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View Full Version : All homosexuals are paedophiles

October 21st, 2012, 06:23
Here you are everyone - what many people really think of us (and this is a guy who lives in Thailand who's reporting): http://www.baconbangkok.com/2012/10/19/ ... ual-abuse/ (http://www.baconbangkok.com/2012/10/19/homosexuality-and-child-sexual-abuse/)

October 21st, 2012, 06:41
I came from Colorado USA about 60 miles from Colorado Springs. There was a minimum of 52 Christian fanatical groups like Focus on the Family and others who were always pumping out this crap. With all the problems with the Christian Church and preists and youg boys, in my heart I would like to continue to believe that this is untrue and effects a small percentage of us but we do hear about arrests and problems all the time. I, like you hope and believe it is a small percentage and do not condone it in any way.

Khor tose
October 21st, 2012, 10:00
I, like you hope and believe it is a small percentage and do not condone it in any way.

It is a small percentage. The argument is and will always be, that Homosexuals Like men and Hetrosexuals like women and people who like children are neither. These people suffer from a mental condition called pedophilia, and they are correctly characterized as Pedophiles. Dr Dailey's opening statement that only 1-3% of the population in gay is actually correct, according to the latest studies, but ignores the fact that over 8.9% of the population has engaged in gay sex. The Kinsey institute has done extensives studies on this matter as the Boy Scouts of America use this same argument to exclude gay boys and gay scout masters from its membership. If you like to read, you can see this 1989 study here which totally refutes Dr. Dailey's statements. The man is not a scientist, but a homophobic.

http://psychology.ucdavis.edu/rainbow/h ... ation.html (http://psychology.ucdavis.edu/rainbow/html/facts_molestation.html)