View Full Version : Phuket: A Most Dangerous Place

February 24th, 2013, 17:07
I have take the time to go through news reports published in ThaiVisa. These are not original reports by them but they get their news from several sources. Without a doubt, from these articles, Phuket the most dangerous and corrupt place in Thailand. More tourist are killed there and/or robbed than all other places combined. Does the outside world not know this or do they just believe that it will not happen to them? Pattaya has more than enough problems with corrupt Jet Ski and motorbike operators but the violence in Phuket appears much more severe. Are the police there more corrupt than the deleted Pattaya cops?

February 24th, 2013, 17:24
That's worrying. Where did you read these reports?


February 24th, 2013, 19:46
Cannot comment on the crime it has been many years since I visited there. It was my vist visit to Thailand in my early twenties - and no I am not giving my age away, suffice to say there were only a few hotels and one strip of bars along the beach and its immediate hinterland. I was so nervous about going into my first boy bar that I think I walked around the block about five times, I think it was called My Way, not checked if it still exists. But when I went in it was like a child entering a sweetly shop, filled with honey toned boys in white undies, something I had never seen before. I offed a boy for the first time ever that night but I was too scared to take him back to my hotel so used a short time room. Two days later I was lying in bed in my hotel room in between two of them - what a slut, but what fun. Now I think a sandwich is more likely too mean cheese and tomato rather than two boys and a farang!!

Brad the Impala
February 25th, 2013, 01:59
Harry 2,

Don't get too concerned by Kjun's negative reports on Phuket as they appear as regularly as a full moon. You might like to ask him when he was last there! I've been visiting Phuket regularly for thirty years, and it's not nearly as bad as Kjun reports, and i would be pleased to go there again any time. If you base your view on anywhere in Thailand solely on the local crime reports, you could frighten yourself away from visiting the country at all!

That said, when I was there last year it did seem a little more volatile than before. It's a rich province, and always has been, but the locals haven't always benefitted, and the wealth is even more visible with the development of the island. Just take the same precautions as you would anywhere.

February 25th, 2013, 03:19
I often wonder where ALL that money went that was raised during the 2004 Tsunami.

About 6 months ago i was watching the Australian news channel and a charity boss said the fishing boats they had donated were sold in Bangkok,so shows you how ungrateful some are,mind you the charities "made money" from it too with all the donations.

February 25th, 2013, 05:35
My answer to brad is that I was there three years ago but this has absolutely nothing to do with my original post. My conclusions come for news articles from various news sources But, how about the many who have had serious problems there? Of course most of the people who go there are not robbed or killed. but this does not change the fact that far too many tourist do suffer due to the crime there. Those who are like Brad just want to say, "Oh, go on over to Phuket and take your chances because I like the place."

No, I have never had a really bad experience there, but many have, and there are many other nice beaches to visit here where you are much less likely to be hurt.

February 25th, 2013, 19:52
Haven't been to Phuket for a couple of years...

Agree that it is not as safe as it might appear to a newbie. There are few things you need to watch out for. A good number of Westerners do die on the roads there or end up in some trouble or another.

Disagree that it is as bad as you're making it out to be. I have no desire to go now but would still go if my BF or something else wanted to take a trip there.

Agree that there are much nicer beach holidays to be had than Phuket.

Disagree that Phuket is any more dangerous than say... Pattaya.