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View Full Version : Sunee. The big clean-up?

November 14th, 2012, 22:49
I'm not an old-timer in Pattaya, but I've visited 3 or 4 times in the past couple of years and am now ending my current trip. And what a change!

I won't drag up the old subjects about - Why so few people around BoyzTown and Sunee? Or How do the gogo boy bars survive when even High Season delivers barely half a dozen customers each night? - though I'm still curious to know the answers here - instead I'll observe simply how "toned down" the gay world here has become since my last visit six month ago.

I've read comments here in the past that recent police raids at Sunee are merely symbolic, a "game" with back-handlers all round, yet business goes on without change. Well, I'm not so sure. Since I was last here the three most "relaxed" (for want of a better word!) of the Sunee gogo boy bars have shut down - New Sawasdee, Tom Yum and Good Boys (though the latter has sort-of res-erected(!) itself across the Soi in one of the bar beers (forgot the name) where young boys sat on top of the bar are given blow jobs by obliging customers in the darkened room). Meanwhile the MicMy boys now appear in dark baggy boxers instead of tight white bikinis. And black hipsters and black singlets are the new attire at Nice Boys (for the kids on stage who are not in their jeans and trainers) - though there's still plenty of dick playing going on onstage, at least by the non-femme boys.

Does this all matter? Is it a good or a bad thing? I'm sure there are many views. But when I check out Krazy Dragon at 10pm and find zero customers, or Eros shortly after and find 1 customer plus me and maybe a dozen boys, I really do wonder if all these venues will have gone within a year or so. Whether or not one likes or approves of barely-18 boys performing almost naked, fact is those shows catered to some sort of market, but I suppose the fact that they have all gone suggests the market was not big enough. If those venues and those types of performances are largely gone (there was something similar still on offer the other night at Happy Place near Sunee) then surely that's another nail in the coffin of the bricks-and-mortar gay scene in Pattaya.

I also noticed the opening a night or two ago of a new Sunee bar (UTurn, or something like that). A band was playing in the Soi. Approaching from either direction, you would pass three uniformed police officers on duty. Tonight on entering Soi VC were a similar group of police monitoring goings-on. Maybe this is normal? I've not been around here long enough to know. But I can certainly say I've never seen such a regular and visible police presence around Sunee during any of my previous trips.

A final note. Tonight at All Of Me bar I saw a Thai bar-boy welcoming customers outside while smoking his shisha. A symbol of the direction in which all of Sunee is heading???

November 14th, 2012, 23:14
Smoking his shisha? I'd much prefer it when he is shaking his tucha


November 15th, 2012, 14:18
I am an old timer in Pattaya, and yes the gay Pattaya of today has little resemblance to that of the past. Sunee for all its vices was indeed a magical place not only for the trade but for the characters it attracted, an evening in Sunee with the elephants, the characters, the trade the outrages bars and go go's was like watching a Fellini film that went on all nite into all hours of the morning, it was not uncommon to be sitting at a bar full of people including the police on thier brake at 6 am watching the sun rise.
This paradise began to change when news of this world slowly leaked to the world press, in no way am I inferring the news was only about underage but most everything deemed immoral.
The amount of bad press coming from Sunee Plaza was disproportionate to the rest of Pattaya's sex industry. In Thailand corruption is a way of life untill those involved begin to feel the heat. Think of the math! If Pattaya has 1000 sex venues and they all pay someone and thier business's don't cause too much trouble but remain a serious source of corrupt revenue and yet a very small amount off venues in a small plaza cause a large P.R. problem what would you do, obviously clean up the small problem as not to stop the money train from the rest, of course this is my own personal opinion and may or not be founded in fact. :dontknow:

November 16th, 2012, 14:29
Thanks Manforallseasons. Interesting feedback!

I'll throw a random question in here and see if any of you guys know the answer - directly across from the Marina Inn pool at Sunee there is a derelict gogo boys club called SuperBoys. It was shut down and dilapidated when I first visited Pattaya two years ago, and it looks exactly the same now. I'm just curious - how long ago did it shut? Was there EVER a time in Sunee when a place like this was open and actually busy inside? When was the peak / heyday time for the Pattaya gay venues? Mid-1990s maybe? I assume that much before that there would simply not be enough farang who could afford the air-fares from Europe and elsewhere which were so much higher in real terms then than they are today?

I'll end my ramblings by throwing in a good word for the Marina Inn pool at Sunee. Clean water and surroundings. Good service. Excellent quality burger and freshly cooked. And just THB 50 for outsiders to use the pool, chairs, showers for the day. A hidden gem.

November 16th, 2012, 15:37
I'd guess that it has been closed for nearly a decade.

As I recall , there were two bars there (was the other one Supergirls?) and sex shows were on offer- straight sex shows. There was a media scandal that related to busloads of Asian tourists (yes, specifically Asian) being transported there for man/woman sex shows. I must have read about this in the Patttaya Mail. The bars were quickly closed....heaven knows what condition they must be inside.

November 16th, 2012, 15:41
I've been visiting Thailand for the last 14 years, on average 4 to 5 times a years and have noticed a dramatic change...bars..beer bars..gogo bars...host bars used to be much busier and raunchier...one used to able able to do unspeakable things and observe unspeakable acts in (almost) public...boys used to be a lot more welcoming and naughty....in BKK the scene crashed about 4 years ago with a huge police crack down...no fuck shows for a few months...and it never seemed to have fully recovered.
Maybe I see this through rose tinted glasses....but doubt it...

November 16th, 2012, 16:08
Superboys boasted not only boy/boy but also boy/girl full-on sex shows, performed on top of the bar. Its boys included a particularly friendly and masculine pair of brothers, I recall.

November 16th, 2012, 18:05
I don't recall SuperBOY in Sunee, but I do recall SuperQUEEN which had the m/m & m/f fuck show, the egg up the arse show, the needles up the fanny show not to mention the blowpipe up the bum show - all in the best possible taste .

Different bars?


November 16th, 2012, 18:21
Presumably the eggs were hard-boiled, SG?

November 16th, 2012, 18:27
No, Joe - now this will be an education for you.

The egg was raw and it was inserted up the lubricated rectum by the performer (get a good mental picture there) who then squatted over a brandy glass placed on the stage.

Then with much facial expression he/she/it contorted the anal muscles in such a way that the egg cracked and the contents (of the egg!) fell into the brandy glass. The amazing thing was that the shell remained up the bum and was separately removed and brandished at the audience to loud applause.

You can try it at home, and if you manage it I'm sure DaBoss will have a word with "M" and you can top the bill at Happy Place next time you're in town.


November 16th, 2012, 18:31
Whether that's true or not (and I suspect it is true) you've managed to put me off my lunch. Thanks. I know there's a vomiting emoticon but I'm too queasy to seach for it.

This is where your friendly moderating team come in handy >>>> :pukeright: :pukeleft:

Dman you SG! Ya beat me to it!

November 16th, 2012, 18:33
I stand corrected. Memory was playing me false. It was Super Queen that I was referring to.

November 16th, 2012, 22:16
Amazing! (The egg show according to Scotty.) And I thought I saw everything.

There was a low quality video in the internet where someoe did it with a glass of marmelade/jam. The glass was standing on the floor, he sat on it, and when he got up it was gone. A bit later the contents of the glass was flowing out. I don't remember where I saw this video, anyway it's too disgusting to publish it here.

November 16th, 2012, 23:03
As a relative newbie to this forum - and Pattaya - I have to say how impressed I am at the way discussions here can mutate so easily

How did my innocent question about the heritage of a former gogo boy bar end up as exchanges about the intricacies of cracking an egg inside one's arse hole into a brandy glass of marmalade?

The logical next question must be: Was it Chivers, Golden Shred or Asda own-brand?

November 16th, 2012, 23:09
we don't do own-brand here, dear :occasion9:

November 16th, 2012, 23:17
I have to ask Christian for clarification as his account is not entirely clear - am I to understand that the performer used his bunghole to hoover up not only the marmalade but also the glass before expelling only the marmalade? If so, what happened to the glass?

And don't tell me it turned up in Glass-Go :bis:

November 16th, 2012, 23:24
I don't remember where I saw this video, anyway it's too disgusting to publish it here.

Well Scotty, you asked for it...
http://www.bestgore.com/sexual-disaster ... losion-18/ (http://www.bestgore.com/sexual-disaster/1-guy-1-cup-video-famous-glass-jar-ass-explosion-18/)

November 16th, 2012, 23:41
we came to pattaya first time in 2004 and it used to be busier, there were some more bars on the way to sunni plaza, about 2 sois down from tuk com.
i wish all the gay businesses good luck and all the best, we sure try to spend our money every time we come here

November 17th, 2012, 18:20
..I'd forgotten about the blow pipe act...1st time I saw it almost fell off my chair...the quality and variety of acts has dropped significanty...dont even see the trapeze act anymore..

November 17th, 2012, 18:59
The last time I saw the blow-pipe act I'm sure it was in the very early days of Wild West Boys - the fucking dart shot out into the audience and hit me in the leg!

November 17th, 2012, 22:58
I have to say how impressed I am at the way discussions here can mutate so easily

That's the reason why I like this forum.

am I to understand that the performer used his bunghole to hoover up not only the marmalade but also the glass before expelling only the marmalade? If so, what happened to the glass?

Yes. The cracked glass (with lid!) was obviously left in his bum. Egel's link shows only one picture out of the video sequence, I won't search for the full video, it's a bit too much (even for this forum!).