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View Full Version : Any sleazy bar's in Bangkok !

February 8th, 2013, 07:21
I havent had any nights out in Bangkok for a few years now...

Any one recommend sort of sleazy easy going bars not too fem guys !

any bar show oil wrestling ? hehe

February 8th, 2013, 08:13
sort of sleazy-somewhat rougher look here, not fancy, can be smoky, stays open later than other bars
easy going-except mammasans may be a bit pushier for a tip, otherwise I always felt comfortable and not pushed
not too fem guys- I thought they had more masculine guys here

This was my view in 2011-12.

February 8th, 2013, 12:33
Try Hotmale in Soi Twilight.
Fuck shows, big cock shows ... the usual stuff but done better than other bars in that Soi and by bigger and better looking guys.

February 8th, 2013, 13:28
Seems like a sleaze listing should also include Nature Boys and Super A (not in Soi Twilight. Have to walk down to the Tawan Bar soi area). See info in Nicky's Gay Bangkok.

February 8th, 2013, 13:39
I went into Screw Boys one night and my personal opinion was that I was not having a good time. The boys were all on thier cell phones reading messages and my friend (sorry LW to borrow your line for once) and I were the only ones there. Now I understand that alone is ok but the mamasan sat right next to us staring almost face to face and was not what I was looking for.

Some people find bar hopping on Soi 4 expensive and it can be. I drink water or diet coke and I bargain outside. I will go in if you charge me 200 for a water. They almost inevitably say ok. Also I like sitting at the outside bars and I try to get there before 7:30pm. I pay less than 100 baht for my water or diet coke and watch the boys arrive from one side of the soi. When I see one I really like I stop him and talk to him, agree to off him and send him to pay the off fee. This way I am similar to my friend Christian whereby avoiding these hurendous drink prices. Will be going up there soon to do some Bang-kok! :snorting: I may not be of great health but I ain't dead yet!

February 8th, 2013, 16:40
Neal, I 'm totally surprised at this post, did you actually type it yourself...or was it one of your moderators?? You, a former bar owner, nickle and diming the establishments, as you must well know there are wages, lights, water, rent, taxes, kamagra, tea money, stock...to pay for...not everyone runs a bar as a hobby the way you did it without a care about profitability.
Do you think that running the twin bars (best Boys bangkok and dream boys) is easy, imagine the ongoing costs of maintaining a stable of 80 plus boys...I dont begrudge the old German owner a single baht...in fact am quite envious that at his age he has the energy and health to run it all...and keep a gorgeous Thai boy....but then I guess he gets 1st dibs.

February 8th, 2013, 16:42
..oh as for screw boys, yes, correct it is a rougher bar...boys are not all dolled up and pretty...and mostly straight...but they definitely can perform...have offed 2 and both scored at least an 8/10.

February 8th, 2013, 16:43
Hi. Nobody types "for me" I am quite capable of doing it myself, typos and all. In my opinion there is a slight difference between profit a georging. :violent1:

February 8th, 2013, 16:55
.....if you want cheap drinks there are multiple bars (next to hot males on both sides as well as opposite dream boys) in the same soi with bht100 drinks.
Are you sure you're not being a cheap charlie??...think an apology (to the soi) is needed...

February 8th, 2013, 17:01
The bars you refer to are the bars I said I go to where the drinks are 100 baht for coke and water and not nearing 350. If you want to apologize to them, go ahead and apologize. :nunu:

February 8th, 2013, 18:19
Ha cheers guys,thanks for your replys..

so above will probly also have more chance finding tatoo guys as well !

February 8th, 2013, 23:56
Screwboys is a good example how bars can totally change. 2011 I've had great fun and they had some really fantastic boys. In 2012 (October) the place seemed absolutely changed: New staff, new boys (or rather guys). They are now with jeans not in underwear as before. From maybe 20 boys there was only one slightly interesting for me. All boys seemed bored and not interested to present themself for customers. Nevertheless should you give screwboys a try as it is different to the usual soi twilight bars. Maybe they changed now to the better again.

February 9th, 2013, 11:06
Some people find bar hopping on Soi 4 expensive and it can be. I drink water or diet coke and I bargain outside. I will go in if you charge me 200 for a water. They almost inevitably say ok. Also I like sitting at the outside bars and I try to get there before 7:30pm. I pay less than 100 baht for my water or diet coke and watch the boys arrive from one side of the soi.

Neal, I think you are a little confused. Soi 4 is on Silom and not at all expensive --- average price for water or Diet Coke is between 50 and 70 Baht. Certainly good for sitting outside and watching the world go by.
In fact the bars on Soi 4 often stage events -- for example Balcony Pub is giving a free Chinese New Year "Bar-B-Q" on Sunday afternoon for it's Lifetime Members.
I think that you might be referring to Soi Twilight which is on Suriwong Road. Certainly there, you can sit outside at Hotmale or Banana bar or at Wirat's (ex Solid manager) bar at the other end of that soi near to Classic boys and drink for about a hundred Baht per drink.
Finally, I haven't been to Screw Boys since it changed hands and Pond (Pong?), the boss for years in it's various locations, is no longer in charge.

February 9th, 2013, 11:19
P.S. I forgot to mention that last night (Friday -- from about 22:00) I was in Silom Soi 4, Patpong 2 and Suriwong Soi Twilight.
Soi 4 was packed solid ---nary a seat to be had in most bars. Patpong 2 seemed rather subdued -- a few farang at each of the outside lady bars. Soi Twilight was quiet ----- sad to see; it should be bustling at this busy weekend especially as this soi is known for it's Asian visitors..

February 9th, 2013, 12:46
OK I was trying to talk about Soi Twilight and thought its proper name was Soi 4. I like to sit at the outside bars on Soi Twilight as inside the bars it is like 350 for a coke or water.

February 9th, 2013, 14:35
- I haven't been to Screw Boys since it changed hands and Pond (Pong?), the boss for years in it's various locations, is no longer in charge.

I could be wrong of course, but I always believed his name to be PORN - and that was since he was a working boy himself!


February 10th, 2013, 00:38
I like the corner 7-11 even better where a soda water is 8 baht.

February 10th, 2013, 06:25
I like the corner 7-11 even better where a soda water is 8 baht.
It's people like you coming here and throwing your money around that make things expensive for those of us who have to live on fixed incomes. You can get it in TOPS for 6 baht 50 satang.

February 10th, 2013, 17:39
I realise the last 2 comments were made in jest...but the whole post bothers me...we keep complaining that a soi or an area (like sunee) is dying yet balk at supporting it...bit like all the western multi-nationals who outsource all the good blue collar jobs to China then express surprise at unemployment back home and the corrsponding drop in sales....hello!!

February 10th, 2013, 17:51
Well is that the comment that should be made by one who encourages the "prossies" to be paid 300 - 500 baht? Just a thought. As far as the comment that was addressed to me earlier, I don't begrudge a bar from making a fair and equitable profit. Certainly I was also in that position at one time but when a water is 6 baht a fair and equitable profit is 100 - 150, no? Surely 300 - 350 is unbelievable and that is very similar to your comment about out sourcing. If you charge 300 - 350 for a water or Coke can you really justify giving hell to the people who are willing to pay 100 baht at an open air bar and scout the boys as they go past? I don't think so and as a previous bar owner I think what I feel should have a wee bit more credibility, no?

February 10th, 2013, 22:38
Apologies for my deviation from the bitching back to the original topic, but Screwboys has been sleazy in the past.
The boys used to wear tiny little aprons which were easily moved aside so everything was on show.

Last time I went past, they were wearing swimming trunks.

February 10th, 2013, 23:59
.......and what, pray, is sleazy about either of those "uniforms"? :dontknow:

February 11th, 2013, 14:21
..scotty..at the risk of being scolded (spanked if u r lucky) by neal...pray do tell us how you would define a sleazy outfit...I thought the apron one was close...

February 11th, 2013, 15:04
I would categorise the apron outfit as no more than titillating - and the speedoes are just run of the mill as far as I am concerned (waiters were wearing them (and less) in outdoor bars in Gran Canaria last week - which is certainly not as liberal as Thailand in that area).

What I would categorise as sleazy would be if the boys/erotic dancers were dressed in school uniform for example - although I am sure there are some who would cream in their dry goods at such a prospect.

As for the possibility of being spanked by Neal, I doubt he would be willing to open his purse.
I know I come cheap, but he is even complaining about the price of a bottle of Naam these days :evil4: .


February 11th, 2013, 21:51
......school uniform!!!.........clearly we are (thankfully) ....miles apart in our tastes....

February 11th, 2013, 23:16
God this is awful as for once I have to agree with Latin!

February 12th, 2013, 15:13
Well I don't know what it is you are agreeing with Latintopxxx on!

If you read my post you will see I was opining on what an example of sleaziness would be - I was not making a suggestion for a party night dear.

February 12th, 2013, 15:50
What I would categorise as sleazy would be if the boys/erotic dancers were dressed in school uniform for example

......school uniform!!!.........clearly we are (thankfully) ....miles apart in our tastes....

God this is awful as for once I have to agree with Latin!

February 12th, 2013, 17:31
That's exactly the point I'm making!

Latin implies that my "tastes" extend to erotic dancers in school-uniform - and you are agreeing with him - when I was clearly saying such an "show" would be an example of "sleaziness"!

In actual fact, If I were making a recommendation I would far rather have the dancers in trackies and baseball caps - I'm far more into bad lads than naughty schoolboys.


February 13th, 2013, 07:16
when i want sleaze i go here
will be there in 4 weeks time :party :party

February 13th, 2013, 14:55
I'm glad I wasn't tempted to "cross the road" from the Yumbo Centre last week - but whatever floats your boat!

February 13th, 2013, 15:10
Just go to that bar right down ion the ground floor n the corner while youre there Scots, cant remember the name - construction bar I think or The Bronx maybe ( or that might have been in South Africa ?) - anyway I'm sure you know the one I mean, the one with all the hard core gay guys standing slipping out of it and with the labyrinth and dark rooms and porn on the screens - and NO women allowed ( much to my female friends disgust when she visited with me :) Also if you drop into Ricky cabaret bar he and his partner own a house in Pattaya as I bumped into one of them there one night and we got on like a house on fire ( say no more but all TOTALLY above board of course ! :-)

February 13th, 2013, 20:10
I was in Construction Bar twice (at the insistance of my friend) and one Ballantine's whisky (6 Euro/┬г6/$9) in there each time was enough for me - but not because of the price, it just isn't my scene at all.

He went in the darkroom but I was afraid to venture in because (judging by the punters I could actually SEE in the main bar), I had visions the Village People would be in there.

Ricky's Cabaret Bar we managed to stick for 20 mins - I'm afraid that for me (and my m8 agreed) the "show" comprised of a bunch of foul-mouthed, talentless, humourless dogs in drag insulting each other and the "audience". Utter crap.
Sparkles Showbar upstairs was far more professional and far more entertaining.

If I get time I'll stick a trip report in the Global forum


February 14th, 2013, 00:49
Yes your review of all venues is just about spot with my own recollection - especially the show bar - oh my god Blackpool night out for the straights ( grannys and familes) wouldn't be far off it - there is however a lovely David beckham lookalike who does a great massageon the top floor there if you find your muscles waning - sorry OP, we're way off topic I've just realised ! to bring it back on topic again I "assume" you only mean Gay venues in Bkk as there is the S&M bar in Patpong if that's you're thing - "how you not know you not like if you never try" - as the guy on the door shouts at me every single time I pass him as he hits me with his cane - to which i reply "AHHH but how you know i never try" to which we both burst out laughing like old friends who have just been reacquainted :-)

February 15th, 2013, 01:51
what happened to the new bar opened in the superA/nature boys area, anyone tried this out or can comment?