View Full Version : A Nice Send-off for Mr. Tim

December 19th, 2012, 16:40
I attended Mr Tim Durell's funeral today. What can I say? I did not speak to him much except once in a blue moon I would say hello if there was no going around it.
After talking to him several times and viewing him out in public I always thought he was very pompus so I avoided him. This week has been very different. A tragedy that should have been, could have been, avoided. He was a very decent human being. Yes, to me pompus but a human being. A human being that if I had known, I would have tried to help. I'm sad, in fact very sad that his brilliant life ended so tragically.

I think funeral's bring out the sadness in people and the thought of our own mortality. We wonder about who is going to show up for us and send us flowers when we go. I thought of the 200+ people that showed up for Tim's send off, the flowers that adorned the funeral area, the love that was shown. There appeared to be lot's and lot's of love. I was sad, vey sad. I don't like funerals and attend as few as possible. They make me cry.

I overheard someone speak that someone was there and that he could not believe that they were there and that it was in very bad taste. I half expected it to be John Booth who has printed some real horrible things but I did not see him and think that it was the boyfriend that drove Mr Tim over the edge. I don't know and as quickly as it was said they moved on to other conversation. Most of the people who were there were all people you would expect with a person who was as respected as Mr Tim was and some were thankfully missing. Some I hear ducked in the night before because they also find funerals sad. Most of the bars were there and boys of his bars were there to pay tribute to a wonderful man.

I am sorry Mr Tim that we were not closer, a person who you could have reached out to. Take care and I hope there is a wonderful place in after-life and that you are now there looking down on all of us and realizing that so many more people cared about you than you know.


December 19th, 2012, 16:51
The overbearing rubbish he posted on his personal board shocked me. I checked back to see how many posters they had. very few.
I read his posts about Tim who I never met.

What an arsehole.. I have seen him in Micmys playing with the boys and wonder why it is not stopped.

December 19th, 2012, 20:04
John Booth has always been scum and under his various names across the boards for many years he has lied and tried to blacken the names of many good people. Of course his track record of the underage difficulty a few years ago is something he appears to defend and his scamming people out of money and his dreamworlds of living in a large house, eating in the most expensive restaurants and attending the most glittering functions are as everyone knows, total bullshit.
I had the misfortune to know him back in the days when he kept a grotty little downmarket hotel in Blackpool, UK, he was then a scumbag and still is.

December 20th, 2012, 00:54
I have known Tim for 14 years and will miss him very much.I tried to change my flight to be there for his funeral but was unable to do so.I arrive on friday.I did manage to send flowers with the help of David from LCR.
You said some nice things there about him.Thanks Neal.

December 20th, 2012, 01:31
I am wondering what the second and third post have to do with this subject of Tim's funeral?

December 20th, 2012, 03:38
John Booth alias LMTU and a dozen other names is a horrible man and posts or owns, have no idea on a new board called gaythailndbitchboard.com I think it is.
If that is not correct search the words pattaya bitch board . I can email you a copy if necessary but I would rather stay out of this as much as humanly possible.

You can look at the bitch board section and see comments re Mr Tim and his laughing about it and comments. You can also see a song they wrote or started titled the 12 days of christmas where he and another poster laugh that on the first day of Christmas they have a falang going over the balcony.

This is the only thing I am going to say about this board or these members. Feel free to join their board should anyone want and be a part of a very cruel,mentally ill group. I was horrified that they would have such fun with a man who had not even been laid to rest.

Any more to say on LMTU/John Booth, Timberty oor that board, please open a new thread.