View Full Version : Why Romney Lost the Election??

November 9th, 2012, 08:21
Can you believe that Yahoo is stating that the biggest reason that Romeny lost the election was that he did not have enough money??!! The most expensive campaign in the entire history of US and he did not have enough money? How about some real reasons Romney and Yahoo?

November 9th, 2012, 08:44
Dunno why all yous Yanks are so suprised about the election result Ive been following Nate Silver (http://fivethirtyeight.blogs.nytimes.com) for months and been sleeping confortable in my bed.

November 9th, 2012, 10:41
Hard for ordinary people to relate to him. Some say Sandy slowed down his mo mo...and she made Obama more presidential. I think he is a nice guy and good looking. I'm glad he lost but feel bad for him.

November 9th, 2012, 13:27
as a tipical non-USA man and not much interested in politics-with the usual stand, its mainly corruption anyway. However, i just want to mention the BKKpost who in some insightful explaining article said, that as long as those bigot T-party (no tax for the rich!) have the Republicans somehow in their power, they willl not win any election, not even in T-town.
And, allow me: so when its only about how much money is spoent- is not that equal to corruption then? Is spending it on TV commercials better as spending it on some Thai freebee for red votes?

November 9th, 2012, 15:20
As an outside observer, the major reason he lost seems to me very basic:

Ordinary Americans are decent people, and when faced with a proposition* of "Tax cuts for Millionaires, Healthcare and Benefit cuts for Grannies", they voted accordingly.

The thing that surprises everybody I talk to, is that there seemed to be a genuine belief (in the USA) that Romney could ever win on that ticket.


* or a proposition that could easily be portrayed as such

November 9th, 2012, 17:16
1. It's the economy dummy. Where most pundits thought he'd lose was were he won. Obama's policies aimed to boost the economy by fiscal stimulus and job creation. Signs are that this is now starting to pay off with the US economy showing signs of recovery. Instinctively, people know this is right - you don't squeeze an already weak economy, you ease it.

2. Rejection of corporate greed. Billionaire Mitt Romney wants tax cuts for his corporate buddies. The same corporate buddies whose greed and risk taking have f*$ked it all up in the first place. The same corporate buddies who the US taxpayer had to bail out while they lost their jobs and homes.

3. Rejection of racism. There was and has been a steady racist undertone to the vilification of Obama. (Questions about his birth, his name,....) Most US voters, particularly the young, are over this.

4. The Tea Party. :sign5: What can you say....... It is said at least one Democratic senator helped fund their tea party opponent in order to ensure they had to face them and not a more moderate republican candidate. It worked. The highly unpopular Democratic senator kept her seat because the electorate just could not stomach the vitriol oozing from her tea party opponent. Long live the tea party!!!

November 9th, 2012, 17:42
I don't know everything about Obamacare. I have heard conflicting stories of full coverage for people who cannot afford it to some board or panel making decisions that they try and decide your age and life expectancy and cost and have the power to say no for medical care. I don't know which to believe but I will say that I hope that people who cannot afford reasonable healthcare can get it through Obamacare now or if and when it is radified.

I hear stories from residents who live in many countries all over Europe that their countries have government healthcare and it works. I don't know but I have confidence and hope.

November 10th, 2012, 06:13
I don't know everything about Obamacare. I have heard conflicting stories of full coverage for people who cannot afford it to some board or panel making decisions that they try and decide your age and life expectancy and cost and have the power to say no for medical care. I don't know which to believe but I will say that I hope that people who cannot afford reasonable healthcare can get it through Obamacare now or if and when it is radified.

I hear stories from residents who live in many countries all over Europe that their countries have government healthcare and it works. I don't know but I have confidence and hope.

As a non-American, I wonтАЩt comment on the countryтАЩs domestic politics or why Obama won and Romney lost. On health care, however, it is interesting to note that the US is not a signatory to the social and economic rights sections (including Article 25's right to health) of the UNтАЩs Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948, the drafting committee of which was chaired by Eleanor Roosevelt. It is perhaps the most important non-signatory country.

The wording of Article 25 is: (1) Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control. (2) Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection.

November 10th, 2012, 08:44
It is very funny that most of the commentators in this thread are not Americans. What happened in US is a true American tragedy. It will play out in detail during the next year or two. The reason why Romney have not won the elections is quite simple.
Obama pull Chavez in America. There is no economic recovery in US. The recent economic numbers are simply doctored. Te so-called bail out of General Motors is a sham. GM North American and European operations are not viable. The tax payers money put into this operation are lost forever. The reason why there is an appearance of operational activity of GM is because
subprime, government funded auto loans which will never be repaid. Obamacare is a disaster which will lead to many people losing their healthcare job coverage, rising premiums for all and lowering the quality of healthcare for all Americans.
Obama issued an executive order which is unconstitutional and which provides de facto amnesty for a wide group of illegal aliens. That cemented Latino votes for him. He cynically announced the support of gay marriage. It did not change anything for Gays on Federal level but did give him Gay votes. He obviously enjoys the support of black voters and those on government handouts. That created a coalition which Romney could not beat. Romney had a decent energy independence plan which combined with lower taxes and reduced regulations could mean a revitalization of America. Romney, a decent, compassionate man was demonized by various liberal jerks and had really no chances.
In a year or two America will default on its debt obligations (at the moment Federal Reserve buys 2/3 of US debt by printed money) and then real nightmare will come true. If you are American, living in Thailand and hence hoping to escape the Armageddon, well you will not.

November 10th, 2012, 10:06
Ikarus - you do know those sour grapes will give you indigestion for the next four years don't you?


November 10th, 2012, 18:32
It is very funny that most of the commentators in this thread are not Americans.

Not really. The rest of the world is very relieved that the US people decided not to opt for a lying, right-wing extremist, religious nut-case this time.

November 11th, 2012, 04:57
As long as the Republican party continues to be run by the religious right, they will continue to lose. Single women made up 25% of the voters and they didn't appreciate a bunch of out of touch old men trying to tell them what they can do with their reproductive systems. Gay's didn't appreciate a candidate that vowed to pass a constitutional amendment banning same sex marriage. Immigrants didn't appreciate a candidate that advocated "Self deportation". It goes on and on. You're not going to win the Presidency buy only winning the vote of white christian males.
I'm shocked a previous poster is a supporter of Romney - a member of the Mormon Church which has been notoriously anti gay and has donated millions of dollars to anti gay causes.

November 11th, 2012, 13:31
I'm shocked a previous poster is a supporter of Romney.Why? Haven't you heard of the Log Cabin Republicans? http://www.logcabin.org/site/c.nsKSL7PM ... C/Home.htm (http://www.logcabin.org/site/c.nsKSL7PMLpF/b.5468093/k.BE4C/Home.htm) I'm not sure if there's a "Blacks for Obama" organisation

Lots of old queens are Tories here in the UK.

November 11th, 2012, 13:31
I would like to agree with you Cameroncat and yes I did vote online from Colorado for Obama but your comment that women and gays etc and the way they are known to vote, well except for one time, look at the last 4 Presidents. Three times they voted in Republicans and not only Republicans but one time an idiot father to be followed by a more idiot son! The gays and the women of USA have missed their que a few times! Let's hope that not only do we try and get this shit fixed but they get it right because I have gotten to the point that it really doesn't matter who is in office, they have an excuse of why it ain't getting fixed.

November 27th, 2012, 17:04
I am not American, and I am glad that the American people showed some sense in the last election.
[Unfortunately, American Presidents and American power have an impact on all of us.]

The Americans rejected Romney because:
(1) He is only interested in helping the super wealthy.
(2) His foreign policy is based on a cold war mentality.
(3) He social policies are at least 50 or 60 years behind the times.

November 27th, 2012, 22:58
I find it interesting that nobody mentioned Romney's first step down the slope to defeat. No, I don't mean how far to the right he went during the endless debates. Once the nomination was his, he needed to start moving to the center immediately. So, what does he do? He chooses Paul Ryan as his running mate. Could he have found anyone who would have frightened those of us on Social Security and Medicare more? Well, yeah, he could have chosen Rush Limbaugh. That was the start of the end of Romney's candidacy.

December 8th, 2012, 06:03
Why did he lose? Who cares!