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View Full Version : Chiang Mai trains cancelled for 12 days minimum

May 27th, 2006, 16:21
"Direct passenger trains to Chiang Mai have been suspended for at least 12 more days, until June 8, because of severe damage to rail tracks in the northern flash floods earlier this week, the chief of the State Railway of Thailand (SRT) said Saturday.

Service has been stopped since Monday. SRT Governor Chitsanti Dhanasobhon said a damage survey earlier this week on the rail line through Uttaradit Province found over 30 kilometers of track and three bridges to be badly damaged.

Passengers traveling to Chiang Mai must for now disembark at Uttaradit, then travel by bus the rest of the way via Den Chai and Lampang, he said. Passengers with advance bookings who no longer want to travel between May 27 and June 7 can receive full reimbursement from the SRT, Mr Chitsanti said.

The initial estimate of damage is around 50 million baht, or about US$1.3 million. The SRT chief said that he would visit on Saturday and offer food and medicine to SRT officials who had been affected by the floods. - (TNA)

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