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December 13th, 2012, 09:24
If smoking is allowed then I will smoke, if not then I will go outside. Smoking is illegal but then so is prostitution. You can't demand that one law be enforced while happily enjoying the blind eye turned to the other. I like to sit in X-Boys and puff away on endless Marlboro Lights like a steam train.

December 13th, 2012, 13:33
Good luck with that argument arsenal - I made the same one some months ago and got all kinds of shit thrown at me. :sign5:

December 13th, 2012, 13:44
Better still, smoke the boys : just as dangerous to the health as smoking cigarettes. :boxing:

December 13th, 2012, 20:26
and they have more taste than Marlboro Lights

December 13th, 2012, 20:37
I was in Happy Place last week and even they were handing out the ash trays...Yuck.

December 13th, 2012, 20:46
If smoking is allowed then I will smoke, if not then I will go outside. Smoking is illegal but then so is prostitution. You can't demand that one law be enforced while happily enjoying the blind eye turned to the other. I like to sit in X-Boys and puff away on endless Marlboro Lights like a steam train.

Yes, but illegal prostitution does not bother me whereas reckless behaviour just as smoking Marlboros in bars does. I wished I could count on your avoiding smoking in bars and instead smoking Marlboros and perhaps even cocks outside ... Thanks for your understanding! :8(

December 13th, 2012, 21:34
A very unpleasant image from my trip was this caucasian guy smoking in a bar in soi twilight.

December 13th, 2012, 22:59
why not light up a cigar? :dontknow:

December 13th, 2012, 23:05
I left Fresh Boys when they allowed one of the customers to start smoking.

Interesting show there. I've never seen the thing with the tennis balls and bowling pins before.

December 13th, 2012, 23:31
...honestly under which rock have you been living...the same show is also performed at x boys (next door) with ping pong balls and a green faux golf hole...fuck show is also excellent at x-boys...

December 14th, 2012, 09:54
sorry I guess I don't spend as much time at gogo bar shows as you do.

December 14th, 2012, 11:38
For those that still smoke and consider it their right, please think again. My bf now has health consequences because of second hand cigarette smoke from when he was working in a bar as explained by his doctor. Please take your habit outside.

December 14th, 2012, 12:30
UP2U: That is a very fair point. Anyway I was actually only doing a little gentle trolling because some of the non smokers on this board are borderline internet terrorists with their views. As it happens I enjoy going outside X-Boys for a smoke and watching the street activity. Last time while I was sitting there a stunning boy bounded up to me, I had offed him a couple of times about a year ago. He told where he worked and I was able to off him again.

December 14th, 2012, 15:55
In European rent bars/areas, I have always found a pack of cigarettes to be almost a magnet for attracting and initiating conversation with the "workers".

In Thailand of course, completely unnecessary - it's a cattle-prod you need to keep some at a distance - but I can see how standing in the Soi with your ciggie can be a conversation opener and lead to unexpected offers.

December 14th, 2012, 16:33
...you need ciggies to initiate a social contact in Thailand....like R U a total introvert...like a 35 year old still living in your parents basement.......

December 14th, 2012, 17:12
Latintopxxx- I hope whoever your comment was directed at will respond, because I know you thrive on it.

I'm sure it can't have been me because I explicitly stated that it was unnecessary to "flash the fags" in Thailand, and merely said that I could see how the outdoor ciggie-clique could lead to conversation striking up between these persecuted souls.

Further and FYI, I'm well over 35 and my (personally-owned) 13ft deep basement is where I keep the Spanking bench, the Rope-Lacing and Bondage tables, the Sling, and the Cross (St Andrew's of course!).
If you wish to visit, drop a PM dear (and don't forget too bring your own gimp suit) - we'll be waiting for you :evil4:


December 14th, 2012, 20:37
I've no objection to going out to smoke - I'm used to it here in Dublin. Last trip I enjoyed smoking a boy out on my balcony at Mosaik - not something I routinely do here at home, I hasten to add. :laughing3:

December 14th, 2012, 22:08
Smoking is illegal but then so is prostitution. You can't demand that one law be enforced while happily enjoying the blind eye turned to the other.
I was tought, at five years old, that 2 wrongs dont make a right.
What were you tought?

December 14th, 2012, 23:30
Smoking is illegal but then so is prostitution. You can't demand that one law be enforced while happily enjoying the blind eye turned to the other.
I was tought, at five years old, that 2 wrongs dont make a right.
What were you tought?

Not to be a hypocrite maybe?


December 15th, 2012, 09:22
Gerefan2: I was taught how to spell taught.

December 15th, 2012, 18:58
oh oh...the spelling police is out in force...my dear its english...anything goes...if it was a democracy then indian english would count and you'd be screwed...probably for the 1st time in your pedantic life..

December 15th, 2012, 21:27
Latinpox: It's the spelling police ARE out in force.

January 28th, 2013, 07:46
2nd hand smoke, the biggest gun in the Anti-smoking nazi's arsenal. Like it or not smokers have rights also. The right not to be attacked by those who feel their moral superiority gives them the right to be intrusive and abusive toward smokers. I did notice in 2011/2012 after a long hiatus in my travels, that most go go bars I attended were in fact non-smoking.It was explained to me by a couple of bar owners, their main concern was the risk of fires which could possibly be the result of an accident with a lit ciggie. If you get to the real root of the anti smoking lobby a large percentage of them object not so much to the 2nd hand smoke propaganda as they do to the smell. If you dont like to be in a venue because smoking is allowed follow the example of the gent who left the venue when a smoker lit up. Do it quietly without causing any fuss as do most smokers when they are not allowed to light up indoors.
Sistersledgehammer legitimately brought up the health damage caused to themselves by drinkers., if you are so health conscious that my health as a smoker concerns you (which it doesn't), put down your numerous G&Ts and be concerned about your own health.
As can be duduced from my post I am a smoker (for over 40 years) and I do sometimes feel concerned that my health staus is adversely affected, but hey when I started the fuss about heath and 2nd hand smoke were not often touted, it was only after I was trapped in the addiction cycle that I realised taking up smoking was possibly not the wisest thing I could have done.
I think Buaseng's post was possibly not intended to become a debate but was simply sharing some information he thought might be of interest. Well it obviously is Buaseng :happy7: My venting here was mainly directed at the Anti-smoking nazis and whingers, we smokers have been marginalised, accept your victory and quietly steer clear of us.
One final thought. question:Banning smoking on planes, good idea or bad idea??? Answer: More detrimental than we are led to believe

January 28th, 2013, 08:26
Banning smoking on planes, good idea or bad idea???

Good idea. Naked flame is banned from all aircraft under the International Air Safety Regulations.

Answer: More detrimental than we are led to believe

How so?

I only smoke when I'm travelling. Any left over ciggies go straight in the bin when I arrive back home. I always insist on smoking outside the bars, even though the waiters tell me I can smoke inside. I tell them I go outside because some customers don't like it. I think the waiters believe I may do a runner...lol

January 28th, 2013, 09:05
The right not to be attacked by those who feel their moral superiority gives them the right to be intrusive and abusive ...We could start with Beachlover and his constant tyrades against us old guys who pay for sex with young Asain guys if were goin to start on moral superiority.

A freind sent me this from a straight sex sight about moral superiority:

I have a good idea of how Thailand is seen in Sweden. First of all it comes down directly to your social group. If you are educated and work a white collar job, participating in the naughty nightlife is very much a no-no. In that case you need a solid alibi for just visiting Thailand because the suspicion that you're up to no good will always be there and if these suspicions are somehow proven it's a social and professional killer. If you go there to live it would probably be seen positively if you were on a genuine expat package for a known international company or worked with the embassy. But even then it's questionable if it would be a plus on your CV. Handle things right and get the right position and it could be viewed neutrally. But a stint owning a bar or working a low-end job, or even worse, a "sabbatical" year is a definite minus. Going there to work for a local enterprise, even in a good position, would not be a plus. In these circles backpacking is completely OK but a male going alone will be met with suspicion. I know, because I have 10 visits over the last 9 years and have had to be careful to try to maintain my cover stories up to the point of inventing where I have been, usually picking one of the neighbouring countries as my main destination even though I only visited briefly and spent most of my holiday in Thailand. Pattaya cannot be mentioned under any circumstances! Of course I go as a sex tourist and I know some might suspect this fact but I have built a careful cover story including Thailand based friends I visit. "Where are you going?" "Well, I like Asia very much because it's so easy and safe to travel around there. I will be going to Vietnam and plan on starting in Hanoi and then going south by bus. That will be my main destination. Then I have my friend X who lives in Bangkok working for Y so I'll pay him a visit on the way home. Have you visited Vietnam?" Think up that cover story, learn it and stick with it. That's what one needs to do. Or stop being a naughty boy, which is not (yet) an option for me. However, in less educated groups in society and especially in male-dominated blue collar workplaces there is virtually no stigma at all. There you could, in most places, be pretty upfront with what you've been up to. That is, if you plan on remaining in that social position. Myself, I move in both groups so I keep my trap shut and stay with my cover story so there are no rumours - or less rumours and no proof at least.