View Full Version : Why did you leave?

September 24th, 2012, 04:07
We have all been in a bar that had few or no other customers but still we sat down and ordered a drink. Then before we knew it we were hot to leave! What I want to know is what would it take to light a fire under you to leave so fast? Would it be the lack of guys? The lack of guys you find attractive. The price of drinks? The host being pushy? The host not leaving you alone? Would it be because of the music being too loud or not to your taste? The guys not showing any concern that you are there? Or would you just want to hurry to leave to go where the crowd is?

September 24th, 2012, 04:39
Last time I left a bar really quickly (before I'd finished my drink) was because the music was deafening. It was a small go-go bar and the noise was really uncomfortable. I would normally spend half an hour in a go-go bar, just to see if there's a boy that I like, but loud music really pisses me off. It doesn't bother me if I'm the only customer.

September 24th, 2012, 05:15
I always finish my drink, but sometimes I can do it very quick :hello2:

September 24th, 2012, 07:01
If I leave places before I planned to, it is mainly for the extremely cold temperatures you find in some go go bars. The last two occasions were at Copa, where I left immediately the show finished and at Happyplace Bar

At Happyplace during the Bingo program, I was starting to shiver when Neal called out whilst sitting on the stage, it was too hot in here. No one agreed so nothing was done. It got colder later and Neal was sitting outside. I did not stay for the later stages.

To me it seems stupid to have some bars so cold it is almost uncomfortable inside.

September 24th, 2012, 07:15
I must be the odd man out here. The only time I have left a bar in a hurry was when I had found the Thai of my dreams and couldn't wait to get back to the room.
And like gaymandenmark, I always manage to finish my drink.


September 24th, 2012, 08:02
If no one agreed that it was too cold in there I would not have turned the air up for one person. I dont remember you sayiing it was too cold, all that I distinctly remember was you sitting under the airconditioners (there were 2 where you sat) and every time I looked at you you had this look of hatred on your face. I never felt so uncomfortable having someone stare aat me with that kind of look. You seemed miserable even bing in there.

September 24th, 2012, 08:55
I am not trying to be negative here, truly, but I am unsure of the reason or purpose of this thread. You or another leave bars or places due to lack of interest or for an unpleasant reason for you. Wheather it be the music is not to your liking or too loud, the bar too cold or too hot, the boys not to your taste, mamasan or boys too pushy, watered down drinks, well shit there are dozens of reasons for all different people. Your moving from a bar or staying in a bar are your choices or like and dislikes and have absolutely no bearing on the next persons likes or dislikes. Feeding off people's reasons will surely not change yours, so, what is the point of this thread? :dontknow:

SoiVC Slut-old
September 24th, 2012, 09:02
I am not trying to be negative here, truly, but I am unsure of the reason or purpose of this thread. You or another leave bars or places due to lack of interest or for an unpleasant reason for you. Wheather it be the music is not to your liking or too loud, the bar too cold or too hot, the boys not to your taste, mamasan or boys too pushy, watered down drinks, well shit there are dozens of reasons for all different people. Your moving from a bar or staying in a bar are your choices or like and dislikes and have absolutely no bearing on the next persons likes or dislikes. Feeding off people's reasons will surely not change yours, so, what is the point of this thread? :dontknow:

Why did you not ask this question in your previous post as justme :dontknow:

September 24th, 2012, 09:12
Why did you not ask this question in your previous post as justme :dontknow:[/quote]

Because I like other people I know think of things afterwards. And I was logged in as Justme for a personal post and Daboss later and as it was a question as board owner did not feel it necessary to change to justme (personal post) again. Is that ok?

September 24th, 2012, 09:53
Usually because of overpriced drinks, inattentive staff,, and the infamous knee shuffle instead of some decent dancing.

September 24th, 2012, 18:06
Having nothing but ugly boys in a place will result in a good old-fasioned shot gunning of my beer just like we did back in high school. A quick buzz if nothing else.

September 24th, 2012, 21:59
In no particular order and entirely personal considerations...

Too few boys... Unattractive boys... Uninterested boys... Pushy boys demanding to be bought drinks for no reason at all... Music too loud... Pushy mamasan... Annoying proprietor... Other patrons who are behaving badly... Women or straights in the bar... Short-changing... Katoey/"glamour"/drag/"show bar type" shows... Places that throw you out of your seat in favour of another patron... Boys for whom you have bought a drink deserting you for another patron before they have finished the drink...

I have experienced all of those at various times and then quickly left.

September 25th, 2012, 00:26
You have all missed the point. ALL of you!
The OP asked...

We have all been in a bar that had few or no other customers but still we sat down and ordered a drink
He assumes you are ALONE in a bar and askes why do you then leave suddenly.

The answer is actually obvious.

You may feel intimidated, stared at, and then focussed on when you try to chat with any one boy.

It can be overpowering. To have fun you need to be "hidden" in a crowded Gogo bar.

September 25th, 2012, 00:41
"To have fun you need to be "hidden" in a crowded Gogo bar."

Not necessarily, as when finding yourself in an empty go go bar situation you can do one of two things - either leave OR buy four of the guys a drink, get them round your table and have oodles of fun whilst having a whole go go bar to yourself :-) - All depends on how far your imagination goes, your money holds out and what the boys are up for - "apparently" :-)

September 25th, 2012, 01:03
All the boys being too fem would top my list, although even one good looking 'boy' boy can entice me to stay. A close second would be pushy mamasans.

With the right 'company' I can tolerate most music, room temperatures, etc

September 25th, 2012, 04:09
"To have fun you need to be "hidden" in a crowded Gogo bar."

Not necessarily, as when finding yourself in an empty go go bar situation you can do one of two things - either leave OR buy four of the guys a drink, get them round your table and have oodles of fun whilst having a whole go go bar to yourself :-) - All depends on how far your imagination goes, your money holds out and what the boys are up for - "apparently" :-)

Agree. A good time can be made when you put mind to it.

Great fun to declare an impromptu dance contest over the next 2 songs. Winner gets a couple hundred baht.
Eliminates the one knee shuffle for at least a bit. And some get rather inventive to sway the opinion of the judge. :evil4:

September 25th, 2012, 04:38
Well, you live and learn. However, I think you have to have a fair bit of confidence to carry this off, or maybe that's just me? :dontknow:

September 25th, 2012, 04:41
It's me too Joe, I feel intimidated in that situation

September 25th, 2012, 07:31
I think Joe you're mistaking the word confidence for money there :-) As I have no doubt that the boys couldn't care less whether you're feeling confident or not ( although how could you NOT be as sure you'll DEFINITELY be the "most handsome man in the bar" and possibly "a very sexy man" not to mention being also most likely a "good faring, better than all the rest that come here, we not like them but we like you alot, you number one farang for us"! so if all of that doesn't bolster your confidence then just revert to plan B and start sharing some Baht about and I believe you will get the same welcoming smiles all round - confident or not :-)

Although to be honest guys I do know what you mean and probably feel the same but usually feeling that way for all of five seconds and then think you know what, I'm in Pattaya, I'm on holiday, there's nothing i do they won't have encountered a hundred times before and what the hell - and at that point once the boys see you're up for a laugh and not all about groping them packages ( although that might come later :-) they are usually more than happy to join in, expecially for some bath and if nothing else to break their own boredom. Give it a try the next time you're there, you just might surprise yourself ! :-)

September 25th, 2012, 11:33
Great fun to declare an impromptu dance contest over the next 2 songs. Winner gets a couple hundred baht.

In Sunnee bars they'll be expecting you to demand a chak-wa contest for your money!

September 25th, 2012, 15:27
And always happy to oblige there too :-) that's watching not performing !! although in the right circumstances .......... lol

September 25th, 2012, 17:42
Good point, Marsilus. In some places that is an option....and also great fun.

There are a lot of options to have some fun in the bars and you are only really limited by imagination...and wallet size.

October 11th, 2012, 01:06
We have all been in a bar that had few or no other customers but still we sat down and ordered a drink. Then before we knew it we were hot to leave!

I don't remember ever being "hot to leave" a bar. If there are too few boys, I don't enter the bar. I don't mind being the only customer. I know in advance what drink price to expect. Pushy mamasans or boys cannot deter me. If indecisive (where to go next, what to do the rest of the night, to off or not to off a boy from this bar) I rather stay longer than planned. Only if I smell cigarette smoke I will leave quicker.

October 11th, 2012, 02:55
If there are too few boys, I don't enter the bar. .

Isn't that known as a "peek a boo"?

October 17th, 2012, 12:22
I always try to be polite and stay for about ten minutes if I've wandered into a bar where nothing interests me but the reasons why I leave are -

1.Not interested in any of the boys - and that's really hard as I'm pretty slutty and quite happy to go tto bed with an ugly queen even, so long as he/she pushes the right buttons for me (or should that be "on"me?)

2.Pushy mamasan - odd but I seldom ever encounter this type. Maybe it's because I always look as if I'm too poor to off anybody so they usually leave me alone. On the other hand, I've met some nice really helpful mamasans over the years, the most recent being the one at Hotmale in September.

3.The bar doesn't look sleazy enough. Don't laugh. Those clean, brightly lit bars always give me the impression that the boys are going to act a little hi-so and I'm just a poor, ugly old beach bum (even if I'm Thai-Chinese)who doesn't care for attitude from anyone. Plus, I alawys suspect that the more posh a place looks the more I'm going to be expected to pay for all kinds of things and I'd rather spend my hard-earned cash on making a poor boy (or two) happy every night.

4.If the boys ignore me for more than five minutes. I take it that means they're not interested in being offed by me - or are fffended by me in some way I don't realise. I'll still wait the obligatory few minutes and finish my drink first, though. I don't have to be impolite even if they are.

October 17th, 2012, 14:43
I always try to be polite and stay for about ten minutes if I've wandered into a bar where nothing interests me but the reasons why I leave are -

If the boys ignore me for more than five minutes. I take it that means they're not interested in being offed by me - or are offended by me in some way I don't realise. I'll still wait the obligatory few minutes and finish my drink first, though. I don't have to be impolite even if they are.

Excuse me, but how can not being interested to be offed by you, after just five minutes, be impolite?
Do you expect them to be like a fly around a s..t, any time you are entering a bar, before you think they are polite. ?

October 17th, 2012, 15:16
After living here for years I have no qualms walking into a bar and looking around before I decide to stay thus no need to decide to leave.

October 17th, 2012, 15:17
Dear GayDenmark,
I am sorry if for some reason you find my post offensive (or if it's just your sweet nature) but my general experience in most gogobars, even the ones with shows and even when the shows are going on, is that when someone walks in, at least one employee of the bar will come forward to see if you are comfortable, want someone too sit with you, etc. even if it's just the mamasan.

If someone doesn't do that after I get my drink especially, then I consider that less than polite to a paying customer. Perhaps your own experience in the bars has been the opposite of my own? I wonder why. :pottytrain2:

October 17th, 2012, 15:31
If someone doesn't do that after I get my drink especially, then I consider that less than polite to a paying customer. Perhaps your own experience in the bars has been the opposite of my own? I wonder why. :pottytrain2:

I am sorry but I consider it impolite and I know a few go go bars that the policy does not allow them to come over and approach you unless called over. :dontknow:

October 17th, 2012, 15:43
Loud music, certainly. I love music and so the health of my aural faculties is important to me. Some of these guys will be deaf by the time they reach forty.

October 17th, 2012, 15:54
Anyway, I leave if anyone approaches me, dancer, mamasan anyone from the bar that wants to start pushing someone on me, stare at me while I am looking them over, asking me all sorts of questions like where am I from, How long will I be here etc. I will buy my drink and if I see someone interesting will call someone over to send them a drink and ask them to come over. If I can't get any translation will need to let them go as I need to be able to have a minimal amount of translation while they are with me. I don't like lady boy shows or drag shows but love big cock shows as I can determine who I wish to take off. In other words, let me do my thing and not pester me or :hello2: bye bye. Oh and I dispise being asked by mamasan or waiter that I buy them a drink or give them a tip as I will do it to whom I choose and will not and demand a new waiter if they ask me. Its rude. Period.

October 17th, 2012, 21:20
That's really cruious as I've never been in a bar where someone doesn't automatically come over but then I do smile at the boys a lot - in invitation, obviously. And I admit my experience in Bangkok is limited to mainly Jupiter, Tawan and Soi Twilight usually - the one or two Silom side bars I've been to have been forgettable for me - and only once have I walked out for the reason I mentioned, while in Pattaya I've only been to three bars so far and every time the boy I smiled at in those three, automatically came over to join me.