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View Full Version : Caucasian Boys

September 7th, 2012, 09:13
I, like most of you, enjoy Asian boys most. Still, on occasion, a nice Caucasian can be most desirable. The US has a plethora of hot ones but I don't find Europe to have as many. The exception to this is the UK and particularly England. Some of the boys I see there are really good looking and I would like to get together with them. Unfortunately, I don't make it there very often.

What European countries do you feel have most desirable boys?

September 7th, 2012, 09:24
Prague, Germany, Romania, Brazil, Morrocco, mainland China but not Hong Kong...... :snorting:

September 7th, 2012, 09:45

September 7th, 2012, 10:09
There are very attractive boys and men in every country, of course. But if I had to pick one country... It would be the US. Maybe it's because it is a melting pot of every race and ethnicity... and they have enough money to be as fashionable as they can afford to be.

Speaking of Caucasian boys, I fired up grindr for the first time since arriving in Thailand, and was hit with many Caucasian boys wanting to hook up. They seem to be visiting from Russia or Brazil or wherever, and they get all horned up for sex..... but they are not into Thai boys. So they seem desperate for some fun.

I didn't meet any... only because I don't have an hour to waste... in case he's not "as advertised". Not when I have 200 to choose from in full plain view right in front of me.

Also, Grindr is full of money boys. "I no money boy." "But I no free boy." Apparently, what they mean is.... I am not a normal go go bar boy, or a sex massage boy... I am an online-only money boy.

In any case, they are willing to meet first before committing... But I bet they will want taxi money, plus coffee, etc..... just for meeting.... Meanwhile, I give it a 5% chance they'll be the hottest one I have readily available. So, it seems like a total waste of time for finding a money boy. Go go and massage seems like a far more efficient method.

For free hookups. Just make sure you ask from the start: "You a money boy?" "Noooo." "You a free boy?" And that's where you'll find out.

If it's a free boy. And he is willing to come to you. ( The hotel lounge. Don't give out your room number. ) And you have time to sit around anyway... It might be worth him stopping by.

I haven't done it yet though. As I said, I haven't really had a free hour. :)

September 7th, 2012, 15:24
Egypt, particularly the dark-skinned Nubians of Luxor and Aswan. Walk along the Corniche as a single man in either town; you will be persistently approached. And you'd be well advised to decline.
I also like the fruits of racial mixing in Zanzibar- African/Arabic/European.

September 7th, 2012, 15:31
And you'd be well advised to decline.
Why do you say this? What is the problem with them?

September 7th, 2012, 15:49
Auctally I hear that northern Ireland has a huge number of very strapping handsome men - and all very eager to please - well at least one of them anyway ! God if only the first part were true !! Lol

September 7th, 2012, 16:16
Hmmmmm at least one of them.....correct Irish. You make me strong just htinking about you!
Where you come from? Ireland.
How long you stay Pattaya? Two weeks.
Oh I love you!!!

That's because my other falang comes in 3 weeks! :tongue3:

September 7th, 2012, 16:33
ha ha you've obviously been working in that bar WAY to long as you know that script off to pat much to easily !!!! ha ha

But don't worry i think you very special man too, I like you, I like your smile, you handsome eyes, I miss you, I not talk to any other farang, only you, you take my heart, why you not love me like I love you ! I wait you ok !

he he I think it's about time I started working in your bar, with a script like that, with me on the stage in a pair of tight white pants I'm SURE to be racking us the money in in no time ! Right !!???? lol

only trouble is I'm such a tart I'd genuinely forget and end up doing the " I go with you for free" line but actually end up following through on that and coming back to the bar penniless every night !! lol

September 7th, 2012, 16:51
:sign5: :sign5: :sign5:

September 7th, 2012, 17:05
NIrish Guy, I think now would be the appropriate time to post a photo of you in your tight white pants - I'm sure it would do wonders for business in the bars

September 7th, 2012, 17:28
In Europe, love London but quite like home for me as live fairly near and work there a lot. Outside UK Prague is my favourite destination (the city is great and the boys hot), as well as Budapest. You can find many available for rent guys in Germany,Paris and Amsterdam on GR, however (as with Thailand) I prefer to "meet before you buy" and the bars in Prague allow that to happen.

September 7th, 2012, 17:35
Yes, I agree but in Prague you have to learn to let them think that showering with you is part od sex so that you can get them all scrubbed uo especially down there.
At least that was the way it was only just a few years back. Showering was a 1/2 minute sprinkle. I learned to get them in the shower and soap them all down so tha what I smelled was a clean boy. :sign5:

September 7th, 2012, 17:39
NIrish Guy, I think now would be the appropriate time to post a photo of you in your tight white pants - I'm sure it would do wonders for business in the bars

I have no doubt it would help the bars - all the OTHER bars ! lol As whichever bar was stupid enough to allow me on their stage in tight whiteys would I'm sure empty within seconds thus meaning then that all the other bars WOULD benefit - so yes you're right, me APPEARING in hot white pants is SURE to help the bars in Pattaya - who'd ever of thunk it !! lol

September 7th, 2012, 18:08
Russia has some very good looking guys.

September 7th, 2012, 18:15
You're not wrong, Wim - Leonid Brezhnev always gave me a rise in my Levis.
