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October 23rd, 2012, 12:05
On my way home from Boy Bingo last night, making my way to the guesthouse I stepped in something. The road behind the Hunamin Statue was wet in spots but able to walk around the puddles.At one juncture I stepped on some lying bricks and one splashed the surrounding water on my sandled feet. Within 20 seconds the tops of my feet became very itchy. I got to the guesthouse about 5 minutes later and by then they had turned red and started to become puffy. I washed them thoroughly with hot soapy water and wrapped them in cold clothes. All symptoms subsided
within a hour and we are back to normal now.

Any ideas?

I think it has to be more than just dirty bacteria water.

October 23rd, 2012, 13:29
.. Might have been near some cement dust or something.. a pile of cement dust? I don't know, but if its really bugging you, take a trip back and check it out, or if you're worried for your health, I'm sure it wouldn't cost too much to get a check-up at a doctor. Although your symptoms have subsided, so i'd say you're right as rain.

October 23rd, 2012, 13:31
I'm not sure if it's the same problem but I was plagued by itchy spots on the lower parts of my legs after the heavy rains of a couple of weeks ago.... and the same thing happened a year ago when the floods came.
I think there is a problem with the water that runs into the sea from the various building sites to the west of the city; it is absolutely filthy. My guess is that there are problems with the sewers.

October 23rd, 2012, 15:43
It's the itching further up the body that you have to worry about!

October 23rd, 2012, 15:54
I am sure there is plenty of bad stuff in sewer water, but if the itching started within 20 seconds it is almost certainly something chemical.

From your description, I would bet that you got splashed with water that had a lot of lime (probably from a high-lime cement) dissolved in it.

Lime is very "caustic" (the opposite of acidic) and will give your skin a right burn. But if you washed it off promptly I think there shouldnt be any long term effects.

October 23rd, 2012, 16:11
I'd hate to blame those lying bricks, but you may have been exposed to a chemical...which is probably a good thing you washed right away. Lye comes to mind, based on your description....but just to echo what's already been said, you'll only know for sure by going back and having a look.

October 23rd, 2012, 19:30
Please take no offense at this but you should consult a doctor or clinic. :hello2:

Edited: I am not saying that anyone said anything incorrectly and certainly what one or more people may have been correct but as memory and good judgement serve me on this, we had decided that medical prob;ems need to be refewrred to a doctor or RN at a clinic for proper diagnosis and treatment FOR YOUR HEALTH AND WELL BEING.
Then you are in better hands that people suspecting and referring treatments.

I have unlocked this thread at the request of the OP. PLEASE keep all responses to help the OP as to where to go have it checked out OR if you have had a similar experience in that area or suggestion and PLEASE nothing to do with medications or medical advice. Those posts will need to be deleted. Thank you

October 24th, 2012, 10:23
I am in FULL agreement with DaBoss. I wanted the thread to be informative so others may take heed, and see if others have experienced the same. Since all symptoms have subsided I have no need for prescriptions.

Footnote : I have revisited the spot (just infront of Scuba Dive Centre) and there doesn't seem to be any construction. Albeit the puddles of water have not gone down at all. I believe it may be some run off and is quite stagnant with bacteria ( and possibly some chemical) Beware of puddles.

Thai Dyed
October 24th, 2012, 11:33
If this is a real concern to your health, may I suggest that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of care.
During these wet periods dress accordingly. Wear rubber boots or even a full rubber suit if the weather calls for it.
[attachment=1:2lrarxv7]Safety_Rubber_Boots.jpg[/attachment:2lrarxv7] [attachment=0:2lrarxv7]rubber suit.jpg[/attachment:2lrarxv7]

October 24th, 2012, 11:40
In the early 1990s the sea water at Dongtang beach was sometimes a quite lurid green in colour. If you were foolish enough to let the water come into contact with you, a very nasty and itchy skin rash quickly resulted. Whether it was a sewage issue or some sort of industrial pollution, I have no idea, but by the mid 1990s or so the problem appeared to have been sorted out.