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View Full Version : Air con and Refrigerator Service

November 2nd, 2012, 05:56
What a bad mood I have been in for the last day and a half! The refrigerator was running at half and things in the freezer started to thaw. I would not have been so panicked but it was chock full and most were these Canadian lobsters! We have spent our days at the hospital as usual but in our spare time it has been running and getting Dry Ice and switching things from the freezer to Styrofoam boxes we get when we go to Nakula seafood market. Thank God we saved those things as I was always telling everyone to throw them out. Yes, one had ugly rain water in it and the other had potting soil but we got them scrubbed clean enough for plastic wrapped food. One container filled with Dry Ice and the other with wet ice and we were sort of set except when we wanted to find something.

We called our regular air con man whose company name starts with Soph (can't say it so as not to get sued). "I will come tomorrow", was his answer. BUT THE FOOD I SCREAMED! The food!! Sorry, tomorrow. "I'll pay extra for overtime! Nope." Well of course the next day I called at 7 am and was told I was first on the list. "I am leaving right now for your house" was his answer. 8 am comes and goes. 9 am I call. "I will be there in an hour" he replies.

So he appeared at 9 am and looked at the fridge and leaves a message of how old it is and he will pay 3,000 baht for the parts and I should go buy a new one. Hey fucker! The refrigerator was NEW 2 years ago and it's a very good one!! So a friend of mine gets hold of Pattaya Aircon Service on 3rd Road. Not only did they come out at 7 pm but the next day they brought me a full size loaner and took away my refrigerator to really go through it and figure out what and why and then swap them out again in about 3 days. I think its the thermostat but we shall see. Anyway at this time I am real pleased at the way they handled themselves, what with overtime and a loaner and all. Sure I know I will wind up paying for that extra service but now I know when it comes to refrigerator service and my air cons, well, I know who I want to call.

November 2nd, 2012, 19:37
.[/quote] Do you have a contact number or a web site for them.

November 2nd, 2012, 19:39
Their number is 038 422943 and 038 428949 and mobile 081-9470176

November 2nd, 2012, 19:42
many thanks


November 7th, 2012, 17:39
Disregard! This is the second loaner refrigerator they have given me, second time I have gone shopping for fresh groceries and the second time I have returned home to find that their loaner does not work!

November 8th, 2012, 01:59
I thought all Thai mechanical maintenance was limited to the percussive variety.

December 15th, 2012, 09:23
I have also some good experience with Pattaya Aircon Service. Ice builds up in the freezer area then leaks down onto my top shelf of the actual refrigerator. I can't figure out what causes the leak. Why does the ice form in the top? A repairman defrosted it last year and now it is happening daily again. But they fix it well and its working fine for me.