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View Full Version : Bitchboard #2 in Death Throes

December 20th, 2012, 05:14
Since DB has suggested elsewhere that a thread might be opened on the subject of this disgusting forum which revels in laughing at and making up songs about suicide victims and generally throwing shit about just to see where it will stick - I thought I'd gleefully take the opportunity to do so.

Their 1st attempt "Pattayabitchboard" - which amongst other things featured links to photo albums of naked children - lasted about a month and got up to 50 members (although 40 of those were probably hydras) before it fell on its arse.

The latest incarnation ("GayThailandBitchboard" most users ever online - 24) has lasted barely 10 days!

Incredibly the founder "Bitch Queen" has flounced off into the mist - and the guy hosting the site has told the remaining oddballs and misfits that their site has become so toxic that he no longer dares to host it on his server account lest it contaminates his other online businesses!

They are now talking about putting a paypal button on the site to try to raise enough cash to keep it going - but with a tiny membership led by a self-publicising toilet-sex addict, a few obvious psychiatric cases (including 1 from here who is so thick he sits on this topic whilst simultaneously posting about the contents over on bitchboard!), and a couple of elderly coffin-dodgers each with chips on both shoulders , even Dr Frankenstein would struggle to revive the rotting corpse.


December 20th, 2012, 06:03
went to the shitboard and what a pack of wankers. timmberty used to post here and then clashed with big bad neil. what went wrong. kinda like to know. he amd LMTU hates this board like poison.

only 4 posters and what a prize bunch they are .kinda like hildabaker but why does she waste her time there.

December 20th, 2012, 06:15
Timmberty still posts here - he just does it under a different name.

He's not very smart - within 5 minutes of my starting the topic he was on it, and sat fully visible on it for 20 minutes whilst he simultaneously relayed it over to bitchboard.

December 20th, 2012, 06:52
Having be absent of the boards for a long time, because of continuous bitching and arguments, I returned to see it was much less and the discussions were way more positive. Now I understand that the people who were arguing and bitching have moved to this new site, I hope they stay there a long time, that way I can enjoy other boards.

December 20th, 2012, 10:14
The bitchboard has very little to do with gay Thailand and is mostly a few posters attacking another poster. It is boring and I cannot
understand why anyone would waste their time and energy throwing feces at the toilet sex freak. :sleepy1:
Another freak there only writes about female genitalia and is another contendor for most boring poster. :sleepy2:
It is a good example of what can happen when the inmates run the asylum.

Khor tose
December 20th, 2012, 10:19
Timmberty still posts here - he just does it under a different name.

He's not very smart - within 5 minutes of my starting the topic he was on it, and sat fully visible on it for 20 minutes whilst he simultaneously relayed it over to bitchboard.

You really puzzle me Scotty. Here you bitch madly about this board and yet you advertise it, and apparently post on it. I never even knew it was back up until I read your post about it, and if I took a poll I am sure that most people who post here would say the same thing. Not only that but your interpretations of what is going on there is wildly biased in my opinion. While I quite agree that LMTU is hard to put up with on any board, and he does dominate this one, I cannot even begin to understand why it upsets you so much that any reason seems to leave you. Furthermore you post on it (I assume that this tim guy is right and you are Hedda) and you seem to be the meanest and silliest person on it, even topping LMTU.. The one person who does not see you as Scotty thinks you are Beachlover. Now that is a good indication of just what you DO sound like on this board. If I knew you personally, and was your friend, I would be the first to suggest you get a grip. I am sure your fans here who have to live with you in good old s....villes will support you, but trust me, you sound to me like you have gone around the bend a bit on this one.

December 20th, 2012, 10:26
Coitus interruptis?

December 20th, 2012, 11:12
One reason that ****** (LMTU) hates this board so much is that it has stopped him being able to use it to spread his poison as he has done on many other boards.

The man is one of life's failures, after running into debt by borrowing from friends in Pattaya and then not paying them back, there was the little underage matter which then saw **** run to Canada where his brother funded his keep for a few months. He has in the past relied on Michael from the Gaythailand board to be his benefactor and of course famously scammed Monty of rent and food. Booth also actively encouraged investors to sink money into the now defunct Ocean One project for a suitable backhander.

Keeping him off the boards can only be a good thing and god knows what would happen to any money if the PayPal button on his board came to be.

There are a lot of people in Pattaya who know **** from his days in the UK and laugh at his tales of fabulous houses in the UK and in the Med, LMTU has always been a Walter Mitty character and showed his true colours when first diagnosed with the the condition caused by his cottaging activities when he went sobbing to a board for sufferers of throat cancer pleading and crying for advice. A pathetic man and a more pathetic sight.

December 20th, 2012, 11:57
Khor tose, I believe the reason Scottie brought up this BB is because of what was recently sent to me. A 12 days of Christmas song with the words transformed to poke fun at the recently deceased Tim Durell committing suicide. I think the line was something like ...On the first day of Christmas my ****** gave to me, one falang jumping off a balcony.... and etc. I was so horrified that someone could be so cruel, so absolutely pathetic, such a miserable credene of a person that I had to ask someone to verify it. It was in fact true that the song was conjured up and endorsed by both LMTU as well as Timmberty alias BertyBenie on Gay Button and Brithai over here who was invited to leave. LMTU ws just given too many chances under the old owner and deleted as I was buying the board.

Whatever reason KT you may have for disliking SG the fact still remains that the majority of the people that were invited off this board and Gay Button board they made their home at the BB as they had no where else to go. That comment is taken right from their board. So yes KT, I was holding back publishing that bit of the song until Tim could be laid to rest.

December 20th, 2012, 13:54
When I type in http://pattayabitchboard.com/, it brings me back to SGT!!

December 20th, 2012, 14:30
Coitus interruptis?

If you insist using latin quotation, get them right : "coitus interruptus" :glasses7:

December 20th, 2012, 14:49
.. I never even knew it was back up until I read your post about it..
Well you either need to read this board more, or you have selective memory - if you bother to look you'll see DB brought it up on the "funeral thread" only yesterday - citing the disgusting content about the deceased person, on that board. I even refer to it in the first sentence of my post - how odd that did not prompt you to take a look before criticising.

Furthermore you post on it (I assume that this tim guy is right and you are Hedda)..

It would delight me to reveal that I have spent time posting on their board to wind these disturbed people up, but the truth is I have NEVER posted on GTBB - so, obviously I cannot be (I think you mean) "Hilda" - or indeed any other of their contributors.
Neither am I "Hedda" or even more outrageously "Beachlover" - as they have suggested.

I don't fear that any mention on SGF will give them a new lease of life given that any decent person will condemn their rancid content - and where can a Board go when within only 10 days its founder has left and its Tech support guy wants their toxic board off his hosting account. Almost all that's left is a pathological liar (LMTU), a psycho (Timmberty), and another one who cannot form a sentence without using the word "cunt" in it and who uses a pic of a much-loved and deceased actor as his avatar whilst posting his filth (Uncle Albert). It's a dead as a dodo.

As to why I opened the thread:

...Any more to say on LMTU/John Booth, Timberty or that board, please open a new thread.


December 20th, 2012, 18:49
I have stopped this thread because enough is enough. This is unfortunatly what happens when you ask for a "no rules, no moderation board." Absolute total khaos.
I have given the members here for the most part what they asked for and that was as little moderation as possible but when you allow some people to reguritate everything they want, well you see what is bound to happen.