View Full Version : Blogspots I Like to Read

January 4th, 2013, 03:43
Let's get a collection of blogs you like to read and pass on to your fellow members and after collecting many of them we can do a poll to see whose blogs you like best.
Try to tell us something about the blogspot and what you like about it.

January 4th, 2013, 08:30
I don't deny this is very biased as it's my blog - but can I post this here? It's not so much a blog for gossip and personal opinions, it's a blog for news of what's coming up as we get it. Whereas the daily posts we make here are the events for the day, and the main website shows all the news - too much for some people, the blog shows the NEW news. There are new events, new openings and closings and things our local correspondents have noticed on their way round in every city.


Have a look and see what you think ....

January 4th, 2013, 18:53
^^ I know I don't have any issue with you posting your blog here. I think I knew it existed, but first time I've actually taken a look through it.

Thanks for putting in the energy to put it together, as it's absolutely excellent. Look at all those nice bars and restaurants in Chiang Mai! We don't really have nice stuff like that in Khon Kaen, so this is going to be great!

I especially like how you have the links to Google Maps for each place. That's definitely going to come in handy when I'm wandering around like a lost puppy, trying to find a place.

January 4th, 2013, 18:59
hardly read any blogs nowadays- relating to GThai:
my 2 most beloved ones have long since vanished from the screens; shamelessmack.wordpress.com-it wont work with passwords etc. And just 5 mins ago I read that the other nice one -ricequeendiary.com, has now also been taken off screen-I guess the lease for the site ended. And gayboythailand (from a german expat) ended very long ago- he knew to find the most beautiful hensum lads for it.
Fellow poster bao-bao (or maybe he uses another name here) has his own blog. I'll guess he'll come over soon to post the link.
Then there is-for the sake of being complete only: bangkokbois.wordpress.com.

January 4th, 2013, 22:28
I used to read or still read:

gayboythailand (I can't speak too highly of gayboythailand/Silom Farang, his blog lead to me travelling to Thailand and coming out of the closet),
shamelessmack, ricequeendiary, Bangkok of the Mind (now defuct)
http://www.bangkokboy.de (in German, no update since 2010 - oh no, this one seems to be gone as well)
http://www.bitchofbangkok.blogspot.com (no updates since 2010)
http://www.toogaybangkok.wordpress.com (4 new entries in 2011)

khunbaobao, bangkokbois
http://www.pattayadays.com/ (recent discovery, the only straight blog I am currently reading)
and let's not forget http://stickmanweekly.com/ (straight, weekly)
I will have a look at nicky's blog as well

January 6th, 2013, 23:01
Great topic - I'm new here and this is a great resource. Thanks