View Full Version : Boyfriends 2 years today

January 31st, 2013, 15:14
I first met my bf 2 years ago today in Pattaya...when he was working in a bar .....when we became bf's he stoped working the bar scean....and went back to be with his family in isaan ....the last 3 times i have spent most of my visits round his village and become friends with all his family and friends...my bf speaks very good english and some his friends are good too so dont have comunication problems understanding each other.
my recent visit we spent 4 weeks in Isaan and 2 weeks travelling round Thai and Laos and last 2 weeks in Pattaya
He allways meets me at Suvanibumi when i arrive allways sees me off there when i leave..when i'm back home we talk every day online
The other day he got up at 5 am and went to the temple to ask Budda for a blessing for our future together...i thought that was a really nice thing to do.
we have spoke many times about the future....because of the imigration making it hard for thai people to come to the uk..even for a holiday he wants me to come and live with him in the future in Isaan....i realise it wont be easy but thats our goal
when i first went to Thai i was'nt looking for a bf....as i'd come out of a 5 year relationship back in england so for a couple of years just wanted to be single.....but when i met my bf in Thai ..it changed everything

January 31st, 2013, 18:08
Congratulations bluechris.

I wasn't looking for a BF either, and we have now known each other 2 years, and been a "couple" well over a year now. Time does go quickly.

Best wishes for continuing happiness.

January 31st, 2013, 18:52
Thanks Annonne...yes time flys....hope all goes well with your relationship too
i wrote about it on my facebook page too and even my straight friends put they like

February 1st, 2013, 10:48
Wish you the best - you may get some naysayers about long term relationships with a Thai bf not working out, especially if it is a long distance one. IMO it will depend on your chemistry together, which based on your post sounds very promising. It is possible. Last month, my bf and I celebrated the 20th anniversary of when we met. The first 10 years, it was a long distance relationship. After retiring, I moved to Thailand and we have lived together for the past 10 years.

February 1st, 2013, 14:09
Thanks...for your best wishes....yes some people may now and again dought my relationship but most of my friends straight and gay are very happy for me... to me its just as important as any relationhip you could have with a person from you own country..be it straight or gay
so far we have been very loyal to each other and like your self hope to do the same thing as you long term
Thanks again

February 2nd, 2013, 01:20
Bluechris1 good luck to you and your boyfriend, i hope you have many more years of happiness together!

I did'nt go looking for my BF but we too found each other and my life is that much richer for having him in it...i hope like you two we also get to celebrate many happy years together!

February 2nd, 2013, 01:40
Thanks Alex.....yes i think you meet that special person when your not looking....weather its fate or as my bf believes ...Budda has a plan for us...there's nothing wrong with going to thailand and having casual fun with many different guys......but its nice when you meet that person who becomes an important part of your life..
Hope you have a great time with your bf

February 2nd, 2013, 04:51
bluechris1 wrote:

there's nothing wrong with going to thailand and having casual fun with many different guys......but its nice when you meet that person who becomes an important part of your life..

I couldn't agree more.

I know for some this is the kiss-of-death, especially those who categorize all farang/Thai boy relationships as being dillusional, but in all honesty, life would be nothing more than an empty void for me without having a partner to share it with and there's no living creature on earth that rocks my boat the way a Thai boy can.

My hats off to you Chris.

Enjoy each moment with him...you sound like a great couple.

February 2nd, 2013, 06:12
Thanks Dodger....yes i was lucky to find a Thai lad who's not only good looking but has a really caring nature
and being able to get on with each other is great