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View Full Version : The Demise of BoyzTown may be Exaggerated

October 6th, 2012, 01:13
This is a copy of a post I made on Gaybuttonthai. I am too tired to write a whole new one!

Every time there has been a discussion here on Gay Romeo and its effect on bars etc, I have been been a proponent of GayRomeo.

One of the major reasons for me was that I thought the offerings by the Bars had gone steadily down hill and I was able to find the same Bar Boys or similar 24 hours a day and not put up with loud music, cigarette smoke , pushy mama sans etc..Now it has been 5 1/2 months since my last visit which is by far the longest I have been out of the country in the last 15 years. So I was excited to see if anything had changed.

Tonight I set out with friends to see the XBoys Show.

1. First we had dinner at Copa. Copa has no food. Do uou mean Cafe Royale next door? DaBoss A little pricey but the food was good and plentiful and the service excellent.

2. First stop was FunnyBoys. Always a well run bar with various types it did not disappoint. In fact they even had IMHO a couple of stunners, something I have not seen in Pattaya for a few years. Unfortunately they were Straight or so they said and un willing to do much of anything. Not for me but there are some guys who like to worship. At any rate music at an acceptable level although certainly bordering on too loud and all the extras of hand towels, peanuts, etc. As always well run by Mama Rose.

3. Next stop was ToyBoys which had a new sign. Now my last trip I stopped in there to find 5 or 6 disinterested boys. What a change. 20 Boys and again IMHO a couple of stunners who were willing in all departments or at least so they promised. Music at a perfect level, Boys dancing and no pushy mama sans . The eye candy there was really good and if you had crossed them off your list, I would say put them back on.

4. Now on to XBoys and by now it is really raining which later on ruins the night which I posted on another thread.

Arrived 30 minutes before the show which was to start at 1045pm. There was a time when all I ever offed were Door Men because the bars used to use the cutest ones to bring in the customers. A long time since that has been the case but there at the door to XBoys was was the cutest boy with an angelic face . Be still my heart. However after we sat down and I mentioned to my friend how cute the Door Man was. He smiled at me and said you mean the one in high heels? Another fantasy ruined.

Not to worry. On stage was the best looking mixture of boys of the 3 Bars and again IMHO at least 2 Stunners. The show has been discussed here already but although not a lover of shows, this one is ok. The Big C--- is pretty good and the xxx show is also good and unlike many of these type shows, the boys who were in the xxx and the shower and the Big C--- were some of the best looking boys. There were only 3 Brake Dance Boys because of the rain and they only did one song. Why can't they want to be offed?

So finally at least for this trip I will be returning to all 3 Bars to off certain Boys that I liked and will use GayRomeo a little less.

I will check some other Bars out when the Rain stops, if it stops??

October 6th, 2012, 14:57
It has been mentioned before and no doubt will again, it is the challenge of the chase that makes life more interesting. Recently I met a guy that tried to get maximum value from gayromeo.

It was to him frustrating, boys late, not like the pics and business done here's your cash.

He told me it became impersonal and he liked to flirt, even if the good looking boys rejected him. That surprised me as I have had only two bars where I have been rejected and I am not an oil painting.

The first both in Bangkok was at Tawan and the second at Jupiter where there is a big following from Singapore girls wanting sex.

I took him out my last night and we had great fun with a lot of boys joining us for a drink. OK it was expensive.

Later he told me he does not like picking up boys in busy bars.

There is a thread on raining in Pattaya. I used to visit at this time most years. My favourite was when the bar was empty was to buy a bottle of JW,and share with the boys and staff. If they had a second bottle I bought that, but the next was from the 7/11. The excitement and generous attitudes made up for the wading home but not disappointed. Even stayed one night in the bar.

I had visited X Boys Land, Splash Boys and planned to visit Vassa . I became very sick with gastro for several days and had to take things quietly. However next trip will try again.

Whilst the bar are almost under water is a good time to try doing your own thing.