View Full Version : Visa Problems - Global

September 27th, 2012, 18:05

Thanks Adman and to all who helped - I just heard this morning that his Visa was refused.

So, no more advice necessary about my specific airline fare issues, although my general confusion about the anomoly still remains.

:crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby:

September 27th, 2012, 18:23
Ah shit. Sorry to hear about the visa Scots.

Ranting a bit....
The whole immigration thing just kills me. I believe it is time for Western countries to wake up, join us all here in the modern world, and realize that denying visas like this just hurts their economy and pisses people off. :violent1:

September 27th, 2012, 22:19
Sorry to hear about the visa, scotty - do the UKBA give reasons or are you just left wondering why it was refused? :dontknow:

September 27th, 2012, 23:17
Joe - the usual catch-all reason that UKBA are not convinced that he will return home after his Student Visa would have expired and (this is the best bit) the astonishing statement that they do not accept that I will support him (despite my provision of assurances, proof of financial committments, and statements from 3rd parties confirming that I have known him for 2 years.). Jesus Christ, I even had to send in bank statements, land certificates for my house, and even the registration document for my bloody car!

AND, with a Student Visa application there seems to be no appeal!!

So, anybody who tells you that they have got their BF into the UK with no trouble (as we have seen posted on SGF before) has my complete and total admiration, not to mention my astonishment.

:angryfire: :angryfire:

October 2nd, 2012, 00:00
Well back in 2009 I applied for my boy friend to visit Uk ,and i did not havea problem ,i got information from a couple of forum members ,get all my information together in file format ,I included everything that i had kept from our very first email conversation,i had file has thick has a book . His visa was granted ,he returned after 6 months and i aplied again ,his visa was granted the second time , After his second visa I applied for a marrage (CP)visa this was granted , and has we stand at present he is on the last 6 months of his 2 year extention ,he has done his UK for life test already and passed it with flying colours ,so my next aplication will be Citizenship, i will let you know how we get on when i process this aplication early next year .
Why did you apply for a student visa rather than a visitors visa??

Joe - the usual catch-all reason that UKBA are not convinced that he will return home after his Student Visa would have expired and (this is the best bit) the astonishing statement that they do not accept that I will support him (despite my provision of assurances, proof of financial committments, and statements from 3rd parties confirming that I have known him for 2 years.). Jesus Christ, I even had to send in bank statements, land certificates for my house, and even the registration document for my bloody car!

AND, with a Student Visa application there seems to be no appeal!!

So, anybody who tells you that they have got their BF into the UK with no trouble (as we have seen posted on SGF before) has my complete and total admiration, not to mention my astonishment.

:angryfire: :angryfire:

October 2nd, 2012, 02:09
Because he wanted to study here - the application was for a ESVV - had he come as a General Visitor he would not have been able to do any study.

I'm frankly astonished at your experience - I guess things were more lax in 2009 - as a "sponsor" I had to have every copy document from my bank statements to the title deeds for my house, to the bloody log-book for my car notarised by a Solicitor - but you don't mention any of this, so I can only assume that things have changed just a little. Of course, once you obtain the first Visa and behave yoursef, subsequent ones will be easier.

But my situation now is that we are almost afraid to try again - undoubtedly the refusal will now count against him.

October 2nd, 2012, 05:14
he has done his UK for life test already and passed it with flying colours
He has my sincere congratulations for that. A South African colleague of mine, some years ago, was applying for permanent residence and showed me a website with practice questions. I got about half of them wrong, and I was born here. Some of them are, to say the least, contentious - such as those, for example, relating to the attitude of the public to the Royal Family where I would give a very different answer to the one I guess they expect, as is my right. To imply that there is a right and a wrong answer to a question like that is more suited to Thailand than to the United Kingdom.

October 7th, 2012, 05:52
I have now had a meeting with my Member of Parliament and what I can tell you is that UKBA seems completely out of control to the extent that he feels almost powerless to hold them to account.

His experience over the recent past is that UKBA takes 3 months to answer his letters and when they do, he gets nothing more than a re-statement of what they have already said.

The only body which UKBA is answerable to is the Home Office - who take their direction from the very politicians who pander to the racist agenda propagated by the likes of the Daily Mail.

It is a sad state of affairs when an MP feels he is almost powerless to intervene and whose only suggestion is to "play the game" and re-apply at further significant expense with no guarantee of a fair hearing and (of course) no right of appeal.


October 11th, 2012, 13:26
Well back in 2009 I applied for my boy friend to visit Uk ,and i did not havea problem...

2009: Labour government with a liberal attitude to immigration.

2012: Conservative-led coalition government with a populist anti-immigration (even temporary students) policy.


October 11th, 2012, 13:56
Marsilius, you make an excellent point.

However, whilst you're on the mark with it, I think the current position is even more outrageous than it appears.

I actually don't believe that the majority of British people are anti-immigration at all - my experience is that the "people" who are anti-immigration are by and large an ill-educated minority who are being pandered to by sections of the media, and given influence which far exceeds their numbers.

Most educated British people realise the contribution that immigration has made to the UK (for example, the NHS would fall apart otherwise) - and are dismayed that politicians play the race card to court the popularity of knuckle-dragging tabloid readers.

From a Party political point of view - whilst the Tories undoubtedly have form in courting racism - let's not forget the self-declared "North British" ex-PM Gordon (Quisling) Brown making his "British Jobs for British Workers" speech, thus pandering directly to the likes of BNP supporters.


October 17th, 2012, 20:42
Wow. This so sucks. And it's so unfair.

If we were at heterosexual, there would be no issue at all... or nearly no issue.

Does anyone have any personal experience, or friends with personal experience, with a Thai obtaining a tourist visa for the US?