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View Full Version : All of me "gaudy wear" night

October 17th, 2012, 18:04
I see in Nick'y s excellent "A little something for the weekend Sir" guide that All of Me bar are holding a "wear something gaudy day" party on the 17th of October with prizes for "best Gaudy mans clothing" and "best Gaudy Farang" etc - my only fear is that they'll not be able to tell much difference from any other normal night I guess based on some of the outfits one sees people walking around Sunee in at times lol - still nice to see something different taking place and it should be interesting to see just how gaudy the Thai guys can make themselves as if I know those little Thai fashionistas it will KILL to look anything other than spectacular and hop and trendy even if they're MEANT to be dressing down :-)

October 17th, 2012, 18:10
I spent a lot of my nights at All of Me bar during my last holiday, so I really hope there'll be lots of pictures of the boys in their "gaudy wear". As you say, NIrish Guy, the boys are very fashion conscious, so it should be a fun evening - would really love to be there.

October 17th, 2012, 21:54
Why oh why do they wait till I'm gone to have fun nights like that? Is it because they worry I might be competition? Dang...maybe I should leave the beads, brooches, silver and rhinestone shoes and rainbow scarves at home next time.

Seriously, though, it's true that none of the bars ever have their promo or theme nights whenever I'm in Pattaya or Bangkok. As that's usually during the low season, for work reasons, I guess I'll have to wait till I can afford to take a couple of weeks off during high season next time. :dontknow:

October 18th, 2012, 00:19
Well, you learn something every day - I always thought the word was spelt (or spelled) "gawdy"

October 18th, 2012, 01:12
Both can be classed as correct although I have to admit I didn't even think about it and just lifted the spelling straight from their flyer advertisment.

Courtesy of http://grammarist.com/spelling/gaudy-gawdy/

Gaudy vs. gawdy
Gaudy and gawdy are different spellings of the same word. Gaudy is recommended by most dictionaries and usage guides, but gawdy is listed as an accepted variant. In either spelling, the word means showy in a tasteless or vulgar way, and our theory is that the unsanctioned gawdy stays in the language because that w makes it a gaudier word than gaudy.

October 22nd, 2012, 10:38
guessing pics are not forthcoming,

not unlike the follow up from Netrix's
hot Russina massage boy details

October 22nd, 2012, 17:00
@dabs69 - if you're referring to myself and pics not forthcoming etc perhaps my choice of wording was confusing as when I said " should be interesting to see"etc that was meant as a general comment rather that a specific one as I am currently at home in Northern Ireland right now and don't arrive in LOS for several weeks yet. But yes if anyone was there pics of same would be fun.

And re netrixs lack of pics re his blog perhaps post that on his blog again ? Although I don't actually recall him mentioning that he was actually going to post any at the time ?

October 22nd, 2012, 21:07
Was just hoping someone in the area or the owner
would have taken the opportunity for free advertising
for all to see. Probably hard with retentive requirements here
about permission to post peoples pics here, but the requirement
is totally understandable.

Didn't know Netrix was offering pics or anything about his blog,
just never got an update on the Russian hottie.
Don't blame him for keeping the guy to himself.

October 24th, 2012, 08:29
I think it would be a hoot if the winner of the contest...... hadn't even known about the contest.... ( i.e. :hah: He just dressed the way he normally does. )

November 1st, 2012, 09:33
I think it would be a hoot if the winner of the contest...... hadn't even known about the contest.... ( i.e. :hah: He just dressed the way he normally does. )

Naaaa. I'm back home already. :laughing3: