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January 6th, 2013, 10:36
Hi you maniacsтАж

WellтАжas much as it pains me to say thisтАжтАЭIтАЩm back home againтАЭ.

After spending another 3 month adventure in LOS I find myself back in my тАЬfirst lifeтАЭ again to begin the process of acting as if I really care about whatтАЩs going on around me, e.g., Obamas struggles with congress on the so-called fiscal cliff, MacyтАЩs after Christmas sale, or the fact that the Minnesota Vikings are leading their division in the playoff games. Who gives a fuck! Well, after making that statement I realize that the majority of people do actually care about these things and itтАЩs me thatтАЩs not marching to the beat of societyтАЩs drumbeat. тАЬOh wellтАЭ.

My plans for this past holiday were simple; relax, kick back and enjoy myself, avoid get entangled with any one boy, and travel to fun places to enjoy some local festivals. Well, scratch that plan because with the exception of enjoying myself the rest of my great strategy disintegrated. I fell in love with a boy I met two weeks into my stayтАжonly relaxed briefly after sex and never attended one single festival. Yes, only I could accomplish such a featтАжbut there are very few regrets!

My first two weeks were spent cruising the beer bars and gogo bars, spending time with old friends (well, not too old), chugging Leo, and just enjoying the butterfly life to the max. Then one afternoon I visited my favorite boy massage parlor and all things changed. Ghee the owner/manager who IтАЩve been friends with for the 3 years heтАЩs owned the place told me he had someone he wanted me to meet. I looked at all of the 10 boys staged in front of the parlorтАжknew them allтАжreceived exotic massages from most of them at one point or anotherтАжand didnтАЩt see anyone new in the group. Ghee then said that the boy he wanted me to meet was a friend of his families and would be arriving the following day.
Ghee, like some of the other boys I interact with knew that this was my first return to LOS after ThepтАЩs passing and assumed (logically I guess) that I would be lonely. If any of these guys would have seen me out on the sois in Sunee the previous two weeks they would have had a different opinion, but, things as they were, Ghee felt that a meeting with this family friend was in order.

I returned to the parlor the next afternoon as promised. Ghee was sitting outside in front of the parlor with a handful of his massage boys and motioned me to park my motorbike right in front as he always does. He gave me a big smileтАжwalked inside the parlorтАжand walked right back out again with this family friend at his side. I know if I told you guys it was love-at-first-sight youтАЩd choke more than youтАЩre choking already so IтАЩll temper my statement by just saying that I was speechless for the first few minutes following our introduction.

He just stood there next to GheeтАЩs side looking very polite. He was standing straight as an arrow with his hands clasped together with a kind smile. Not a big smileтАжnot a small smileтАжnot a seducing come-on smileтАжjust a peaceful kind of smile. It wasnтАЩt his smile that froze meтАжit was his eyes. He seemed to be looking right through me,,,maybe he was. I just sat there on my motorbike staring back into his eyes until a point in which I felt embarrassed. Ghee, nor any of the other boys said a word. They just all sat there smiling.

His name is Jay (no fictitious name needed) and this was his first trip to Pattaya. He didnтАЩt speak a single word of English, although seemed to comprehend everything that was going on around him regardless of the language barrier(s). In an effort to summarize JayтАЩs life up till this point: He was orphaned as a young child, raised and schooled at a monastery in Nakhon Phanom, became a fully ordained monk at age 21, remained a monk working at the wat connected to the same monastery where he was raised until age 26, was re-united with his natural mother one year ago, took a 3 month sabbatical to work as a bookkeeper at a bank in Bangkok which was arranged by the monastery and was then granted a 30 day leave from this job at the bank which is when he traveled to Pattaya.

Jays natural mother married a farang from Holland when she was young, lived in Holland for the next 30+ years and returned to Thailand after the farangs death in 2010. She had a beautiful home built in Nakhon Panom which is now JayтАЩs residence as well. JayтАЩs decision to not return to the monkhood had nothing to do with his motherтАЩs wealth. He simply wanted the opportunity to experience life on its own terms. And IтАЩm sure the fact that heтАЩs gay and wanted a little boom-boom played a little role in this тАжLOL.

JayтАЩs role at the massage parlor was strictly Thai massage and no oil (exotic) massage which disappointed me at first. But as time moved forward I would come to appreciate this very much. For one hour I lounged on the stiff massage bed listening to that calm music, smelling the incense in the air and just trying to get a glimpse of him whenever I could during the massage process. My Thai is extremely limited and even when I did say something he could understand he wasnтАЩt able to respond back in English. So our first interaction together was simply touchтАжsmellтАжand dream.
Jay is tall for a Thai, slim, pretty more than handsome (works for me) with very gentle movements. His head was still shaved nearly bald which didnтАЩt detract from his good looks at all. The other boys seemed to have a great deal of respect for him which was obvious by the way they listened to him intently тАУ never speaking or interrupting when he was speaking. He seemed to come and go as he wished which was also unusual. I noticed these things well before I knew that he was raised by monks and became a monk.

There was a provision with the bank where Jay worked that if he didnтАЩt return to his job in 30 days he would not have a job. He could return to the monkhood but not his job at the bank. Jay and I spent every minute together following our initial meeting and he opted to not return to the bank or the monkhood.

Learning how to communicate to each other was our greatest challenge. We purchased two books immediately. One for teaching English to a Thai тАУ and of course the other for teaching basic Thai conversation to a farang. We also used Google Translate during the evenings which was fun and helpful, although only has about a 60% accuracy which sometimes is a headache. Jay being young (26) and very intelligent started picking up English words and short phrases very quickly. I, on the other hand, moved like a turtle.

After our meeting all my trip plans were altered. Instead of traveling solo to enjoy festivals as originally planned, I ended up spending all my time submersed in this new friendship. Jay and I visited Bangkok twice in October. Once to visit one of his grandmothers and the other to pick up his clothes at the room he was renting near the bank where he worked. Later in November we made the big trip up to Nakhon Phanom to meet his mother and other family members which was an eye-opener. I can only assume that his motherтАЩs deceased farang husband was loaded because when I first saw JayтАЩs home I thought the taxi was pulling in the driveway of a resort.

The house is modern (built within the past 2 years), with about 8 rooms, 4 bedrooms, 2 hung nams, formal dining room with mahogany furniture and expensive looking vases and other artwork. The living room is what we refer to in America as a great room due to its size тАУ complete with a 52тАЭ plasma TV with surround sound and huge white leather sectional sofa. The landscaping appeared to be professionally groomed with flower beds and fruit trees in abundance. There were two late model Honda SUVтАЩs in the driveway and a half dozen motorbikes, one of them belonging to Jay.

We stayed in JayтАЩs bedroom which was air-conditioned with a TV/CD system and large corner desk complete with a desk-top computer system more expensive than the equipment I have back in my office here at home. I was impressed and stunned at the same time. At least this explained why Jay never seemed interested in money. When we were back in Pattaya a few weeks earlier he said he wanted to go to Tuk Com to get a lap-top computer so we could use Google Translate together. I canтАЩt tell you how disappointed I was at that very moment. We had already been together for over a month and I was convinced he was genuine and not a money grabber, and here he was dragging me into Tuk Com for a computer. I remember thinkingтАжтАЭa fucking monk money-boy тАУ this can only happen to meтАЭ After spending an hour considering the options he picked out a Toshiba which was priced at 22,000 baht. I stood there just waiting to see if he was going to be polite enough to ask me if I wanted to purchase it for him тАУ when, in a flash, he pulled out a stack of 1,000 baht notes and paid the sales clerk without batting an eye.

During our visit with the family I never once felt uneasy about our age gap or the fact that we were sharing the same bed in the home. JayтАЩs mother is very sophisticated and at the same time down-to-earth. She has a wonderful sense of humor , although speaks Dutch (and of course Thai) and very little English. I met two of JayтАЩs brothers who also live at home who are both university graduates and employed professionally. How Jay ended up being an orphan and placed in a monastery is beyond me. IтАЩm not even going to bother trying to figure out his family tree. All I know is that he is a very special person and IтАЩm fortunate to have crossed paths with him.

Our intimate times together are almost impossible to describe тАУ even with my gift to gab. Jay sits out on our small back porch at the apartment for an hour every morning and another hour just before bedtime just staring at the trees. Before learning about his upbringing I though he was either bored, pissed off about something or just hated my guitar, but I went on to learn that he was simply meditating. He has a great sense of humor and is the most interesting guy I think IтАЩve ever met, but figuring him out is like working a jigsaw puzzle. He doesnтАЩt smoke, drink alcohol or go anywhere near bars, and I never prompted him to do so, conversely, I found myself gravitating away from the bar scene myself not wanting to jeopardize the situation. I went out to the bars about two nights a week when in Pattaya during times when Jay wanted to visit his friends back at the massage parlor. He enjoyed buying food for them at night where they would sit around and gab for hours.

Sex with him is a process. Not at all what I was used to with THE BOYS where the minute the towels hit the floor the actions was on. With Jay these intimate interactions are best enjoyed taking a slow approach where a lot of hand-holding and soft touching is involved well before we start drifting towards the bed. Jay is very shy and reserved when it comes to this тАУ but not inhibited in the least. ItтАЩs wonderful.

Jay and I spent our last night in Bangkok where I saw him off at the DM Airport. HeтАЩs now back home in Nakhon Phanom with his mother and two brothers where heтАЩll remain until my return in April. He is now back working at the monastery where he was raised which is just a stoneтАЩs throw from the family home. He hasnтАЩt donned the robe again тАУ but he is doing volunteer work helping the monastery rebuild several buildings which were destroyed by floods earlier this year. We are both hooked up with Skype, talk to each other daily and counting the days till our reunion.

I signed another one year lease on my apartment although plan to split my time between Pattaya and Nakhon Phanom on future trips. There are a lot of small lakes around JayтАЩs home and weтАЩre just a few kmтАЩs from the Mekong River which offers some of the best fresh-water fishing on the planet.

So, there you have itтАжI bagged a monk.

Life is an Adventure- not a Destiny!

January 6th, 2013, 13:20
I think you have met the ideal boy, new into Pattaya, educated enough to work in a bank, whose only living relative is a mother who is independently wealthy and the boy has all the virtues of a monk topped with great sex. Grat conversation skills that between you that reveal all this information.
I am jealous as hell. He does not even have all that baggage of having been a bar boy.
My only negative is that it would be so much kinder and selfless of you if you allowed him to pursue the career in the bank. Instead he is now a kept-boy dependent on the whims of a sugar daddy.

January 6th, 2013, 14:19
My only negative is that it would be so much kinder and selfless of you if you allowed him to pursue the career in the bank. Instead he is now a kept-boy dependent on the whims of a sugar daddy.

I couldn't disagree more! First of all, Dodger is ending up as as a kept-daddy by a well to do sugar-boy. That's the situation as I see it.
Secondly, why would a boy waste his time working for next to nothing at a money-grubbing bank when he can afford to be "kind and selfless" doing volunteer work at a Buddhist temple that additionally played an important part in his youth?

If Dodger's story is an accurate telling, which I assume it is, that seems to be the reality of the situation.

Brad the Impala
January 6th, 2013, 14:37
Thanks Dodger for sharing your adventures again. As always, a great read. Sometime there should be a compilation!

Penguin your negative comments are off beam regarding the bank job and dependency, not how I read, understood it at all.

All the best for the future of this relationship, it certainly sounds to have more solid foundations that your relationship with Thep, but let's see what fate has in store!

January 6th, 2013, 14:54
....why would a boy waste his time working for next to nothing at a money-grubbing bank when he can afford to be "kind and selfless" doing volunteer work at a Buddhist temple

Indeed, one could also ask how, whilst taking 30 days leave out of a 3-month sabbatical from the monestary at a Bangkok Bank, he came to be working in a gay massage parlour in Patttaya.

But too many questions would spoil the fantasy.

January 6th, 2013, 16:58
Great report Dodger - happy to hear you've met someone new - you deserve it.

January 6th, 2013, 17:12
Great report, thanks Dodger. But I like that the Barboys appreciate my money, I wouldn't feel comfortable with such an independent guy...

January 6th, 2013, 18:21
too many questions would spoil the fantasy."

I associate myself with that comment but its very difficult not to be incredulous on so many issues. I do not have the inclination nor the time right now to outline each and every one of the nonsenses in your report but I get the distinct impression we are once again reading the mind of a fantasist. Yet I suppose on the internet a person can create their own reality, fact or fiction and despite that I will say Dodger your posting are usually entertaining in a strange though pathetic kind of way.

You go along to a massage parlour(to the rest of us a knocking shop/brothel) and you suddenly are swept off your feet by this Angel former Orphan now Monk from a multi millionare family who:

" was standing straight as an arrow with his hands clasped together with a kind smile. Not a big smileтАжnot a small smileтАжnot a seducing come-on smileтАжjust a peaceful kind of smile. It wasnтАЩt his smile that froze meтАжit was his eyes. He seemed to be looking right through me,,,maybe he was. I just sat there on my motorbike staring back into his eyes until a point in which I felt embarrassed. Ghee, nor any of the other boys said a word. They just all sat there smiling."
(This reads like the worst of Mills and Boom)

You proceed to tell us about this wonderous love-at-first-sight- creature who is a fully fledged monk, a teetotaller, who is held in awe by the other brothel workers and who spend most of his life in a Monastry but is now living the life of luxury with his super rich mum and he is surrounded by gadgets in a sumptious mansion and he carries about wads of 1,000 baht notes blah, blah blah; yet you claim he is not interested in money , will not go near a bar and spends about 2 hours a day looking at trees and meditating.
He is now -you say- doing voluntary work in a monastry.
May we assume he was also doing voluntary work when in the massage parlour too ?!

And can we also assume as he ain't interested in money that there is no finance coming from you to him, because if you say no, then your credibility will go even lower in many readers minds then it is already.

But anyway: a lot of people enjoy 'fairy ' tales: and this most certainly is one of them.
Do please keep us amused.

Thai Dyed
January 6th, 2013, 19:44
And can we also assume as he ain't interested in money that there is no finance coming from you to him, because if you say no, then your credibility will go even lower in many readers minds then it is already.

In addition to being Thai Dyed I am also a Dyed in the Wool cynic yet I am willing to take Dodger's report at face value. I have no reason to doubt what he has written.

Specifically I want to say that I know at least a few older farang in Thailand who have beautiful young gay friends in their 20s who come from wealthy families and who wouldn't think of allowing their farang friends to pick up the tab for anything. I also know several Thai boys who do things for the experience, and not for the money involved, as I did when I was young, and still do.

And immediately, let me state that I consider people who work in many jobs, the banking and insurance industries among them, to be far worse prostitutes, sluts, perverts and degenerates than any whore I ever encountered.

And please be aware of the story in the Pali texts that the Buddha accepted an invitation to dine with Ambapali, the prostitute, while at the same time declining an invitation from royalty.

January 6th, 2013, 21:58
You proceed to tell us about this wonderous love-at-first-sight- creature who is a fully fledged monk, a teetotaller, who is held in awe by the other brothel workers and who spend most of his life in a Monastry but is now living the life of luxury with his super rich mum and he is surrounded by gadgets in a sumptious mansion and he carries about wads of 1,000 baht notes blah, blah blah; yet you claim he is not interested in money , will not go near a bar and spends about 2 hours a day looking at trees and meditating.
He is now -you say- doing voluntary work in a monastry.
May we assume he was also doing voluntary work when in the massage parlour too ?!

Yes Zinzone, everything I proceeded to tell you was 100% factual which is consistent with everything I have ever written in my life.

Jay described his job at the bank as being trapped inside a windowless room with several other bookkeepers pounding a calculator and stamping papers for 9 hours a day which was not the intent of his sabbatical from the monastary. His intent was to experience life outside the monkhood to help him decide if in fact he wanted to remain a monk for his lifetime or not. Jay, being gay, also had aspirations of experiencing "gay life" which was not something he was getting at the bank. He arranged the 30 day leave from the bank for this purpose.

Ghee, who is a freind of Jay's older brother who lives and works in Bangkok offered the opportunity for Jay to work at his massage parlor in Pattaya for one month for the purpose of exposing him to "gay life". I believe the terms (or expectations) of his employeemnet were very flexible.

As far as his work in the massage parlor being voluntary...I doubt it...because I was the only customer he had during the 2 days he was employed there and I'm quite sure that he gave the cashier a portion of my tip.

One of the things that Jay and I have in commnon is that neither of us places a great deal of importance on money or material things. The fact that we both have it is great - but I can assure you that I'm not after his money and he's not after mine. I know this may be hard for you to digest - but it's the truth.

Jay is a person of great substance - and I can't tell you how fortunate I was to have met him.

Brad the Impala
January 7th, 2013, 00:25
Those of us who have been reading the boards for a while, have followed Dodger's trip reports with great enjoyment for many years as he has shared with us his positive and negative experiences.

Some posters who consider themselves well versed in ways Thai, seem to believe that if it has never happened to them, it can't have happened to anyone else! I find Dodger's reports entirely credible, perhaps an occasional exaggeration as we all do when telling stories, and I find his candour and openness about very aspect of his life very refreshing. His approach to life has always suggested an openness to experience, which is probably why he has been on one hell of an emotional roller coaster over the years, and if anyone should now deserve such a positive and unusual experience it is surely Dodger.

January 7th, 2013, 06:03
Thank you for the story Dodger.
It seems a critical link to your experience was your friendship with Ghee who thought enough of you to introduce you to a family friend. He must be a very considerate and good person and think highly of you. I have found that some of my best experiences in Thailand come about because of a real friendship with a good Thai. We hear and see a lot of negativism on this forum about people's experiences, so it is good to read something on a positive note.
For me, your story is a reminder that investing in a real friendship in Thailand can provide more than just good karma. I tire easily of interesting things to see, but I am energized when I make a strong connection with another Thai who is also interested in communicating and just enjoying the moment.
I am sure many of us on the forum are happy you made such a great connection. Hopefully we will be reading many future chapters.

January 7th, 2013, 17:54
I want to thank you all for your responses.

The topic of "relationships with Thai guys" is always a touchy subject, and for good reasons. Most of us here have found ourselves sadly disappointed if not completely heartbroken at one point or another, thus exposing the realities of an older man attempting to have a sincere and meaningful relationship with a guy half his age. There is no debate that this is a very slippery slope and most would be advised to avoid climbing that mountain.

I, on the other hand, am of the belief that anything is possible if you want it bad enough and are willing to keep your expectations in check. Along with this hair-brained philosophy comes bumps, bruises, heartache and disappointment, but one thing's for sure...if you stop trying - the mountain will disappear from your sight - and life would then become a flat plain...easy on the eyes...comfortable to walk on...but unchallenging and lacking of life.

January 9th, 2013, 06:40
Have been away from the board for quite a while, mainly because my partner of 5 years is finally living in New Zealand with me. I don't feel the need and I have less time on my hands.

But just my luck, I have just looked in as I am not busy with work today and lo you have given me another great read.

I am pleased to note you have found someone to enjoy life with again. As one of the other posters noted, if anyone deserves a happy time it's you.

Choc dee and happy days,

Brad the Impala
January 9th, 2013, 19:58
That's great news krobbie. Very happy for you both.