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View Full Version : Shamrock bar Pattayaland

November 12th, 2012, 20:14
Just as a matter of interest and accepting that it's none of my business does anyone know why the Shamrock bar in Pattayland has closed 'temporarily' until 'present problems are resolved' (to paraphrase the sign on the doors)?

November 13th, 2012, 03:33
If its the homophobic place I think it is,it is no loss.

November 13th, 2012, 04:14
He he you're absolutely right about that frequent as without realising its reputation I once sat down to grab some food at their outside bar bench and much to my surprise after ordering my food was spoken to by a few of their customers after they'd heard my accent and it turns out they came from about 5 miles from where I and they lived in Northrrn Ireland, so we all sat and shared a beer with a few other local expats there, then one of them started talking about a few guys walking down from panorama bar and saying things "yeah we know where those fruits have been, fucking faggots" etc etc, so I politely smiled, very slowly finished my beer and then "oh here I have to go" and when asked where simply replied "down there as sure I'm one of those faggots too!" - their faces where hilarious as it just didn't compute with them that their hard drinking Irish countryman friend could possibly be one of "them" lol and I took great pleasure walking away laughing at the offending asshole as he stood with his mouth agasp :-) so, you're bang on there, homophobic pricks the lot of them - and not the smartest bunch either into the bargain it seems ! lol

November 13th, 2012, 08:25
For those that don't know what a faggot is


A very tasty dish

November 13th, 2012, 09:34
There used to be a sign on the wall about gay men and their young friends being not welcome..It makes me sad to be Irish when I see that rubbish.

November 13th, 2012, 13:39
Good for you, NIrish Guy. I doubt whether many of us would have had the guts to do that.

November 13th, 2012, 14:36
To be fair I didn't and don't think of that as brave in any way as they were such pathetic excuses for thick ignorant homophobic pricks to have said nothing would have only been allowing myself and all the good people who don't think like that who live here to have been dragged down to their level.

In my experience homophobic bullies are just like every other sort of bully in that once you stand up to them and either say "bollocks, you're full of shit" or just laugh at them as the pathetic weak thinking assholes they are they inevitably back down - or (if theres a crowd of them) if you sit on after speaking your mind they at some point one by one quietly come up you and apologise "for their friend" ( even though they probably sat giving him quiet tacit support) and then all go out of their way to explain that THEY don't actually think that and that he's just a bit of a mouth and usually continue that conversation with the famous "actually one of my best friends/neighbours/son/I'm) actually gay type conversations !!

So, times they are achanging guys, things are different than they were even five / ten / twenty years ago, gay pride is more than just a phrase used for a march now and I emplore you for both your own self confidence and the gay communities development in general to "take no shit" as the more people ( str8 and gay) who call these brain dead assholes on their hate speech ( which i would remind you in the UK at least is now classed as a hate crime and such asshole can snd are beimg prosecuted for coming out with such gay in public places) the quicker it gets consigned to history and stamped out - so fuck them, we've every bit as much right to be seen and heard as they have and the days of us cowering in dark corners begging for scraps of tolerance are OVER - my standard line to them - Yeah, so some people are gay -GET OVER IT seems to for nicely in a none confrontational way but yet gets the point across that they're just being a bit dim !!

November 13th, 2012, 14:59
Good for you.
As I recall, the straight bar on the corner of Pattayaland Soi 2, near Vassa, also had a notice saying that we were unwelcome because it was a "family" bar.

November 13th, 2012, 15:05
For those that don't know what a faggot is...

A very tasty dish


I now look forward to seeing your Spotted Dick - don't disappoint me!

November 13th, 2012, 16:43
I will say at the risk of being attacked that some were very pleasant especially after I stood my ground. One day parking over there, someone yelled out a few obsenities and about parking there and I bravely went up at looked at this guy and said "Are you talking to me??!! And he said "what?" and I repeated myself and he made some other dumb comment. This went on a few times with the same guy. I don't know why but one day I was bringing in bags of fried chicken to the my staff and he was sitting there and as I got out I said "Hey asshole? Ya want a peice of chicken?" He laughed and said "No thanks". And we say hello and talk whenever we bump into each other and he has given me suggestions on dialysis stuff and I have met his kids. Turned out to be quite a pleasant guy and if ssomeone starts to say something, he seems to stop them. No I don't say it is right or proper but sometimes you also get further with working the situation.

I think the owners name is Terry and I believe he had some problems with a work visa immigration a few years back and not sure if it was resolved but I know the place has been for sale for a few years now.

November 13th, 2012, 16:59
I wouldn't go to an "Irish" bar abroad anyway, but this is another reason to give this one a miss. It's not like there's a shortage of places to drink in the area.

November 13th, 2012, 17:15
To be fair you can hardly even call it an Irish bar as a) it's that small it's more like a pokey wee open air beer bar hole anyway and the only reason I called there was they had some "ordinary" grub there like stew or a fry up or something I seem to recall which on the pissing wet day it was when I was there was exactly what the doctor ordered to cure my hangover - and I refuse to let the homophobes have all the best / worst grub !! lol

November 13th, 2012, 17:47
I now look forward to seeing your Spotted Dick - don't disappoint me!

Would like some custard on it?

November 13th, 2012, 19:17
Custard ON it is better than custard coming OUT of it I guess.

:pukeright: :pukeleft:

November 13th, 2012, 20:10
hmmm, reminds me of someone but I just can't think who? :dontknow:

November 15th, 2012, 04:40
...I believe he had some problems with a work visa immigration a few years back and not sure if it was resolved but I know the place has been for sale for a few years now.

Thanks for the information re [his] visa problems before. Maybe this is the problem now also.
It's certainly true that the bar has a homophobic culture. I and a friend who brought along his thai girlfriend's nephew had a very nasty incident with a few checkered-shirted American hicks there a few years ago.
The owner hires friendly but the most non-offable female staff in all Pattaya unlike other straight bar owners so I think the
gentleman doth protest too much on his homophobic inclinations.

November 15th, 2012, 12:05
I don't know as I am not sure and have never had the owner even say hello. I do believe that you are probably very correct with everyone except the one chap I had words with or at least he was to me.

November 21st, 2012, 04:47
As I recall, the straight bar on the corner of Pattayaland Soi 2, near Vassa, also had a notice saying that we were unwelcome because it was a "family" bar.
Palmers Bar? Surely not?

November 21st, 2012, 07:20
:sign5: No Egel, keep up. If you read back you will see it is the SHAMROCK BAR they are talking about. That's ok, many of us have been told that we're losing it! :sign5: