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December 14th, 2012, 12:21
Thie is about a thread on GB of which I am not a member so I shall post on this site.

For a start it looks as if groping the boys in Krazy Dragon is now frowned upon. Well during one conversation Mark told me that many boys were offered a derisory 500 Baht by some farang, he told me thay can make more than that by the 20 Baht tips they get for the quick grope. This will not be the case if groping were considered unseemly.
Secondly, I think it's pretty obvious that the busy bars are where 'disgusting' behaviour is tolerated, for example X-boysland, Eros, Happy Boys, Nice boys. It's the sterile ones that are struggling.
It seems to me that a GoGo bar can be like Hamleys or ToysRus. Hamleys is a huge toyshop in London. It has lots of beautiful young guys in smart uniforms playing with the toys and if you want to you can also play with the toys, but sadly not the guys. It's a magical place and I always make a point of visiting when I go shopping in London. ToysRus is a huge toy supermarket where you go past gates and security guards to get to the products, all wrapped and security tagged. If your bar is like Hamleys than I shall come in and if it's like ToysRus then I won't.
Finally. I can see absolutely no difference in the quality of boys working in Boystown or Sunnee. i think it's solely to do with where a boy first works because I can't remember ever seeing a boy change areas, if they move they go to another bar in the same place.

December 14th, 2012, 15:04
Hi Arsenal,

Yes it is true, the boys are not allowed to wave their genitals in your face on any of the tables. While you may have liked it, the majority of customers who wouldn't come to the KD did not come because of that very thing. I have told the boys that if they are sitting with a customer and the play is discreet then that is OK, but not a public showing for the whole bar to witness. I'm happy to report that business has been very good since this policy was implemented regardless of what you might read about the demise of go-go bars in Sunee on the other forum.

I will endeavor to make the bar more like Hamley's as you suggest. I will see if the police will allow me to purchase a bunch of sex toys so that the boys can show them to the customers. Mind you as with Hamley's though you won't be able to play with the boys, only the toys. I'm sure that will do the trick for everyone. :sign5:

December 14th, 2012, 15:45
Bearing in mind that some UK Cinema chains no longer allow "unaccompanied" men into screenings of "children's" movies - the days of freely wandering round Toys'R'us or Hamley's, playing with the toys may well be numbered.

As for KD, I never spent much time there precisely for the reason Dragonmaster cites.
I found the "novelty" of having a cock waved 6 inches in front of you, at eye level, wore off after less than 1 beer and so I never stayed beyond that.
If this has now stopped, then new visitors may be encouraged. But I guess the "regulars" won't be pleased.
The next step might be to increase the lighting level - I always found it too dark.

December 14th, 2012, 16:31
...only reason I ever went into KD was to have genitals waved in my face and openly fondle the boys......guess I will have to stick to the place opposite where for 300 and the price of a drink I can freely fondle a naked boy lying across my lap while he does his best to achieve a personal happy ending...so funny I drag it out by continuously interrupting the silly boy...

December 14th, 2012, 17:02
CONGRATULTIONS DragonMaster, it is nice to see an owner that stands up for his beliefs and his employees. If all these posters that are bitching about your changes actually spent more than 2 times in the past year in your bar, you would have a booming business. One thing I never liked about your bar was the late arrival of staff and pushy guys waving their cocks. Rich LB had some good items to consider in his post in GB. Good luck in your new adventure.

December 14th, 2012, 17:56
latinpox...I believe the bar "across the street" is no longer an option. As of a couple of weeks ago, it was closed up. Has this changed?

I straddle the fence on the whole "cleaned up" issue. One of the best things about visiting Thailand is the huge variety of places to visit. I liked to visit KD on occasion for some sights and gropes. Sometimes I was in a different mood and want to visit WWB for a show (before they changed it to more LB themed). When mellow, Funny Boys is a great place to chill. When more adventurous, was always a hoot to wander into Good Boys or Tom Yum to see what was happening there.

I do believe there is a risk of making things a bit too sterile. As long as everyone is "of age", I don't think there is much that should be off limits in Pattaya. It is what Pattaya is known for....

December 14th, 2012, 18:55
When more adventurous, was always a hoot to wander into Good Boys or Tom Yum to see what was happening there.(quote)anonone

Good Boys and Tom Yum are closed, sounds like K.D. should become a Christian Science reading room.

December 14th, 2012, 21:39
Dragonmaster: Sex toys for the boys I very much like. Will they be included with the off fee?

December 14th, 2012, 23:32
Good to know i can save my time for other bars.

December 14th, 2012, 23:35
Wrong on all accounts. I don't see FunnyBoys or ToyBoys struggling and X Boys does not have the sleaze of Sunee. They just happen to have the only true xxx show in Pattaya along with their sister club X Boys Land which also has no sleaze except the show.

Yes Sunee has always been the capitol of sleaze in Pattaya. Must be why they have so many police raids and bars out of business!!

December 15th, 2012, 01:27
good boys (opposite Krazy dragon)..and tom yum (up a flight of stairs).....CLOSED...noooooooooo!!!
there goes one of the biggest pattaya attractions....last time I was there (October) good boys was open and I milked at least 3 over 2 days....really hope they open up again...what fun was to be had in there...

December 15th, 2012, 09:01
To DM,
First congratulations on acquiring KD and being willing to share your ideas on the forums. I read your posts on the now closed GB thread. I'm sure you already knew a Sunee go-go presents challenges but also opportunities. We all want you to be successful but I am like others here who realize Sunee go-gos have a sleaze factor and that is why they are so popular (and it has nothing to do with underage boys or drugs). Manforallseasons quip about the excitement of a CS Reading Room was funny but I am sure you know you are selling sex, sex, sex. Your bar must have sexual energy otherwise it will be another BT bar (e.g., Toyboys). I know one of your advocates (firecat69) sees that as positive but transplanting a Funnyboys to Sunee will not work. It has already been tried. The old Cockpit was a BT bar trying to succeed in the Sunee. It was a big bar with an unusual space much like yours. The owner tried everything (even disastrous late night cabaret shows). The only reason the bar lasted all those years was it was a hobby for the owner. The current KD format will change as you describe. Perhaps it's time has passed but let's give credit to the original owners for being creative with the individual mirrored tables and baggy shorts with weenie wagging. It was risky, untried and different. Many liked the concept but my problem was the weenie waggers were all straight tattooed street boy types (without the drugs) and the few my type never made it to my table. Please share your out of the box, creative ideas to make the new KD fun and not just another BT clone. I don't refer to adding video screens (remember Jim,Jimmy, James?), fixing the a/c and other maintenance type items. Although necessary, patrons expect them and only bitch when something isn't quite right.

December 15th, 2012, 13:22
Up2u wrote:
transplanting a Funnyboys to Sunee will not work.

I agree completely. I like a bit of sleaze...well, a lot, actually....... and it is why I spend a lot of my time in Pattaya in the Sunee area. It's the "hands on" part of the gay scene there. If I want class (well, everything's relative!), I go to BT.

December 15th, 2012, 14:57
Up2u wrote:
transplanting a Funnyboys to Sunee will not work.

I agree completely. I like a bit of sleaze...well, a lot, actually....... and it is why I spend a lot of my time in Pattaya in the Sunee area. It's the "hands on" part of the gay scene there. If I want class (well, everything's relative!), I go to BT.

And now we get to the problem. There are a group of customers who want sleaze and although I don't want it they are entitled to find what they want.

However it is evident that there are not enough of these type customers to have the GoGo Bars flourish in Sunee and they are definitely not flourishing. And even more then the customers they have to find boys who will put up with those type customers.

Since it is evident that the biggest problem Sunee Go Go's have is the lack of boys which is certainly not the case in many BT Bars.

So all you sleaze lovers must find more of your kind of customer and spend more time in the Bars that give you what you want.

Good Luck!

December 15th, 2012, 15:50
I really dont need to find anybody. I only go to a bar when i get what i want. If there is no bar i will not have any problems to get my fun in my condo or hotel or sauna but no bar will get my money for sitting like in a church and pay 200 or more baht for a soda water.
I wish good luck to the bars!

December 15th, 2012, 15:56
I really dont need to find anybody. I only go to a bar when i get what i want. If there is no bar i will not have any problems to get my fun in my condo or hotel or sauna but no bar will get my money for sitting like in a church and pay 200 or more baht for a soda water.
I wish good luck to the bars!
First of all there is no Bar charging over 200 baht in Pattaya. The two that have full x rated shows in BT charge 200 baht and I have never seen one complaint about the price after they attended the show.

Since what you want has been steadily disappearing in Sunee, it is only a matter of time when you will be spending all your time in your Condo!

December 15th, 2012, 18:02
firecat69 wrote:
However it is evident that there are not enough of these type customers to have the GoGo Bars flourish in Sunee and they are definitely not flourishing.

I don't know how up to date your info is, but when I was there in October, the sleazy places were doing extremely well - certainly no fewer customers compared to BT, if I remember correctly. Nice Boys was full of farangs enjoying the hands-on experience - standing room only. Krazy Dragon, on the other hand, was empty - almost no customers in sight, as there were also almost no boys in sight. No boys = no hands-on.

they have to find boys who will put up with those type customers.

No need to go looking - there were tons of them in both Nice Boys and, I was told, in Happy Boys. Now, whether or not they like being groped is another question. (Same question could be asked to the boys who perform any sexual act on the punters). And Happy Boys has invested in renovating the "anything goes" room upstairs, so again, there must be enough willing boys (and eager customers) to justify the expense.
Also, the jack-off bar Holiday 2 in Soi VC closed, and before too long Goodboys opened its doors. I don't have any inside info but I wouldn't be at all surprised if a similar bar to Goodboys had already opened somewhere in Sunee..

I'll check it all out again in a couple of weeks time. But I think "The rumors of (Sunee's) death have been greatly exaggerated."

December 15th, 2012, 18:18
Only can confirm what a447 was reporting. I never had problems in Sunee to find a bar with good fun. Now it is one less.....no problem at all. I am happy with the others remaining.
@Firecat and even when the bar is taking 50 baht i will not go when they not offer what i want.I dont care about the price i can pay it. I not believe in Pattaya i must stay in my condo. I just stayed 2 weeks in KL and there i had enough sleazy fun in the saunas for free. The horny people have been hunting for white meat. So soon you can enjoy your sterile prude bars alone.

December 15th, 2012, 19:08
OMG...I find myself in COMPLETE agreement with a447.....must be that mayan end of the world thing where weird stuff happens before we all go up in a ball of fire....but yes...I particularly enjoyed the sleaze in sunee...tom yum...and good boys...pick a boy...strip his clothes off..and in public paw him non stop while the silly fucker desperately tries to cum so he can escape...all for bht200 - 300....paradise....KR could be fun at times when the boys were frisky...they would lower themselves down onto my well lubed finger....between good boys, tom yum and occasionally KD I would easily go through 6 boys and drop BHT 2000 within 3 hours...real value for money...and lotsa fun.

December 15th, 2012, 19:47
Well you can cut it anyway you want . The fact is a lot of those sleaze bars are closed. Good Boys, Tom Yum, New Sawatdee etc etc . And the reason they are closed is they were full of underage boys . The Bar that is left doing any real business is more discreet now but has plenty of underage boys.

If you are discreet you can offer what is really wanted Underage Boys and wrap it up in sleaze. The Bars that have gone away just plain flaunted the underage boys and were jam packed , many of them with some of the posters (by their own admission) here that are trumpeting how much they like the sleaze.

Along with cleaning up these disgusting Bars(out of business. Closed) , a good % of the underaged boys have been removed. Until they are all removed Sunee will continue to suffer from a well earned bad reputation.

Which means many Gay Visitors have never set foot in Sunee and have no desire to. Also the reason that all the GoGo Bars in Sunee with the exception of NB have trouble getting a full complement of boys. There are some strong reasons of ownership that allows them to find boys but even that may be changing as quite a few boys have deserted that place for FunnyBoys. Imagine boys wanting to work in a clean place with fair management and where the customers have to show some respect to the boys who give them pleasure.

December 15th, 2012, 20:31
I was in Krazy Dragon a week ago for the first time in a long time, and I won't be going back. There were 2 customers besides me at about 12:30, and only 4 boys, 2 of them preoccupied. Nobody was on the tabletops. I stayed to have a drink and saw the prices were much higher than before. A sweet gogo boy came up and introduced himself. I asked if he wanted a drink. He sat, we chatted, I later offed him. There was no flashing of any junk or groping of any kind. I can take it or leave it. But while I was sitting with the boy, another sassy, queeny mess came over, sat down uninvited, and the first words out of it's mouth were, "You buy for me drink mister?" I laughed at his rudeness and ordered him a drink, but paid attention to the guy I was with. Sassy kept trying to get my attention but I wasn't interested. Meanwhile, a door"man" or mamasan acting guy about 40 came over and flirted, leaned over and grabbed my face and kissed me full on the mouth, then walked away. When it was time to leave with the only nice boy in the bar, the sassy rude thing who still sat uninvited next to me asked for a tip. I gave him 100 baht. 100 baht for someone uninvited - and again no fondling or any flashing - nothing at all. Sassy held out his hand and demanded, "No! You give me 500 baht." I looked at him to see if he was joking. He looked angry. I ignored him. About the same time the flirty gay mamasan came back over and asked for 500 baht. I ignored him, and left with the boy I offed. The whole 45 minute experience was nothing at all like any of the more than 50 visits I've made in the past to Krazy Dragon. I've taken visitors from 3 countries to that bar and always loved it, and came back for good inexpensive drinks, fun friendly atmosphere, and the mirror table tops with tons of hot guys bouncing around and around on them. But all of that is gone apparently... all the fun, almost all of the nice boys now are rude and greedy. The drinks are overpirced. The bar is almost empty of customers and boys. The good ol' days of Krazy Dragon are gone... and so is my business. I don't know the new owner, but if he's happy with running a business like this, then he's going to need some good luck.

Hi Arsenal,

Yes it is true, the boys are not allowed to wave their genitals in your face on any of the tables. While you may have liked it, the majority of customers who wouldn't come to the KD did not come because of that very thing. I have told the boys that if they are sitting with a customer and the play is discreet then that is OK, but not a public showing for the whole bar to witness. I'm happy to report that business has been very good since this policy was implemented regardless of what you might read about the demise of go-go bars in Sunee on the other forum.

I will endeavor to make the bar more like Hamley's as you suggest. I will see if the police will allow me to purchase a bunch of sex toys so that the boys can show them to the customers. Mind you as with Hamley's though you won't be able to play with the boys, only the toys. I'm sure that will do the trick for everyone. :sign5:

December 15th, 2012, 20:48
Firecat69 wrote:
And the reason they are closed is they were full of underage boys .

Hold on a minute, Firecat69! I wasn't referring to the closure of bars because they had underage boys. I never mentioned them. I simply said that as soon as the hands-on bars close, others soon open. And that there didn't seem to be a shortage of boys to please with sleaze. Sleaze and underage do not necessarily go hand in hand.

You have introduced an entirely new element into the discussion.

The Bar that is left...

There's more than one.

If you are discreet you can offer what is really wanted Underage Boys and wrap it up in sleaze.

I beg your pardon, Firecat69! I certainly do not want underage boys. In fact, if you read my report about Nice Boys, I think I mentioned I left because I thought the boys were "young."

many of them with some of the posters (by their own admission) here that are trumpeting how much they like the sleaze.

Name one of the posters!

these disgusting Bars

I reported in October on one BT bar that allowed 2 children in with their mother, who sat there ogling the guys on stage! I don't recall you calling that bar "disgusting." Unless, of course, I missed your post.

Which means many Gay Visitors have never set foot in Sunee and have no desire to.

Well, good luck to them. To each his own.

all the GoGo Bars in Sunee with the exception of NB have trouble getting a full complement of boys.

As I and others have reported, the bars do not seem to be having trouble getting boys.

Imagine boys wanting to work in a clean place with fair management

Firecat, what info do you have regarding the management practices of bars both areas?

where the customers have to show some respect to the boys who give them pleasure.

And how much more respect do you think the gogo boys in BT have for farangs who ogle at them and size them up as though they were in a meat market? Not much, I'd imagine. I'd like the boys to respect me because I treat them well, pay them well and am not too demanding. I think (hope) I get that type of respect. But respect for buying them for sex? No, I don't expect them to respect me for that, no matter what type of bar the boys are working in.

December 15th, 2012, 21:01
I won't be back in country for 2 weeks but your visit to KD happened immediately after he took over, so he does deserve a little time.

However if you are looking for sleeze , according tim you will not find it there. If he is able to fill the Bar up with an attractive variety of boys then he will do well even without the sleeze. If not he will be in for a long and lean year.

A447 I don't mean to paint you with a brush that you don't deserve and I have no intention of naming the posters here except anyone who posted about how much they loved Good Boys would be the perfect example. Almost every boy in there was underage and they have been closed hopefully permanently. Same goes for TomYums. Anyone that mentions that Bar in a positive light was supporting a bar whose main business was underage boys. I could go on and on. And you trying to compare some stupid parent who brought their children into a bar in BT with a Bar whose main business was underaged boys is just ridiculous.


December 15th, 2012, 21:49
Firecat, I reported back in July 2011 and January this year that the guys I saw working in Good boys were NOT underage. And there weren't any underage guys there in October of this year, either. That is why I originally asked you how up to date your info was.
And I wasn't criticizing the mother - I was criticizing the bar! My point was that, by and large, all the bars are the same - they are just after the money. Doesn't matter whether they are in BT or Sunee.
And you are still making the mistake of equating sleaze with underage boys. They are not necessarily the same!
If I didn't know better I'd accuse you of having a vested interest in BT as your account of Sunee is not accurate. OR It's out of date.

December 15th, 2012, 22:28
Firecat, I reported back in July 2011 and January this year that the guys I saw working in Good boys were NOT underage. And there weren't any underage guys there in October of this year, either. That is why I originally asked you how up to date your info was.
And I wasn't criticizing the mother - I was criticizing the bar! My point was that, by and large, all the bars are the same - they are just after the money. Doesn't matter whether they are in BT or Sunee.
And you are still making the mistake of equating sleaze with underage boys. They are not necessarily the same!
If I didn't know better I'd accuse you of having a vested interest in BT as your account of Sunee is not accurate. OR It's out of date.

Sorry it is not out of date at all. It is just better then it was. I notice you didn't have any comments about people who posted here that they love Good Boys, Tom Yum etc..

Since I prefer not to get the owner of this site in any trouble for bars still operating I will refer to the bar you mentioned and the one next to it as still having at certain times numerous underage boys. If you consider 5 weeks out of date then I will plead guilty but I doubt anything has changed since 5 weeks ago. I will be back again in 2 weeks and am quite sure nothing will have changed.

As far as me having a vested interest that is laughable. I have owned numerous bars in the USA and would never be stupid enough to own one in Thailand. Plus I am in Sunee many times both to see friends at Beer Bars and go with friends to (yes) Niceboys. My good friend likes the sleaze and so I attend as he does with me in BT.

There are various levels of sleaze and I don't equate the Jack wow on stage with what went on in GoodBoys and TomYum and New Sawatdee
(all closed). I don't enjoy it but to each his own. Will I leave if I see an underage boy. NO I don't consider myself at any risk unless the boy was sitting with me.

As far as me equating sleaze with underage boys, the type I am talking about occurred at the closed bars I mentioned and therefore equating them is completely reasonable.

December 16th, 2012, 04:21
I have to say that 447 is right in this argument. I have gone to Good Boys and they were not underage. Maybe there could have been ....I did not check every bois ID...but I did take one off to my condo and he was certainly the proper age! In fact the real butch ones look like 21 or so. I think you are exagerating firecat. I have had some sleazy fun in Good boys...but sleaze does not equate to underage.
I try all the bars on my short vacation. There are some nice straight boys that worked in Good Boys. In fact when I tried to get the cell of one, he reacted like I had broken some sacred rule. The other guys agreed that giving out a number was taboo. Too bad for the guy I liked as I would have met up with him this next trip and given him some work. If it stays closed, so be it, there is plenty of fun in Sunee...maybe Happy boys etc. My main objective is to pay the off fee and have a good time, between Sunee and Boys town the possiblities are endless.

December 16th, 2012, 09:55
firecat69 wrote:
I notice you didn't have any comments about people who posted here that they love Good Boys, Tom Yum etc..

That's right, because you and I are talking about 2 different things - sleaze and underage. You are combining them, while I am keeping them separate.
I didn't comment on GB because, as I said, the boys were all over age. I didn't comment on Tom Yum, because it referred to underage, which is a totally different topic. BTW I am certainly not denying Sunee's reputation or past. I have
posted my disgust many times on this board about boys I thought were way too young.

I don't equate the Jack wow on stage with what went on in GoodBoys and TomYum and New Sawatdee

As I said, you and I have seen a different Goodboys. So has rocket. I never went inside New Sawatdee and only once went into Tom Yum.

Will I leave if I see an underage boy. NO...

What I saw in Tom Yum made me feel ill. And angry. And disgusted. I left very quickly. But, as you say, to each his own. Mai pen rai.

As far as me equating sleaze with underage boys, the type I am talking about occurred at the closed bars I mentioned and therefore equating them is completely reasonable.

Yes, but as I (and rocket) said, they do not necessarily go hand in hand. You can have one without the other.

So I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. :tongue3:

December 16th, 2012, 12:11
Yes it is true, the boys are not allowed to wave their genitals in your face on any of the tables. While you may have liked it, the majority of customers who wouldn't come to the KD did not come because of that very thing...

"The majority of customers who wouldn't come to the KD" have never identified themselves and so cannot, by their very definition, be quantified or identified or questioned - so how you can possibly deduce why they were not coming is beyond me and beyond comprehension.

If this is an early indication of the acumen you intend to bring to the business, I'm not optimistic about the prospects for KD's future - especially now that it appears to have lost its sole USP - under your stewardship..

December 16th, 2012, 13:04
Netrix: First let me say I'm sorry that you had such a terrible experience at the Krazy Dragon. That being said, a couple of things come to mind. If a go-go boy comes over to you and you have no interest, why were you unable to tell him so and ask him to move on? Why did you bother to buy him a drink? If he was so annoying, instead of letting him ruin your evening, you should have asked one of the waiters to come and find me or the manager and we would have immediatly corrected any problems you were having with a boy. We don't have mamason's in the bar and I've stressed this quite often, I don't like it and most of the customers don't either. I'm not sure why one of the waiters would come over and give you a full on kiss, but again, if this happened, why did you not say something to me or the manager at the time? Boys/waiters demanding a 500 baht tip? I can't imagine any of the boys doing this, and I've not heard this from anyone else whose come to the bar, but again, if you were unhappy why didn't you say something at the time instead of waiting a week later to complain?

Let me stress this again to all of you. If there is a problem in the bar, please let me know so it can be dealt with right then and there. There is no reason for you to feel uncomfortable while you're in the bar, and if I don't know there's a problem, then I can't address it.

Marsilius: I think your focus is way too narrow. I was able to talk to many people who frequent Pattaya, since I always spent a lot of time in bars other than the Krazy Dragon. Many of these folks knew that I had purchased the bar and expressed their opinions as to why they would not come previously. Perhaps my use of the word "customer" was inappropriate for you. Based on most of the feedback, it appears that we're on the right track. It's too early to tell, and perhaps the bar will fail and my rosy colored outlook for the future of the bar will be crushed, but in the meantime, I have to try to make it fun and build it up while giving little attention to those who want to tear it down before its had time to develop.

December 16th, 2012, 14:34
Dragonmaster it is a shame that people who are critical of your format change were not supporting that format prior to your stewardship.

KD was a dying Bar. No Boys , no customers. It had been For Sale for years. Maybe you won't be able to revive it but the proof will be in the pudding.

The post by Netrix makes no sense at all to me. How can a regular visitor to Sunee be so intimidated as to buy drinks and give tips to people who just ask for them for no reason. If what he is saying is true then he needs to man up and learn how to say no.

A447 maybe we do have to agree to disagree but you need to understand they don't raid and close bars for sleaze. If they did Sunee would be a Ghost Town. So you trying to tell me there were no underage boys in GB is just ridiculous! That is why they are closed and why Tom Yum is closed and why New Sawatdee is closed etc etc etc. I take you at your word that when you went in to GB there were no underage boys . But your amount of time in there represents 1/10 of 1% of the time they were open during a year. They had plenty of underage boys whether you want to admit it or not.

I have already commented that Underage and Sleaze do not necessarily go hand in hand. However it is unusual for one to exist without the other and especially in Sunee which has a well deserved reputation for providing underage boys .

It is the same as drugs . If there were no drug users there would be no drug sellers. There would be no underage boys in Sunee if there were no customers. But there are!!

Thai Dyed
December 16th, 2012, 15:31
KD has been a complete bore for years. At least when Peter was alive I could get a ride on the back of his motorcycle and that was always a thrill.

December 16th, 2012, 16:30
Firecat69 wrote:
you need to understand they don't raid and close bars for sleaze.

I know. That's why I said sleaze and underage do not go hand in hand. You have (inadvertently) supported my argument.

So you trying to tell me there were no underage boys in GB is just ridiculous!

I take you at your word that when you went in to GB there were no underage boys .

There's a glaring contradiction here. I think you'd agree.

That is why they are closed and why Tom Yum is closed and why New Sawatdee is closed etc etc etc.

How do you know that is why those 2 bars closed? Do you have inside info? I'm not disagreeing with you here, just wondering where you got your info from.
And if that is true, how come Niceboys, where you visit with your farang friend, has not been closed for the same reason??
Or are you trying to tell me that Niceboys' guys are all of appropriate age?? When I was there, they certainly weren't!
I'd hazard a guess and say that Niceboys was coughing up the tea money and the other 2 weren't.

But your amount of time in there represents 1/10 of 1% of the time they were open during a year.

And I would suggest it would also represent the same percentage for any bar visitor, your good self included.

But I never said Goodboys did not have any underage boys. I never did. I said that I didn't see any on the nights I visited. Would I be surprised if I ever saw a young guy working there? No, of course not. But then, I would have walked straight out the door.

I have already commented that Underage and Sleaze do not necessarily go hand in hand.

No, you have not. In fact, you said the exact opposite. Here it is:

As far as me equating sleaze with underage boys, the type I am talking about occurred at the closed bars I mentioned and therefore equating them is completely reasonable.

And that observation was based on your spending "1/10 of 1% of any time they were open during a year."

Good Boys would be the perfect example. Almost every boy in there was underage

That's another comment of yours, presumably also based on the 1/10 of 1% calculation. What about the other 99.09% of the time when you weren'tthere??

There would be no underage boys in Sunee if there were no customers. But there are!!

Yes, I agree. And there would be no sleaze bars in Sunee if there were no customers. But there are!!

Bars come and go, especially in Sunee. Another version of Goodboys will probably open soon. Who knows?
And if one does reopen in Sunee and employs some underage boys, would I be surprised? No.

As I said, we should just agree to disagree.

December 16th, 2012, 17:33
I agree with your last statement anyways. "Yes, I agree. And there would be no sleaze bars in Sunee if there were no customers. But there are!!" But those sleaze Bars are disappearing by the minute and despite what you might wish for they are not re-opening.

At some point they will all be gone and then Sunee will finally be done with their well deserved reputation.

December 16th, 2012, 18:46
I agree with your last statement anyways. "Yes, I agree. And there would be no sleaze bars in Sunee if there were no customers. But there are!!" But those sleaze Bars are disappearing by the minute and despite what you might wish for they are not re-opening.

At some point they will all be gone and then Sunee will finally be done with their well deserved reputation.

Does that mean you want bars like Eros and Happy Boys to close? Plenty of what I call sleaze bue no underage boys. Just good dirty fun.
God help us if your wish comes to pass.
By the way I was in the 2 gogo bars in BT that have been put forward as shining examples to the rest of us and there was plenty of fondling going on. Some of it under a pillow but I guess that's OK.

December 16th, 2012, 20:08
I love the way some of you guys try to justify sleaze by making everything the same.

Like the Dragonmaster said discreet fondling when the boy is sitting with you is ok and I would imagine that goes on in movie theaters and clubs all over the world.

Some of the unacceptable sleaze to some at least is the customer jacking off the boy and yes even sucking off the boy. Preforming Prostate exams in full view. This is the sleaze that was acceptable at TomYum, Good Boys etc and those Bars are gone and customers who want that kind of sleaze will have a harder and harder time to find it.

For those of you that think that was acceptable, try spending some money and taking the boy home for Private sleaze. That is of course how the boys are able to make a living!!

December 16th, 2012, 21:29
Some of the unacceptable sleaze to some at least is the customer jacking off the boy and.....

But Firecat, you are missing the point. That is the raison d'etre of these bars! That is what they exist for. That is what they are offering the customers who like that type of activity. It is totally acceptable to jack-off a guy in a jack-off bar! Just like it it totally acceptable to off a guy if he parades himself on the stage of a gogo bar.
What don't you understand about that?
Now, if that is not your thing, then you have the option of staying away. And those who feel that offing guys from a gogo bar is not their thing, they also have the option of staying away. As long as the boys are of legal age, I don't have a problem. I just choose the type of bar and then go in and enjoy myself.
I would find it "unacceptable" to try and jack-off a boy in Funnyboys or Toyboys. So I don't even think about it. They are not that type of bar.

try spending some money and taking the boy home for Private sleaze. That is of course how the boys are able to make a living!!

Well, I did exactly that. Once. And I posted about it on this forum. It was a disaster. The guy from Goodboys was up for anything in the bar but became all shy and unwilling back in the room.
Also, I think the boys make more money just sitting in the bar waiting to be serviced by the customers. They get their drink fee and, of course, get paid every time they cum. Easy, peasy.
But what seemed even more important in GB was that the guys loved mucking around together in the bar. Sometimes they ignored the customers and just partied amongst themselves.

As Pennyboy pointed out, not all is above board and sleaze-less (ouch!) in BT either. I saw a customer ravishing the boys in Showbar back in October; plenty of hands-on action on the chair next to the door, as he called them down from the stage, one by one, to inspect the goods.
Does that count as "sleaze" in your book?
And then there's also the example of the little bar in the little soi just a few metres from Happy Place. I won't mention its name, but I have been told (and I think it has been reported here, too) that they have underage boys and it's an anything-goes bar.
Does that count as "sleaze" in your book?
And yes, there is fondling in the back stalls of at least one of the bars in the Cafe Royale soi. Maybe it's the same bar Pennyboy was referring to.
Does that count as "sleaze" in your book?
Oh, and let's not forget the underage boys dancing in an upstairs bar next to X-boys.

So Firecat, maybe you need to look a little closer to home before you criticise Sunee. Sleaze and underage go on everywhere. It appears to be simply a matter of degree.

I know what I am comfortable with and draw the line accordingly. I expect you do the same.

December 16th, 2012, 22:01
"I know what I am comfortable with and draw the line accordingly. I expect you do the same."

That is exactly the point I and the police and new Bar owners and others have drawn the line and those establishments that you love so much are going out of business. You can argue with me all you want but the type of sleaze that you enjoy is disappearing fast in Sunee and does not exist in BT.

So enjoy those bars because you won't have them forever!!!

December 16th, 2012, 23:18
And you can enjoy soon all the remaining bars for you alone with their owners and police. Nobody needs a bar without fun. Some time ago had my last big party in KD with 11 boys around my table. We had some bottles and many other drinks. Had fun with 7 of them and took 4 off to my appartment in Mosaik. We had a bill of around 18000 baht and the boys got each 1000 baht in the bar. It is the only reason to visit a gogo bar to have fun.
Stayed in KL and my bills for fun = 0 Cent. Not difficult to guess where i will go next when there is no bar anymore in LOS.
So enjoy your bars!!!

December 17th, 2012, 00:34
I guess KD will miss all those high spending nights???

December 17th, 2012, 00:55
I visit Pattaya because i can do it!! I dont need your permit!
Oh you changed your text quickly. I dont care if they miss me. Still have contact to some boys of KD.

December 17th, 2012, 01:04
Certainly better then getting caned and having your lover hanged in KL. Malaysia very progressive country for gays. I think they may have just made it out of the 14th century.

December 17th, 2012, 07:07
I visited the various Sunee Gogos during my November trip. The number is now rather depleted compared with Sunee,s heyday of four or five years ago. We all know the reasons - bad publicity and the crackdown by the boys in brown concerning underaged boys and drugs. Back home I never mention visiting Sunee as many gays have heard of its bad reputation.
I saw a lot of what could be described as sleaze mostly by customers fondling the boys but I did not judge any to be obviously underage. But how does one know apart from examining ID cards ? and of course that's not infallible.
I didn't visit KD as in the past I didn't find the type of boy I look for which are slim twinks. If the law says that sex with sub 18,s is illegal then I must go along with that.

December 17th, 2012, 15:18
firecat....I find it incomprehensible the way you try to impose your morals/way of working on me...or the rest of us...who died and made you moral queen of sunee...most of my straight friends would be horrified at the thought of gogo bars where flesh can be bought like a slave auction...but you think thats acceptable...please note that in some countries just being gay is a death penalty...in others it means subtle discrimination where promotion and general career advancement is concerned.
As long as you are obeying the laws of the country you are visiting as well as the one you reside in then anything goes...in my opinion. Sure I've enjoyed the semi-public anything goes atmosphere at good boys...its great fun...if you dont like it please dont frequent the place...but stop playing the islamic moral police ...if I want to fondle a rent "man"in public...and that includes exploring every orifice...oral sex...chuck wow...plse dont object...there are other bars that cater for your needs.
I enjoy pick a gogo "man"off the stage..whipping his clothes off...laying him across my lasp..and fondling hin non stop while he tries to reach a happy ending so he can collect hin tip...while his friends watch and jeer...I enjoy treating him like a disposable sex object..part of the turn on.
FYI in Europe...Paris(l'├нmpact) Amsterdam( club church, fuxx) Barcelona...there are naked sex bars/clubs...you pay an entrance fee...whip your clothes off...and dive in...people are fucking in public...do you also want to put a halt to that??? sound pretty sleazy..perverted to me!!!
I can wander down the ramblas in Barcelona any evening and pick up a north african arab rent "man" for less than тВм50...do what I like...particularly like analizing that lot...since its so prohibited by their moralistic society...
firecat if your idea of a great evening out is sitting in a church pew and discretely selecting a gogo boy...then fine..no problem...but pleeeease don't impose your moral code on me...as long as we are all consenting adults..comprehendo???

December 17th, 2012, 15:26
Firecat69, here are some of your quotes from posts in this thread:

And the reason they are closed is they were full of underage boys .

If you are discreet you can offer what is really wanted Underage Boys

just plain flaunted the underage boys

a good % of the underaged boys have been removed. Until they are all removed Sunee will continue to suffer from a well earned bad reputation.

was supporting a bar whose main business was underage boys.

But you went and contradicted your outrage at underage guys by posting this:

I am in Sunee many times both to see friends at Beer Bars and go with friends to (yes) Niceboys.............Will I leave if I see an underage boy. NO I don't consider myself at any risk unless the boy was sitting with me.

First of all, are you trying to tell me you didn't see any underage kids in Niceboys?? Surely not!
And didn't the mamasan approach you (as she did me, and everyone who came into the bar) to inform you that some boys were only available for sex in the room upstairs, as they could not be taken back to hotels, owing to their age???
And if you feel so much outrage, why would you admit that you would stay in a place where you saw underage boys?? You are giving your tacit approval to what you have (rightly) criticised here; viz. the employment of underage guys in Sunee bars. You are willing to overlook the underage problem, simply because you will not be at any risk!! What about the boys???? Are they at risk of being the victims of pedophiles sitting in the bar? Where's you concern for the welfare of these kids???

Yes Sunee has always been the capitol of sleaze in Pattaya. Must be why they have so many police raids and bars out of business!!

But then you wrote:

need to understand they don't raid and close bars for sleaze.


those establishments that you love so much are going out of business.

What establishments (plural) have I said I love so much??? I only ever mentioned Goodboys. What other bars did you have in mind for me? Please name them here by quoting from my posts in this thread.

Firecat69, your posts on this thread have been confusing, illogical and full of contradictions.

Latin wrote:
as long as we are all consenting adults

That just about sums it up.

December 17th, 2012, 17:33
firecat....I find it incomprehensible the way you try to impose your morals/way of working on me...or the rest of us...who died and made you moral queen of sunee...most of my straight friends would be horrified at the thought of gogo bars where flesh can be bought like a slave auction...but you think thats acceptable...please note that in some countries just being gay is a death penalty...in others it means subtle discrimination where promotion and general career advancement is concerned.
As long as you are obeying the laws of the country you are visiting as well as the one you reside in then anything goes...in my opinion. Sure I've enjoyed the semi-public anything goes atmosphere at good boys...its great fun...if you dont like it please dont frequent the place...but stop playing the islamic moral police ...if I want to fondle a rent "man"in public...and that includes exploring every orifice...oral sex...chuck wow...plse dont object...there are other bars that cater for your needs.
I enjoy pick a gogo "man"off the stage..whipping his clothes off...laying him across my lasp..and fondling hin non stop while he tries to reach a happy ending so he can collect hin tip...while his friends watch and jeer...I enjoy treating him like a disposable sex object..part of the turn on.
FYI in Europe...Paris(l'├нmpact) Amsterdam( club church, fuxx) Barcelona...there are naked sex bars/clubs...you pay an entrance fee...whip your clothes off...and dive in...people are fucking in public...do you also want to put a halt to that??? sound pretty sleazy..perverted to me!!!
I can wander down the ramblas in Barcelona any evening and pick up a north african arab rent "man" for less than тВм50...do what I like...particularly like analizing that lot...since its so prohibited by their moralistic society...
firecat if your idea of a great evening out is sitting in a church pew and discretely selecting a gogo boy...then fine..no problem...but pleeeease don't impose your moral code on me...as long as we are all consenting adults..comprehendo???

Anyone that reads this should read it carefully so they understand what a truly disgusting person you are. "Treat the boys like disposable sex objects". Anyone that agrees with this deserves the filth that used to exist in Sunee and exists no more. Take your disgusting self and go to a room where decent people don't have to see you or listen to you. That is now your only choice in Sunee. So get Lost!!! And A447 if you agree with this kind of treatment then you should join him in his room.

December 17th, 2012, 17:51
And A447 if you agree with this kind of treatment then you should join him in his room.

Please, Firecat69, get your shit together and think carefully before you post. You are making yourself look irrational and a little foolish.

Nowhere did I say I agreed with "this kind of treatment." If I did, can you please quote directly from my post? If you can't, then you are just making things up. And that is not acceptable on this board.

BTW I was kind of hoping you would comment on

a) why you see fit to patronize a bar with underage boys

b) why you see fit to remain in a bar with underage boys, as well as

b) tell me the names of those other bars I apparently love.

Firecat69, I am in complete agreement with your distaste of bars with underage boys. I share your disgust, despite the apparent contradiction in your posts.

However, we are all adults here and none of us needs to be told by you that your level of sleaze is the only one acceptable. We can decide for ourselves.

Enjoy your Schadenfreude. It won't last long, judging from past events in Sunee.

December 17th, 2012, 18:02
And A447 if you agree with this kind of treatment then you should join him in his room.

Please, Firecat69, get your shit together and think carefully before you post. You are making yourself look irrational.

Nowhere did I say I agreed with "this kind of treatment." If I did, please quote directly from my post, rather than just make things up.

BTW I was kind of hoping you would comment on why you see fit to remain in a bar with underage boys, as well as tell me the names of those other bars I apparently love.

Firecat69, I am in complete agreement with your distaste of bars with underage boys.

I did plainly say if because I doubted that you would agree with that and you have confirmed what I suspected.

The Bar I mention seeing an underage boy in really has to do with timing. Since the owner spent some time in jail and paid an enormous fine he has been much more discreet. ThereforeI have gone in there and ordered a drink and after some time may but not always see what I think is and underage boy. Usually by that time I have finished my drink and I am never in there more then 1 drink. Prior to his long jail term I would look in and never enter because it was so obvious. Also the reason I never entered Good Boys or Tom Yum.

I don't doubt that you may have entered Good Boys when there were no underage boys. Timing is everything. Every time I looked in my eyes told me to not enter.

December 17th, 2012, 18:39
...I have gone in there and ordered a drink and after some time may but not always see what I think is an underage boy...

Fucksake - with cast-iron, reliable, evidence such as this I'm surprised the bar is still open and the owner has not been sentenced to life-imprisonment.

December 17th, 2012, 18:40
a447 certainly does not agree with me (here I go again defending him...), in fact he believes that every single gogo off actually likes and loves him..and makes passionate love because he's turned on by a447...that the wad of cash that a447 handsover has nada to do with it....quite the opposite to me..I know what I want..and what I have to do to get it...but again firecat how would you like it if I prohibited you from entering gay venues, if I banned all gay venues because they are full of shirt lifting ankle grabbers...depraved homos...like saudi arabia...because in my opinion anything that deviates from the heterosexual missionary position is sleazy perverted...stop trying to impose your morals on me..as long as we are all consenting adults its none of your business...get it!! NO censorship...if you dont like all the public groping..chuck wow...and general in your face sleaze dont watch..even better dont frequent the bar...if I want a KD gogo "man"to impale himself om my middle finger while I pull at his junk...all for a 50 bht tip...dont look....

December 17th, 2012, 18:48

December 17th, 2012, 18:55
relax...I spit on it first....:)

December 17th, 2012, 19:00
I'm sorry I thought you might understand but you obviously did not. What I meant was that you were really pushing the bar of my new policy that I was not going to get involved in any way unless someone really pushed the bar. I do believe you may have put your big toe slightly over my decency line.

December 17th, 2012, 19:17
Firecat69 wrote:
the owner spent some time in jail and then wrote:

Prior to his long jail term

So....was it just some time or a long time? Another apparent contradiction.

If you knew of the bar's reputation (the owner went to jail) and you also know that he now has to be "discreet" (presumably so as not to be caught with underage kids), why would you enter into such a bar, given your abhorrence of underage guys???

ThereforeI have gone in there and ordered a drink

Well, you shouldn't have. Your own posts on this topic suggest that!

I am never in there more then 1 drink.

But what about your friend? Remember him? You go in there to keep him company 'cos he likes that kind of thing. Do you just have 1 drink and go outside and wait for him?? Something doesn't quite add up here, Firecat.

In a previous post you wrote:

I never entered Good Boys

and then you wrote:

..... Good Boys would be the perfect example. Almost every boy in there was underage

How would you know? Yet another apparent contradiction.

Firecat, can't you even get your story straight??

You just keep digging a deeper and deeper hole for yourself.

Latin wrote:
a447 certainly does not agree with me (here I go again defending him...), in fact he believes that every single gogo off actually likes and loves him..and makes passionate love because he's turned on by a447...that the wad of cash that a447 handsover has nada to do with it...

Come on now, Latin. You know perfectly well that I always describe the boys as "good actors." And that it is a kind of "business arrangement." As for that "wad of cash," well maybe I can actually afford to pay the guys well.

December 17th, 2012, 19:37
My story is completely straight and you pulling a sentence out here and there does nothing to change that.

Bottom line one of your favorite Bars is gone and Good Riddance. You say you did not go into some of those other Bars. Maybe Maybe Not.

The sleaze you like is disappearing and will be completely gone and you can throw wads of money in your room for your enjoyment. Because what you used to enjoy is no longer there. Those are the facts and all your spouting won't change a thing.

December 17th, 2012, 20:16
I'm not pulling out a sentence here and there. I'm quoting you word for word.

I suggest you quote me word for word. That way you'll stop putting words into my mouth!

You say you did not go into some of those other Bars.

No, I didn't. Quote me where I did.

And I know Goodboys has gone. It's hardly hot news. It has been reported previously. But no need to rub it in, Firecat!

I'm just surprised that you can feel so happy about that, yet have no qualms about Niceboys remaining open, given all you've said about it. I would have thought you'd be saying "Good Riddance" to Niceboys, considering its reputation. But you are not.

That's the story you don't seem to be able to get straight. You are showing yourself to be a hypocrite.

you can throw wads of money in your room for your enjoyment. Because what you used to enjoy is no longer there.

Do you think I go to Pattaya just to visit Goodboys?? I never said that.

Again, you are putting words into my mouth. What on earth makes you think that? I have posted bar reports lots of times over the years and Goodboys is hardly ever mentioned. Bar boys, however, feature prominently. So no need for me to stay in my room, is there now!

And as for "spouting" I'm the one continually seeking clarification of your spouting. But you never attempt to clarify anything.

Keep digging!

December 17th, 2012, 20:26
I have to say that firecat's post reminds me of that old joke where the prude was so disgusted by what he saw on Monday night he had to go back 6 nights running to make sure.

December 17th, 2012, 20:54
...wish I'd thought of that retort...reminds me of the little old lady who complained to the police that if she stood on a chair and peered out of her bathroom window she could see a naked man in the bathroom opposite...

December 17th, 2012, 20:58
...on another note I will be back in Pats next year March and certainly hope that goodboys type sleaze returns...

December 17th, 2012, 21:09
Or the two nuns on a trip into the village, who telephoned the Mother Superior to tell her that twice a disgusting pervert had jumped out of the bushes and flashed his cock at them.

After the Mother Superior has expressed her sympathy and the conversation was over,

Sister Mary said "Sister Philomena, don't exaggerate - it only happened the once"

To which Sister Philomena replied "Yes, Sister Mary - but we'll be sure to go back same way, won't we?"


December 17th, 2012, 21:42
...on another note I will be back in Pats next year March and certainly hope that goodboys type sleaze returns...
Yes and I am sure all those disposable sex objects just can't wait for your return!. Right!!

December 17th, 2012, 22:50
...been in many......many...many...gogo bars in Thailand...many a time...and to date have NEVER been thrown out of one...YET...have pushed my luck and come close...but nothing that a 500bht tip to the mamasan didn't smooth over...after all its all about money....
I believe the gogo "men"prefer my type of customer...no pretense...just business strictly speaking....

December 17th, 2012, 23:17
Firecat: You are quite wrong about your asertion that the bars for sleaz/fun are disappearing. There's plenty of them in both BT and Sunnee. I also think that a boy is pretty happy with a 200 Baht tip plus whatever he makes in commission on the drink for about twenty minutes of his time.

In fact there seems to be a new bar model appearing that began with G.U.Y and has continued with the new bar opposite Goodboys. Namely a cross between a beer bar and a Gogo. The boys are clothed but fun is still there to be had.

December 18th, 2012, 00:02
arsenal...I fear firecat may be right...the sleazy junk in your face type bars are dissapearing...BKK still has a few...like golden cock and nature boy...but good old goodboys if indeed it is closed may take a while to resurface...

December 18th, 2012, 00:04
Heheheheh It would be a very short list of people who give a boy 200 baht for sitting with them and even a much shorter line in Sunee. Name me one Bar in BT with audience participation sleaze that Latin etc wants. You cannot!

December 18th, 2012, 00:11
I can name 2 but you can wait long time before i would do. Just to protect them. It is time you will clean your pink glasses. It is all about money only.

December 18th, 2012, 02:35
I can name 2 but you can wait long time before i would do. Just to protect them. It is time you will clean your pink glasses. It is all about money only.

Sure the generous ones need protection?? I would not be on the list most times.. 100 baht is sufficient in most cases although many times I just tip a boy or boys 100 on stage .

Anyone who give them 200 for a quick visit is very generous and I salute them. IMHO the boys do a very difficult job and bring a lot of joy to older farangs.

They deserve to be respected for the job they do and for the fact they are human beings, Anyone who treats them like disposable sex objects deserves to receive our disgust.

December 18th, 2012, 06:50
atri666 wrote:
I can name 2 but you can wait long time before i would do.

I didn't name them either, but I did point out to Firecat exactly where they were located. He's either in total denial re sleaze/underage in BT, or can not see it through his rose coloured glasses. Sleaze does exist in BT - it's all a matter of degree. But sleaze is sleaze. Underage is underage.

Firecat wrote:
Sure the generous ones need protection??

Once again, your lack of English comprehension skills are on display. Atri is not talking about protecting generous customers. He's talking about protecting the sleaze bars from any repercussions.

Latin wrote:
the sleazy junk in your face type bars are dissapearing...

But they'll be back.

Plus ca change, plus ca reste la meme chose!

December 18th, 2012, 08:01
Dream on!!!

December 18th, 2012, 09:46
Oh yes had a wonderful night. Thanks

December 18th, 2012, 14:45
Firecat: You're trolling.
You squabbled with anyone who'd listen on GB and when that topic was locked you nipped over hear to squabble with some more people. Many of us say that we can find the fun in Pattaya so for you to say we can't is ridiculous, we can and we do. In fact it's just as much of fun finding the fun as it is enjoying the fun when we've found it.
And unless you possess a crystal ball you cannot say what will happen in the future.

December 18th, 2012, 15:17
I dunno theres a lotta guys on here who claim they know exactly how a posters feels thinks or believes if you read there posts maybe both firecat69s balls are crystal.

Thai Dyed
December 18th, 2012, 16:09
Firecat: You're trolling.
You squabbled with anyone who'd listen on GB and when that topic was locked you nipped over hear to squabble with some more people. Many of us say that we can find the fun in Pattaya so for you to say we can't is ridiculous, we can and we do. In fact it's just as much of fun finding the fun as it is enjoying the fun when we've found it.
And unless you possess a crystal ball you cannot say what will happen in the future.

Exactly arsenal! Exactly!

December 18th, 2012, 16:38
I think its a great service LaBoss provides by allowing posters to tell where underage boys can be got much better than the previous management who didnt allow any discussiuon.

December 18th, 2012, 16:49
brisbane...thats really uncalled for...super trolling...you sure know how to offend and how to shut down a thread....real cowardly to hide behind an anonymous moniker and hurl unsubstantiated accusations...I believe that daboss has always been quite vigilant where the promotion of evil is concerned...plse think before you post...

December 18th, 2012, 19:27
There is a difference between having a discussion reference to places that may hav promoted underage sex and have been closed, thank goodness, rather than "promoting" underage sex. So far I do believe that you are keeping it that way.

December 19th, 2012, 00:58
Since a certain notorious bar closed years ago, I have never seen any boys who looked remotely underage in BT.

I have read a447's comments - and can only say that I personally have not noticed anything untoward in the BT bars he has alluded to.
That's not to say he's wrong, just that I didn't notice anything of that nature. :dontknow:

December 19th, 2012, 02:25
...honestly...the way u chaps carry on....notorious!!!....I've been popping in and out of thailand for the last 8 years and can honestly say I'm the naughtiest thing around...and thats pretty vanilla in my book....

January 13th, 2013, 18:11
Netrix: First let me say I'm sorry that you had such a terrible experience at the Krazy Dragon. That being said, a couple of things come to mind. If a go-go boy comes over to you and you have no interest, why were you unable to tell him so and ask him to move on? Why did you bother to buy him a drink? If he was so annoying, instead of letting him ruin your evening, you should have asked one of the waiters to come and find me or the manager and we would have immediatly corrected any problems you were having with a boy. We don't have mamason's in the bar and I've stressed this quite often, I don't like it and most of the customers don't either. I'm not sure why one of the waiters would come over and give you a full on kiss, but again, if this happened, why did you not say something to me or the manager at the time? Boys/waiters demanding a 500 baht tip? I can't imagine any of the boys doing this, and I've not heard this from anyone else whose come to the bar, but again, if you were unhappy why didn't you say something at the time instead of waiting a week later to complain?

Thanks for the apology. Yes exactly what happened as I described it. I'm not exactly a frequent visitor of the bars, maybe one weekend a month. I live here and travel a lot. I gave the boy a drink because he asked. I'm a nice guy. The sassy queeny guy who kissed me wanted me to off him. He was just being flirty. But demanding a tip was absurd. KD and Corner Bar were the only bars I used to go to in Sunee. Not much reason to go back. I didn't ask for you because I don't know you and wouldn't recognize you if you were sitting with me. All I was saying is the bar used to be fun. Now it's the opposite of fun. Hire some gogo boys and teach your staff to never ask for a drink or tip uninvited, and offer me a free drink and I'll be back. Maybe.