene, who had a Western boyfriend who tragically died and so he needs to go back to work, but is far more choosey now and is looking specifically for a boyfriend, so he definitley picks and chooses who to go with. He avoids attractive younger/russian customers with limited incomes in preference for a western bf who has good 'prospects'. He is loyal, but he knows what/who he wants this time round, so there are some who are not too keen on short time sex, but certainly would never be offended if asked.

March 4th, 2013, 22:20
Neal, you have made me chuckle!! As a slightly overweight chap myself, when I visit in April I am going tpo position myself next to the cashier and keep my fingers crossed :)

March 4th, 2013, 23:51
....wow...finally some real home truths...I recall writing that I'd picked up convenienece store workers, construction workers.(lovely hard bodies)....any guy that catches my eye i will "chat"up...and I just about got crucified...labelled a liar....

March 5th, 2013, 02:57
wow latin, who knew you were such a sensitive soul :occasion9:

I've offed waiters from Panorama in the past - slightly more expensive off fee than go-go bars if I remember correctly, but I tend not to notice the off fee in relation to the entire bar bill. If you don't ask, you won't get.

March 6th, 2013, 16:42
like most people...simply hate being called a liar...all i write up about I've done and seen...maybe I've used vague terminology like when i said that the street was wall to wall commercial boys when in reality there were about a dozen....but to me that qualifies as wall to wall.