View Full Version : Age of people on this board

May 26th, 2006, 04:47
What is the average age of someone that uses the Gay Thailand board

May 26th, 2006, 09:00
"Someone that uses" this Board. I wonder who that someone might be. Am I that someone? If so, what is my average age? Take the age I was one minute ago with the age I will be in the next minute, divide by the number of instances (2) and arrive at my average age. Hang on. That's the age I am now. This sounds suspiciously like an arcane version of FX rates (another WhiteDesire obsession)

May 26th, 2006, 12:21
Just as I would have suspected, the demographic is "fat in the middle". :toothy5:

May 26th, 2006, 16:17
Oh Edith, when he put down a box for the over 90's he was only joking, you didn't have to tick it you know. I mean you could have lied and just said you were a youthful over 75.

May 26th, 2006, 16:41
Physical age or mental?

May 26th, 2006, 16:51
fancy asking a bunch of nancy boys to tell their real age !!!

I bet I'm about the only one who is telling the truth this time..I'm 29 and I've never lied about it..been saying it for 40 years.

May 26th, 2006, 17:24
Oh Edith, when he put down a box for the over 90's he was only joking, you didn't have to tick it you know. I mean you could have lied and just said you were a youthful over 75.

To tell the truth, I turned my age around--Which puts me in one of the...only one to show up at his high school reunion, groups.
I figured it would make up for those who flipped the other way...age wise, I mean...into the peanut gallery.
Of course homi's too shy to mention he's eligible for family-member (First cousin) discount at the Tut exhibit--As is Pearl (#2 nanny).

May 26th, 2006, 19:14
Hey,I m home ,had to relocate my whole operation and I get back and you are all here.I love you guys !Yes,all of you!

May 26th, 2006, 19:25
had to relocate my whole operationThe work on the adenoids has been moved to your haemmorhoids?

May 26th, 2006, 22:24
"Someone that uses" this Board. I wonder who that someone might be. Am I that someone? If so, what is my average age? Take the age I was one minute ago with the age I will be in the next minute, divide by the number of instances (2) and arrive at my average age. Hang on. That's the age I am now. This sounds suspiciously like an arcane version of FX rates (another WhiteDesire obsession)

Don't know how me quoting about FX rates has to do with this poll, the only common factor is figures. I don't know what goes on in your "suspicious" mind Hom.

With regard to "someone" - how would you describe yourself? As far as I am concerned, everyone is the same to a certain degree, we all come into this world with nothing and go out of it with nothing. I don't know personally anyone on this board, as I suspect the majority don't either, so everyone is an anominaly to me. Not sure, and I'm not ageist here, but don't you think you're a little old in the tooth to have "attitude".

May 27th, 2006, 02:12
Well, I suppose it's early days for this poll, but it seems to me it's already beginning to look a bit odd. Only 2 people between the ages of 66 and 85? Given the hordes of Thailand residents and tourists we see in the bars, cafes, hotels and sois who are clearly somewhere between 66 and 85, why are not more of them members of this board? Do people resign from Sawatdee Forum when they get to 65?

What's the explanation for this mis-match between what we see and what this poll reports. Are gays so used to kidding themselves about their age that they can't bear to click a button that states it truly, even in conditions of complete confidentiality? (Perhaps, in this case, it should be retitled "What age do you think of yourself as?'.) Do over-65s NEVER answer this question? Does the fact that such a small percentage of the total membership of Sawatdee Forum has voted make it statistically meaningless?

I only ask because I'm beginning to feel a touch isolated, even though I know that polls are only 'a bit of fun'.

May 27th, 2006, 03:15
I think it may be that people of that generation are less likely to use the internet much at all than are Baby Boomers/Gen Xers.

May 27th, 2006, 03:34
"Physical age or mental?"

Second childhoods don't count!

May 27th, 2006, 07:48
I am surprised that so few 65 plus guys responded, I'm in that group and did cast a vote. Perhaps my eyes fool me when I'm in Pattaya, it could be I am the only old guy around,,, he he

May 27th, 2006, 08:52
With regard to "someone" - how would you describe yourself?I'm certainly a Someone and I'm definitely not anyone's. I suspect that the question you think you are asking (although that is not the question you have asked) is "What is the age of posters on this Board?". The use of the word "average" is misleading as you cannot compute an average from the options, which are themselves a range, unless you take the mean of the ranges and multiply it by the number of responses to find some sort of average. Anyway you'll be please to know that I do happen to know the actual age of one member (boygeenyus) and the age range of another (Young Master Cedric) and I believe they are both someones. I therefore flipped a coin and answered your poll accordingly. I think that's about as scientific a way of determining thge answer as one of your monthly posts on whether the baht will move up or down relative to the GBP or the USD

May 27th, 2006, 09:23
The Poll is not misleading in any shape, way or form - its clear and easy to understand, whether right or wrong, it is how a lot of market research analysts carry out their research. The answer to this poll at the moment is the majority of people on this board are between 56-65. What can be more clearer than that!! That does me.

I'm absolutely sure when one fills in this poll they tick the relevant box. I'm not sure what your criteria is (well I am sure actually, but don't go there eh) to place an answer in the box, and there is always an percentage of silly/incorrect answers. The answer of this poll is as I predicted and I suspect a what a lot of other "someones" thought.

Now with regard to you being "someone", talk to the hand! :wave:

May 27th, 2006, 09:45
there is always an percentage of silly/incorrect answersThe Pareto Principle, you mean?

May 27th, 2006, 10:12
I think it is the most straight-forward and non-subjective poll topic we've ever had on this board. Just to be a little nit-picky about your interpretation, though, WhiteDesire, 32% is not a majority. It is the best represented among the age ranges included, but a majority has to be over 50%, so the majority are between 46-65 (57%), and over 75% are between 35 and 65. A full one third of the respondants are under 45, and hardly any are over 65.

My summary would be: Lots of middle-aged guys, quite a few younger ones, and a smattering of older ones.

May 27th, 2006, 17:06
I think ES might have a point about people over 65 not using computers and the Internet so much as younger people - though anyone who is now 65 would have been 50 when the pressure began to mount to start learning what it was all about. Also, there are obviously not so many people in the 65-85 age group as in the 45-65 group; many people over 65 are dead, if you see what I mean!

However, I would resist any attempt to pretend that the poll is 'objective' or scientifically accurate. There seems in White Desire's post to be a confusion between a 'poll' and a statistical survey such as market researchers undertake. In a poll those who voted have chosen themselves, whereas a reliable statistical survey always requires a random sample. The only thing that can be said for sure is that, of the 100 (out of some 1,400) members who decided to vote, 33% were... etc. There are many, many variables (such as motivation for polling, for not polling, etc.) that make it unscientific to project the result on to the 1,300 who did not vote. It would be like trying to claim that because 10% of an electorate voted for one political party and nobody voted for any other party, the party that got the votes received 100% support. We'd soon see through that!

I think that it's possible that if the information had come from a randomly selected and named sample the results would be more credible; but I am not a statistician and don't know how large the sample would have to be on 1,400 for the result to be reliable. Sorry, but I'm not clear how, in this operation, White Desire can be 'absolutely sure' of anything.

So, best keep it as a bit of fun!

May 27th, 2006, 17:10
had to relocate my whole operationThe work on the adenoids has been moved to your haemmorhoids?

Better that than the other way round.

May 27th, 2006, 17:37
Only 2 people between the ages of 66 and 85?

And, as I already said, I lied--So there's really only one. I have always told people I'm older than (No. Dear, not: God.) my actual age. It make more sense than understating: instead of someone thinking, 'well, WTH does he think he's fooling?' The say, "No.... You don't look a day over __*!
*10 to 15 years less than my actual age... (I'm very well preserved--And I don't mean pickled and mummified...Like :faroah: Pearl--AKA Nefratootsie.)
As to the remainder of your question, the answer is, YES.

BTW: Some will tell you, 'If you can't afford a face lift, wear bangs.'
Well, you can forget that nonsense!... Last week I saw Marlo Thomas. The bangs aren't having the desired effect: she'd need be a yak.
And ran into (84y.o.) (Little) Gloria (Vanderbilt) the other day. Strange....

May 27th, 2006, 20:42
... for putting up a truly scientific poll on the portal page! Believe me, I shall support your endeavour by voting every time I log on. Whoopee! Sanuk at last!