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View Full Version : The Queen James Bible

December 19th, 2012, 04:11
Someone in the USA - it is unclear exactly who (see below) - has published a version of the King James Bible that removes references to homosexuality as a sin, claiming "You canтАЩt choose your sexuality, but you can choose Jesus. Now you can choose a Bible, too" (http://queenjamesbible.com/).

The website also states, on "Homosexuality in The Bible":

Homosexuality was first mentioned in the Bible in 1946 in the Revised Standard Version. There is no mention of or reference to homosexuality in any Bible prior to this тАУ only interpretations have been made. Anti-LGBT Bible interpretations commonly cite only eight verses in the Bible that they interpret to mean homosexuality is a sin; Eight verses in a book of thousands!
The Queen James Bible seeks to resolve interpretive ambiguity in the Bible as it pertains to homosexuality: We edited those eight verses in a way that makes homophobic interpretations impossible."

Available, according to the website, at $US34.95 from Amazon. The author is cited as :God," and "Jesus Christ" is cited as a contributor!

I don't expect this version to be adopted in any of the mainstream churches.

December 20th, 2012, 00:04
Great. And for all of us who have saved ourselves for marriage:


with all the nutter crap in the bible,
how can anyone believe in a book?

http://www.infidels.org/library/modern/ ... bsurd.html (http://www.infidels.org/library/modern/donald_morgan/absurd.html)