View Full Version : Poll on Forum Participation

September 20th, 2012, 11:46
Please tell us how many different forums you participate on. I have listed all that I know in Thailand. If I've left any out I apologize.

September 20th, 2012, 15:20
? Why is this of interest or of any importance on here, it's really no one else's business surely what forums one choses to read or otherwise.

September 20th, 2012, 15:28
? Why is this of interest or of any importance on here, it's really no one else's business surely what forums one choses to read or otherwise.
You're just a little slow. The poll doesn't show the names of who votes. It only shows what forums they participate in. This interests me. If you're not interested then pass over it.

September 20th, 2012, 15:58
You have to excuse NIrish, she's a bit cranky. Went home last month and is not due back to the holidays and is ripping his hair (what's left of it) out thinking of us all here in the midst of all this cock and ass. :sign5:

September 20th, 2012, 17:07
I seldom if ever post anymore on Gaybutton, his board thrieves on pablum and that is what he gets.

September 20th, 2012, 22:07
I'm neither slow nor cranky thank you ( well not today anyway) and I stand by my assertion that I don't really see how it's really anyone elses business as to what forums someone else subscribes to on the net( whether it's named or otherwise), but hey if that information is of interest to you for some reason and others wish to reply then of course you and they are perfectly within your rights to both ask and answer, just as I believe I am also within my rights to post a response to your original question, that being my opinion of course. Thanks.

September 21st, 2012, 01:22
I think the poll is harmless so had no problem answering (actually, I think DaBoss instigated it, but I could be wrong?) :occasion9:

September 21st, 2012, 05:43
I think the poll is harmless so had no problem answering (actually, I think DaBoss instigated it, but I could be wrong?) :occasion9:
No Joe. The boss had nothing to do with it. It was just an idea I had to see what forums people felt were of sufficient importance to participate on.

September 21st, 2012, 06:33
deleted flaming DaBoss

September 21st, 2012, 08:11
It seems as if the web is dying, but I think everyone is going mobile and most of these sites are geared to a person being planted in front of a computer and more and more there are less and less people willing to be restricted in such a way.

Some of the websites I use go to before my trip to Thailand now seem to be stuck in a time warp with very little updated information, very little user input and resembles a Cobwebpage and I tend to think that its owner is not interested in doing what is needed to breath life back into it.

I visit here, but this is just about the only gay Thailand message board I visit anymore and I find that I spend less and less time reading posts here.

September 21st, 2012, 08:42
If I had a dollar for everytime I have seen a thread started by someone with the words similar to alleginging that a board or this board is dying, I would be rich! :occasion9: Some people don't like boards or think they are dying because other people disagree with them and some don't get right on thier band wagon. People shoiuld try talking about what is interesting to a majority of people.

September 21st, 2012, 10:27
PS I think this poll which was started might be unfair as the readers of the poll are "already" reading Sawatdee Forum". Therefore we are being given an unfair advantage.
The poll would have been served better if Sawatdee was eliminated from the race or when the figures are tallied, that the ones that would serve to be important are the figures of the other boards.

Thanks Joe but really, you dont have to think I am behind everything that is evil. :occasion9:

September 21st, 2012, 16:09
Ah Neal, I know "you good heart" :love4:

September 21st, 2012, 16:46
Looks like Joe is angling for an iPhone 5 - but, here's a tip - you have to tell your punter he has "very big cock" as well as a "good heart" to be in with any chance of that.


September 21st, 2012, 17:35
How very dare you, scottish-guy? I'm angling for free drink on my next trip (it's never too early to sow the seeds). :sign5:

September 21st, 2012, 17:42
Ah great it's THAT time of year then again is it ! :) Brilliant Joe you start sowing the seeds now and I look forward to drinking your drink on my arrival as usual :-) lol

September 21st, 2012, 18:05
I think I get there first....so there may be nothing left by the time you guys finally arrive. :occasion5:

September 21st, 2012, 18:14
You got a free dinner as well, NIrish, if I remember correctly. What other Forum would offer such treats to its posters?

September 21st, 2012, 18:15
Oh :-) I feel a christmas party coming on !! :-)

[ Edit: You're not intending to wear the Mother Theresa costume again I hope. SG ]

September 22nd, 2012, 01:06
Well I like poles...is that what they are called there. I dont see what anyone would object to a pole. After all isnt that why so many of us go to LOS for? When I go into the go go bars and see so many poles out I find it quite nice so I dont complain about any poles. :laughing3:

September 22nd, 2012, 03:46
I'll have a bit of whatever billy is smoking :party

September 22nd, 2012, 12:02
I participate mostly on this forum and Gay Thailand as I think they are two bettrer forums.