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October 9th, 2012, 18:45
Have spent the last 5 days in pattaya and although I have been offing the same guy every night (and will do so until I leave), I have been dropping into a few bars to have a look.
Happy Place has lots of new boys. The guy with the nice smile and HUGE slug in his jocks is still there for the taking, but I would guess he is a top only. They now appear to have less of the fem types. As usual, the staff are polite and efficient. Five other customers when I was there. Coke 160 baht.
I wandered into Nice Boys (must have had a brain snap). The place was jam-packed. I sat watching the boys desperately trying to fend off roaming farang hands, whilst I was desperately trying to fend of the overbearing mama-san. She wrote down the numbers of the boys with ID cards - 5 in total and encouraged me to off one of them. What about the other boys?? How come they don't have ID cards? None was in the least attractive to me. I ran for the door when a young looking boy got up on stage.
New Sawatdee Boys was closed and it looks like it is permanent. Didn't last long.
The Corner Bar was up and running yet again. It keeps closing and re-opening. Don't know what the story is there.
Splash has a number of eminently offable guys. A couple of the guys have incredible bodies. I tipped them in appreciation for the work they must put in at the gym to stay that way. They deserve it. I sat chatting to the lady owner. She's very friendly and in no way pushy. Coke 160 baht.
As firecat69 posted on an earlier thread, Funnyboys has some stunning-looking guys, but they appear to be all tops.
Today I was sitting outside the Ambiance reading justme's post on the Chiang Mai thread when I hear a familiar voice calling out to me. It was justme! We had a bit of a chat and I must say he is looking really well, despite on-going health issues. The best I have ever seen him look, in fact. Life as a retired bar owner seems to have done wonders for him. While we were talking a guy from Copa massage place walked by. Justme called him over and introduced him to me and told me how good he was. He suggested I give him a go.
So this afternoon I took his advice and had him come over to the hotel and give me a massage. Yes, justme, you were right. He does have a beautiful, big, thick cock. And guess what - he bottomed for me!
All the mamsans are bemoaning the lack of customers, due to the rain and it being low season. But the fact that Nice Boys was full tends to suggest that Sunee Plaza is still catering for a certain niche market.

October 9th, 2012, 19:06
Glad I could help you out there and see (?) ya never know who will do the bottom thing until you get them aslone and away from thier friends although it wouldn't interest me.

PS Does this entitle me to an agent's commission?

October 9th, 2012, 20:08
Thanks a447 I read your report with interest particularly as I will be in Pattaya in 2 weeks. It sounds like the rain and floods have not disrupted the commercial gay scene. Glad to hear that there is no shortage of offable boys.

October 10th, 2012, 02:48
Sorry, mate. He didn't cum so you miss out on your usual 95% commission.

Earlier on this evening (well, last evening now) I walked over to Sunee Plaza to take a look. I dropped into Krazy Dragon but there were only 4 other customers and about 5 boys working. Due to the lack of boys, the cashier had to shake his butt on the tabletop.

I then moved on to Goodboys, but by the time I got there (10pm) all the boys had been chuck wowed dry and were sitting fully clothed on the stage.

However, the beer bars were crowded - farangs everywhere. It just seems that they don't bother going into the gogo bars anymore.

TravellerDave, the floods are well and truly gone now and there hasn't been much rain since. Just the odd shower or two. And yes, there is still plenty of choice when it comes to guys. Most bars seem to have 10~15 boys available. Krazy Dragon may have just had an off night when the boys didn't turn up for work. Has been known to happen, I believe. And with fewer farangs in the bars, the world's your oyster, so to speak.

October 10th, 2012, 18:48
I forgot to mention that as I was sitting in my room with my off last night enjoying a post-coital ciggie (too much information, I know. hehe), he got a phone call from one of his friends who works in the same bar. His friend said that the farang who offed him ran away and didn't pay him.
So the knives are out for this low-life. Heaven help him if the boys catch him. If you are a member of this forum I'd suggest you get out of town quickly. Boys from different bars all seem to know one another and word will spread quickly.
I gave my off a little bit of money to give to the poor boy. Not much, but at least he ended up with some money. He's a really nice guy.

October 10th, 2012, 19:49
If that's what happened then I'm sure we all deplore the actions of the farang - but unless they were having sex in the soi, how could the farang "run away"? :dontknow: :dontknow:

October 10th, 2012, 20:06
That was was how my off described it in his rather limited English. But I just figured they rented a short term room in the bar.
I'll ask later tonight.

October 11th, 2012, 13:31
O.k. I found out what happened.
A farang went to my boy's bar with 6 others he had offed from another bar. He took my off's friend from the bar and they all went to a karaoke place where they stayed for 3 hours. When it came time to leave, the farang said he was going to the toilet. He never came back. Obviously the boys were expecting (and were entitled to) a tip for having spent time with him.

Last night I went to Xboys. They had 11 boys and about half were offable. I caught the eye of a young guy who kept smiling at me. I went outside for a ciggie and he came and joined me. But he turned out to be very young - but legal - and I'm not really into that type of boy - I like them a bit older. I looked down at his jocks and didn't see much there. Always a disappointment.

I picked up my regular guy and we walked over to Xboys to see the show. The bar was packed. They started off with the big cock show and, lo and behold, out trots the young guy with a massive boner! Where on earth did that come from? I must say, however, that apart from him and one other guy, the cocks could hardly be described as "big" - medium, more like it. A farang woman gasped and covered her mouth in shock/surprise (lust?) when she saw her first cock. It was the biggest cock in the show. Her husband was squirming with discomfort and I'm sure he spent most of the night telling her it was fake. Let me tell you love, that it isn't fake. It's a typical Isaan cock and there are thousands of them out there!

The rest of the show was a bit of a yawn, although the magician was kind of entertaining. The B Boys turned up and put on their usual good show. I went outside for another ciggie and there they were, counting their tips. They were pulling out heaps and heaps of 100 baht notes from the hat they'd passed around. They appear to be making a very nice living indeed! And all that for a 10 minute performance! And then they move on to the next bar. You'd think the bar boys would have woken up that there is an easier way to make money. And you get to keep your clothes on.
Soft drinks 180 baht, beer 200.

October 12th, 2012, 15:37
I dropped into David Bar (opposite X-boys, same owner). Now this bar has the potential to be a real fun place. As soon as I walked in the boys (12 at the time it was early; 8:45)) started waving at me and playing around on the stage, pulling each others jocks down, giggling like school boys. One tall boy indicated that he wanted to sit with me, as he was too tired to stand on the stage. His antics had me in stitches. But I'm glad I didn't invite him over, because he appreared later in the big cock show and displayed one enormous mook!

David has a terrific atmosphere, with only 1 or 2 guys looking glum and disinterested. Three other customners at the time, but it was quite busy for the show at 10:45.

I called number 9 to sit with me. He immediately told me he had a big cock and was in the big cock show. He put my hand on his cock and it did seem impressive. Perhaps thinking I needed more encouragement (I did) he got it up for me and stuck my hand down his pants. Mmmm...must pencil him in, I thought.

I headed off to pick up my regular and we returned to David for the show. All the shows in the various bars must surely be choreographed by the same person, as it was just more of the old snake dancing, whipping with the rubber hoses, caressing each other under the shower, etc. Been there, seen that. I reckon a good choreographer with a bit of imagination could make a fortune over here. The dancers' "costumes" matched the chinzy plastic decor - plastic chandeliers, plastic flowers, etc. so a good interior decorator would also come in handy, too. Not that I go into a bar for the decor, mind you.
soft drinks 180 baht, beer 200. Seems to be standard these days.

October 12th, 2012, 16:02
It is pretty standard especially in show bars where the shows cot them a low of 1,000 a day. It is very hard to make a profit selling a coke at 100 baht. Now for the few that do not have any show and there are several in Boys Town, yes, it's a rip off and I don't know how they get away with it. I understand it fully. Have show they have to pay for, ok higher prices. No show and same 160 & 180 drinks, rip off. Boycott.

October 13th, 2012, 06:41
My issue has always been trying to find a bar that doesn't have a show in the pattayaland area between 10.30 and 12.00
Thats why lucky777 and Cupidol are on the top of my hitlist when i am in the area....

The worst part of showbars is the way the door men shout "show now, show now"
When you tell them you don't like shows they tell you Show finish "10 minutes" - it never does and usually drags on for what seems like hours!
On the other hand when you do want a show.... They make you wait what seems like hours for the show to start!!

Sorry DaBoss... but not all of us like shows... us sex tourists come to off and ogle the boys in their boxers (def not in plain briefs!) and absolutely do not want to look at them in sequined waistcoats!

So for me its well worth paying 180B NOT to have a show (as long as the boys are friendly, cute and offable)

October 13th, 2012, 13:09
Yes, well in this thread we are not talking about whther you like or dislike as show. Personally I like only raunchy big cock shows so I can decide which one I want to take home. :evil4: But what I was referring to was that when bars do NOT have a show they don't have all the expenses of one and therefore are just ripping customers off and charging superior prices for drinks by riding on the coat tails of those who do. They have no excuse for charging premium prices.

October 13th, 2012, 18:43
Last night I started off in A Bomb. As I reported back in July, this is the place for massive bulges. These guys really fill out their jocks. I had my eye on number 29 - very handsome guy - but then up stepped number 50 onto the stage. Now this guy has the bulge of all bulges! It was huge. You could clearly make out the outline of his cock, and when he turned side-on my jaw dropped to the floor. His package stuck out a mile. But the farang next to be quickly had him sit with him, so I was too late. In hindsight it didn't really matter, as he changed into shorts before he sat down. That is always a turn-off for me, as I like to sit with a guy wearing those sexy white jocks.

I then headed over to Wild Wet Boys. What a difference! No big bulges there to admire. And the boys are not very attrative. I caught the eye of number 11 and had him sit with me. He's a cute lao boy. Unfortunately, he turned out, on closer inspection, to be a bit too young for me. And a bit too fem.

Today I had a massage at Royal House Massage, located in a soi to the left of Tukom. It was a bit embarrassing, as when I went inside and sat down, all the boys lined up for me to choose. They must have felt as though they were in some meat auction. Even when I go to a bar I refrain from looking the boys up and down - I take lots of furtive glances. I know the boys are probably used to being stared at but I feel really uncomfortable.

Anyway, the massage place is very big with a huge lobby. I told the manager I liked boys with a big cock. "Sorry. In Thailand no hab," he replied without a hint of irony. This guy needs to get out a bit more, I thought.

I quickly chose the most handsome guy there - Luk - and we moved upstairs to shower. When he took off his pants in the room he didn't appear to have much in his jocks to excite. Oh well, you always take pot luck at massage places. We went to take a shower, but he was a bit shy and showered alone with the curtain drawn. Never a good sign.

Back in the room, he gave me a really good massage. I asked him to take off the towel, which he did. When he told me he was from Isaan, things started to look up. Surely then, he must have a big cock. There's hope yet. When he sat on my back I went for the grope. Oh no!! He has a mook!!!! And his cock is really small!
Fuck! I've wasted my money!

But I hadn't. When he got it up, he had a magnificent cock. Again, where the fuck did that come from? From small things, big things grow. He sa-moked me and then I said I wanted to chuck-wow him. At first he had trouble coming, but eventually I let him take over as my hand was getting tired and watched as he rewarded me with a nice cumshot.

oil massage 400 baht, tip 1000.

Tonight is my last night with my guy, M. Well, it was supposed to be, but I think I might now extend my holiday and move into a nice hotel with him. Normally, I wouldn't do that but he is such a nice guy I can't keep away from him. When I off him he usually stays until the early hours of the morning, chatting to me about all kinds of things. As he was one a novice monk, he told me more about Buddhism and I explained Zen to him as best I could. He knows he can leave after the deed, but chooses to stay (we normally spend 4~5 hours together each night), which I think is sweet of him. He is very interested in Japan and we sit and watch NHK on cable. I have also taught him a number of useful (for a bar boy) Japanese expressions, which he practises with me every night. He's a quick learner.

I won't go into graphic detail as to what we do in bed. Oh, alright then. As I mentioned, he just loves to bottom and we try all different positions. We then take a shower and he works on my cock. He truely has turned sa-moking into an art form. I asked him where he learnt all his techniques and he told me a previous boyfriend taught him. He gives the best head I have ever experienced - ever! He even goes to the extent of putting cold water into his mouth, spitting it out and then going down on my cock. Now that's something I've never experienced before.

He wants to go home for a week or so to see his mother in Isaan, so when I leave I think I might just buy him an plane ticket back home. He has certainly earned it, as well as every single baht I have paid him. He has given me the most incredible orgasms I have ever experienced.

Sorry if I've given too much info. Can't help myself. :hello2:

October 13th, 2012, 18:53
Really interesting bar report -thanks as I am back in Pattaya in a few weeks time!

Where is the "Splash bar" that you referred to with the couple of relay well built guys, the only Splash bar I can recall is Throb and Splash before it all became Copa Bar years ago?

Any other bars any one is currently aware of with a few of the more muscular defined boys available?

October 13th, 2012, 20:25
Ahh no.11 in WWB... i spotted him last monthh but for me he looked like a poochai... not a fem boy... Slim defined body, whitish skin and a cocky attitude
He was at the front of the stage and strutting his stuff like only a straight boy normally does

I don't normally like straight boys soi didn't call him for a drink.
Next day i changed my mind and went back with BF for a look... only to be told he was gone back home!

Ahh well i can always try my luck again when i get back in december!

October 13th, 2012, 20:50
Hi. Having been a frequent visitor to this site and found it extremely useful, I have now joined. I am relatively new to Thailand and find the information and bar reports invaluable.

As a result of seeing it being recommended here, I have booked Mr T taxis to pick me up at the airport on Tuesday afternoon and at a very reasonable price.

Thanks for all the valuable information and context to life in Thailand/Pattaya.

October 13th, 2012, 21:08
wat is a mook?

October 13th, 2012, 21:16
Mook is a glass/plastic pearl inserted under skin of penis.

October 14th, 2012, 01:05
Any idea what it is (or should be) good for?

October 14th, 2012, 02:16
It's used to stimulate a womans sexual organs....
Belongs nowhere near a gay man!

October 14th, 2012, 03:20
That's the one. I only spoke to him for a little bit so maybe I got the wrong impression of him. I'll bow to your superior knowledge and experience in this matter.

October 14th, 2012, 03:56
I think judging on your recent reports you have infinitely more experience than me on these matters!

If i ever bump into him again I'll let you know!
Or better still maybe you should go back and find out on my behalf!

October 14th, 2012, 21:59
The Mook can give ultimate stimulation to both the G-spot & prostate... :glasses7: