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February 12th, 2013, 18:11
Well, I have given into temptation and will be visiting Thailand for Songkran this year. Boss and Bank can f*ck off, I am ready for some fun. :sign5:

This will be my first Songkran, so seeking some advice from those veterans. Neal, I know you will probably be sequestered in the Bangkok Shang ri la...but I am sure there are some others that actually enjoy the chaos and can share some wisdom. colmx? NIrish? Martin?

Is there a better spot when it comes to hotel choice? I haven't checked into availability yet, but was thinking BT (Ambiance?) would be a good home base. Is there any advantage / disadvantage to staying in particular areas? BT vs Sunee vs Jomtien vs Day/Night, etc? Not sure if it makes any difference....

How about some tips regarding what to bring? Should I pack a monster water gun? buy one in Thailand after I arrive? Tips for keeping wallet and mobile phone dry? (for the times I might want to have with me). Anything else I need to know for the adventure?

Just 2 months to wait now. Anyone else going to join in the fun this year?


February 12th, 2013, 20:00
The most important thing you can bring is a fun attitude. Don't expect to go anywhere dry so just give into it and enjoy the chaos. You asked where best to stay. My choice would be Jomtien Complex - the street in front of the complex is a mad house, but you can escape most of the heavy water by going into the complex itself. But wherever you stay, water will be being tossed everywhere. As to keeping your wallet and mobile dry, plastic sandwich bage (the self sealing kind) work well. And, again, just enjoy the holiday, it's really fun unless you are the grumpy sort.

February 12th, 2013, 20:31
Ricchlb I represent that!! :sign5:

I am in Pattaya and when Bangkok is through with Song Kran it comes down here. That day inbetween I run to the Shangri-la in Bangkok until it is over here.
Safe, dry, happy and full of good eats and un at the bars. Oh well. I guess I am a grumpy ol git! :sign5:

Khor tose
February 12th, 2013, 21:23
The most important thing you can bring is a fun attitude. Don't expect to go anywhere dry so just give into it and enjoy the chaos.

And if you really enjoy being wet come to Chiang Mai where we celebrate for three days with some kids even starting a day earlier.

February 13th, 2013, 00:39
Buy a water pistol in any Thai supermarket or 7/11; buy a solid looking plastic wrap bag on the street the day before it starts for your mobile/cash; leave any expensive electronics in the hotel; consider sun glasses to protect your eyes from not so clean water and talcum powder; maybe carry dry shorts/ t shirt to change into.

February 13th, 2013, 01:41
A good deal of expats leave Pattaya during Songkran. The holiday in Pattaya has been hijacked by young farang larger louts Arab, English, now Russians, there are so many places in Thailand to see and be part of a real Songkran why choose Pattaya? Getting soaked and falling off a motorbike loses its novelty quickly!

February 13th, 2013, 02:05
In my experience the dry shorts thing was impossible and would be a waste of time even trying to keep clothes dry but up to you, as everyone else has said leave most of your cash etc in the hotel, just bring out what you need and a bit more just in case and if you're buying one of the pouches ( a must I would think) with the string that goes over your neck be sure to hang around your front and not over your shoulder as last year whilst walking through Koh San Road which was CRAZY ( I recommend a trip there as there was a lovely party / family atmosphere) my BF de jour had his plastic holder cut open by somehow using a scalpel or stanley knife and lost everything as it was over his shoulder and he couldn't see or feel what was going on beside him the place was that busy.

oh I've just realised you're going to pattaya and not Bkk - don't forget they are on different dates so be sure to get the right dates for pattaya, i found pattaya to be slightly more annoying than Bkk, where in Bkk there was the set few days of fun but in pattaya rather than stick to those few days there were always the few dickheads ( and that's what they were) who even two and three days BEFORE everyone else ( and when you were least expecting it) thought it would be hugely funny to soak you ( usually when you were in dry clothes and about to go out for the night and when you told them to fuck right off they gave the standard reply of " this thailand if you not like go home your own country" - but to be fair just about every other Thai was ready for choking them too and there were a few occassions when Thailand or not one or two of them very nearly had their water pistols stuck firmly up their asses - and not in a kinky way either ! lol

Re the water pistols - bugger it, buy the biggest ones you can find :-)) and make it one of the super soaker ones ( and get the same one for you and your BF otherwise he'll just end up pinching yours all day) and buy one with plenty of water storage so you're not having to get water refills every two minutes ( although there are plenty of on street barrels that appear just for that purpose - a refill costs 10 baht so carry lots of small change ! - and fill up wherever and whenever you can as there's nothing worse than being caught out empty just as you're being attacked - sorry I mean lovingly splashed with water with people wishing you good luck :-) - no scrub that, trust me in Pattaya ATTACKED was the word - so the only way is to revert to western brute force and out gun the buggers !! - and the beauty of buying a really powerful gun in there's nothing funnier than sitting on an outdoor bar stool and hitting some target way across the street who never in a million years believes you could be the one firing as your gun "shouldn't" be able to reach that far - and to keep doing that for maybe 10 minutes while they go crazy searching for the shooter is HILARIOUS ! lol ( god I need to get out more )

On the main songkran day itself ( as it goes on for days - to many days perhaps in pattaya for some peoples liking, including my own perhaps, do enjoy and take part in the wee bowls of paint powder and dubbing / rubbing thing that goes on, rubbing it on peoples faces as they walk past you as a) it's a very nice thing to do as you're wishing them good luck for the coming year and they will do that to you too - and as I also found it ended up being quite a sexual / flirty thing too with lots of hot guys rubbing my face ( and me theirs) whilst walking past and all sorts of conversations taking place there after - one of which ended up in my disappearing with a random guy to enable us both to "dry off" for a bit in my room he he !

And apart from all else DO try to keep a sense of humour as while generally it's all great fun when you're soaked for the 13890 time - with some twat using COLD water for effect it is sometimes hard not to lift something and break it over their heads ( well in my case anyway, but the anger management classes are helping with that now :) so keep a light spirit and enjoy the day/s and I'm sure you'll have a ball -- oh and one last thing, the sunglasses etc are all a good idea and also consider ear plugs as I had several shots right into my ear drum ( it's hard NOT to do it to people) and the guns are so powerful they can really hurt and also as mentioned sometimes the water people use isn't the cleanest and I ended up with a bad ear infection directly from people "getting me" from the side. Oh and at the risk of sounding like a minger......I kept the same tee shirt / vest thing on for two full days - maybe even three ! as the SECOND you walked out you were soaked to the skin and as it was a vest with no arms etc it dried out very quickly but with all the paint and things being thrown it was RUINED in seconds I figured there was no point ruining three good shirts so that became my battle dress - which I still have, complete with paint I can't get out of it and I still look on it fondly :-)

Oh and one last last thing - sorry I didn't intend this to be so long ! but I personally did take my phone and a camera out with me a simply wrapped them up in sealable lunchbox plastic bags and then wrapped them up, likewise with my money notes and then put all of that in to the plastic pouch and put that under my wringing wet shirt and everything was fine.

ENJOY ! - and you do realise you've just put me even more in the mood now ! :-((((( We should all go and form a SGF paramilitary assault group to take on all bar boys - he he spot the Northern Ireland mentality kicking in, anything even vaguely to do with guns and I"m in there !! lol

February 13th, 2013, 04:07
This was a message I sent someone:

Hi ****** and I am glad you are coming. Let me say that I have not always been a good boy. I did do 2 Song Krans before I had someone spoil it for me and had a blast.

So I rented a big red box like on the beach. Got someone to supply water for a price and go a huge hose. Kept several phone numbers for block ice. Not cubed ice cause if you throw that you can hurt someone so only block and because hitting them with ice water is a scream. Get a few numbers cause after it gets too crowded some cannot get in or will not.

The water gun I brought from USA. Sure there are a few but I got a maximum powered extra water pak everything. it was a huge sucsess.

The area to camp out in or at least where I was was between the bridge and jomtien. I was at the old Icon Hotel that turned into ROME Hotel. Great street action. I did stay at the Ambiance.

One or a day or two days before the Pattaya Sang Kran started you could get some water from stupid falang that cant wait and while Thais will stop throwing water at 6pm falang will keep throwing it. Thais are nice for people going to dinner but falangs will hose you down so eat close by or take a closed taxi. No baht bus less you want to get wet. Keep the doors locked as they open them and throw the water inside. I even saw it happen to police so no one was safe.

Water ended the end date and I dont remember any water after that. Now because of my health and walking and possibly slipping I stay dry.

Have the greatest as you really need to experience it once.

PS I put my money and cell phone in a condom and tied it off.

February 13th, 2013, 04:19
Actually now that we're talking about it would some kindly local post the "actual" dates for songkran both in Bangkok and also for Pattaya as as usual there are several different dates pop up on google - and likewise perhaps highlight the actual water / party days as opposed to just the "official" dates - not that I'm even considering of course, I'm just asking out of curiosity ( so far anyway) !! :-))

February 13th, 2013, 05:11
NIishGuy, you do realise that there are many on here who will be sorely disappointed if we don't get a Songkran trip report from you this year.

February 13th, 2013, 05:31
Ha none more so than myself perhaps but reality may well have to give way to desire - and also if I'm honest the thought of doing the whole mad travelling thing for half a dozen days away right now - I could see far enough, but hey who knows what's round any corner, never say never eh :-)

February 13th, 2013, 05:36
I sense your inner slut will help with that decision :occasion9:

February 13th, 2013, 05:45
Hmm well strangely enough I started (yet another) diet yesterday and also found myself going to the gym last night for the first time in two months which may well be my sub conscious getting myself limbered up for some Thai horizontal workout action :>). Now if only my sub conscious would talk to my conscious mind and tell it how the hell I would manage to pay for it all that that would be just great !! :/)

February 13th, 2013, 05:46
NIrish: Colmx posted the dates on another thread:

The main dates for Songkran in Thailand are April 13-15

Pattaya official Songkran is April 18-19

So you can expect water play from around 11/12 through to sundown on April 19th in Pattaya

Luckily my flight arrives on April 12th when all the killjoys head the opposite direction more fun for me and the boys!

Thanks so much for the good advice from everyone as far. Keep it coming...

I have no problem with bringing the good fun attitude. I am far from a grump when it comes to this type of fun, and in fact have been wanting to experience Songkran for some time.

I like some of the other advice..and will probably start looking for the most monster super soaker I can find. :thumbright:

February 13th, 2013, 05:55
Just to save you running about searching the stores where you are there are many many stalls and shops selling all ranges of guns on the days before the main events and I found my Thai friend was best left to go off and sort that on my behalf, with a clear instruction to bring back the biggest weapon he could find ( and a large water pistol too BOOM BOOM :-) as he seemed to know the best places to go for "black market" shooters lol - which all in all as he told me they were either 500 or 1000 each ( I can't recall) means they were probably 300 or 700 baht each end he didn't want me to find out he was ripping me off ! Bless :-)

February 13th, 2013, 06:17
take part in the wee bowls of paint powder and dubbing / rubbing thing that goes on, rubbing it on peoples faces as they walk past you as a) it's a very nice thing to do as you're wishing them good luck for the coming year and they will do that to you too - and as I also found it ended up being quite a sexual / flirty thing too with lots of hot guys rubbing my face ( and me theirs) whilst walking past and all sorts of conversations taking place there after

No time now for a long reply... But NI... when your one hand was on their cheek... what was the other doing?
In my expeience it was always
-Exchange powder on face with right hand...
-Boy grabs your cock with their left
-You grab him back with your left
-Then you bth Kiss or smile and wave good bye!

60 days to go... can't wait!

February 13th, 2013, 06:30
Ha ha yes that's just about right, almost every time :-) damn it you're really not helping with the whole "I don't think I'll bother perhaps this year" lol

February 13th, 2013, 06:42
"I don't think I'll bother perhaps this year" lol
I think if you came you would be miserable... better to stay at home... after all myself and Anonone will be having an awful time being felt up and groped against our will... and with more boys than we can possibly handle!

February 13th, 2013, 07:10
OHH the old reverse logic trick eh ! :-) Ha you'll not out smart me THAT easily, you're cunning plan will never work as hell I've already been sitting on Agoda for the last half hour working out hotel rates etc and I'm now at the usual (ridiculous) point of knowing exactly how much it will cost me no matter WHAT way I play it i.e about ┬г2 grand I reckon all in for maybe 10 or 11 nights doing both Bkk and Pattaya ( may as well get hung for a sheep as a lamb) but will now phaff about for days doing the should I or shouldn't I thing - but with the answer this time, unlike other times perhaps, really being a CLEAR NO I SHOULDN'T ! But that of course won't stop me continuing to wreck my own head about it until such times as I annoy myself that much that I just say "ah fuck it" and hit the book button and to hell with the consequences.

HOWEVER I'm also sitting here thinking that that very same two grand if left sitting where it is(n't even) at the minute would go a hell of a way towards a great four week holiday in July in the Philippines AND Thailand so perhaps for once using my head rather than my credit card just MIGHT be the smarter thing to do - mind you the thought of you pair over there mishandling all those poor Thai boys without so much as a good Christian soul as myself there to defend their honour is nearly more than my delicate disposition can stand and matters ( and Thai boys) may have to be taken into hand to protect those poor boys from your evil lecherous ways as if there's any evil lechering to be done I'd MUCH rather it was ME and not you doing IT !

February 13th, 2013, 07:15
Yes Anonone feeling up and touching was all part of the fun but otherwise I would ignore the one who is not going to join us and now head to your nearest Toy R Us. They will just now start putting out the stock in the USA for those hot summer months ahead and you can pick up a few Super Soakers or the next biggest if they have one yet. Extra tank extra range. Look at the range. I found mine and yes bring an extra one for baby as he will take yours!

Quickly I will relate.
I took mine to Bangkok, filled it up and went to Soi Twilight. I kept saying "Oh please do'nt when they had these little pistols and tried to sprinkle me. Now I cant remember the name but almost acroos from Dicks Cafe at that time they had a place, the front was off and they had pool tables in there. Well my current love at that time went in to ply pool and I very politely sat on the bench, Super Soaker laying on the bench directly aimed out the door and across the street at a few doormen. Every time thier backs were turned for a moment my finger would slightly caress the trigger and a stream would go out the front of the pool hall and across the street and land on my unsuspecting target. Constantly they would look around to see just who would have done this, thier little toy pistol in hand. They would look at me and my canon and I so innocent. No, he can't reach that far! Of course after a few quick bursts and fun & games I would let out a long stream so as to give myself away and so the fight would start but they miserably out gunned. Oh those Sang Kran days!

February 13th, 2013, 07:19
Apparently the trick is to drop a half of viagra into your water bottle each morning before you go out as that ensures you shoot just that little bit further and harder for the rest of the day !! :-)

February 13th, 2013, 07:26
Send me 500 NIrish and I will do it for you and send you the pics! Or how about you try and convince yourself to do it for Song Krn and skip Christms? Well in theory it would be good but then that gives us a while to work on our "Oh gee NIrish! You cant skip Christmas can ya?" Or ya could just pack everything up a I told ya, close the bank accounts and move here. Dont look back! :evil4:

February 13th, 2013, 07:38
Hey NIrish! IтАЩll say again what I said to you on another topic, just in case you missed it, and repeat that Oscar Wilde saying, тАЬThe only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it.тАЭ

Are you yielding yet? : )

February 13th, 2013, 07:44
Annoyingly more than I care to admit - and it's not helping as I'm sitting here watching a Korean gay soap opera with some beautiful Asian guys in it and I've also just whipped an email away to Nong in Mosaik "just to check" have they my room lol - but all that aside doesn't change the bloody fact that unlike the rest if you buggers it seems I'm not a friggin millionaire :-(

No, I think it's time for a Board whip round by the millionare members to aid the the destitute and needy members ( that would be me) - Neal as its your board I really think you should set a good example, anything over 10,000 baht would set the right tone I think ! Actually better make that 20,000 just to be sure !! :-). Actually just send me your bank account details and I'll do the rest !

February 13th, 2013, 07:52
OK I will be the first to offer. You hve my 5,000 baht pledge!

February 13th, 2013, 07:56
Now hereтАЩs one solution to your financial dilemma. Have you considered claiming the trip as a business expense? If not, maybe itтАЩs time to get yourself a creative accountant. : )

February 13th, 2013, 08:03
Ha ha and what exactly do you think I've been doing for these past several years ha ha - my accountants hair has been pulled half out with some of the tenuous reasons I was coming up with for visiting suppliers and consultants in bkk lol - and he always wanted to know why I always went to see them at Christmas and holiday time and how me "single room" always was booked for two etc etc -( needless to say he knows fine well and could care less but just plays the game :/) - mind you perhaps one our two LESS trips and I wouldn't be sitting here going "shit, so where's all the company money give again lol" - still bugger it, I would change a minute of any of it :/)

February 13th, 2013, 08:11
Why thank you Neal, I'm touched :-) but I couldn't really take your money lol - at least not unless we were sitting in some fancy restaurant stuffing our faces together and then I'll make an exception of course - until its my turn :-)

February 13th, 2013, 08:14
But Irish baby its not like it was for free! I was gonna take it out in trade again. :snorting: :love4:

February 13th, 2013, 08:17
Hell for 5000 you must be intending to take me out the whole ten times as man I'm cheap, 500 baht and 30 baht for a taxi and I'm out of there, no boy drink even required !! Lol

February 14th, 2013, 00:15
Well, it appears it may be no surprise to some ( JOE) but I can assure you it wasa surprise to me - flights and hotels all now booked and let the Songkran begin :-) Bkk 11th to the 17th or so and then Patts from the 17th until the 22nd :-) I had a good look at the bank account, decided I defintely couldn't afford it and then did a calculation as to who actually needs what little money is in there more, me or the Bank -and it turns out apparently I do so bugger it - and after asking my office manager her opinion as to should I go and leave the office understaffed for a week during a busy period she reminded me (not that i needed reminding) that her husband died on cancer last year and what was I waiting on as lifes short etc - thereafter with that wake up call end of conversation and flights booked ten minutes later !

Sorry colmx - looks like you're going to have to learn to share all those lovely boys after all it seems :-)

February 14th, 2013, 00:46
I am truly shocked. I just didn't see that coming. :dontknow:

Still, looking forward to your trip reports, NIrish :party

February 14th, 2013, 00:54
Ha ha trust me I'm genuinely more shocked than you are I think !! :-) Oh well carpe diem and all that :-)

Right Joe - come on, get that aul Visa card out there and lets get you Colmx, Martin and myself and form a posse with our water pistols, come on, you KNOW you want to - hell if I can bugger my bank balance so can you, come on, ya will ya will ya will :-)

February 14th, 2013, 00:57
much as I'd love to, that just won't happen. I'll have to wait until June as planned. :crybaby:

February 14th, 2013, 02:33
My random brain dump of Songkran tips for Anonone:
The biggest problem with songkran is the high powered blue/grey water pipes, these shoot a very powerful jet of water... capable of knocking a driver off their motorbike... so i would avoid buying or using one... stick to a regular super soaker type water gun

The water pipes are also supposed to be illegal... The BIB regulary confiscate them (and then sell them back to street seller who re-sells them)

When on a motorbike and you see a songkran "roadblock"... don't try to speed past to avoid a soaking... the motorbike can slip very easily on the wet road resuting in a nasty spill.

If your airline gives you those foam ear plugs.... Take them (and take your neighbours if they don't use theirs!)
When songkran starts keep one of them in your left ear when riding a motorbike or even when walking the street...
It will help prevent your ear drum from bursting when some farang shoots directly at your ear canal with one of those water pipes!

BTW Don't put them in both of your ears or you will not hear peoperly and may have an accident...

In Pattaya avoid Soi Buakow 24/7 from April 12-19th if you want to avoid getting wet, similarly avoid soi 6

The water play usually finishs at 7 in most other places... except on the 18th in pattaya where it will go all night and into the 19th
(similarly 12/13/14 in bkk usually has late water play in the gay districts)

Watch out for wet saddles on seemingly dry motorbikes!

If you buy one of those neck pouches for your wallet/phone... try to get one with the zip on the bottom... they protect your stuff better!

Buy a disposable plastic raincoat poncho type thing from the 7/11, this will keep you from getting a soaking from some sporadic late night water parties when travelling from Boystown/Sunee to a late night venue.

Dave usually has loads of foam parties at Songkran so keep tuned!

Dave/NAB usually have stages set up on beach road around 18/19 and loads of good fun there also lots of fun at the DJ on teh beach parties

We always have great fun playing songkran in the evenings in jomtien between the 15-18th... best fun is when the beach goers are making their way back home on songtaews... sitting ducks! Especially when the driver slows down to ensure his passengers get drenched

If you get soaked leaving Jomtien between the 15-18th... I was probably one of the people that got you!

February 14th, 2013, 02:37
Well, it appears it may be no surprise to some ( JOE) but I can assure you it wasa surprise to me - flights and hotels all now booked and let the Songkran begin :-) Bkk 11th to the 17th or so and then Patts from the 17th until the 22nd :-)
Sorry colmx - looks like you're going to have to learn to share all those lovely boys after all it seems :-)

Its ok NI... you can have all the LBs and I will keep the Cutes boys! But congrats on booking your trip!

BTW i reckon the night of the 16th will be dead in Bkk... a bit like the day after a 3 day wedding... so better to head to pattaya!

February 14th, 2013, 02:43
oh and i just dug up this Pattaya info from last years Songkran thread:

18th day time - most people go to Naklua for the Songkran party there...
Then head to the Issan Concert from 20.00--1.00 in Central Pattaya
Onto gay or str8 disco till 04.00am
followed by Walking street or beach party till 08.00am
3-4 hours sleep before starting the carnage again around 12.00 midday on the 19th!

In previous years it used to be that everyone would gravitate towards Jomtien on the 19th.. but last 2 years everyone gravitated towards central in the daytime... evening till sundown Jomtien then gets a gay crowd

Everything quietens down around 19.00 on the 19th so its time to hit the bed.... and then rise again at 01.00 again for the final foam party in Dave Manclub!

February 14th, 2013, 03:16
BTW i reckon the night of the 16th will be dead in Bkk... a bit like the day after a 3 day wedding... so better to head to pattaya!

Yes I agree and in fact I'm sort of banking on that very thing happening to give me one quietish night in bkk with a friend as if I try to split to pattaya on the 16th there's a fair chance he'll still be in the hotel room from the 15th night and will do everything in his power to get to pattaya with me - which I may or not agree to depending how much ( or how little) he's tickled my fancy, but I always feel a but robbed bringing a bkk bar boy to pattaya as it's a but like bringing snow to the esimkos, still one good fun guy just might actually end up being BETTER fun perhaps than having to duke the ever growing pattaya crowd of guys who on seeing I've landed make a bee line for my room to remind me of my dubious claims of ever dying love for them at various stages of copulation apparently lol - Ha for once Latin MAY have a point - although to be honest whilst I'm always very "nice" I'm also a bit of a "Cee you next Tuesday"about being a butterfly too so I don't know what more I can do to stop that happening, except to just give up and take on all comers ( or should that be cumers) - which is exactly how I get myself into these messes in the first place it seems ! :-)

February 14th, 2013, 07:03
I'm glad to see other maniacs out there who enjoy the mahem and madness of Songkran as much as I do.

For the past decade I have pretty much stuck to the same routine: Two guys (soi Yensabai) for an early morning breakfast on Big Splash Day (19th) - then a walk over to Boyztown where I gravitate to a herd of gay boys along Second Road for my early morning shower and a few pictures of shirtless boys with their soaked pants hanging down to their knees (my fetish) - then a slushy walk back to Sunee during the mid-day where I plant my ass with another group of gay boys and just go with the flow.

Last year I ended up spending 5-6 hours with a group of working boys from Mic My and Nice Boys gogo bars who had joined forces. Somehow I ended up in the back of a pickup truck with a dozen boys who were mau mak mak and spent 2+ hours making the loop down Second Road - to Dolphin turnaround - and then back down Beach Road which was nothing short of a riot. I ended up back in my loom after sundown with 3 of the boys...woke up with powder and wet clothes all over the place and 3 sets of naked butt cheeks protruding from the sheets on my bed which were twisted in knots appearing as if we were in the aftermath of a tornado.

I always prepare for this event by stocking my little fridge with plenty of drink and munchies for the boys...and of course a few bags of that Taro stuff. For some reason Taro is their favorite mau munchie which boggles the mind. For those who haven't tried Taro snacks...it's like eating starchy pieces of fish smelling rawhide in the shape of long shoe strings but the boys love em, thus my somewhat foggy memories of Sonkran always include laughter...mahem......powder...cute water-drenched boys...and Taro snacks.

February 14th, 2013, 11:20
I AM JEALOUS!!! I haven't been able to wangle a trip to LOS at Songkraan for years now and I can't wait till I hit pensionable age to be able to run wild and free (or freehanging anyway - doesn't everyone else go commando, too?) again in the middle of April.
:party :bootyshake: :party

February 14th, 2013, 17:40
Well, it appears it may be no surprise to some ( JOE) but I can assure you it wasa surprise to me - flights and hotels all now booked and let the Songkran begin :-) Bkk 11th to the 17th or so and then Patts from the 17th until the 22nd :-)
Sorry colmx - looks like you're going to have to learn to share all those lovely boys after all it seems :-)

Its ok NI... you can have all the LBs and I will keep the Cutes boys! But congrats on booking your trip!

BTW i reckon the night of the 16th will be dead in Bkk... a bit like the day after a 3 day wedding... so better to head to pattaya!

Hey now....who does that leave for me??? :sign5:

Great to hear you are joining us in the fun NIrish.

February 14th, 2013, 17:45
colmx...thanks a bunch for the great "brain dump" of Songkran data. Very helpful. I am sure BF will have some plans for us as well....

I am also looking forward to foam party at Dave club...haven't been to one of those either. I have led such a sheltered life 555

Now comes the really hard part - waiting for the time to pass.

February 15th, 2013, 05:57

Dave usually has loads of foam parties at Songkran so keep tuned!

Dave/NAB usually have stages set up on beach road around 18/19 and loads of good fun there also lots of fun at the DJ on teh beach parties

Iam hopeing to make it over for the first time, i will pack my Neoprene shorts ! hehe and also found a water gun (thats if i get it in my luggage)

http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/p ... 652840.htm (http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/partNumber/3652840.htm)


February 15th, 2013, 07:38
Jaydonney - re the gun and just to save you lots of hassle carrying it - not to mention some asshole in the airport freaking when they ask did you pack your luggage yourself sir and you reply yes, especially the gun ! :-) You can buy that ( and better actually) in lots and lots of stalls and shops when you're there all for about the same price or so and actually most of the guys have bigger ones than that that seem to have larger water compartments as I get the impression from looking at it that that one might empty quite fast after a few shots - but hey "up to you" - but just to be clear......if I see you and you're empty, fellow board member or not you're SO still getting soaked ! :-)

February 15th, 2013, 07:49
I have to disagree with you Irish. At least in the USA the water guns are so much bigger and with extra water tanks etc that it wold be advantageous to bring a Super Soaker latest edition to the scene and there were no problems at the airport cause they had others that were headed this way at that time of the year. Everyone have a blast and think of me holed up in the Shangri-la Bangkok being pampered. Irish, want to try dinner there? My treat. NOT!

February 15th, 2013, 15:35
TYPICAL americian - you guys ALWAYS think everything in the States is bigger ! See, there's the difference perhaps, you can get really good powerful guns in Thailand and I think half the fun is out sitting your Thai friends when soaking then - whereas the yanks, no, their policy as always is shock and see tactics and throwing money at the issue and having to import bloody guns for goodness sake just so they feel superior and to give them even half a fighting chance ! SOME might say this behaviour is OBVIOUSLY as a result of small cock syndrome and an obvious over compensation tactic - both personally and as a Nation but I couldn't possibly comment ! Lol

February 15th, 2013, 23:23
...but that ├зause it's true...everything is bigger and better in the US.......question: have you actually been there....??

February 16th, 2013, 00:25
Yes, many times thanks.

And before you get all patriotic and defensive that WAS meant as a wee joke in reference to Neal recommending bringing a bigger gun from the States so you could out gun everyone else - big guns, small cocks - I think that's a fair analogy to make about some Americans I know :-)

February 17th, 2013, 00:05
I thought I saw you peeking at me in the piisoir. It does get bigger you know...It was just so cold in there...


After some thought, I will probably wait until I get to Thailand to secure the water weaponry...mostly because I do not want to have to check luggage with the airline. BF can choose for us that way, and can't complain about what I had picked out.

I will be getting the neck pouch before I head over, just to make sure it is a good one.

Damn, can't wait for the fun.