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View Full Version : League table of international generosity: Java earthquake

May 30th, 2006, 05:57
Japan, which has already sent two medical teams and donated $10 million, as well as emergency supplies including tents, generators, blankets and water purifiers, agreed to deploy its military to help.

Britain pledged aid worth $7.4 million, according to a statement on the website of the UK government's Department for International Development.

$5 million plus food, medical aid and tents from Saudi Arabia

$4 million each from Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates

$3.8 million from the European Union

Australia sent medical teams and supplies. Prime Minister John Howard promised additional aid on top of an initial $3 million donation to the International Red Cross.

$2.5 million from the United States

$2 million from China.

France dispatched doctors and technical experts Sunday and said it was ready to send an emergency hospital and more specialists Monday.

The United Arab Emirates sent a 39-strong rescue team, while Pakistan sent tents, blankets, food and medicines.

Croatia's government said it had allocated $180,000 to help the earthquake victims, and Bulgaria said it would donate more than$200,000.