View Full Version : Boyztown times are changing?

November 3rd, 2012, 00:03
- times are changing in BT? i was there last night, and for halloween, the street looked really nice with the black & orange balloons, but where were the customers? a few in serene & panorama, 2 or 3 in oscars, cant comment on the show bars or a gogo as i didn't go in, but the most striking was the cafe royal, this used to be my favorite, but i was shocked to see not 1 person (except me) inside the bar, and only 4 or 5 on the terrace, and they had a really nice bbq outside, i didn't participate, i had eaten earlier, so i left and went home, I came back the following night, and everything was pretty much the same as the previous night, with one exception, a new bar called castro (i think?) on the corner next to panoramma, they had lots of balloons outside, but the place was buzzing, so i went in, and what fun i had, great music, great atmosphere, and lots of young asian customers! how refreshing! more like the scene in Bkk on weekends, thast is what is needed in pattaya, and judging by things, it cant come soon enough! but how do these business's survive, cafe roylae must have had 10 staff on duty, they all have to be paid, but how?

November 4th, 2012, 00:15
Panorama is usually very busy,depends I suppose on the time of the night.Really dont understand how LCR survives,it used to be great.Boyztown is much more than soi3.

November 4th, 2012, 01:07
I felt like newyorkgeorge 1 ┬╜ years ago, some people in Panorama and Oscar.
I can not comment on the show and gogo-bars as it is not my waterholes. But in general I had the feeling of a deserted village.
I was there two nights in a row, then I almost gave up having fun, and returned to Sunnee.
Nice to read about Castro though, maybe I should give it a try next time I am in Pattaya, and maybe that is what Boyztown needs, because the last two times I have been in Pattaya, I really felt that Boyztown has to do something to attract new customers.

November 4th, 2012, 03:03
I think people should begin to come to terms with the fact that "Gay Pattaya" is coming to an end.

November 4th, 2012, 03:14
I think that's a slight overstatement there perhaps :-) undoubtedly "gay pattaya" is changing and perhaps not for the the better and yes things are slowly deteriorating perhaps slowly compared to some years ago but I think the fact that we can all go there and shag ourselves senseless 24/7 - 365 days a year should we chose to is a LONG way off coming to an end and it's still MUCH better ( and cheaper for sex lets be honest) than a lot of other Cities, so I wouldn't panic as I think we're safe enough for quite a while yet assuming we adjust our expectations accordingly. Of course if would be good to see "some" form of rejuvenation or fresh ideas being developed around the bar scene etc as there no doubt can be a bit of a "time warp" feel sometimes starting to creep in - but maybe that's just as most of have all been there many times now and we know all of the usual haunts and boys tricks like the backs of our hands - what is it they say "familiarity breeds contempt" or something like that = and hey just like an old pair of trousers that go out of fashion if you stick them in the back of your wardrobe hey presto before you know it they're right back in fashion again - lets just hope the bars and boys can hold out for the turn around if there's one to happen !

November 4th, 2012, 03:25
Ithink you might be hard pressed to find a place anywhere in the world where westerners go that has remained the same.

November 4th, 2012, 08:38
I found on my last trip in October that the bars, and Panorama in particular, were sometimes crowded and sometimes absolutely dead. I had a room at the Ambiance which looked out over the Panorama area. My guy and I often commented on how, for example, it was still going at 3 am one night, yet tonight it is dark at 1:30. It just seemed to depend on the night. Same for Sunee and the beer bars. One night it is thumping away with farang everywhere. You go the next night and hardly anyone is around. Are all these farang capable of going out only every second or third night? I know a lot of them are old, but......

NIrish Guy wrote:
we can all go there and shag ourselves senseless 24/7 - 365 days a year

A big public "thank you" to NIrish Guy. It's guys like you that will ensure there is always be life in Boyztown! :sign5:

November 4th, 2012, 09:52
Are all these farang capable of going out only every second or third night? I know a lot of them are old, but......

Well sir, I take issue with that. Yes, many of us are old, but still capable of going out every night. It's just that at our age we sometimes forget why we went out or where we meant to go. :dontknow: Could wind up at Mic My Bar to off 3 guys, or suddenly regain consciousness only to find ourselves inspecting the bicycles on sale at Tesco Lotus, even though we're no longer able to pedal a cycle. But we can go out nightly! :old:

November 4th, 2012, 10:16
I think people should begin to come to terms with the fact that "Gay Pattaya" is coming to an end.

Nooooo! I've just re-discovered the joys of Pattaya again after a two visits quite a few years back :protest: !

November 4th, 2012, 10:57
Bobsaigon, you are a character, indeed. You certainly put a smile on my face.

There is no doubt that the poor economic situations in North America and Europe have led to less gay tourists taking holidays and that this has negatively impacted the agogo bars and nightclubs. There is nothing new nor earth shattering about that reality. What is also clear is that the market is seeing a slight shift of late to increasing numbers of gay Russians (mostly young and in relationship it seems) and Chinese during high season. The Chinese, though, travel in groups and have selected bars they go to and mostly seem interested in the more risqu├й shows.

As you make your way through the Boyztown and Pattayaland bars the complaint of no customers can be heard in just about every bar, save for a few. The bar with shows, though, for the most part, tend to pull a crowd in at weekends, but many of the boys get frustrated when this does not translate to тАШoffsтАЩ for themselves. The coyotes talk about going to saunas and massage parlours during the day to find farang customers тАУ who are seemingly well on their way to becoming extinct species at the late nigh venues.

X-boys and X-boys Pattayaland seem to have developed a niche that beats the current downturn trend. The sexy boy shows, i.e. in both clubs, that are time coordinated and make use of mostly their in-house talent, seem to generate energy and excitement among their dancers and have developed a good customer following as a result. The two bars do well with a steady stream of customers on most nights. (By the way, X-Boys Pattayaland show featuring B-Boys twins, Pak and Ohm (not sure about spelling), in erotic shower dances, in the buff in other acts, as part of the B-Boys show, and in some comedy skits, is certainly worth watching.)

All the years I have holidayed here and now living and working, I have heard of the slow and painful demise of gay Pattaya. There are bars and nightclubs that close and new ones that open. Such is business and the way it works. We all know nothing stays the same forever and nothing lasts forever. I still have more fun and sexual exploits here than anywhere else in the world and do not regret a single day my decision to have moved here. The opening days of high season are certainly lackluster, but letтАЩs see what the days ahead will bring. I definitely do not see the end in sight. Well, I am off to spend a leisurely day at the beach.

November 4th, 2012, 13:54
and add Jomtien Complex and Sunee. according to some people at least once a month they are dying. Now the post above is really where its at. Do you mind if I reprint it every month when someone writes that Pattaya or this area or that area is dying? :sign5:

November 4th, 2012, 15:46
This is an old, much discussed issue. The chances are I've said this before...but here goes.

1) In 1996 there were not many more than a dozen gay venues in Pattaya; no Sunee, no gay Jomtien Complex. Pattayaland was more straight than gay- as a whole. It isn't surprising that BBB and Cockpit were usually overflowing with customers. Even then, some bars were half-empty. I remember being the only customer in All Boys (2nd Road). It didn't last long.
2)Pattaya night -life is aimed at us older guys, many of whom lived our youths in times when being gay was something you kept quiet about. By the time liberation had arrived, we were past our best and had to travel to experience that liberation for ourselves. This generation- my generation- is slowly ascending to the Gay Paradise in the Skies and our places in the go- go bars are not being taken by the liberated young. They can have their fun in the Canary Islands or at home.

Pattaya is changing; some of those changes are for the better. The restaurants are much more varied, the bars are different and more imaginative (in some cases). And I intend to continue visiting three times a year until I join my friends up (or down) there.

November 4th, 2012, 16:42
NIrish Guy wrote:
we can all go there and shag ourselves senseless 24/7 - 365 days a year

A big public "thank you" to NIrish Guy. It's guys like you that will ensure there is always be life in Boyztown! :sign5:

Well I'm glad SOMEONE appreciates my work as when I'm there shagging away and wearing myself out to the point of near physical exhaustion I hope people realise that I personally am getting absolutely NO personal pleasure from shagging all those hot, cute, sexy, horny Thai boys, NO! I'm doing it absolutely and entirely to assist the business owners of Pattaya, who in these times of deep recession deserve our urgent support. It's actually quite a chore for me and one that I carry out silently and without complaint and even when I have to drag myself back to bed to manage three or four guys in a day to keep the required Thai sex quota up you hardly ever never hear me complain ( well except about the strain all the shagging is putting on my poor bad back!)

But I have to say in these trying times it is getting more and more difficult to force myself to go and carry out gods work like this and perform these acts of selfless kindness to help the poor boys and business owners of Pattaya so if like me you feel that they deserve our earnest heartfelt help and support I implore you to help, accordingly I've opened a special bank account to which we all can contribute, large or small it doesnt matter as its the thought that counts ! So I urge you to donate just whatever you can to do YOUR part to ensure that with gods good grace I can continue to carry out his important work in spreading our love to the many poor recession hit boys of Payatta. All donations will be gratefully received and I know the boys will show their deep, heartfelt gratitude each and every time I spend your money wisely, so, please feel free to PM me for the bank account details and payment for whaterver you can afford can be made by either credit card, PayPal or unused condoms. Bless you all, god sees all good deeds and with your help we're all SURE to get into heaven now when our end comes for caring about others in such a deep and meaningful way. :-)

November 4th, 2012, 16:48
[i]. Mesn to go to mic my but ......regain consciousness only to find ourselves inspecting the bicycles on sale at Tesco Lotus, even though we're no longer able to pedal a cycle. :old:

Well Bob I always say as long as you go out and do end up getting a ride somehow its the thought that counts and how you ended up there or what the ride actually turned out to be like shouldn't matter !!! Lol :-)

November 4th, 2012, 16:48
Ya know NIrish, I really appreciate your work and the money you give out to the boys so that they may pay rent and buy food. And to show you my undying gratitude I will do something better than send you money. Last time he was here, I promised good looking, hot tamale Christian PFC a dinner at Cafe des Amis. I have decided that I will give you and he a voucher to both celebrate your hard work and I hope you both have a wonderful dinner!

November 4th, 2012, 17:20
Oh that's very kind of you Neal, but tell me is it like your dinner where sex had to follow afterwards otherwise you weren't paying ? As whilst I did do it the once ( as the dinner was that nice) I have promised myself not to pimp myself out again simply for a dinner - now if you could throw it one of those 1000 free off coupons that you used to give out then we could be on to something !

Actually hold on, scrub that idea as you've such a warped sense of humour you probably would just for badness and then I'd feel bad and have to deliver on my side of the deal !! No, just forget I mentioned it !! Lol :-)

November 4th, 2012, 17:24
Well see it's all up to Christian if you want sex after dinner but me thinks he may just fuck you. :dontknow:

November 4th, 2012, 17:33
:-( well then I guess I'd have to politely decline as I'm allergic to lead and the risk of cross contamination as Christian both fucked whilst scribbling urgent notes outlining my performance would I feel place to much of a risk on my health - and before anyone suggests he uses a pen - "unfortunately" you'll never believe it but I'm actually allergic to ink and paper as well ! Who would have thunk it eh !! :/)

Ps Christain don't take that personally, it's only a wee joke, I'm sure you're a GREAT fuck ! and someday you can send me the report all about it just outlining exactly how good ! Lol

November 4th, 2012, 17:42
Are you really sure Irish?
Well I guess I will just have to sit here and think of a contest to win dinner at Cafe des Amis with Christian as long as he agrees.

November 4th, 2012, 18:04
Can I just clarify - is wine included ? As I AM that cheap !! lol

November 4th, 2012, 18:07
Let me think......NOPE....soft drinks, coffee or tea.

November 4th, 2012, 18:15
Phew ! Thank GOD for that, that's me off the hook at least then. so, - who's NEXT !! :-)

November 4th, 2012, 18:32
Many thanks NIrish...reading this just had me spluttering into my coffee !!!

Fuckin A++

November 4th, 2012, 19:07
Am I reading this right? :dontknow: DaBoss will pay for dinner at Cafe des Amis for whoever is willing to fuck Christian (no wine included)? Is that the offer and is there a time limit - e.g. must be completed before end 2012 and also, is photographic evidence required? I think we should be told.

November 4th, 2012, 19:22
I think you're jumping the gun there somewhat Joe :) as I don't think the fucking part was ever part of the suggestion on Neal's part as I'm SURE Christian has MUCH higher standards than that - it may well of been me who brought fucking into the equation because as we all know I have no standards whatsoever ! :-)

November 4th, 2012, 19:30
we'd better wait for clarification from the man himself, so.

November 4th, 2012, 19:42
Just for clarity then Joe - I take it you're considering the invitation yourself then ?? :-)

November 4th, 2012, 19:58
not if there's no wine involved - I have a reputation to maintain :alc:

November 4th, 2012, 20:06
Interesting to see us Irish all seem to draw the line at that same basic point in the conversation - saints and scholars my arse - winos and reprobates the lots of us ! lol

November 4th, 2012, 22:28
Now whilst I like a laugh as well as the next guy - any chance of getting back ON TOPIC?

November 4th, 2012, 22:46
oooohhh, get her :occasion9:

My experience of Boyztown last trip was limited to 2 visits, and both nights were quiet. But as has been mentioned, it can vary from hour to hour, let alone day to day. For me, I found Sunnee more lively with more people around, so that's where I spent most time. I don't think it's dying just yet, though.

November 4th, 2012, 23:19
At peak time all of Pattaya will get busier....i still go off peak as well as peak months...but i think a lot of people only go months like dec/jan now

November 5th, 2012, 08:17
One could argue that the gay scene is just as busy as the good old days of yesteryear. When I first came to Pattaya in 1998and stayed in BT the bar scene there was the only game in town (ok, there was the Icon), no Jomtien, no Sunee, no Day-Nite (that came and went). If you could consolidate all the gay venues and put them back in BT we would all be saying how busy it is and isn't it wonderful the BT businesses are doing so well. The reality is there are far too many gay businesses chasing too few gay dollars (or baht).

November 5th, 2012, 12:14
If you could consolidate all the gay venues and put them back in BT we would all be saying how busy it is and isn't it wonderful the BT businesses are doing so well. The reality is there are far too many gay businesses chasing too few gay dollars (or baht).

Totally agree


November 5th, 2012, 12:21
Another interesting note that will certainly excite and delight all of the masterful marketing executives who have moaned in the past about the Boyztown signs at the entrance to Soi 3. Both have been removed as of 10:40am this morning. I'm certain the Boyztown consortium took the sage advice of the posters here who thought it was time for them to go! We may now have to find a new name for the area. :sign5:

November 6th, 2012, 00:43
We may now have to find a new name for the area.
"No Girls Aloud"?

November 6th, 2012, 00:45
:sign5: nice one, egel