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View Full Version : Boy Bingo Nov 22 Happy Place 9:30 pm

November 17th, 2012, 20:37
Hi All!

M called me the other day and asked if I would help him with Boy Bingo. If you don't remember, when I purchased Happy Place it was for M my previous boyfriend. After working hard and trying to show him how a western bar is run and other ways to run a business unlike the Thai way, and after the stroke, I decided it was time for him to stand on his own two feet and had M and Game try to start running it on their own rather than me peering down their shoulder and retire.

I have not been there in 3 months because of the heart attack I had in March and the stroke in April and felt that if I was sitting there they would have had a chance to ask me about all sorts of things and I may have disagreed with some of their decisions. Well I keep asking visitors of the bar just how it is doing and how they are dealing and I am proud to say that I have been getting almost 100% good reports. OK one or two comments I wasn't pleased with but they have to learn because one day they will not be able to ask me and I have been trying to help make a future for them.

Well they have asked me to join them for this Boy Bingo like the games we had before and to help them have fun and pay a visit to the bar as I have not been out to a bar since I have left there. I have agreed and will be there on November 22nd which is also US Thanksgiving. I will bring lots of great prizes and have thought of bringing the leftover handicapped equipment from the business I had purchased and started to build for another one of my boys who let's just say let me down in the trust department and I decided not to go ahead and open that business and give it to him. I have a few pieces of equipment left that I would like to auction off and donate to various causes that could use that equipment. Those winning bidders will be able to dictate which charity their item should be donated to and I will make sure it gets to them.

Anyway, come join us after dinner on Thanksgiving Day, join me and M for a special night of reunion and a great nite for some charity items and great prizes.
Starts at 9:30pm and a show afterwards at 10:30pm. Hope to see ya there.