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View Full Version : do not like tatoos

October 5th, 2012, 20:04
I do NOT like tatoos and find them a real turn off, but some Thais have too many tatoos for my taste.

At massage palors, some guys wear shirts, and at host clubs, all the guys seem to wear shirts. If some guy catches your eye, is is appropriate to ask the manager to have the guy take off his shirt, so I can determine whether or not he has a lot of tatoos.

I have told managers and mama-sans that I do NOT want someone with tatoos, but there have been problems with communication. [I speak perfect English, as well as several European languages, but NO Thai. ] Taking off the shirt can be easily explained with body language.

Maybe I should just go to go-go bars. All the guys there take off their shirts and show their bodies. So it is very easy to determine whether or not the guys have tatoos.

October 5th, 2012, 20:42
yes, and? Of course if you go to a place that they are in bikinis, you will see what you wish but I will let you know that for whatever the reason, this is what the boys are into these days and there really is nothing anyone can do to prevent it. Good luck finding that perfect boy.

October 6th, 2012, 00:05
Im not so keen on tatoo,s but most of the boys seem to have them. What about piercings ?

October 6th, 2012, 00:44
Isn't it a bugger when the boys are actually real people?

I nominate Christianpfc to design a 50 item questionnaire (and have it translated into Thai) which could be handed to the boy to complete before you decide to risk the 300B off fee.

The boy could tick boxes as to whether he has tattoos/piercings, big cock/small cock, cut/uncut, pubes/pubeless, top/bott/versatile, pee/scat/spit/puke, sm/cp/cbt/spanking, smoker/non-smoker, shoot/dribble, short time/long time, teetotal/alcoholic/moderate drinker - and many, many more.

Alternatively, here's the ideal low-maintenance answer :

October 6th, 2012, 09:32
Well done SG, I second the nomination! :occasion5: :occasion5:

October 6th, 2012, 09:46

October 6th, 2012, 10:19
it's funny how people are different, isn't it? I'm the exact opposite - in a bar or club i tend to make a beeline for the bloke with the most tattoos. I find them really sexy. The first time I ever came to Thailand in 1999 I met a bloke who was absolutely covered in them - including his neck, hands, back, arse, he even had one on his d***. Fantastic - ended up spending most of the holiday with him......happy days. Anyway, back to your dilemma; yes, i think it's best for you to find boys in gogo bars where they will only be wearing underwear so you'll be able to conduct an (almost) complete body inspection to ensure the boy is a tattoo-free zone before parting with your cash. Good luck!

October 6th, 2012, 13:14
Could always wear a T shirt with "I hate boys with tattoos" printed on the front, that should let the boys with tattoos to know not to bother you.

October 6th, 2012, 14:05
Unfortunately Maxxy most of them can't read English so while that is a good idea...........
As far as liking or disliking tattoos, I don't like homemade ones and some are very sexy while many others are a turn off. I have found some boys but not many without and I like that also. Had a boy in the bar a few moths back who was hot and had a full back and front tattoo except for his legs and nipples. While I don't like that much tattoo, he was fucking hot and cute.

I think rather than closing yourself off to this you should just get to know [i][b]the person inside. You may find you are throwing away some really nice numbers just cause there is some ink on the body and as I said before, this faze is going rampant.

October 6th, 2012, 14:47
It can work both ways...a lot of Thai boys love my tatoos....i have a Man city logo on my right arm and a Trade dance club logo on my left arm....dont want any more cause i think less is more.
My bf has 2 also...Buddist symbols on his shoulder blades

October 6th, 2012, 15:49
I personally think a tattoo is a waste of boy skin - but I have to confess my bf has one on his upper arm/shoulder.

When he told me he was thinking of having it done, I tried the old Thai emotional blackmail trick: "Well, I don't like them - but up to you!" - I can tell you now, it only works on farangs!

Even worse, guess who had to pay for it!!


October 6th, 2012, 23:28
Tattoos on a Thai boy are same as graffiti on the statue David. The ones with extensive tattoos often have granulated skin that a blind man could visualize them with his hands as in reading Braille.

October 7th, 2012, 05:58
The ones with extensive tattoos often have granulated skin that a blind man could visualize them with his hands as in reading Braille.

Fortunately this phenomenon is easily and pleasurably avoided - by keeping your hands exclusively on those parts which are highly unlikely to be tattooed.


October 7th, 2012, 07:35
I also am one that find tattoos ugly. I don't mind a small one but to cover the arms and body is truly a turn off. I don't date guys with them and yet I have many friends with them. Having a tattoo doesn't make a boy a bad boy and most are truly amazing guys. It's just a preference for me.

October 7th, 2012, 09:55
Bangkok Tattoo by John Burdett is a wonderful novel set amongst the police of Bangkok.

October 7th, 2012, 21:22
I only have one small one - a bee on my shoulder . I would like to get rid of it. I prefer piercings. Currently I only have an earring but 5 years ago I had nipple rings, which I and partners found a turn on. But I had problems with inflammation so I took them out. Maybe I will try again.

October 8th, 2012, 00:26
T-Dave; please no piercings below the waist!

October 17th, 2012, 02:19
I do not like tattoos.

If some guy catches your eye, is is appropriate to ask the manager to have the guy take off his shirt, so I can determine whether or not he has a lot of tatoos.
I thought about this as well, but I assume this would immediately lead to demands for a tip.

Maybe I should just go to go-go bars. All the guys there take off their shirts and show their bodies. So it is very easy to determine whether or not the guys have tatoos.
One would think so. But there are bars in a grey zone (gogo or host?) like Jupiter2002, where some boys are shirtless and others wear shirts. And in some bars boys are shirtless, but wear trousers, so you can't even get a look at their underwear.

In a decent gogo-bar (all boys in underwear), there are no surprises regarding tattoos or body hair. Almost, I should add. I had a cases where I was the only customer, all boys stood with their front to me, so I couldn't see how they look from the back (important to me, as I like necks and shoulder blades and the S-curvature of backs).

My dislike for tattoos varies. Symmetrical tribals below the belly or on the lower back are hideous, so are spiders, scorpions and similar on the neck or hip. Next come symmetrical tribals on upper arm. Several intermediate stages depending on position, colour, size, motif follow, I won't bore you with details. You can post pictures, if you want, and I will sort them by hideousness or acceptability. Finally, asymmetrical tribals on upper arm and traditional Thai tattoos on the upper back and shoulder are acceptable.

I can accept a few tattoos on boys I off or who go with me for free. (Whoever goes with me has to make concessions as well.)

October 17th, 2012, 02:46
I won't bore you with details.

Sorry christian, but you already did :occasion9:

October 17th, 2012, 05:11
Tatoos are fine by me and I prefer the homemade (prisonmade?) ones. Shows the boys personality. I find it very 'Thai'. And I like 'Thai' :tongue1:

But no piercings, no way, anywhere. For the reason TravellerDave points out........
I had nipple rings........But I had problems with inflammation so I took them out.

I like to get oral (all over) and the idea of sucking on an open wound just ain't for me :pukeright:

One ear is okay I guess as there's always the other ear :gy:

October 17th, 2012, 07:10
I keep somehow envisioning the OP
sneaking around the bar with a can of
flesh toned spray paint...

October 17th, 2012, 08:35
Could always wear a T shirt with "I hate boys with tattoos" printed on the front, that should let the boys with tattoos to know not to bother you.

Here is a website where you can get it translated into Thai : http://imtranslator.net/translation/eng ... anslation/ (http://imtranslator.net/translation/english/to-thai/translation/)
(It's where I got my log-in name and the word 'butterfly' translated into Thai text.

Here is "I Hate Boys With Tattoos" in Thai : р╕Йр╕▒р╕Щр╣Ар╕Бр╕ер╕ р╕вр╕Фр╣Ар╕Фр╣Зр╕Бр╕Ь р╕╣р╣Йр╕Кр╕▓р╕вр╕Фр╣ р╕зр╕вр╕гр╕нр╕вр╕кр╕ р╕Б

I think you can get a T-shirt with just aabout any kind of graphic or text done if you can find one of those shops that does t-shirt embroidery - especially if you save it on a cd and give that to them so that they can transfer your design to their computer. I heard it takes just a few hours (depending on how many colours).

Incidentally, here's my favourite : р╕Йр╕▒р╕Щр╣Ар╕Бр╕ер╕ р╕вр╕Фр╕Др╕Щр╕Чр╕╡р╣ р╕Ър╣Ир╕Щр╣Ар╕Бр╕╡р╣ р╕вр╕зр╕Бр╕▒р╕Ър╕Чр╕ р╕Бр╕кр╕┤р╣Ир╕З :bootyshake:

October 17th, 2012, 08:59
wih ~70% of the guys having tatoos,

and the other 30% having frineds wih tatoos,

a shirt liike that would make him real popular.

great idea

imagine walking the sois late at night, alone,
wearing such a shirt

October 17th, 2012, 11:53
:ban: Oh dear! That would really be fun, wouldn't it?

And here I was thinking that a t-shirt with "I AM BUTTERFLY" (in Thai, of course) would get the message to the boys that I'm not interested in replacing their dead buffaloes...

October 17th, 2012, 15:40
Incidentally, here's my favourite : р╕Йр╕▒р╕Щр╣Ар╕Бр╕ер╕ р╕вр╕Фр╕Др╕Щр╕Чр╕╡р╣ р╕Ър╣Ир╕Щр╣Ар╕Бр╕╡р╣ р╕вр╕зр╕Бр╕▒р╕Ър╕Чр╕ р╕Бр╕кр╕┤р╣Ир╕З
Not too bad in the translation. :alc:

October 17th, 2012, 21:34
Glad it wasn't too far from what I wanted. I speak Thai but don't read or write it so I had no idea if the website translated it correctly for me or not.

October 18th, 2012, 02:14
It's where I got my log-in name and the word 'butterfly' translated into Thai text.
Your avatar just says (in Thai): "I am" (picture of butterfly).

Could always wear a T shirt with "I hate boys with tattoos" printed on the front, that should let the boys with tattoos to know not to bother you.
The subject of this thread is "do not like tattoos". I do not hate boys with tattoos, I just do not like to have sex with boys with too many tattoos.

with ~70% of the guys having tatoos
I did a count a while ago so I can offer exact numbers:

The result is: out of 260 boys I saw on stage, 146 (56%) have no tattoo, 54 (21%) have few tattoos, and 60 (23%) have many tattoos.
The full article is here: http://gaybuttonthai.com/viewtopic.php? ... 92&start=0 (http://gaybuttonthai.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=2592&start=0) (That was almost two years ago, time for an update!)

And here I was thinking that a t-shirt with "I AM BUTTERFLY" (in Thai, of course)
We have to distinguish butterfly (the animal, p─Хe s├кua р╕Ьр╕╡р╣Ар╕кр╕╖р╣Йр╕ ) and butterfly (philanderer or promiscuous person, kon j├вo ch├│o р╕Др╕Щр╣Ар╕Ир╣Йр╕▓р╕К р╕╣р╣Й ), I don't know if they are used in the same way in Thai as in English. (Does someone know better or can ask a Thai?)

I speak Thai but don't read or write it so I had no idea if the website translated it correctly for me or not.
Excuse my curiosty. You mentioned being Thai-Chinese, how comes you cannot read and write Thai? Do you speak Thai fluently?

October 18th, 2012, 21:47
I did not grow up in Thailand, Christian. And thanks for letting me know that the Thai words in my avatar do not have the word "butterfly" in them (that's okay, as the picture of the butterfly makes it all obvious, doesn't it?) Anyway, I should think that you could get "I don't like boys with tattoos" t-shirts as easily as "I hate boys with tattoos" ones done, right?

October 19th, 2012, 07:10
I agree most tattoo's turn me off and only a few that are discrete and have a good meaning I like.My lover has some Chinese words tattooed on his back in light colors not easy to see that only meant love. not so bad in my opinion but lots of over done tattoo's just don;t look good to me, they are so permanent, it seems like if you want to do the paint on kind for a while and wash them off when you are tired of it is better.

October 20th, 2012, 15:35
I actually find discretely placed, rather meaningful and creatively done quality tattoos on a masculine, athletically built guy very sexy. My problem with a number of the dancers and coyotes is that they tend to have many tattoos that are oversized and unfinished for a lack of money. This is a turn-off for me. Although, if the guy is really cute and uber-sexy, well all bets are off.

October 21st, 2012, 02:27
every ones got a different opinion.....i think one or two are ok....less is more and all that