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View Full Version : Sunee Dying?? A low season perception??

January 6th, 2013, 17:15
I see quite a few references in Sawatdee postings about the demise of Sunee Plaza. On what is this perception based please. During my visits July 2011,Dec 2011 & Jul/Aug 2012 I saw no indications of a Sunee death. I travel mainly in low seaon and last year a couple of bars had apparently fallen on seasonal (?) hard times and shut their doors. I regularly read on Nickys of new bars being opened, bust bars being re-opened with changed managment and other bars being refurbished & revamped. Doesn't smell like death to me.
July is the middle of low season and business owners may not be able to maintain their businesses because the money is just not there, but seasonal businesses are subject to this.

I did observe a large number of farang were Ultra seniors . They dont appear to spend up as big as their less senior fellow farangs. It's my observation only. It seems to be an expectation of low season travellers that everything (including the boys)should be able to be obtained for a ridiculously low price. Sure some of the boys will accept a lot less than they might command in high season, however to take shameless advantage of this situation makes me sick to the point of wanting to commit violent acts upon some tourists.. Especially in the following case which I witnessed A large (bordering on obese) unattracive,sweaty creature with a combover barely concealing the flaking scalp he possessed , was boasting to all and sundry that he'd offed a sweet rather dimunitive boy for a 500B long time payment. The mere thought of that poor boy having that sweaty, flabby mound of flesh on top of and next to him for 12 hours turned my stomach, let alone the small compensation the boy received for it. The boys feel the crunch of low season as much as their bar bosses. Although low season boy numbers are fewer than in the high, as some return home for the low,The Farang to boy ratio is still weighted heavily in favour of the farang. Lots of choice and yes the ability to bargain harder (horrible terminology when you're talking a people I know. Sorry)
Low season travel is appealing yes, lower airfares, lower acommodation prices, a better bargaining position for items, ie clothing, general touristy purchases. but when it comes to the boys please please maintain a sense of thoughtfulness and fairness for the seasonal barely scratched out income they are competing for. Tourists are quick to complain when they feel like someone is taking advantage, so why exploit the less fortunate and desperate in such a completely uneccessary manner.
As I have mentioned ocassionally in previous postings i am fortunately in a position to be sometimes quite generous. That generosity being prompted by my own sense of fairnessand understanding anfd yes (even compassion ) and not wishing to over exploit and already much exploited situation. If you have to pennypinch to other's detriment, stay home and holiday there :angry5:

January 6th, 2013, 17:31
Well said!!!!

January 6th, 2013, 20:34
Totally agree.... for me Sunee the best place to go and I even realise some of the boys rip you off not only in sunee.... but I must admit I am as much to blame myself for not agreeing to things for a start ......but 500baht is an insult even abuse,, when on holiday I think i am a wee bit generous I mean 2,000 is my minimum for a long stay and if the boy is good comany more, I am still new here only my third visit but some sights of senior oldies makes me cringe

January 6th, 2013, 20:43
I see quite a few references in Sawatdee postings about the demise of Sunee Plaza.

It's an urban myth. Some people believe in the demise of Sunee Plaza (Boyztown, Pattaya, whatever), others (I included) do not.

January 6th, 2013, 23:21
Taking advantage of someone's desperation....and we know that there are times when the guys struggle to pay for their rooms and sometimes even to eat properly...is outrageous.
Particularly when the difference between 500 and 1000 bht is , for nearly all of us, negligible.

I've heard some expats complaining that we tourists are responsible for driving up prices (that is from 500 to 1000); to say that I don't give a damn is an understatement. 1000 for short time has been the expected fee and the norm for at least twelve years. Unlike airfares, hotel rooms, restaurants and just about everything else.

January 7th, 2013, 01:21
I do agree that Sunee is not dead, but its certainly less alive that when I started travelling to Pattaya in 2005.
I would estimate that in those days there were somethink like 12 GoGo's whereas now what have we?.
Mic My, Krazy Dragon, Eros, Happy Boys. Any others ?. I was last in Pats during November so maybe there have been some changes since then. The number of bars has also seen a drastic decline and further the place always looks much quieter than seven years ago.
Another factor is the steady encroachment of bars and restaurants catering for Middle East visitors.
However having said the above I would still recommend Sunee to gay older visiters looking for a lower cost good nights entertainment and maybe a boy for the night.
On the last point about the tip I could not agree more. If the boy has given good account of himself and has not been any trouble I would say that 1500 would be the appropriate tip for long-time and 1000 for short-time.

January 7th, 2013, 15:25
I don't believe that there have ever been more then five or six go go bars in Sunee; I remember Kaos, Sundance. Goodboys and one notorious place upstairs being open five or so years ago but most of the bars were host bars.
Three or four have opened since; I suspect that there are more now than at any time since the Sunee scene began in....1997/8?

January 7th, 2013, 20:39
The upstairs one you mentioned was Tom Yum. Other closed Gogos were Euro Boys, Jimmy James and Nice Boys.
There were probably a few others that I can't remember. Kaos was always my favourite and I can't think that it closed because of lack of trade because it always seemed to be very busy especially at the nightly cock show.

January 9th, 2013, 13:59
Other than Eros the few remaing go go bars in Sunee are fairly bleak, the good news is that the beer bars for the most part are busier than they have been in the past few years, as for go go bars there are 4 in BT that are better than ever. Plan your entertainment accordingly, socialize at the many Sunee beer bars and hunt in BT at the 2 Xboys , toy boys , and funny boys, the best of both worlds!

January 9th, 2013, 15:34
Other than Eros the few remaing go go bars in Sunee are fairly bleak, the good news is that the beer bars for the most part are busier than they have been in the past few years, as for go go bars there are 4 in BT that are better than ever. Plan your entertainment accordingly, socialize at the many Sunee bear bars and hunt in BT at the 2 Xboys , toy boys , and funny boys, the best of both worlds!

Oh My God be careful A447 will be attacking you any moment. Then again maybe not since on his recent visit to Pattaya he posted extensively. I reread his posts over and over looking for just one reference to a GoGo Bar in Sunee but lo and behold there were none . He mentioned a number of GoGo bars in Boystown some of them more then once.

And yet he argued with me about how GoGo Bars were not dying in Sunee every chance he got. If they are not dying then why in thousands of words he posted on his recent trip did he not mention one Sunee GoGo Bar.

Case Closed!!! Oh and by the way Sunee was raided again last night and 30 more drug users were arrested.

January 9th, 2013, 17:24
krazy4thai...stop being so moralistic...who elected you price police...its all about demand and supply...in a normal situation if the demand drops one drops ones price to stimulate the demand...even I've had to do it to stay in business....if I can get some arse for bht500...then thats all I'll pay.....and enjoy it too. after all their are millions of Thais on under 8000/month....

January 11th, 2013, 09:09
So last night I went to Sunee to try to see this supposedly vibrant GoGo bar area promoted by A447 and others. Well at least it was promoted prior to his recent trip where in his many posts he never mentioned a single GoGo Bar in Sunee.

I arrived at 10pm a time where you would expect things to be getting going and where not all the boys would have been offed. This is a Thursday night in the prime of High Season. The Beer Bars were hit or miss and remained that way for my 2 hours there. Some were doing a brisk business and many were empty or near empty.

Now to the Go Go Bars. Started at City Boys. 5 Boys on stage and 2 customers. Boys all similar , the skinny young type and quite attractive faces . But to say the place was boring would be an understatement. No energy period. Next I tried to go Eros but they were having some sort of filming with a lot of equipment blocking the door and door men did not seem to be interested in customers so I was forced to skip it. I will give it a look on another night.

Wandered around the Beer Bars and had a few conversations with friends and then headed to Krazy Dragon. 11pm and an unmitigated disaster. 2 boys and one customer who may have been the owner. I did not stay. Now on to Mic My. They had 2 boys and no customers. Last stop was Nice Boys. Finally a Bar that is not ready for the last rites. 15 boys and a dozen customers. Certainly slower then some nights I have been there but still a place at least worth stopping in.

Now on the way back to my apartment I decided to stop in BoysTown in case there was some reason for the GoGo Bars to be a disaster in Sunee that I was not aware of such as a Holiday, concert etc. Entered ToyBoys at close to midnight. 32 boys or more and 22 customers. In other words one GoGo Bar in BT had more Boys and customers then all the GoGo Bars in Sunee. Looked in at FunnyBoys and they had at least 20 boys and a dozen customers.

That was my night. So if you want a cheap drink at a Beer Bar in pleasant surroundings or a decent meal at a reasonable price then definitely check Sunee out.

If you want to go to a GoGo Bar where you will actually see a wide choice of boys and a fun atmosphere of customers, skip Sunee and head to BoysTown.

I will check out Eros later this week so not to have painted them with the same brush if they don't deserve it.

Sunee GoGo Bars Dying. DEFINITELY

January 11th, 2013, 10:26
Firecat 69 wrote:

supposedly vibrant GoGo bar area promoted by A447

Wrong again! I didn't promote any gogobar in any of my posts. Please tell me what bars I "promoted" in Sunee.

I didn't mention any specific gogo bar on the forum. But I did tell Neal, Anonone and NIrishguy when I met them in person. There's a reason why I did not tell you all the name of the bar - think about it. It's not rocket science.
I only went into one bar and it was fun, fun, fun almost every night. Heaps of customers and lots of action in the toilet area. There's the sleaze you said had disappeared!
And as I reported, the beer bars on some nights had customers sitting out at tables in the soi!
And speaking of empty bars, did you go to Show bar? Lucky bar (or somethihg like that)? Kawaiiboyz? Vassa? Cupidol? They were as empty as any bar you talk about in Sunee.

January 11th, 2013, 11:15
I returned from Pattaya last week and visited Sunee Plaza twice during my stay..On both occasions I found it to be overall very quiet.Not dead but considering that this is the high season it was quiet.In saying that I had a great time there.One bar seemed to be getting a lot of customers was the one near K.D.I think it was called Sky bar.
Went to Yaya bar which was empty and the guy sitting outside was more interested in his phone than the customers..
There was a karaoke thing going on up the street and it was drawing a lot of attention.
Hope it gets better..I return in april.

January 11th, 2013, 11:21

Once again everybody disagree with you . Sunee GoGo bars are dead. I said nothing about promote. I said you mentioned numerous GoGo Bars in BT. (fact).

You made no mention of any GoGo Bars in Sunee (fact) in any respect! Find it and post it but you can't.

They are deader then dead in Sunee and everyone knows it except some body like you who came New Years Week . Of course there are some dead GoGo Bars in BT. But one Bar has more boys then all of Sunee GoGo Bars put together. And others have plenty of boys and what is more important plenty of customers. Sunee GoGo Bars have so few customers that it is a joke.

Good Place for police raids though!!

Dead Dead Dead whether you want to admit it or not!!!!

January 11th, 2013, 16:40
Sorry I dont quite get is Firecat - so are you slating A447 for saying that Sunee was busy when he was there ( in New Years week) but it's not now so he's obviously wrong ?

I think you're actually both agreeing with each other that in New years week Sunee WAS busy and then it's taken as read that after that peak holiday season things quieten down again somewhat, I know from speaking to A447 at the time he INTENTIONALLY didn't post about some of the fun he was having in certain go go bars in Sunee for his own reasons as to use that famous quote by Thai guys perhaps "he shy" ( or maybe keeping all the best info to himself, ever think of THAT eh :-) but I CAN assure that new years week was of course VERY busy both in Sunee and BT's and there was much fun to be had in both go go and beer bars in both places. However I should add that you're also quite right that some of the go go's I went into in both places were also just as dead as you mention, with three and four disinterested guys shuffling about. I think that's just going to be par for the course now in both areas and the golden days of full bars every night, all year are LONG gone, hence my post a while ago about how you can have to very different nights in a go go depending on your own attitude and whether you get stuck in a and spend a few baht or just sit back and wait to be "entertained."

So, I have no doubt you are right that things are quietening down in again in both areas, but I dont think that negates A447's previous reports either in any way, it's just a matter of "fact" - and personally I'd put a bet on with you that if i was there I could still have a good night out in either place probably so I think that THAT should be really what that counts. Although I have to say I to am sitting here debating my next trip somewhere and I think I will give Pattaya and BKK a break for a while perhaps and maybe give either Bail or the Philippines a try again just for a change of scenery as the same old same old does start to get a bit boring after a while and when the working guys know you on first name terms in every bar you go into it's time to look for pastures green for a break - mind you I said that last year and STILL ended up back there - so maybe a mix of all three is in order as personally Pattaya in the low season is to me much better anyway !

January 11th, 2013, 18:31

A very reasoned response. My back and forth with a447 has not been about whether you can have a good time on any particular night at a GoGo Bar in Sunee because naturally you can. It only takes one boy.

My point Sunee is dying as a GoGo Bar location. I don't even know how anyone can argue with that fact. GoGo Bars keep closing and Krazy Dragon has been terrible for quite some time and is still awful. EuroBoys, Good Boys, New Sawatdee, Tom Yum and more all closed. CityBoys can't pay the electric bill with the customers they have and same for Mic My.

So you have Nice Boys and possibly Eros which I could not visit last night and nothing else . I don't know about you but I go to a GoGo Bar to off someone. That is the point.

I don't want to walk into a bar wit 5 boys or less and 2 or 3 customers. That is not very interesting to me and that is what Sunee has become for the most part.

I want to walk into a Bar full of customers and 30- 40 boys to choose from. I can get that in BoysTown. Certainly cannot in Sunee. At least 2 Bars in Boystown, each have more boys then all the GoGo Bars in Sunee and a lot more customers.

There is no comparison and anyone that tries to say there is , is living in a dream world.

This is high season and Sunee was a disaster last night. I can't make it any plainer.

January 11th, 2013, 18:52
Firecat69, I thought our "back and forth" was about the disappearance of sleaze in Sunee, not the fact that it was "dying." I don't know much about the bars in Sunee because the boys are too young for me so I don't bother going in.

Suffice to say, I was there on those nights, and they are the only nights I can report on. The same goes for you. Different nights, different experiences.

So how about those bars in Boyztown I pointed out?

But to get back to our original discussion about the so-called LACK OF SLEAZE, I am pleased to see you are going to visit Eros tonight.

You may well be eating your words.

January 11th, 2013, 19:27
We both have to try to have the last word. I never said there is no sleaze in Sunee. I said it was disappearing fast and at some point there would be none. I think they turned disgusting Good Boys into a restaurant and if there is what you call sleaze in the toilets still left at Eros then I am happy for you. But there is not much, compared even to a year ago and I predict a year from now there may be none. Of course at the current rate of business there may be no GoGo Bars at all in Sunee.

Please notice the words NoT Much and May. I rarely talk in absolutes even though you try to paint my words that way.

January 11th, 2013, 20:46
Firecat - on reflection and on reading your last - I don't disagree with you !

I think you and A447 are perhaps having two totally different coversations now, one re sleaze and the other re quantity and quality of available go go's. I think you're right that more times than not in Sunee I found the go go's ( if I was going to off someone) to be very lacking both in boys and in quality perhaps but I did however find plently of "fun" to be had in some of the go go's and bars that I chose to remain in ( and some not) but as you say I guess it depends what you went there for in the first place !

I have to say also though that I was in some real dudes go go bar wise too in Boystown and some of the go go's also had four or five not great guys doing the telephone watching shuffle - likewise it has to be said that x boys etc was packed, was great fun and had lots of great boys to off. So I'm not sure where this leaves us as I guess what we're probably all agreeing is that some go go's in boystown aren't great, some (most) in Sunee aren't any better ( and maybe worse) with little obvious chance of any change to that and if it keeps up at the rate is it Sunee go go wise at least may start to struggle, but also from a sleaze angle Sunee does still have a more edgdy feel than anywhere in BT and with THAT and their lower beer prices if they can harness and control all of those things that could well be their saviour - who knows - time I guess will tell.

January 11th, 2013, 22:39
Apparently the word sleaze means different things to different people.

Bars in PattayaLand (Greater Boyz Town) have boys wandering through the audience copulating as they solicit tips. They feature shows consisting of big "member" contests. These are the most heavily patronized gay bars in the city, and usually have standing room only. This would seem to indicate that many gays come to Pattaya specifically for sleaze.

Sunee Plaza has nothing similar. It is curious that some who revel in PattayaLand, sniff and consider Sunee Plaza sleazy.

January 11th, 2013, 23:36
My experience has been that those people who loudly protest about "sleaze" (by their own definition) are the very same ones who actively seek it out and positively wallow in it.


January 12th, 2013, 01:34
Well I agree there are 2 different kinds of sleaze . That which is presented for viewing and that which has active participation by non employees. I plead guilty to viewing x rated shows and innocent to participation in full view of other customers.

The latter existed all over Sunee in the past and has since largely disappeared. Not totally but most of those Bars are now closed or not offering what they once did.

January 12th, 2013, 01:45
Rather than plead innocent or guilty to ANYTHING I'm taking the fifth and refuse to answer any more questions until I see my lawyer ! :-)

January 12th, 2013, 02:30
Pattaya needs a gay version of the windmill club at Soi Diamond, that's what I call sleaze

January 12th, 2013, 03:18
...or the iron club in walking street....straights definitely invented sleaze ...and public sex with customers....

January 12th, 2013, 05:52
Oh well, I have not been to Pattaya for one year, and it could have changed.

But go-go is a no.go and not for me, but I found Sunee fun and BT boring.

January 12th, 2013, 07:55

Once again everybody disagree with you . Sunee GoGo bars are dead. I said nothing about promote. I said you mentioned numerous GoGo Bars in BT. (fact).

You made no mention of any GoGo Bars in Sunee (fact) in any respect! Find it and post it but you can't.

They are deader then dead in Sunee and everyone knows it except some body like you who came New Years Week . Of course there are some dead GoGo Bars in BT. But one Bar has more boys then all of Sunee GoGo Bars put together. And others have plenty of boys and what is more important plenty of customers. Sunee GoGo Bars have so few customers that it is a joke.

Good Place for police raids though!!

Dead Dead Dead whether you want to admit it or not!!!!

Well after reading this post, firecat69 comes across as a first class dysfunctional prick, somebody you wouldn't want to know or wish a Happy New Year.

On that happy note, I (and 2 friends) did visit Sunee about a week ago. I was there right after bar opening. Even the beer bars were quiet at that time. Went to City Boys, 6 boys, 2 were cute but more arriving. 3 customers before our arrival, 2 more came in later. Half the boys were on their smartphones chatting. Left after 15 minutes. Passed on Eros as we were in no mood to boy-handled. Went to Happy Boys. 4 customers and 5 boys only 1 my type. Stayed for about 20 minutes and left. Drinks 99 baht. More arriving customers went directly upstairs. Before we left, more boys (many cute) and more customers descended from Paradise. Obviously the party and fun was upstairs. Went home. My friend returned later to Nice Boys about 10:00 p.m. A Sunee regular, he reported he had not seen it so busy in recent memory with boys and customers.

The bars in Sunee have always been smaller with less staff, boys and operate with lower overhead and need fewer customers. You seldom see women and new tourists in Sunee bars. Sunee bars will open and close that has always been the pattern. Like many BT bars things are slow but not dead. On another note, I don't see how any bar can survive when your product is off stage and yes sometimes on stage making contacts with non-bar customers via gay romeo, Jackd, grindr, etc. I wouldn't want to be an owner of any gay sex venue in Pattaya.

January 12th, 2013, 09:55

Once again everybody disagree with you . Sunee GoGo bars are dead. I said nothing about promote. I said you mentioned numerous GoGo Bars in BT. (fact).

You made no mention of any GoGo Bars in Sunee (fact) in any respect! Find it and post it but you can't.

They are deader then dead in Sunee and everyone knows it except some body like you who came New Years Week . Of course there are some dead GoGo Bars in BT. But one Bar has more boys then all of Sunee GoGo Bars put together. And others have plenty of boys and what is more important plenty of customers. Sunee GoGo Bars have so few customers that it is a joke.

Good Place for police raids though!!

Dead Dead Dead whether you want to admit it or not!!!!

Well after reading this post, firecat69 comes across as a first class dysfunctional prick, somebody you wouldn't want to know or wish a Happy New Year.

On that happy note, I (and 2 friends) did visit Sunee about a week ago. I was there right after bar opening. Even the beer bars were quiet at that time. Went to City Boys, 6 boys, 2 were cute but more arriving. 3 customers before our arrival, 2 more came in later. Half the boys were on their smartphones chatting. Left after 15 minutes. Passed on Eros as we were in no mood to boy-handled. Went to Happy Boys. 4 customers and 5 boys only 1 my type. Stayed for about 20 minutes and left. Drinks 99 baht. More arriving customers went directly upstairs. Before we left, more boys (many cute) and more customers descended from Paradise. Obviously the party and fun was upstairs. Went home. My friend returned later to Nice Boys about 10:00 p.m. A Sunee regular, he reported he had not seen it so busy in recent memory with boys and customers.

The bars in Sunee have always been smaller with less staff, boys and operate with lower overhead and need fewer customers. You seldom see women and new tourists in Sunee bars. Sunee bars will open and close that has always been the pattern. Like many BT bars things are slow but not dead. On another note, I don't see how any bar can survive when your product is off stage and yes sometimes on stage making contacts with non-bar customers via gay romeo, Jackd, grindr, etc. I wouldn't want to be an owner of any gay sex venue in Pattaya.

You must be a complete Moron. You take one post and generalize personally about someone. Believe me I do't want to know you and I'm sure most people don't either.

Another 1 visit Expert!!!

January 12th, 2013, 10:07

Once again everybody disagree with you . Sunee GoGo bars are dead. I said nothing about promote. I said you mentioned numerous GoGo Bars in BT. (fact).

You made no mention of any GoGo Bars in Sunee (fact) in any respect! Find it and post it but you can't.

They are deader then dead in Sunee and everyone knows it except some body like you who came New Years Week . Of course there are some dead GoGo Bars in BT. But one Bar has more boys then all of Sunee GoGo Bars put together. And others have plenty of boys and what is more important plenty of customers. Sunee GoGo Bars have so few customers that it is a joke.

Good Place for police raids though!!

Dead Dead Dead whether you want to admit it or not!!!!

Well after reading this post, firecat69 comes across as a first class dysfunctional prick, somebody you wouldn't want to know or wish a Happy New Year.

On that happy note, I (and 2 friends) did visit Sunee about a week ago. I was there right after bar opening. Even the beer bars were quiet at that time. Went to City Boys, 6 boys, 2 were cute but more arriving. 3 customers before our arrival, 2 more came in later. Half the boys were on their smartphones chatting. Left after 15 minutes. Passed on Eros as we were in no mood to boy-handled. Went to Happy Boys. 4 customers and 5 boys only 1 my type. Stayed for about 20 minutes and left. Drinks 99 baht. More arriving customers went directly upstairs. Before we left, more boys (many cute) and more customers descended from Paradise. Obviously the party and fun was upstairs. Went home. My friend returned later to Nice Boys about 10:00 p.m. A Sunee regular, he reported he had not seen it so busy in recent memory with boys and customers.

The bars in Sunee have always been smaller with less staff, boys and operate with lower overhead and need fewer customers. You seldom see women and new tourists in Sunee bars. Sunee bars will open and close that has always been the pattern. Like many BT bars things are slow but not dead. On another note, I don't see how any bar can survive when your product is off stage and yes sometimes on stage making contacts with non-bar customers via gay romeo, Jackd, grindr, etc. I wouldn't want to be an owner of any gay sex venue in Pattaya.

You must be a complete Moron. You take one post and generalize personally about someone. Believe me I do't want to know you and I'm sure most people don't either.

Another 1 visit Expert!!!

One visit? I live in Pattaya and have been going to bars in BT, and Sunee and Bangkok for over 15 years. It is you who comes across as a pompous, judgmental ass.

January 12th, 2013, 10:12
You insert yourself into a post that has been going on for weeks between A447 and me without ever being personal. And you make the personal attack.

You are the pompous ASSHOLE!!

January 12th, 2013, 13:59
Firecat wrote:
We both have to try to have the last word.

haha...I think you may be right. :)

As I said before, and Nirish backed it up, I think you and I have both been talking about 2 different aspects of Sunee.

So let's agree to disagree and just enjoy what Pattaya has to offer - BT for you and Sunee for me.

January 12th, 2013, 17:32
As firecat has already said being able to have two differing opinions and be able to express them without descending into personal attacks and insults as we see elsewhere is one of the nice things I like about THIS board, in that generally people can argue and disagree and even have a bit of a dig at each other sometimes with out being absolutely hateful and come across all unnecessary towards each other and I'm always glad to see that most here decided to leave that to another board to have all that nastiness and hate and look how THAT ended up for them eh! 99% of the posters here usually try to be mannerly and considerate and respectful towards each others and are helpful, fun and all share a laugh occasionally and personally speaking that's why I like this board I have to say.

January 13th, 2013, 06:49
Sunee Plaza and other gay venues will be decreasing in the future. Pattaya mostly attracts the older gay farang and there are less and less of them flying to Thailand - not like 10 years ago. The new tourist flocking to Pattaya are the Russians, Indians, and Chinese. Few of them seem to be "gay" (or willing to spend the money at clubs). Bangkok's gay venues are still busy but they attract a different gay crowd.

January 13th, 2013, 17:34
From a bit diferent angle , I visit Pattaya twice a year , more if i can and love the beach weather and culture and BEER . During my last visit in Nov12 and after my regular few beers at a popular corner showbar in boyz town , i noticed the price of my drinks was the same if not more than i pay at home in Australia , left a bad taste in my mouth . Because of that clubs greed our remaining nights were just as much fun but spent at a hotel & pool that is owned by , i guess amercians and no dought our future down time and bht will be spent in other ways . I am a generous tipper , i love thai culture and its people but i dont like being ripped of by foreign owned bars even if they do provide work in one form or another for the locals . cheers ausiekrub .

January 13th, 2013, 17:41
I always enjoy these Sunee versus BT versus Jomtiem arguments. It's as if people think to themselves, "well, I might travel half way around the world to be a sex tourist, but at least I'm not like THOSE sex tourists!". It's quite comical. :-)

As if there's an actual difference, or something. It's not like you're going to go back to your home country and tell everyone, "yeah, I go to Thailand to have gay sex with prostitutes half or third of my age, but don't worry, it's all good because I only goto BoyzTown. I don't goto that perverted, sleazy Sunnee!". For some reason, I just really don't think it matters.

January 13th, 2013, 18:47
i noticed the price of my drinks was the same if not more than i pay at home in Australia , left a bad taste in my mouth .
Well, that can certainly put you off something.

Monica Lewinsky said she doesn't like Democrats anymore. They leave a bad taste in her mouth.

January 14th, 2013, 03:56
Ausiekrub, as an Australian who has been visiting Pattaya for over 20 years, I am interested in the corner bars name, to substantiate your claim.

You have a bitch and joined to tell us. Please give us more detail so we can compare.

January 14th, 2013, 07:15
Well, he said a corner SHOWBAR in BT - he can only mean BBB


January 14th, 2013, 10:49
Thank you scottishguy for answering on his behalf. Strangely I did want to hear what HE SAID rather than asking for you to answer.

No doubt he will fear he has no need to reply as you have done it for him.

January 14th, 2013, 13:33
I certainly dont mind paying around the bht300 mark for a drink if a good show is thrown in...but find it a bit much just to sit outside and watch the passing parade...especually when sunee is half or less...

January 14th, 2013, 13:47
With a motorbike you can have a wonderful time visiting all three in the same evening. A typical night out for me will include a couple of visits to BT, a couple to Sunnee and one to Jomtien before finishing at one of the Karaoke bars across third road. If your bar is fun then I will come in twice over the course of the evening and if it's fun then I'm buying your boys drinks.

January 15th, 2013, 13:16
I agree that a motorbike is very useful in Pattaya but I would not ride about on it in the way you describe at night, especially after having a drink. I often hire one for use during the day. I normally stay in the Sunee vicinity but like to visit Dongtan Beach and sometimes Samsuk during the day. The bike makes visiting these venues so much easier particularly when I have a boy in tow.

January 15th, 2013, 15:08
TravellerDave: I'm not advocating drink/riding at all. Three to four beers a night is about my usual which over 5-6 hours doesn't add up to much. The rest of the time it's a coffee or orange juice. For me, less alcohol equates to more fun. On the rare ocassions I buy a bottle I don't drink any of it.

January 16th, 2013, 01:56
Arsenal. I'm not suggesting you we're advocating drinking and driving. I don't think the consumption you mention would make a difference. I don't drink much either - a couple of beers and then it's coke or soda. However there are more lunatic riders about at night and that puts me off using the bike at night, although I often leave Samsuk round about 8.30 and ride back to my hotel when it's dark. the principal use for the bike is to travel to jomTien for the beach.
I have had problems related to using a bike. Once police got me for having expired tax and I had to wait ages at Soi 9 to pay the fine, which the rental shop refunded though. Another time I parked it near Tukcom but forgot exactly where and it took ages for me to find it. Another time a German guy in a pickup pulled sharply in front of me and I hit his rear causing a tiny scratch following which he went berserk. But the worst was when I dropped the keys down a drain in front of a 7 Eleven. Two Thais helped me raise the drain cover but I had to grovel around in the filth to find them.
Sorry this has nothing to do with Sunee Dying but I just wanted to post something.

January 16th, 2013, 10:20
TravellerDave: Yea, I've dropped the keys down the dran too. Luckily the hotel where I had rented the bike from were more than helpful in getting the bike back on a Baht bus.
As for riding at night. A 3.00am gentle ride along Jomtien Beach Road is wonderful.

January 16th, 2013, 15:29
I've been there. Late night cruise ?

January 17th, 2013, 16:25
krazy4thai...stop being so moralistic...who elected you price police...its all about demand and supply...in a normal situation if the demand drops one drops ones price to stimulate the demand...even I've had to do it to stay in business....if I can get some arse for bht500...then thats all I'll pay.....and enjoy it too. after all their are millions of Thais on under 8000/month....

Moralistic and "price police"...oh please..... My posting was my own observations and thoughts about the situation in Pattaya as I see it.. Did I come across as having reservations about the lack of standards (moral or otherwise) I saw in others on my previous visits, I certainly hope so. I guess the optimist in me hoped deep down that if it gave anyone pause for thought about their own behaviours the post would have been worthwhile. A vain hope in your case obviously. It would appear you missed the spirit of my post entirely

Although I wont become involved in any back & forth slanging match as you are certainly entitled to your own opinions, I was a little irked at what I perceived as a mean spirited attempt to denigrate me for my OWN thoughts and opinions. As to your observation about the millions of thais on under 8000b/month I find it abhorrent that you would use this as a justification for your own self centred willingness to exploit the thai boys who are unfortunately in the position of
having to accept your paltry 500B. I do hope I never become aquainted with you or many others like you. As farang we have the opportunity to have a good time on our holiday and help improve the lot of the boys, even though it is probably only in the short term for them.

As we would obviously never agree on what are acceptable standards it would be pointless to even presume that anything I might think or say would affect you anyway.

January 17th, 2013, 17:24
Here Here! 10 points for Krazy4thai

January 17th, 2013, 17:59
...each to their own...you wanna throw your cash around...go ahead...you wanna better the lives of the boys (wheres my barf bag...)...go ahead....I have no interest in the boys outside the pleasure they provide...dont wanna even know their names...where they from...not of interest....only thing that counts are the physical attributes...and willingness to please me....
I have friends+ a social circle...the "boys"are there to satisfy a need...at the best price only....

January 17th, 2013, 18:12
!0 more Points!!1

January 17th, 2013, 19:05
I am sorry Firecat but that went over my simple little head. Am I the only one that needs an explanation?

Latintopxxx... I dont think anyone is really talking about the 1,000, 2,000 or 500 baht you pay them and how you treat them, it's about that you seem very proud of yourself and want everyone to know just how you belittle and behave with them and that you treat the boys like crap. That's the part I don't understand. Why do you have to announce it? Somewhere in that thing you call a brain, you must already know that your type of payment and degrading of the boys puts you in a very small minority, no? And before anyone says anything to me, while I am an adminisrator, I have and am allowed to voice a personal opinion. :dontknow:

January 17th, 2013, 22:05
Neal...your comments r always welcome...at least they're not personal or offensive...

January 18th, 2013, 02:40
Too bad you can't treat the boys with the same amount of respect you give Neal.

January 18th, 2013, 04:03
Maybe Neal is a better ride than the boys.

I think we should be told!


January 18th, 2013, 04:05
Happy to arrive in 2 days in Sunee and see the "dead" zone with my own eyes.

January 18th, 2013, 04:33
Maybe Neal is a better ride than the boys.


and a lot cheaper by all accounts, though we only have the word of NIrish Guy for that.

January 18th, 2013, 05:07
Well I have always said that I love straight boys when having sex but I am not cheap. He is the only oe that can treat me like the slut I am and pay me so cheap but I have to tell ya latin, its a bitch when you throw the money on the floor as I takes forever to scoop down that far and get it!

PS I don't know if I covered this but throwing anything on the floor with the King's picture on it could land you in the klinker if the boy were to make that allegation to the boys in brown. :idea1: