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View Full Version : Internet via my Cell Phone?

December 16th, 2012, 18:35
Hi Guys,
I will be coming to Pattaya for 1 month in January and I have just gotten a condo that does not have
Does anyone know what is the best deal for my cell phone to get unlimited WiFi in a package?
I had been using dtac for my phone calls but someone said they are not good for WiFi.

I will go crazy without my laptop in the condo.

December 16th, 2012, 20:46
I am not an expert on this (by any measure...LOL), but I believe 12call is probably the best. I tried True Move for awhile, but was pretty bad. BF has been using 12call for some time now, and I am betting he picked the best service. I switched over to 12call and it was much better.

Brad the Impala
December 17th, 2012, 02:58
Why don't you get a dongle for your laptop instead? I got one from truemove on my last trip that worked very well

December 17th, 2012, 04:43
Brad's right. Don't screw around trying to use your phone as a hotspot for your laptop. Get the dongle or the stand alone units that receive the 3g signal and put out a wifi signal. Be advised using a 3G signal for constant internet access can prove pricey.