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View Full Version : When did you become a "miserable old git"?

February 10th, 2013, 20:43
Hi All
following on from the Boyztown parties thread... i would be interested to know when some of the more miserable people on the board became so miserable

Not long now till i finally leave my 30's and after 13 years of visiting Thailand my appetite for going out nightly till the ealy hours has never waned

Yes i find myself slowing down and didn't go out 3 nights out of 26 on my last trip (including missing my birthday - due to Bronchitis) but the lure of Sunee, Pattayaland, NAB, Dave, Idol, The 2 x Tum nans and late night karaoke is still as strong now as it was when LCR was filling the bar till 4 every night. I still rarely sleep before dawn when in Thailand

So i guess my question is for all the killjoys that think everyone should be in bed by midnight... Were you always like this... or is it just something that changed in you as you got older?

I regularly see guys in their 70s in the clubs and they seem to be having just as good a time as I am... given this i am hoping that the misery is something that is pre-programmed and always existed... or is it something that happens with advancing years and failing health?

(BTW this thread is not meant as a dig to any particular members or age category on the board... Its meant as a mid life crisis question from me!)

February 10th, 2013, 21:11
Oh Colmx I've bad news for you - if this is you at coming up to 30 and you've already missed 3 nights out well I'm 44 and haven't missed any ( except due to illness perhaps and even then I still went out to 1 or 2am) so on that basis on a sliding scale I'm afraid you've actually started the road to miserable old gitness early it seems, so by the time you're 40 you'll be wrecked and going home for hot coco by 11pm and ringing down to reception to ask them to go out into the street to ask the motor bikes not to rev their engines so much as they go past by midnight so it's all down hill from here I'm afraid for you :-)

But in answer your question I do think you're right that a lot of it is pre programmed as I've mates who even in their 30's were grumpy bastards and a good night out would kill them and they'd stand about moaning about everything and anything and just looking for any excuse to get back home to their wives to have a good nights sleep so they could get out to cut the grass on sunday or some other height of excitement of their week that got them off, so as you say I don't think it's so much to do about age but more about attitude ( and you're likes I guess as there's nothing wrong with going home to cut the grass is that's your thing .......I'm lying it DOES mean you're a boring git :-)

Although undoubtedly things DO start to change ( fast ) as you get on in years ( and I mean 40's not 70's there!) such as not being able to drink to the same excesses without the hangovers killing you or if you do you perhaps falling over earlier in the night perhaps, or those star jumps that you used to do to launch yourself onto the dance floor may now be more a case of gently stepping down on to the dance floor one step at a time for fear of breaking a hip as nothing seems quite so supple as you used to remember it once was :-) but all that aside none of those things are enough reason to hang the boots up just yet and if you're the sort of person who enjoys going out "for the craic" then I think you always will be (hence the 70 year olds still having a blast in Thailand clubs) but if you are a prefers to go home and cut the grass type of guy then that will never change either and that urge to do other (what we would see as boring things) will only increase as one ages (I'm guessing ?)

Saying that, it was Saturday night last night and I had the choice of going in to Belfast for a night out or staying home and watching a movie (alone) and I picked the movie and as it wet and miserable and I just couldn't be arsed and I stayed home so it appears I too and well on the way down that slippery slope - right, where's that lawn mower !! :)

February 10th, 2013, 21:20
I don't think "everybody" should be in bed by midnight - just me. That's changed over the years - up to around my mid forties there were still odd occasions when I saw the dawn in a bar somewhere, nipped home for a shower and then went off to do a day's work. Nowadays, in my late 50's, I can still stay up all night - but the recovery time is longer.
I think I spend my holidays doing the same as you - which is exactly what I please. So long as you carry on doing the same, there is no mid-life crisis. Just change.
As to what other people do with their time - none of my business. As far as the Boyztown thread goes, I'd no more complain about late night noise there than I would complain about finding Brussels sprouts in a greengrocers.

February 10th, 2013, 21:27
Oh Colmx I've bad news for you - if this is you at coming up to 30 and you've already missed 3 nights out well I'm 44 and haven't missed any ( except due to illness perhaps and even then I still went out to 1 or 2am)

Coming up on 40... not 30 (i wish!)
Well my excuse for missing the 3 nights was that my Bronchitis was also compounded by my broken foot... so i believe its a valid excuse!
However with next trip only 60 days away... i have plenty of time to get the foot right for Songkran!

As for the grass.. I hate it... Live in an apartment just so i don't have to take care of a garden!

February 10th, 2013, 21:34
Ah 40 not 30 and a broken foot - ah you're grand then, more than sticking the pace :) I'm sure you'll be fine ha ha.

But damn you as there you went and mentioned that S word in April, here was me trying my very hardest to ignore it and pretend it wasn't coming up and had been cancelled this year or something and now you've gone and put the idea in my head again and so I find myself siting on sky scanner entering the april dates almost in a trance whilst all the while telling myself, no, I'm not going, NO I'm DEFINITELY not going........, i cant afford it and I need to stay in work, damn you for you know not what you do ! lol

February 10th, 2013, 21:42
I totally agree with ceejay - it's not really about what you do with your time or how late you stay out. I was never into clubbing, even in my 20s, so that hasn't changed. My holidays are about me doing exactly what I please without having to think about anyone else. In Thailand, I'm generally in bed by 2.00 and up around 8.00 for breakfast - means I can start drinking that bit earlier. :alc: Luckily I don't suffer from hangovers anymore (don't know why). I enjoy my time there and don't let others spoil my enjoyment. Having said all that, I do make sure I'm staying in a quiet area, so that late night noise is not an issue.

February 10th, 2013, 22:05
I have to admit that the lure of gogo bars and discos has faded as I've grown older. For those of us in enduring long term relationships staying home and just "being with" a partner out ranks sitting in a bar, drinking booze I don't want, and being flirted with by boys who hold no interest to me. So, "old git" I am, but "misrable" I'm not.

February 10th, 2013, 22:10
I was born feeling old and grouchy. On top of that, I like being in bed by 10pm...with a nice warm body to keep the chill of the night at bay.

Maybe you need to learn to really 'have fun' so that you'll be too tired to notice when the music hits a hundred decibels?

February 10th, 2013, 22:37
Agree with peeseua. I could not care less to be miserable only why i dont like my brain destroyed in noisy clubs. All fun i also can have in normal times. The night is mostly for sleeping.

February 10th, 2013, 23:12
Ah 40 not 30 and a broken foot - ah you're grand then, more than sticking the pace :) I'm sure you'll be fine ha ha.

But damn you as there you went and mentioned that S word in April, here was me trying my very hardest to ignore it and pretend it wasn't coming up and had been cancelled this year or something and now you've gone and put the idea in my head again and so I find myself siting on sky scanner entering the april dates almost in a trance whilst all the while telling myself, no, I'm not going, NO I'm DEFINITELY not going........, i cant afford it and I need to stay in work, damn you for you know not what you do ! lol

Too funny. I was just doing that myself today. Trying to decide how pissed the boss would be if I took off again for Songkran while searching for a reasonable airfare.

This Thai addiction is becoming serious. :tongue3:

February 10th, 2013, 23:54
Well I "really" shouldn't even be thinking of it for so many reasons, money being one of them as I always seem to fool myself at this point by looking up the air fare and coaxing myself that "hey sure it's only 600 quid or so, that's not too bad and sure I'll go easy on the spending once I'm there as its not my main holiday or anything but just me nipping over for songkran" - which then somehow evolves into "well sure if I'm going ALL that way there's no point in my just going for 3 or 4 days" - which then evolves into "sure I might as well take the weekend out of the trip too" - which then somehow evolves into "well I don't want to be travelling back first thing on a Monday morning after a last charge on the Sunday night so sure I'll fly home on the Tuedsay.

Likewise I don't want to be arriving in Thailand on the Saturday and being wrecked so I'll leave on the Thursday to get there for Friday morning so I'm fresh for the weekend" - so, after all that the last time I looked ended up being something like a minimum of 11 full nights - which at The tartawan etc being say 60 quid a night makes the trip including air transfers and taxis somewhere close to 1300 quid before I buy a beer. Then after adding in say another 100 quid a day or so for spending money for fun that pushes it up to nearly two and a half grand - just for songkran never mind an actual summer holiday ! So no I think I'll REALLY have to be good this year and limit my pleasures - probably - mind you, you're a long time dead and theres no pockets in a shroud and all that so we'll see :-)

Interestingly for the first time a money boy friend of mine on my explaining the above to him has said sure just to come and stay with me ( he has a nice 4 room apartment) and I've never done that before but I've a shocking feeling that being "captured" by and with him for even half the time (and no doubt his friends) at songkran could end up costing me as much if not more than any hotel in the end - not to mention my not being able to do my own thing and shag all round me as the mood takes me if i so desire so I think I'll have to give that idea a bit more thought perhaps !! SEE !! This is exactly what I mean, there's me sitting debating where to stay 30 seconds after deciding I am NOT going !! Colmx - you've a lot to answer for today !! Lol

February 11th, 2013, 00:20
what a dilemma to have, NIrish Guy. I really can't imagine how it will turn out :party

February 11th, 2013, 00:25
So judging from the replies it seems to be more of a preprogrammed thing than an age thing --one of my best friends was acting like a 50yo when we were 25

As NI says the age thing slows you down a little( growing older means going out till all hours 1/2 nites a week less etc) --but the mindset is still there --ie the mind is busy writing cheques that the body cant cash 55555

G you can see it in the Thai boys also -- some of them will go out at 2/4 in the morning at the drop of a hat (Mikey /Ice / T1/ Tam/ Top ? ) ) and others have to be dragged out more than 2 nites in a row -Nicky /Best etc and you know from your own flock the differences in them also

Im the wrong side of 40 now and at 1am in the morning i can hear my mind starting to pull that pen out and open the chequebook -- :help:

February 11th, 2013, 02:51
I'd like to think I've become more a "boring old fart" who does the same thing everyday, rather a "miserable old git". I still go to Pattaya to have fun - it just might not be everyone else's idea of fun.

February 11th, 2013, 09:08
Now thatтАЩs what they call a loaded question colmx, similar to, "Have you stopped beating your wife?"

IтАЩll admit to being one of the three things mentioned in your question, but deny the charge of being miserable and a git! : )

When I feel low in spirit I find playing loud club music helps me come out of it, a sort of тАШfuck you!тАЩ to the rest of the world, I am still here and I donтАЩt intend to go gentle into that good night. Of course it is easier to do here in Hua Hin where I have a detached house and few neighbours to annoy, but I do behave a bit more responsibly at my apartment back in the UK. : )
IтАЩve spent 30 years of my life living in London, going to London clubs and from there going to clubs in Barcelona, Madrid, Cologne, Amsterdam and Ibiza to name but a few and now that I am fast approaching my very own Diamond Jubilee it is my intention to die disgracefully, and where better to do it than here in Thailand! : )

тАЬWhen a man is tired of London, he is tired of lifeтАЭ is a favourite saying of mine by Samuel Johnson. To paraphrase the good doctor, when a forum member is tired of the noise created by others, I think perhaps itтАЩs time to find a hotel in a quieter neighbourhood. : )

Oh NIrish, we all know youтАЩll be here for s┼Пng-graan and why not? You only live once. What was it that famous fellow countryman of yours said? Ah yes, тАЬThe only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to itтАЭ and тАЬI shall have to die, as I have lived, beyond my means.тАЭ : )

February 11th, 2013, 09:42
I do not feel age has worsened attitude. Like Joe552, my holidays are also about me doing exactly what I please without having to think about anyone else. My activities in Thailand are different than what I do and hours I keep in my home country and I enjoy that being the case. I am in bed by 2am and up by 10am in Thailand. Since I don't club or drink (and never did) this is easy for me to do. I concentrate on my time with the Thai guys and enjoy that.

I have stayed at Boystown hotels and wear earplugs and therefore was not bothered by noise. Now, sitting on a quiet beach enjoying the weather and view and have a bunch of Thai come up with their karaoke boombox is a different story. That does bother me. But I think it is my cultural norm of respect for personal space.

February 11th, 2013, 09:52
:sign5: On the beach I am bothered by the Thai boys with telephones that use them for music and think everyone wants to listen. I am bothered by old gits who are looking for young boys when thier telephones ring and ring and they stare at the phone for minutes on end while they patiently try to finish thier converstion with a friend or hold it in thier hand trying to figure out whose calling (caller ID) before they decide if they want to answer it or not. Damn, we could really get a thread going on this couldn't we?! Hard of hearing falang who think that they have to yell into the mic to be heard. They could hear some of you in BKK without the damn phone!

February 11th, 2013, 10:55
Now thatтАЩs what they call a loaded question colmx, similar to, "Have you stopped beating your wife?"

Oh NIrish, we all know youтАЩll be here for s┼Пng-graan and why not? You only live once. What was it that famous fellow countryman of yours said? Ah yes, тАЬThe only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to itтАЭ and тАЬI shall have to die, as I have lived, beyond my means.тАЭ : )

You have forgotten the most important one - translated from french - : I get more pleasure of one of my vices that from the sum of my virtues !

February 11th, 2013, 12:36
As Jelly points out, тАЬmiserable old gitтАЭ is hardly a neutral phrase.

How about: When did you start feeling old? Or, When did you start feeling that your usual LOS activities were becoming more fatiguing, more demanding, less compelling?

Some of us are old, some miserable, some are gits. Some are all three of these, but many are just one, or none of these. A single complaint about noise does not automatically place one in the M-O-G category.

There are miserable gits on the board, of all ages. They are easily identified by their offensive, confrontational, uncivil postings. Thus, one can be a miserable young git.

When did I start feeling old? Fifteen years ago, at the start of my LOS experiences, I could handle three encounters per day. Now, in my 70тАЩs, three per week is a comfortable limit. So it looks like the OP of this thread has at least 30 more years of fun remaining. Enjoy!

Khor tose
February 11th, 2013, 13:01
As Jelly points out, тАЬmiserable old gitтАЭ is hardly a neutral phrase.
How about: When did you start feeling old? Or, When did you start feeling that your usual LOS activities were becoming more fatiguing, more demanding, less compelling?
Some of us are old, some miserable, some are gits. Some are all three of these, but many are just one, or none of these. A single complaint about noise does not automatically place one in the M-O-G category.
There are miserable gits on the board, of all ages. They are easily identified by their offensive, confrontational, uncivil postings. Thus, one can be a miserable young git.
When did I start feeling old? Fifteen years ago, at the start of my LOS experiences, I could handle three encounters per day. Now, in my 70тАЩs, three per week is a comfortable limit. So it looks like the OP of this thread has at least 30 more years of fun remaining. Enjoy!

I am in awe. Very well said Bob, however I do feel the need to inject one thing(pun intended). You can turn into a miserable old git because your body has stopped producing Testosterone. So if you have never been a miserable old git, and your friends are giving you feed back that you are always crabby lately, it is time to go to the doctor and have your testosterone levels checked. One or two shots a month and you will soon be back to normal.

http://men.webmd.com/features/how-low-t ... our-health (http://men.webmd.com/features/how-low-testosterone-affects-your-health)
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/artic ... z2KZUlvprd (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2047662/Disappearing-muscles-lack-energy-mood-swings-snoring--Is-man-suffering-low-testosterone.html#axzz2KZUlvprd)

February 11th, 2013, 15:19
...go to the doctor and have your testosterone levels checked....

From observation, it's not a doctor most farangs need to visit - bariatric and plastic surgeons ought to be the first port of call.


February 11th, 2013, 16:25
I became miserable at precisely 1930 on Saturday when i got off the plane at Heathrow and felt the cold air of a London winter blow the warmth of Thailand away.
Twenty fours later, I'd booked my return flight and I was happy again.

February 11th, 2013, 16:47
(Thinking) Gee I wonder if they have testosterone IV drips?

February 11th, 2013, 17:14
Oliver, that's the way to do it (take note NIrish Guy!). But the burning question is - will you be staying in Boyztown again?

February 11th, 2013, 17:28
Alternatively, Oliver - since the noise is really bugging you (and it's unlikely to stop?) - why not try the Mercure just across the main road (shuttle bus 24/7) - I can recommend it. Very quiet.

February 11th, 2013, 17:41
Joe...damn right I will be staying in Boyztown. And I'm looking forward to it.

February 11th, 2013, 18:22
Yes Oliver, i felt exatly the same when i got off the plane at manchester 3 weeks ago....when we had that really cold spell.....but i have to save up now so i can go back end of may

February 11th, 2013, 20:09
Maybe we should send a copy of all of our " I need to save up" and "I'm having to avoid my bank manager" type messages to the Thai bar owners and maybe THEN they'd believe us when we say 350 baht is to expensive for an 8 baht bottle of water in your bars andis starting to kill us from visiting !! Mind you on the other hand I guess they'd say "ah but you're still coming it seems !" - which then just makes me wonder who's the bigger fool then perhaps !! Hmmm I wonder how the Phillipines are looking these days maybe I'll have to give there some serious consideration this year and never mind the 350 baht for a beer perhaps !?

February 12th, 2013, 10:31
Hi All
following on from the Boyztown parties thread... i would be interested to know when some of the more miserable people on the board became so miserable

Not long now till i finally leave my 30's and after 13 years of visiting Thailand my appetite for going out nightly till the ealy hours has never waned

Yes i find myself slowing down and didn't go out 3 nights out of 26 on my last trip (including missing my birthday - due to Bronchitis) but the lure of Sunee, Pattayaland, NAB, Dave, Idol, The 2 x Tum nans and late night karaoke is still as strong now as it was when LCR was filling the bar till 4 every night. I still rarely sleep before dawn when in Thailand

So i guess my question is for all the killjoys that think everyone should be in bed by midnight... Were you always like this... or is it just something that changed in you as you got older?

I regularly see guys in their 70s in the clubs and they seem to be having just as good a time as I am... given this i am hoping that the misery is something that is pre-programmed and always existed... or is it something that happens with advancing years and failing health?

(BTW this thread is not meant as a dig to any particular members or age category on the board... Its meant as a mid life crisis question from me!)

OP: Whilst you claim not having a dig at older members on this board you in fact are doing exactly that by equating old people with being miserable. The expression "old git" is derogatory even without the use of the word "miserable".
You have this odd idea that just because you are out most nights when in Pattaya, those who don't do the nightly bars/clubs are somehow old and miserable.
Now I grant you there are a lot of old or older people in Pattaya. Many come to Thailand to get away from ageism in their own countries.
I also agree that some of these old people are in fact miserable. But the cause of that misery is not only or just because of their failure to go out every night but due to other reasons like frailty, poor health, no money, and so on.
Many people who live in Thailand , young or old, do not feel the need to do clubbing every night. Its' short timers like you who come here to get away from the misery and boredom in your home country. Many nights you drink yourself stupid ,causing irreparable liver damage whilst having your wallets emptied at often over priced bars and clubs.
Mind you I suppose the alcohol is needed to give yourself courage to be a good bottom for the Thais...........

And do remember:
When you are next drowning yourself in booze in Pattaya , plus paying well over the odds for overpriced drinks and snacks, some of us will be safe and secure in our homes with a nice Thai bending over to serve all our needs.
And you know what else?
There is a good chance that Thai Boy will be someone who you call your boyfriend..... :laughing3:

February 12th, 2013, 15:02
Assuming that our resident fifty year-old (sic) young bucks do require an occasional nap, may I ask when?
I assume that it's when the sun is shining, the guys are sashaying along Jomtien beach or at Sansuk.

Why is their idea of fun associated only with the wee small hours? One of the joys of Thailand for us Europeans is the sunshine. And is "fun" only possible with loud music and crowds?

February 12th, 2013, 15:07
There is a good chance that Thai Boy will be someone who you call your boyfriend.....

:sign5: Spot on, Coffeebreak!

I think calling Oliver a miserable old git on the basis of one post is a bit harsh. I don't recall any of his previous posts that would suggest he is anything of the kind.

I stayed at the Ambience over New Year and by and large, it was quiet. LCR was usually closed around 1:30 and although Panorama, etc had their lights on until about 3 am, it was not noisy. And I had a room overlooking the soi.

When on holiday I turn into a night person. But if during my next stay at the Ambience there are lots of parties out in the soi (not in the bars) that keep me awake till, say 4 am, then I guess I'll find somewhere else.

And if the hotels there start losing business from customers who want a bit of sleep, I wonder if they will refer to us as "miserable old gits."

I've got a feeling they will be having a chat with the bar owners to ask them to keep their clientele inside their bars and not let them spill over too far into the soi.

Both types of business need to adapt and compromise to survive, I would have thought.

Thankfully, most of the MOGs have left the forum and there are only 1 or 2 remaining. I think Neal has done a good job in this area.

February 12th, 2013, 17:31
I guess people who constantly complain have their reasons for doing so although I don't think it has as much to do with a persons age or lifestyle as some believe.

People who feel good about themselves (at any age) tend to project positive mental attitudes and those who don't of course project negativity. I know a farang in his late 70's who resides in Pattaya who is one of the most positive people I have ever met and he has to rely on the aid of a wheelchair to get around. It's always a pleasure being in his company and his positive attitude towards life and everything around him always inspires me.

You can always sense a person's discontent with himself when he starts complaining because I view "complaining" as an "effect" of a persons condition not the "cause" of a persons condition. Complaining can also be a source of manipulation (or controlling) when the person doing the complaining is doing so in an attempt to convince others around him that they themselves should agree with the subject being complained about as a manipulating tool to garner support for the complainers cause. We see this every day in all aspects of life. Politicians hone their complaining skills for this very reason... and my ex wife could give them lessons.


February 12th, 2013, 17:42
a447 is correct about the managers of other businesses in the soi.

February 13th, 2013, 03:57
In line with this tread, as the saying goes in one of the Star Trek movies:

The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one.

In other words, if it brings new life to the soi, brings in more clients/people to the businesses on the soi,
I believe it is a good thing. :old: :party

February 13th, 2013, 06:07
[blah blah blah rubbish

Sorry CoffeeBreak... but as one of the last remaining trolls on this board... i decline to take your bait!
If you had any hope of getting my BF into your room... if would cost you ar least a months pay or 6 months pension... he is quite fussy... expecially when it come to unwashed bodies!!

As for the other posters on the thread... thanks for your refreshing honesty... (even to those that didnt know you were being honest!)
Nice to definitatively learn that being miserable is part of ones DNA... and not something that happens as part of an aging process...
Looking forward to us all frowing old (without misery) in LOS!

February 13th, 2013, 08:09
[blah blah blah rubbish

Sorry CoffeeBreak... but as one of the last remaining trolls on this board... i decline to take your bait!
If you had any hope of getting my BF into your room... if would cost you ar least a months pay or 6 months pension... he is quite fussy... expecially when it come to unwashed bodies!!

As for the other posters on the thread... thanks for your refreshing honesty... (even to those that didnt know you were being honest!)
Nice to definitatively learn that being miserable is part of ones DNA... and not something that happens as part of an aging process...
Looking forward to us all frowing old (without misery) in LOS!

colmx, dear, the words you attribute to me do not come from anything I have said on this thread. Judging by the latest low standard of your post I think if I saw your b/f, any sex would only occur if he paid me.
No, I am not a troll.
When you say "frowing old" I think you mean "growing old" which rather suggests senility has arrived with you already.

February 13th, 2013, 10:40
I became miserable at precisely 1930 on Saturday when i got off the plane at Heathrow and felt the cold air of a London winter blow the warmth of Thailand away.
Twenty fours later, I'd booked my return flight and I was happy again.

I agree with you Oliver, I gain in years as the time zone changes from Thailand to home. Otherwise I am as young in thought and lust as I was when 20 yo although the body is not cooperating with the spirit as it was back then. Oh, not the sex bit, but climbing the stairs.

Khor tose
February 13th, 2013, 13:22
Otherwise I am as young in thought and lust as I was when 20 yo although the body is not cooperating with the spirit as it was back then. Oh, not the sex bit, but climbing the stairs.

Yeah, what happens if you have to climb stairs to get to where you can have sex? :dontknow: :love4:

February 13th, 2013, 14:11
Yeah, what happens if you have to climb stairs to get to where you can have sex? :dontknow: :love4:

Normally I would forego it but if it were that good I would climb very slowly and then rest when I got to the level I was going. :snorting:

February 13th, 2013, 15:16
It wasn't long ago that the only hotel in Boyztown that had a lift was Serene. The soi may be going through hard times but I suspect it would now be dark had not the others installed them.