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December 10th, 2012, 09:11
For those of you who asked for it and those who want to read a sort description, I arrived in Siem Reap late Saturday night. We took a tuk tuk around town but it was dark outside so you can't see too much. Had dinner at a Mexican place where some was good and some was bad. I miss Sunrise Taco! The gay bars were deader than dead with not one customer or boy. Well Station had two boys. One I would rather no discuss and one just a doll. I asked if I could see hom the next day at 4 and he said that he could not see falang during the day so I went back to the hotel. Yesterday we did Ankor Wat. Fabulous and unbelievable. Bee and I will go back before I leave.
The hotel is really tpop notch. Well I dont know where we are going today but need to go as they are all waiting for me.

December 10th, 2012, 23:09
Well I have a bit more time so I will brief those who want to hear my opinions on Siem Reap here.

As I mentioned before we all arrived here late on Saturday so we took a Tuk Tuk and rode around in the late evening. These tuk tuks are much easier to get into than Bankok's. The city really is old time fun, parties and lot's of innocence. Smiles are retuned by the young men and when I say returned, they smile a bit, start to turn away and then I can see them thinking and then turn back and look at me. When they see I am still looking I seem to get this sexual smile as they understand what I may want. Who knows?

Well I went back to the Men's-Resort after dinner and had a nice sleep. The rooms are wonderful!! There are many boys around the pool and suana although I have not indulged myself. Wonderful ammenities and great looking rooms. There was not anything I could ask for.

The next day we went to see the ruins of Ankor Wat. Astounding when you think of it and how old it is and how they built it. Bee, my other half was so wanting to show me the beauties of his country and was as proud as anyone could be that I was with him here.
Back to the hotel for a nap at 4pm ish and checking out the bars afterwards. I chose not to go but Bee and his freind said the bars were hoppin!

Today we all went up to he floating village via skit lare than the ones in Bangkok. Was a bit scary with no life jackets and maybe A 15 year old as the Captain and maybe a 12 year old as his assistant! Well we got to the floating village and somehow got through the 10 or so kids looking for money. We decided to order some of the local dishes and made sure I ordered far too much. I invited our tuk tuk drivers, the captain and his mate and they all filled up. The look on the tuk tuk and boat drivers faces eating was wonderful as they told us later that no one in their lifetime had ever invited them to eat with the and the boat boys eating was fun to watch. We still had too much food and invited several kids over to eat with us. Then we returned to the hotel.

Oh and I forgot! At breakfast somehow bit my tongue and with the dialysis and so many medications making my blood like water, kept it bleeding profusely about 2 hours this morning, so we had a late start.

Well there are absolutely hot hot hot boys here and I would be surprised if some of these houses are not owned by falang. Build a real nice house in the village and they know you have money and would be tempted to come around. I could readily see how the situation could be abused with falang looking for younger boys and was really upset about this. Quite innocent, quite young and wanting to wave hello and be friendly.

Well tomorrow is another day and I am not sure where we are going yet. We all are aware I should be at the hospital tomorrow getting dialisys and I will try and skip it as there are no machines here and go Thursday hoping that an emergency does not arise. We shall see as this will be the only time I can come here because they cannot treat me and the amount of time you need here is more than2 days.

Yes A447, definitely worth the trip! :sign5:

December 12th, 2012, 05:48
Well the final day in Siem Reap brought us back to the ruins of Akgnor Wat. Really an unbelievable place for touristy stuff and then spent the second part of the day just riding around this really great city.

I have to say that it is nothing like Pattaya and is much more like Chaing Mei. If you find Chaing Mei boring this fabulous place will be just the same except that I found most boys I made passes at werer keen to my suggestions. Last night it was a waiter boy at our favorite bar b que place.

Well the old body has so far withstood missing a dialysis session and we pack and leave for Pattaya today, stopping at bee's mother's place to see her. Not sure how this will go but as she already knows she has at least one flamming ladyboy in her family, I think her tough boy turning out to be a gay boy won't be too bad as that's where her support comes from. Well the ladyboy and the toughie boy and I will decend upon her shack today and spend an hour there and then go for the boarder.

Personally I love the boarder between Thailand and Cambodia. Everyone is hustling, bustling and working hard. Boys everywhere are either on motorbikes waiting for customers or hauling peoples suitcases over the boarder a you cant carry them yourself (I dnt think) but anyway it is better to hire a stunner and watch him do it.
Anyway here are thousands of boys, sure a little dirty from working but nothing a shower would not fix.

Now picture this. You have thousands of boys sweating, working and their minds are on making money and trying to get the next customer and all of a sudden four people show up....one just a flamming gay faggot with her hair dyed blond and jsut doing that gay thing they do. Well all the boys and I do mean all the boys are looking ant him/her and then looking at me and my freinds and it is obvious that the boys are mine for the taking.
With his all I needed to do was to put my ladyboy on the end of my fishing line and cast.

Well heres hoping I feel just as well when I get to Pattaya and I did not over due the dialysis treatment and can wait til my regular appointment tomorrow!

December 13th, 2012, 08:07
Well I arrived back in Pattaya feeling ill and unusually tired so it was right off to the hospital. Dialysis, I am going to save and explain on another thread but to give you an idea, your kidneys do not function well at all anymore and mine are almost shut down. That means that you keep gainig kilos and then go to the hospital every other day to remove the urine out of your blood system via needles and filtering and then you go down kilos. This is very taxing on the heart. Anyway when you go up too much you get unusually tired and that can be serious or even fatal, so I went in last night and 4 nurses stayed late so I gave them a pizza and KFC party for them. To show you how quickly it adds up.... in the 4 days I was gone the build up inside of me was 6 kilos or 1.5 pounds per day. It is a very very bad problem and Cambodians and Thais die every day every hour becuse they do not have the $100 per session.

December 13th, 2012, 08:17
Da Boss' tenacity to live life to the maximum despite his medical condition is most examplery , although his descriptions of the dialysis process makes me a little sqeamish. Thanks for the current reporting.

December 18th, 2012, 20:59
Thanks for the report Neal. Looks like I'm making that trip next week. I've never been before, so it should be fun. I'm leaving most of the details to the thai guy i'm travelling with ;)
By the way, can you recommend the minvan service you used? And how did you like Mens Resort?

December 18th, 2012, 21:28
The mini van was arranged through Men's Resort so I don't have their phone number. When you are coming by van from Thailand, you get out, walk through customs and immigration (very interesting to say the least) and then get into a different vehicle at the Cambodian border. I arranged the van here in Thailand and Men's Resort took care of it from the Cambodian border to the resort. Now it is important to note that unless you register the van licence plate when you apply for a visa the driver of the van from the border to and from Cambodia will get a fine from the police for entering a restricted area. The resort just adds the fine to your travel bill.
Very strange indeed but it works so what can I say?

December 19th, 2012, 10:35
Thanks for the report Neal.
I have fond memories of my past trips to Siem Reap. I found the Cambodian guys to be some of the most handsome and sweetest guys I have met.
I remember one handsome waiter who wanted to practice English with me. Since the restaurant was not busy, I asked if he could join me and talk with me since I was alone. My request was honored and it was a joy. He had so many innocent questions and was all smiles. Fond memories.

December 24th, 2012, 23:15
Well I'm in Siem Reap now. It's midnight Christmas Eve. I came with a boy I've been planning the trip with for months. He got mad at me tonite over something nominal in a dramatic way only a Thai boy can, and he walked off yelling he was going home tomorrow. We were supposed to be spending 10 days in Cambodia. It's day 2, and the Thai-boy-drama was at 9 pm, over 3 hours ago. I haven't seen him. I came back to the hotel room figuring that was where he would go but I guess not. He's got enough cash he's been handling for me for the trip so I guess he can make it home if he wants but I don't know what to do. Tomorrow morning's Christmas and my suitcase is half full of presents for this boy and now I'm alone and kind of stranded. Merry Christmas.

Khor tose
December 25th, 2012, 08:12
Check out the Station Wine Bar and The Linga bar for a replacement. If you are lucky you will find someone you like enough to give the presents too. However, i hope by now your boy has come back and everything is patched up, but if not, try the above alternative. Siem Reap is a wonderful city, you aren't really alone. If nothing else get up in the morning, and take a walk through market and the town. It is really is a delightful place.

December 25th, 2012, 09:50
Shit, Netrix, what on earth did you do to upset him like that? Look at another boy? Or, God forbid, touch his hair and mess up his hair-do?
That's really sad, especially as you had planned it for so long and had prepared presents. You probably had organised nice accommodation, too.

Having read about this sort of thing many times on the net, it seems that familiarity may indeed breed contempt. The boys seem to change when taken away from the bar scene. It might have something to do with them suddenl;y losing their support system. (Maybe someone with more experience could enlighten us).

I was speaking to a German guy on my last trip. His friend took a boy back to Germany but they argued soon after arrival and the boy flew home. One of many stories I have heard over the years. It is why I finally decided not to take a boy to Chiang Mai with me last time.

Hope he comes back, although if you take Khor Tose's advice, you may just end up not wanting him to return. And you might also end up having an even merrier Christmas than you thought!

Thanks, Khor Tose for mentioning the Station Wine Bar. I will check it out when I'm there.

December 25th, 2012, 19:20
Well I'm in Siem Reap now. It's midnight Christmas Eve. I came with a boy I've been planning the trip with for months. He got mad at me tonite over something nominal in a dramatic way only a Thai boy can, and he walked off yelling he was going home tomorrow. We were supposed to be spending 10 days in Cambodia. It's day 2, and the Thai-boy-drama was at 9 pm, over 3 hours ago. I haven't seen him. I came back to the hotel room figuring that was where he would go but I guess not. He's got enough cash he's been handling for me for the trip so I guess he can make it home if he wants but I don't know what to do. Tomorrow morning's Christmas and my suitcase is half full of presents for this boy and now I'm alone and kind of stranded. Merry Christmas.

LOL!! this is soo funny. You should take me instead. No frills , No attitude hahaha..
I am sure you will find a replacement in no time.. Have a good xmas.. :hello2:

December 27th, 2012, 01:06
Shit, Netrix, what on earth did you do to upset him like that? ... touch his hair and mess up his hair-do?

Haha that's about right! I think the thing that upset him was when I wanted to leave a loud disco that didn't even have whiskey coke or basic cocktails after the boy had already placed an order. Somehow my wanting to leave so soon made him lose face or something and of course his dramatic display and threats were nowhere near as big as my making him lose face.
So eventually my moneyboyfriend came back about 2:30 in the morning acting like nothing was wrong and wanted to "sa-tart again. no angry." So we had a merry christmas afterall. He still doesn't understand who Santa Clause is or why his stocking with his name on it was full of presents in the morning, or why I gave him so much money... but he didn't complain.

Siem Reap is definitely a fun little town.We ate yesterday at the popular Mexican place too, Neal. And you're right... not that good. We had drinks at Miss Wong's. The other gay bars were pretty dead so we didn't stay. There's plenty of bars and clubs to have a good time and the straight crowd didn't seem to care that the Thai guy and the farang were holding hands and all snuggly and kissy. While in Siem Reap we toured 4 or 5 of the famous temples including Angor Wat and the one from Tomb Raider. We took a boat tour of the floating village on Tonle Sap Lake. That was fun, but if you go, be ready for scams... like almost obligatory $15 fried rice at the mandatory lunch stop on the lake, and be prepared for a guilt trip donation request to pay $60 for a bag of rice to donate to the orphanage.

Then today we rode the 6 hour "VIP" bus to Phnom Penh" but the bus was definitely not vip. They probably charged for VIP and kept the money and gave us low class tickets. Back row seats wouldn't even recline. Note to self: check the seating chart before booking next time, or better yet... fly.

Tonite in Phnom Penh we went to a hi-so disco on the river near the Palace. The live band was great and the drinks were good. Lot's of straight girls tried to pick me up haha made the boy jealous. Tomorrow we'll check out the sites and probably go to some gay venues if I can talk my straight moneyboyfriend into going. We're staying at a guest house near the river for $20 a night lol. Really nice. Hi speed free wifi is great. And the A.C. is cold. Cable tv with HBO on a new flat panel. Pool, bar. Not a gay place but Cambodia seems about like Thailand... nobody seems to care or even notice if you're a gay-ish couple.

I guess I should have started a new thread. Sorry for the dramatic hijack Neal.
We're getting ready for happy new year Cambodia style.

December 27th, 2012, 16:25
Its very encourage to hear you say that Cambodia is as toleant as Thailand net fix I thought another poster said that he found Phom Penh a hotbed of homophobia so things have improved since then.

But bothering with a straight money boy????!!!!

December 27th, 2012, 17:39
But bothering with a straight money boy????!!!!

The word straight should be in quotation marks. He's more straight-ish. You know Thai boys and sexuality and labels.... He doesn't act very straight when he's in the bedroom that's for sure. Actually he's more comfortable with holding hands in public than I am. He's always got his arm around me or cuddling somehow at restaurants, in the tuk tuk, everywhere.

December 27th, 2012, 21:05
Trying to find where you are hiding your wallet?

December 28th, 2012, 17:21
I am going to stationwinebar to watch some male dancers that have appeared on cambodian tv. they name is spiderboys. they are very good and my friends in cambodia say outstanding.
the boys only work 3 nights per week and my friends have been there and had pizza delivered from next door to eat during the show.
the wine is better than in OZ and cheaper.cannot wait to get there.

http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid= ... =3&theater (http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=311953895569551&set=t.100002474179257&type=3&theater)

December 29th, 2012, 07:38
the wine is better than in OZ and cheaper.cannot wait to get there.You mean they don't sell Australian wine, the Australian wine they sell is better than Australian wine in Australia, or Australian wine is crap?

December 29th, 2012, 15:16
I am told that the wines are from all round the world. the australian and nz wines are better than the average wine sold in australia. prices far more reasonable.better quality for the prices.

December 29th, 2012, 19:08
Phnom Penh a hotbed of homophobia? Phnom Penh is about the gayest city I have ever been to!

The Men's resort as mentioned by Daboss is a good choice, I stayed there a few days and just once ventured into the sauna for about ten minutes and had 3 locals while I was in there, no money changes hands in there. It was a great time!

December 29th, 2012, 20:15
... Phnom Penh is about the gayest city I have ever been to! ... The Men's resort as mentioned by Daboss is a good choice....

Men's Resort & Spa (http://www.mens-resort.com) is in Siem Reap. But Phnom Penh is very accomodating to the gay crowd as well. We had a blast in both cities at straight bars and dance clubs as much as the gay venues.

December 30th, 2012, 05:36
Phnom Penh a hotbed of homophobia? Phnom Penh is about the gayest city I have ever been to!

The Men's resort as mentioned by Daboss is a good choice, I stayed there a few days and just once ventured into the sauna for about ten minutes and had 3 locals while I was in there, no money changes hands in there. It was a great time!

Now was that 3 at the same time or was it 3 quickies? No foreplay, just blow and go!

December 30th, 2012, 07:26
Yes I'm aware that Men's resort is in Siem Reap. My mention of Phnom Penh was in regards to another issue that was mentioned in the thread.

As for the question about 3 guys in the sauna. I wasn't in there long there was no foreplay just a matter of someone grabbing my hand and taking me into a cubicle, fucking sucking, 3 times over, nothing much. And when I came out to the change room I realised they were all there together as a group and another member of the group gave me his number! So it was a pretty successful visit to the sauna.

In comparison on my visits to Linga Bar I have found most of the guys in there to be moneyboys.

December 30th, 2012, 18:47
im looking foward to my 1st trip to siem reap next year
i think i will stay in the bananna hotel, but the mens hotel sounds good too
how far out is the hotel ?? i like to be close to bars and resturants
thats why the bananna hotel looks good


December 30th, 2012, 22:39
I liked Mens Resort but I never checked out any of the other places. Quite satisfied with it!

December 31st, 2012, 04:51
im looking foward to my 1st trip to siem reap next year
i think i will stay in the bananna hotel, but the mens hotel sounds good too
how far out is the hotel ?? i like to be close to bars and resturants
thats why the bananna hotel looks good


I have stayed at both hotels in the last 18 months. The Mens Resort is a long walk back and you need tuk tuk both ways. Not expensive but annoying.
Staying at Golden Banana is so close to the action that it is a worthy selection.
Whilst a lot of people I met on those three trips, go the long way around from GB to get to the market area, if you walk away from the entrance, turn right for 50 yards you enter the shopping mall and the walking bridge is at their entrance.
This makes the trip back from the market so close I usually come back for drinks , bar entertainment or a visit.

December 31st, 2012, 10:10
In comparison on my visits to Linga Bar I have found most of the guys in there to be moneyboys.The waiters also?

January 14th, 2013, 16:43
Well I decided to do a Cambodia trip again and I must say it was eventful! Took a van to Poipet and wanted to do some gambling and see the boys hopping about. I can still say that the boys are just fucking georgeous.

We left Pattaya about 1 pm and arrived Poipet about 4:30 tired and wanting a nap. I wanted to go out and get something to eat in about an hour so off for a nap and B went wandering. I awoke about an hour later when B returned and had a strange pain just under my right rib cage and going around my side so I decided to try and go back to sleep. B came back several hours later and the pain was about 10 times worse. It was not at the appendix spot but just above.

B went out to a disco to leave me to relax as I wanted quiet. About 2 am I awoke with what I can only describe as a pain that you were really thought you were going to die and you did not know why. After sitting there an hour trying to think what to do I phoned B's sister in Pattaya but unfortunately B had his Cambodia number on and could not be reached. What to do? Sister was hysterical in Pattaya and I felt like I was dying in a strange place. Only option left was to pick up the phone and call the hotel switchboard.

A few minutes later there was pounding at the door as I guess no one thought to bring a pass key. It took me forever to make it to the door to open it and there I was leaning on the wall in only white briefs. Must not have been a pretty sight and I was probably near passing out from the pain. Well there must have been about 6 security all talking different languages which I did not understand. One later told me several were from Nepal.

They were going through my wallet for ID and passport and trying to locate B. Finally what seemed to be hours they decided on a plan while the entire time I wanted and kept asking for an ambulance to Bangkok Pattaya Hospital which the request was pondered and ignored by them.

They got me dressed and in the wheelchair and off through the rear door of the hotel through a parking lot to a small empty like security hut in the back. I had no idea what was going on and really did not care as long as I was getting help. Out of the chair I was told and into the guard house and out through a back door. They showed me what was about 20 steep steps down on bamboo steps and then a very long foot bridge made of bamboo and rope. This they kept insisting I needed to cross. Well there we were crossing this bridge, maybe about 6 or 8 of us and there was a river surging below. God I could picture the bridge giving away under the weight and then really dying. So across this bridge I had to go and why I had no idea. Up the other side and there were more guys and a car waiting. We went through dirt roads and came out at the Poipet hospital which I was told later was in Thailand. So they snuck me out of Cambodia through back paths to get me to the hospital as I think the boarder is closed at night but I don't know for sure

Introvenous medicine for cramps and stuff and I felt much better. So out the hospital, into the waiting car to do everything again but in reverse. Down the stairs, across the bridge and up the other side. All of this barefoot and slowly moving along. Finally back in the room and off to sleep.

Still was sore from whatever it was but I will take sore over pain any day!!
I decided to continue the trip as everyone was waiting for us. 30 minutes into some woods is B's mothers hut. She and this huge family live in these woods. She insists on staying with her entire family. What can I say? She has. no electric no water but they are there and she will not move. B has taken her to Pattaya 3 times and after a few days she runs back to the woods so I am just trying to make it more comfortable for her.

Seems some of us spend money and at least I want to insure that it was going where it was supposed to go. It was time to pay them all for what was supposed to be hard work and I wanted to check it out first. We got there and yes there was a pig roast party. Good one thing I paid for down let's check out the rest. They showed me a chicken and duck coupe they built on my instructions and have to say that looking in there must have been about 20 - 30 chickens and ducks and I saw what must have been 20 eggs. Mama looked proud!

Well off behind her small shack I came upon a cement duck and chicken swimming pool which was being used and further I saw was the thing I was happy with the most. A hand pump to bring up water. No more waiting for a truck to come around. I had a small company come in and drill her a water well.

Well I met with the entire family which now shaares the eggs and sometimes a chicken. Dropped off a mattress for mama and 2 small propane tanks and a one burner stove so she now has something to cook on rather than collecting wood.
The pig roast was wonderful and I was so happy to see all the children having fun and eating. It was like viiting Baan Jing Jai an orphanage in Pattaya which PGF helps to support. I am sure that they rarely had a pig roast and all the people who have huts around came to see and of course see if there was a little to share.

The side was still sore but ok so off to Siem Reap.
Staying at the Men's Resort again. Pierre the owner is wonderful and the place is marvelous. We did a little sightseeing today and went to a few places with artilary shells, tanks and huge guns. I felt very bad here and wanted to leave. All this weaponry made in Russia used as recent as 1997, and everything made to destroy property and kill people. I don't like it and at that time realize that we spend billlions and trillions of dollars all around the world just to kill other people. I saw artifacts from centuries ago and there also were many people with spears and stuff made to kill. God why can't we all get along with each other??

Well now we are taking a nap and will go to our favorite Khemer Restaraunt here in Siem Reap. I promise later tonight to get the address but it is a few blocks shy of the Ankor Wat.

Well that's our trip so far and tomorrow head back to Poipet. We are going to look for a small piece of land to buy or rent and build us a kind of pub/disco and serve some food. Maybe we will have Monty come up but then againnhis famous chicken soup and stuff would not be a good idea with the hospital being so far away. The boys and girls go crazy and come from miles and miles around to go to these discos and what a great way to get boys! Well we willkeep you informed of our progress.

January 14th, 2013, 17:55
What a horrible experience Neal. Glad you were well enough to enjoy the pig roast! Enjoy the rest of your trip

January 15th, 2013, 09:01
Great story Neal. I can just see them trying to "sneak" little you across the rickety bridge.
But we seriously need to get you a camera so you can share the sights (especially the gorgeous Khmer guys.)
I need to make another visit to Cambodia. I thought the people all looked beautiful there. I once had a waiter that was so handsome, I asked the owner if the guy could just sit at the table with me so he could "practice his English" and he did. He was such a sweetheart of a guy.

January 15th, 2013, 14:59
I thought the people all looked beautiful there.

Yes, I couldn't agree more. They are simply stunning.

Neal, it's a sjame you didn't visit the 8 bar and take a look a the 2 stunners there. Also, the young tour guide who is there almost every night is quite an attractive boy and very, very friendly. On my last night he was sitting with a Malaysian cutie who he'd met on Grindr. The 3 of us had a very interesting conversation, and I couldn't take my eyes of them.

January 15th, 2013, 15:57
Based on these reports Im going to cancel the Siem Reap leg of my trip in late April if I have to "do an a477" and rely on massage boys fro sex or straight rent boysd I may as well go straight to Thailand if I want cambodia or Laos boys in Bangkok theres always a few on Gayromeo.

January 15th, 2013, 22:01
Adman5000 you know that is a good idea. For laughs next month when I do the trip again, I will take B around back of this Holiday whatever casino and try and locate the guard shack and rickety bridge to keep you all howling!

January 16th, 2013, 08:41
You can reenact the journey using one of these:

January 16th, 2013, 08:46
Oh I have no intention of re enacing the event as I am deathly concerned of heights and with my luck will get part way across that bridge and will have police on either side waiting to arrest me for trying to go across boarders illegally! Nope just a picture of the bamboo stairs and the rickety old but obviously sturdy bridge thank you!

January 16th, 2013, 12:34
Brisbaneguy wrote:
if I have to "do an a477" and rely on massage boys fro sex or straight rent boysd I may as well go straight to Thailand

Agreed. There is almost no gay stuff in SP, apart from a couple of bars, occasionally frequented by moneyboys. The infamous Linga Bar was often bereft of customers and, consequently, of moneyboys.

I could only get my rocks off at the Hatha Khmer place I mentioned. The guys at the 8bar told me they all use Grindr to hook up.

January 17th, 2013, 07:09
Based on these reports Im going to cancel the Siem Reap leg of my trip in late April if I have to "do an a477" and rely on massage boys fro sex or straight rent boysd I may as well go straight to Thailand if I want cambodia or Laos boys in Bangkok theres always a few on Gayromeo.

What a pity I have some friends coming from Goulburn to visit at that time.thought it might be nice to have people with similar interests in town.

February 8th, 2013, 14:10
Don't expect Siem Reap to bee like Bangkok or even Pattaya.

Most of the young men have a 'regular' job serving the fast growing herd of tourist. You will see/meet them in the restaurants, bars, shops and in all of the many places where you can have a quick foot massage. Just use your usually tricks to make the contact. They are working fro m 4 to 11:30 PM and can join you outside their working hours.

TIP: Pick one and have a 30 minutes foot massage and you will soon know if he will come to your room for a more extensive massage. You could start along the street to the original night market (to the west where street 11 ends at the 'top' of the new Triangle market at the west end of Pub Street) or the places along the streets at the Triangle market.
You don't have to live like a monk just because you stay in Siem Reap.