View Full Version : Poll about Cheeseburger Spam

May 25th, 2006, 22:40
Should blatant spam be allowed on this board?

May 25th, 2006, 23:06
Yes. If you don't like something hit the ignore button.

American Teacher-old
May 25th, 2006, 23:26
Do you like Thaiquila's spam?
I do not like them,
I do not like Thaiquila's "ham"
I do not like Thaiquila's sham!

Would you like him here or there?
I would not like him anywhere!
Who could like him on this board?
Not even one, he loves discord.

Do you like Thaiquila's spam?
I do not like them,

I do not like them on this board,
I do not like his empty gourd.
I do not like his at-ti-tude,
I do not like his lewd, crude mood.

I do not like Thaiquila's "ham"
I do not like Thaiquila's sham!


www.niddysnook.com (http://www.niddysnook.com)

May 25th, 2006, 23:33

May 25th, 2006, 23:33
So I guess Chris was a teacher of poetry.

Try this one on for size, Dr. Seuss:

Roses are red and violets are blue
Don't eat at Niddy's unless you want to spew

May 25th, 2006, 23:39
So who is going to decide if it's Spam, or something that applies to the topic, or even if the topic is Spam? I prefer to take the road of ignoring something on my own, than having somebody else decide for me that it's spam. This is an opinion-oriented forum after all.

Isn't it?

May 25th, 2006, 23:46
How about having a board for postings of a commercial nature?

May 25th, 2006, 23:48
So who is going to decide if it's Spam, or something that applies to the topic, or even if the topic is Spam? I prefer to take the road of ignoring something on my own, than having somebody else decide for me that it's spam. This is an opinion-oriented forum after all.

Isn't it?
Like Niddy's Nook spam.
Those posts are obviously spam to anyone.

American Teacher-old
May 25th, 2006, 23:50
How about having a board for postings of a commercial nature?

How about having a board for postings from mean-spirited, bitter, old queens who have nothing better to do but put down members on this board?


www.niddysnook.com (http://www.niddysnook.com)

May 25th, 2006, 23:52
You are currently losing in the poll, Chris, if you add the free burgers to the nos, because we all know how you don't like free.

Oh, and I thought old farang queens were your bread and butter.

May 25th, 2006, 23:55
How about having a board for postings from mean-spirited, bitter, old queens who have nothing better to do but put down members on this board?

That's what this board IS, dear. We want to separate your increasingly desperate spam from our mean-spirited (re: fun for all but you) posts.

May 26th, 2006, 02:16
Should blatant spam be allowed on this board?

Yes !

http://upload4.postimage.org/272613/spamanm.jpg (http://upload4.postimage.org/272613/photo_hosting.html)

May 26th, 2006, 07:02
There is still lots of time to make your voice heard against spam or for free cheeseburgers.

May 26th, 2006, 13:23
... view this board as interesting place to waste a bit of time, hear wonderful stories and experiences from some of the board members and have a laugh at some of the less serious comments. However, the first time I came here was for information and I assume that many, if not all of the board's members joined the board for the very same reason. In that light I am incredibly grateful to everyone who has provided answers to my questions posed and also to the likes of LMTU for constantly keeping the board updated with news of what is happening, when and where. LMTU's helpful information is not spam. Chris highlights what is happening at Niddy's. Is it advertising - sure. Is it information that some people will find useful - definitely. Is it a problem - of course not.

American Teacher-old
May 26th, 2006, 17:42
You are currently losing in the poll, Chris

How does the poll look now, Thaiquila?


www.niddysnook.com (http://www.niddysnook.com)
** Send Money Cheap & Fast To A Friend In Thailand **
(see our online store for details)

May 26th, 2006, 19:50
[quote="American Teacher"]

How does the poll look now, Thaiquila?

How many times does one have to vote for oneself to change the numbers

Lets not be completely naive. Polls can be completely manipulated, as this one has.

You do yourself more harm with your posts than good.

May 26th, 2006, 20:33
... view this board as interesting place to waste a bit of time, hear wonderful stories and experiences from some of the board members and have a laugh at some of the less serious comments. However, the first time I came here was for information and I assume that many, if not all of the board's members joined the board for the very same reason. In that light I am incredibly grateful to everyone who has provided answers to my questions posed and also to the likes of LMTU for constantly keeping the board updated with news of what is happening, when and where. LMTU's helpful information is not spam. Chris highlights what is happening at Niddy's. Is it advertising - sure. Is it information that some people will find useful - definitely. Is it a problem - of course not.

Well said Fatman! :bounce:

May 26th, 2006, 21:43
" . . . How many times does one have to vote for oneself to change the numbers. Lets not be completely naive. Polls can be completely manipulated, as this one has. You do yourself more harm with your posts than good . . . "
Absolutely incorrect. If this Board's 'innards' work in the same fashion as EZBoard (and I'm certain they do) then poll voting is quite untouchable ... by the poll-starter, by any other Member, or by the Moderator.
You have to be a registered and logged-in Member to vote, and you can only vote once ... you're locked out once you've voted. This ain't Florida.

To test this ... try logging out and then go back and click on the poll ... or ... after you've voted go back and try voting again. Can't be done, the 'VOTE' button will have disappeared.

The only "manipulation" available is in deciding on the significance of the results . . . and as we all know, poll results can be spun ~ and always are ~ in direct proportion to the shamelesness of the spinner, and the naivete of the audience.

Cheers ...

(To back up somewhat on this: if any Member has a second handle (heaven forbid!!!! :blackeye: ) then of course he can use that to vote a second time. My gut feeling is that there are only a small number of these on this Board (though I have no idea how many ... Hedda could tell you) and I very much doubt that it happens much, or with enough vehemance to make much difference to any given poll)

May 26th, 2006, 22:03
" . . . How many times does one have to vote for oneself to change the numbers. Lets not be completely naive. Polls can be completely manipulated, as this one has. You do yourself more harm with your posts than good . . .
Absolutely incorrect. If this Board's 'innards' work in the same fashion as EZBoard (and I'm certain they do) then poll voting is quite untouchable ... by the poll-starter, by any other Member, or by the Moderator.
You have to be a registered and logged-in Member to vote, and you can only vote once ... you're locked out once you've voted. This ain't Florida.

To test this ... try logging out and then go back and click on the poll ... or ... after you've voted go back and try voting again. Can't be done, the 'VOTE' button will have disappeared.

The only "manipulation" available is in deciding on the significance of the results . . . and as we all know, poll results can be spun ~ and always are ~ in direct proportion to the shamelesness of the spinner, and the naivete of the audience.

Cheers ...


a voter can prove the content of his or her vote
Others may be to relate a vote cast with an identifiable voter
Loss of freedom
Campaigning may continue while the voter is "within the polling station"
The voter may not be able to freely cast his vote, without undue influence (e.g., your spouse, boss, etc. may watch over you as you vote)
Loss of Accuracy, Verifiability, Security
It may be possible to exclude a valid vote of the tabulation - a vote collector may not deliver a proper ballot
It may be possible to integrate a non-valid vote in the tabulation
Everybody has to be able to determine, independently and unequivocally that all votes cast are tabulated correctly

May 26th, 2006, 23:25
You are currently losing in the poll, Chris

How does the poll look now, Thaiquila?


www.niddysnook.com (http://www.niddysnook.com)
** Send Money Cheap & Fast To A Friend In Thailand **
(see our online store for details)
You are still LOSING, unless you agree to the FREE cheeseburgers. You must add the NOs to the FREE cheeseburgers for the total Nay vote.

May 27th, 2006, 11:44
When you start to bitch about Monty's and lmtu's blatant hamburger spamming for Montys restaurant, I will start to take you more seriously.. Admit you have an axe to grind with Chris and move on..I am almost starting to think you might be yet another hydra head of the village idiot... I have also given serious thought to the possiblity that the fat midget (no insult to midgets intended) might be yet another persona of the village idiot..

Sometimes, I miss Hedda and his detection of the multiple identites out there.. I seem to recall that this subject is taboo but everyone likes
a conspiracy theory, except the certifiable crazies who inhabit the internet shops and spin out rumours and non stop attacks on places that
don't let them run a tab or put up with them... :cat:

May 27th, 2006, 12:05
The poll is still open.
Monty is a worthy contributor, Chris is pure spamola.

American Teacher-old
May 27th, 2006, 13:13
Admit you have an axe to grind with Chris and move on..I am almost starting to think you might be yet another hydra head of the village idiot... I have also given serious thought to the possiblity that the fat midget (no insult to midgets intended) might be yet another persona of the village idiot..

I have also thought about this possibility. Ever since I moved to Pattaya and Niddy's Nook was opened, Thaiquila has been "nipping at our butt" on every single message. Go check, you'll see. I am not sure how I made an enemy of Thaiquila -- I don't even know who he is. This is what (I believe) he thrives on. It's no secret who I am, but he/she can hide behind his/her anonymity. In any case, I have no hard feelings towards Thaiquila and would be happy to "burry the hatchet" right here and now.

Will this fall upon deaf ears?


PS - I have been a long-time contributor to this board -- long before moving to Thailand, and I intend on remaining a contributor -- as well as providing information about Niddy's Nook -- as long as ES allows me to.

May 27th, 2006, 13:42
You are still LOSING, unless you agree to the FREE cheeseburgers. You must add the NOs to the FREE cheeseburgers for the total Nay vote.

You sound like you are trying to blackmail the man for a free cheeseburger. He is putting a big investment into running a little place, and you want food for free. I have been in food service and hospitality my whole career, and we have a term for customers like you:

Guys Who Want Free Cheeseburgers (GWWFCB)

The best way to deal with these kind of "customers" is to contact the local police and have them charged with theft of services.

Thank god this type of "customer" makes-up only a tiny percentage of the clientele that one has to deal with in the course of the business year in most venues.

May 27th, 2006, 13:45
Can't take a joke, huh?
I personally don't want a free cheeseburger because I am not really a fan of cheeseburger. But it might be a good way to promote a failing business, providing the cheeseburgers were better than not worthy of a complaint.
But some business owners don't want to spend money to promote their business.

May 27th, 2006, 15:40
Can't take a joke, huh?
I personally don't want a free cheeseburger because I am not really a fan of cheeseburger. But it might be a good way to promote a failing business, providing the cheeseburgers were better than not worthy of a complaint.
But some business owners don't want to spend money to promote their business.

Thaiquila, as a outsider ( i am not a friend from Chris, i was only a costumer on Niddy's ). As a Flemish, i think you will go on harm Niddy's, your that type American that enjoy to teach the wold. Go one Thaiquila, we Europe's now if you not can harm Niddy's, you find a other victim. You that kind off people go can not shake a hand like Chris offers you. You enjoy the fun off harm people more. Only you not now you stand like a big fool in Europe. But i am sure you not care what people think about you, as you so selfish. If i cod, i put you on the street together the garbs !

May 27th, 2006, 16:16

Just a quick note to say I'm glad it is going well for you. I remember your very first posts on the old EZ board and always greatly enjoyed your input. Also glad to see you are still with your BF and that things are working out in that area (I remember some of our musings together on Thai BFs).

One of these days I will get to Pattaya and will definitley drop in and say hello.

All the best to you and Niddy.


May 27th, 2006, 16:45
I have no hard feelings towards Thaiquila and would be happy to "bury the hatchet" right here and now. Will this fall upon deaf ears?

Will the, "hatchet," fall upon deaf ears?
Sounds like you want to bury it in `er `ead.
Some might say, "Go for it!"
(I wonder how the Indians scalped bald guys?)

American Teacher-old
May 27th, 2006, 17:17

Just a quick note to say I'm glad it is going well for you. I remember your very first posts on the old EZ board and always greatly enjoyed your input. Also glad to see you are still with your BF and that things are working out in that area (I remember some of our musings together on Thai BFs).

One of these days I will get to Pattaya and will definitley drop in and say hello.

All the best to you and Niddy.


First of all, thanks ES for all the support. It really is nice to hear from people other than the regular bashers.

Pete -- I remember our conversations too! I hope you get a chance to pop by so I can meet you in person. It's interesting because Ms. Thrope put a link to an old message I had written a while back about Niddy in an attempt to somehow discredit my business. Anyhow, all it really did was make me remember those old posting days when we all shared personal information freely and no one really judged or tried to belittle anyone else. I miss those times. Thankfully, it also made me happy to remember that I was just as much in love with Niddy back then as I am today! I have to admit -- despite the nasty remarks on here, that I am quite blessed. I have a great job, I own a really cool restaurant, and I am still as in love with my boyfriend as I was 6 years ago when I met him.

Here's to six more all round! And six more after that... And...


May 27th, 2006, 18:21
How about having a board for postings of a commercial nature?Certainly. I recomment #56 and #38 at my favourite commercial establishment

May 27th, 2006, 18:43
How about having a board for postings of a commercial nature?Certainly. I recomment #56 and #38 at my favourite commercial establishment

Supposing that 'commercial establishment, like so many others of it's ilk, has mirrored columns on the runway...would #38 & #56 be one from column A & one from column B? Do you get soup, egg roll & a fortune cookie with that?...Or just the two cookies?

I recomment

Where did you comment on this previously?