View Full Version : Idea's for Bar Owners? Post'em here!

August 26th, 2012, 04:21
I was just sitting here thinking of ways for bar owners to boost customer visits and I think I have a few useful ideas.

They are:

* For the first five customers, their first drink is 1/2 price?

* Featured guy of the night who can be offed for free. Or let the featured guy decide if his off fee will be free or go directly to the featured guy.

* VIP seating area behind a velvet rope where the bar visitor can sit with the bar guys during a show.

Or... The VIP service could be given to winning customers who off a guy and also buy a guy a drink. If they win, they will have a car or motorbike or tuktuk pick them up on the day they choose and bring them and 1 or 2 guests to the bar to sit in the VIP section with the guys.

* Drinks named after the guys? It may not be something that will bring in a baht right away but guys will bring friends to the bar to show them the menu of drinks named after the bar guys with little descriptions of the drink and how it relates to the guy it is named for.

* Drinks named after customers? There is a restaurant that will name a sandwich after customers that eat the most of that particular sandwich. I am sure there is a clever way to have a drink named after a customer.

* Let the guys take a more active role in a party night. Break them into teams and let them compete on who can create the best party atmosphere in the bar on a particular night. Bangkok vs Pattaya guys or Chiang Mai vs Issan or Phuket vs Pattaya or Top's vs Bottoms! LOL

* Sexy waiters! I would much rather be waited on by a cute guy in tight underwear than a guy in long black pants! Ha ha!

August 26th, 2012, 05:40
I like the idea of naming drinks after the guys in the bar. It might make me buy a few more drinks.

August 26th, 2012, 08:46
In the past 5 years the internet has completely altered the dynamics of the working boys business model - to the extent that there are now more boys offering their services on sites like GayRomeo and Thailandout then there are boys working in the bars.

If I were a bar owner I would tap into this same model and use the very same sites on the internet as a conduit for the flow of new boys to work in my bar. I would constantly be searching...interviewing...making offers...all with the intent of having only the hottest looking boys (all types) under my employment. There would not be one day that I would allow myself to feel complacent because BOYS is what my business would be about - and that's the bottom line.

How does a gay host bar or gogo bar keep their customers happy...BOYS - BOYS - BOYS. Fuck the rainbow colored sofa's and free drink coupons, just keep a fresh supply of HOT boys in the place and the customers would be happy if they were sitting on cardboard boxes.

August 26th, 2012, 08:58
So true Dodger. I don't go to the bar because the drinks are cheap or because they are offering snacks. If they don't have the guys they don't have anything.

I also agree with you about searching the internet for employees. I would find a way to get my guys on the phone apps and have it lead them to my bar.

It may be that the younger generation will bridge the divide or maybe the gogo bars will not find a way to adapt and slowly fade away till there are only a few.

But if I had to pick a gogo bar that seems to know how to have fun, it would be My Way Gogo bar in Patong in Phuket. That is one fun bar! :)

August 26th, 2012, 10:31
Dodger is right. Boys and lots of them. Funny Boys is usually voted number one bar in Pattaya and that place isn't really a bar. It's a shop that sells boys, and it's usually busy because their selection is wonderful.

August 26th, 2012, 11:18
I hear a lot about funny boys here but I don't think I have ever been inside.

But I must also admit that I go to Xboys for the show.. Well it is a show of the guys but I am there to see them perform. :)

But yet.. It's the guys again that bring me in the door and in a seat.

August 26th, 2012, 12:57
I know most don't agree with me, but I wouldn't mind a more up-scale place. Not some dingy bar with 2nd hand decor, pushy mamasans, where I have to sit on a long sofa with everyone else, and only get this tiny table that's big enough to hold two drinks and the check-bin. Then the filthy, disgusting short-time rooms for 300 baht, or whatever they cost.

Think of an upscale club / restaurant / spa all in one. A place where I'd walk in at 8pm, and wouldn't leave until 3am, as I stumble out like a drunken idiot trying to remember where I put my hotel. When I arrive, there's staff to welcome me, and take me to my own large booth with a large table. I'm presented with menus that include great food, there's nice music, free wi-fi, 3 or 4 different dance stages spread out for the boys instead of just the one, maybe some nice fountains with flowing water, some lush green plants spread around, etc.

Plus make the go-go boys double as wait staff, so you have like 5 times the wait staff you need, meaning if some cute guy with a nice smile waits on you, you can ask him to sit down without problem. Upstairs have nice short time rooms, maybe some with a private jacuzzi, TV, DVD, and definitely room service if you need a fill-up on drinks or anything. While you're enjoying your night, maybe you decide a nice quickie or a massage would good to break things up. Maybe some pool tables and other games if you're so inclined.

Or I don't know, but something like that. I don't like that whole thing of going to some dingy shit hole, where there's immediate pressure to start buying drinks, pick a boy, off him, and quickly have sex so he can get back to the bar. Bloody hell, the whole experience can be over before you even knew it began.

With this other way, I could just take my laptop in, be comfortable while I enjoy a beer, and chat with the gorgeous wait staff. As the night goes on, I invite various people to sit down, we get some plates of good food, have some drinks, chat each other up. Maybe go upstairs for a couple hours for a soothing massage and some fun in the jacuzzi, which would come with room service to bring up some drinks or champagne when wanted. And so on... I would rather spend 15,000 baht at a club like that, versus spending 10,000 baht at 6 different dingy bars, a road stall restaurant, and NAB.

August 26th, 2012, 14:16
Agree with you Matt re an upscale place, but in Pattaya there are far too many cheap charlie farangs to make it pay. As to some other postings above :well amazing how some posters seem to think they have hit on an original idea about bars having "hot boys" to attract the customers. The decline of some of the bars is not only because of the internet but also because bar owners cannot be bothered, either through laziness or meanness, etc., to get some decent ones on the stage.

August 26th, 2012, 15:09
...flesh...more of it...need more erotic shows...get tired of staring at the half dozen boys on the stage in pats...how about strip shows every 15 min...waiters in g-strings...I would gladly buy 200 bht beers if I was being entertained...
In previous posts there''ve been some groans about the price of drinks at best boys bkk....but they have like a gazzillion boys on stage...and out on good long boy filled shows...have no issue with 300bhy beers there as the entetrtainment is the best in the soi..

August 26th, 2012, 15:11
Have I wandered on to Fantasy Island?

Please remember that, at least as far as Pattaya is concerned, only a couple of days ago, one SGF poster was bemoaning the fact he was being asked to pay in excess of 50B for a beer in a gay beer bar.
These are your prospective customers - and exactly the type who will be patronising your gogo bar - demanding to sit in your VIP section with 99B drinks, and swap phone numbers with your boys in order to avoid paying an off fee.


August 26th, 2012, 16:21

August 26th, 2012, 17:33
Here's an idea that's not fully fleshed out. This idea comes from the fact that in may gogos the boys seem listless while doing the one foot shuffle. Also some farangs desire quieter music and a more subdued atmosphere.

Presenting.....Sleepytime Bar.

Low lighting, soft music and the boys in their tight whites sound asleep on elongated tables in front of the customers. The customers are allowed to gently caress the sleeping adonis but if the boy is awakened then he must be offered a drink and a tip paid for disturbing him.

I still haven't worked out how the rotation of the boys can occur without waking the boys. Maybe the customers move about or maybe the tables are on some sort of track take moves every 10 minutes or so.

I think the boys would be lined up to work at a place where they get to sleep. Also you could have tandems where 2 boys sleep on the table as Thai boy seem to enjoy becoming entwined with each other while sleeping. I think this would work because Thai boys, nice their asleep, are so hard to waken.

Okay....now I'm going to have a cold shower.

August 26th, 2012, 18:51
As for my "idea for bar owner"....Sure, it is important to have staff that seem "hot" for your customers, but that isn't always enough. Funny Boys has their niche...they are a market. But I couldn't imagine staying there for more than one drink, buying a drink for the boy, then heading out the door. That must be their business model and it apparently works for them.

But when I am out and about with BF, we are looking for someplace FUN. Energy, interaction with staff of some type, laughing, something to do. I think that is why so many guys hit the bar for "show" time and head out the door as soon as it is over. I would think that a bar doesn't really need to go to the all out expense of a production show, but turning on some music and throwing some boys up on a stage isn't going to do it.

One of the key reasons that Happy Place does so well. There is always something going on, staff are engaged and friendly, jello shots and spin the wheel, rotation of dancers, etc.

Krazy Pub in Sunee is another good example of this. They have some cute guys working there, but we don't go there looking for drop dead beauty boys. The staff is friendly, engaging, playful and always interacting with us and each other. A great place to buy a bottle for sharing, especially later in the night. No show, no gogo dancers, just a lot of fun due to the staff that actually are happy you are there and want you to have a good time.

August 27th, 2012, 01:14
Most customers have likes and dislikes, don't try to be everything to every body, either offer great looking manly guys or have a bar with pretty fem boys !

August 27th, 2012, 01:23
Yeah, a bar does not have to be the best in the world, they just have to be better than those around them.

August 27th, 2012, 03:37
Personally I think there are more than enough bars in Pattaya to suit all tastes.
No matter what new ideas a person might have there will be those who will go out of their way to complain and moan about them..What Pattaya needs is more visitors not more bars.

August 27th, 2012, 04:13
If a bar owner pays 50 baht wholesale for a Smirnoff Ice or Bacardi Breeze, does 220 baht seem like a fair price or a bit steep to you?

August 27th, 2012, 04:23
When you pay your "220B", you are not paying just for a Bacardi Breezer dear - you are paying for being in the bar, the waiters, the boys, the seats, the lighting, the music, the glass, the ice, the air-con, the show, the dishwasher, the toilets, everything down to the police "tea-money".

Is that difficult to understand?


August 27th, 2012, 05:23
When you pay your "220B", you are not paying just for a Bacardi Breezer dear - you are paying for being in the bar, the waiters, the boys, the seats, the lighting, the music, the glass, the ice, the air-con, the show, the dishwasher, the toilets, everything down to the police "tea-money".

I don't know, I can understand the gripe of drinks being too expensive too. Say it's 150 baht for a beer. I'll inevitably buy someone else a drink, plus give some tips, so I'm looking at say 500 baht for a single beer. Even that would be fine, except the experience isn't exactly enjoyable (for me at least), as the entire time start to finish you're getting grabbed, prodded, pushed around, etc., just to have a $15 beer in some dingy bar, while people are constantly hitting you up for money / drink. To each their own I guess.

Now if it was more of a comfortable place where I could relax and enjoy myself, then there's a chance my bill would end up being say 10,000 baht instead of 500 baht. I don't have a problem paying decent coin for a good night out, and to enjoy the company of some gorgeous Thai guys, but the way all the bars are setup now, you can't really do that.

August 27th, 2012, 10:35
I can go to a restaurant and pay a reasonable markup for a drink, yet that restaurant has the same expenses cited above; however, the restaurant lacks an income stream from pimping/prostitution. The restaurant might have musicians or even a dinner show. The restaurant might pay tea money to stay open an extra hour or two & sell booze at less than quadruple the restaurant's cost.

What is difficult to understand is why someone with over 3,000 posts on here is repeatedly allowed to flame and troll. The posting etiquette under rules and guidelines is easy for me to comprehend. I am not anyone's "dear" and I have no difficulty understanding English.

August 27th, 2012, 12:06
cdnmatt I dont understand where you feel that leaving tips should be considered "income" to a bar. Tips go to staff and cannot be considered in as profit. As I once mentioned, you are not calculating in certain costs into your drink. Shall we go over some that I can mention off the cuff?
22,000 baht a month for electric, 40,000 rent, 10,000 lawyer, 20,000 tea, maintenance and repairs, 66,000 month staff, 8,500 advertising, insurance on the building, 54,000 show.
All that goes into your 56 baht Bacardi Breezer! Now if you would like to go to 7 - 11 and buy one and stay at home and drink it in front of the TV, I am sure it is much cheaper! :violent1:

August 27th, 2012, 15:08
Here is a good idea for the owner of the bar in soi VC next to sunee. How about when you have customers in buying drinks you dont ask them to pay their bills and drink up at 1am. As you pay the boys in brown to stay open late why not do just that. (When you have a load of late drinkers) Iv seen It most nights customers who would be happy to stay buying drinks till 2 or 3am. Have to leave and go spend money elsware. Just a thought in these hard times.

August 27th, 2012, 15:20
cdnmatt I dont understand where you feel that leaving tips should be considered "income" to a bar. Tips go to staff and cannot be considered in as profit.

I don't care. If I goto a gogo bar for a beer, I have to tip. Well, I don't HAVE to tip, but I will. You might not get the money, but my pocket no longer has it either, which is what I care about.

As I once mentioned, you are not calculating in certain costs into your drink. Shall we go over some that I can mention off the cuff?
22,000 baht a month for electric, 40,000 rent, 10,000 lawyer, 20,000 tea, maintenance and repairs, 66,000 month staff, 8,500 advertising, insurance on the building, 54,000 show.

Again, don't care. That's your problem, not mine. Can I get a discount if I show up with a list of my monthly expenses, and explain to you how hard I work for my money? You can get mad at me if you'd like, but I just don't think it's worth $15 to have a beer that I quickly chug back, because I don't even really enjoy the experience. Some katoey who looks like they've been run over by a truck 6 times dragging me into the bar by the cock, and within seconds is hitting me up for a drink, etc.

I want a proper gay gentleman's club, is I guess what I'm saying. I don't have a problem paying reasonable prices, and even 250 baht/small beer would be fine, assuming I enjoy the experience. And as I said, if I actually enjoy the place and my time there, my bill is going to be alot larger than 500 baht. Right now though, all the gogo bars cater to the one-drink wonders, who walk in, grab a quick drink, a boy, then leave. If you're a bar owner, wouldn't you like them to enjoy their time enough to stick around for 10 drinks instead of 1? Have you ever asked yourself why people don't do that?

You're catering to mostly old people by blasting music that's suited for teenagers, to the point where people can barely talk to each other. All the gogo bars are dark, dingy, most places have so-so seating. Those long sofas are ok, but hardly something you're going to relax in. Except Krazy Dragon, if I remember correctly they have nice booth-type seating there. All the while staff are obnoxious, half the guys are stoned out of their tree watching porn on their phones, etc.

August 27th, 2012, 15:54
I don't care. If I goto a gogo bar for a beer, I have to tip. Well, I don't HAVE to tip, but I will. You might not get the money, but my pocket no longer has it either, which is what I care about.
Well I think the attitude of "I don't care is harsh. You decide to tip or not and yet you are including it in why is the drink price so high? You just can't do that. Drink is 150 and whatever you choose to throw in extra is your business and not mine.

Again, don't care. That's your problem, not mine. Can I get a discount if I show up with a list of my monthly expenses, and explain to you how hard I work for my money?
Certainly not but I am not the one that chooses to go out for entertainment, you are. I am providing it and must either break even or make some profit. Do you sell you veggies and bar b que on your cart for COST? I don't think so. You add in your living expenses

You can get mad at me if you'd like, but I just don't think it's worth $15 to have a beer that I quickly chug back, because I don't even really enjoy the experience. Some katoey who looks like they've been run over by a truck 6 times dragging me into the bar by the cock, and within seconds is hitting me up for a drink, etc.
$15. for a beer?! Where are you buying drinks? 150 baht equals $4.00

I want a proper gay gentleman's club, is I guess what I'm saying. I don't have a problem paying reasonable prices, and even 250 baht/small beer would be fine, assuming I enjoy the experience. And as I said, if I actually enjoy the place and my time there, my bill is going to be alot larger than 500 baht. Right now though, all the gogo bars cater to the one-drink wonders, who walk in, grab a quick drink, a boy, then leave. If you're a bar owner, wouldn't you like them to enjoy their time enough to stick around for 10 drinks instead of 1? Have you ever asked yourself why people don't do that?
They drink one or two drinks because they always want to move on to the next bar, the next set of boys. We don't push drinks or give our customers the experience you state. And I don't understand why you repeatedly feel I am mad at you.

You're catering to mostly old people by blasting music that's suited for teenagers, to the point where people can barely talk to each other. All the gogo bars are dark, dingy, most places have so-so seating. Those long sofas are ok, but hardly something you're going to relax in. Except Krazy Dragon, if I remember correctly they have nice booth-type seating there. All the while staff are obnoxious, half the guys are stoned out of their tree watching porn on their phones, etc.
It is very difficult to respond to you when you obvioulsly have not been to the bar and the experiences you site are erroneous.
No katoys dragging you in, no pushing of drinks, couch seating, lighting that is appropriate and music also.
After you have visited the bar and wish to make suggestions or state problems, then you can write me and accuse.

August 27th, 2012, 15:54
...What is difficult to understand is why someone with over 3,000 posts on here is repeatedly allowed to flame and troll. The posting etiquette under rules and guidelines is easy for me to comprehend. I am not anyone's "dear" and I have no difficulty understanding English.

1. If you consider my extremely mild comment on your previous post to be an example of "flaming" then you must have a very thin skin indeed.
2. If you consider my posting frequency - at less than 2 comments per day - amounts to "trolling", then you clearly have no understanding of the term.
3. I'm sorry to hear your are "nobody's "dear"" - I can believe it.
However, if you simply go to any bar and buy a few of those 220B drinks, then you'll find you are soon everybody's "dear", your entire mood will be lifted a smile will break out on your fizzog, and you'll go away gaily skipping down the Soi.


August 27th, 2012, 16:25
Everybody looks for something different. It would see Cdnmatt should be quite happy at FunnyBoys. Seating is comfortable, music at a reasonable level, lots of boys and very little pressure from Mamasans.

With the expenses that DaBoss has quoted it would almost seem that everything is driven by the Show which is expensive and then the Tea Money is more expensive.

I have no use for shows although I do like the Brake Boys. Other then that I want boys, lots of boys of various types who understand how to make eye contact. I am quite willing to pay 150-200 for a coke as long as I am given lots of boys to look at who appear to be awake and energetic. No smoking and music at a level which allows me to converse with the boy.

Not a lot to ask but so few Bars provide it. Nobody wants to go to the same bar all the time but there are so many Bars that are not worth going to, that you are left with the same Bars over and over.

Happy Place meets that criteria most of the time and has a show. The previous mentioned Funny Boys and then it becomes harder to find a Bar worth spending time in.

August 27th, 2012, 16:50
Quieter music, please....customers usually wish to be able to talk to their friends. And it should be appropriate to the age of the customer, not the desires of the dancers. I'd add that continued exposure to very loud music is dangerous; the incidence of deafness or impaired hearing is increasing in the UK due to discos and raves. I fear that some go- go dancers will pay a heavy price when they reach middle age.

August 27th, 2012, 16:52
Well I think the attitude of "I don't care is harsh.

Not at all. It's business. It's your bar, not mine. It's the same as should I go around telling all my clients how much my hosting, staff, and media buys cost each month? For some reason, I'm pretty sure I'd get far harsher criticism than "I don't care". Doubt I'd get many brownie points for it, that's for sure, but almost guaranteed my revenue would drop right quick though.

They drink one or two drinks because they always want to move on to the next bar, the next set of boys.

Are you sure that's true though? You bar owners are the ones creating the atmosphere, not us customers. I can't speak for anyone else, but I was the typical one-drink wonder too. Not because I wanted to be, but because I couldn't stand sitting in one gogo bar more than 30 mins.

It is very difficult to respond to you when you obvioulsly have not been to the bar and the experiences you site are erroneous.

Yeah, that is true. I wasn't actually talking about your bar specifically, and you just assumed I was. I was just talking about back in the day when I'd spend nights in Sunnee. You know, you want to go out and spend your night (and money) with a bunch of gorgeous half-naked Thai guys, but it was always such a headache.

Anyway, I've talked enough. Back to work!

August 27th, 2012, 17:15
Discussion is good and I understand now that you are not talking about my specific bar but you did not respond of $15. per beer.
The only other thing I guess is that NO, I don't go around discussing my overhead costs except when a person, like yourself, challenges WHY a beer or cooler for 60 baht costs $15. which in fact I show you costs less than $5. unless it was a typo.

August 27th, 2012, 18:17
It wasn't a typo - it was just that very prevalent ailment known as Exaggeratius Queenus - common symptoms include mock outrage and involuntary and automatic inflation of bar prices, annual salary or gross wealth, .... and cock size.


August 27th, 2012, 18:20
Regarding the music, I actually enjoy the loud disco music in most of the gogo bars - it "ups the tempo", but just my point of view.

For me I think the basics are:

- Quality branded spirits (after beer I enjoy gin, and some of the drinks I'm offered are vile - strong but cheap)
- Comfortable seating
- friendly and attentive staff (I am certainly not a cheap charlie and really appreciate staff noticing I need a refill without waving furiously!)
- warm welcome and good night by door staff
- clean bar + toilets
- selection of boys
- Competitive pricing ( bearing in mind the offer eg the boys, show etc). I think in Pattaya most of the gogos are all very much the same in pricing per zone ie BT seem to be all about the same except Xboys slightly more (but then again their shows are worth it!!!!)

Given these factors, and without any pushy mamasans (which puts me off - in some bars I have them getting pushy after my first sip of gin - I leave immediately out of principle - the bar then loses out as I am happy to sit for sometimes couple hours , talking to (and tipping, as well as buying drinks) boys before my final selection - everybody loses out) I am usually happy!

August 27th, 2012, 18:30
Neal I think you're being too literal in Matt's statement there, I don't think he was every implying you or anyone else was charging 15 dollars for a beer, but was saying that at 150 / 200 baht for a beer the "actual" knock on effect of that (assuming you;re having a normal night) is that you walk in somewhere, with ropey old tattered furniture, with music pumping so loud you can't hear yourself, with a manasan who before you get your ass to seat is over bullshitting and begging for a drink, you then have a boy sit with you perhaps and being a nice guy you buy him a drink, you talk for two minutes about not a lot, you decide the place / the boy / the music whatever isn't for you so you leave - only perhaps to repeat that same exercise several times in an evening and cost you your 15 dollars i.e. 150/200 for your beer, one for the boy ( you told the mamasan to feck off so none for her) and a tip for the bar staff - all in all 400/500 baht no matter what way you look at it - and what Matt was saying was that was 400/ 500 baht for an experience you actually didn't enjoy that much and repeat over and over in the hope it gets better ( it usually doesn't) and at the end of the night you've spent a reasonable amount for not a great evening and he ( and I actually) would happily spend more for a better evening.

And again ( as you always take conversations like this SO personally :-) NEITHER of us are taking about you or your bar here either specifically or even generally as thankfully you have ironed out a lot of the annoyances but ARE taking generally about what we experience on our travels around the various bars - and to keep back on topic whilst I get your ( and every other bar owners) problems about overheads etc it still doesn't change the fact that 200 a bottle soon adds up for what can be sometimes a mediocre night. And before anyone starts about Cheap charlie etc I would stress that although this may sound like a 200 is dear for a beer blog I believe both Matt and I are talking more about the quality of the overall product that you're getting for your 200 baht rather than the simple price of a bottle of beer and I can assure you that after getting my last visa statement in from my last trip I WISH I had of been a cheap charlie a bit more and told MORE mamasans to Feck off !! lol

August 27th, 2012, 19:31
But if you apply Matt's kind of accounting (adding in every incidental and voluntary expense involved in your purchase) - you could say a boy costs 5000B or more - by the time you voluntarily buy drinks for yourself/boy/mamasan, bar tips, off fee, meal, meal tip, boy tip, taxi/baht bus to loom, cost of shower gel, use of towel, condoms, lube, wear & tear on bunghole, etc etc etc.

I just don't see the point of that - a beer in a gogo bar in BT costs from roughly 100B to 200B depending on the venue - you pay your money and you take your choice - end of story.


August 27th, 2012, 19:47
but you did not respond of $15. per beer.

Ok, the ACTUAL price of a beer is 150 baht, but that's not the realistic price, and we all know that. If you're going to a gogo bar, it's not to sit around and twiddle your thumbs by yourself. So you always call at least one guy over, if not two, and buy them each a drink. Maybe you end up with a cute waiter, so decide to be nice and get him a drink too. Then tips of 100 or 50 baht go around when you leave, so yeah, 500 - 1000 baht/beer is what it realistically costs your average customer. That's not including once you're drunk, decide to be really generous, and buy a bottle of whiskey for everyone in the bar.

And it's not even that good of an experience. If anything, it's a headache, as you're constantly questioned and mauled from the time you leave your hotel until you get back. So you goto a bunch of gogo bars, find a guy, grab something to eat, maybe goto NAB or something, then back to the loom for sex. Then you wake up in the morning 10,000 baht poorer, and you have to wonder whether or not you even enjoyed yourself. I can't speak for anyone else, but that's how it was for me at least.

And it's not the money, because I'm happy to pay. Just a proper gentleman's club that offers a good experience. Think of the service you receive at the nicer restaurants you visit, versus the go-go bars. Just mix the two into a gentleman's club. Friendly & welcoming staff, good ambiance, nice music, good food, full sized tables with large seating, wi-fi, etc. Then just add the gay & sexy theme in by having the staff half naked, during the nights have a few dance floors with dancers, etc.

For example, take all the guys sitting in their small hotel rooms alone on GayRomeo. They'd goto a place like that, no question. Then when a cute half naked Thai guy with a beautiful smile delivers their plate of garlic prawns, they'll probably forget GayRomeo even exists. Get me a place like that, and I'll make the thing my home office. :-) Or just a place where a few gay friends would decide, "hey, lets go for dinner & drinks at so-and-so gay club", where they spend several hours enjoying their evening, and leave after paying a good sized bill.

August 27th, 2012, 20:04
...If you're going to a gogo bar, it's not to sit around and twiddle your thumbs by yourself.

Have you heard of Christianpfc?


August 27th, 2012, 21:35
I hear what you are saying cdnmatt but the crux of the matter is that you are refusing to look at what you are saying. Every single extra add on expense you are talking about is voluntary. The extra bottle, the extra beer you buy a boy, tips you give a boy or the waiter...everything is absolutely up to you and yet you keep adding into the cost of the beer. NO! As SG says, christian walks into a bar, buys a bottle of water maybe leaves a 20 baht tip and leaves. Bingo 120 baht, not all these extra add ons to the beer. Beer is 150 and up to you if you want to leve a 20 baht tip or buy boys drinks or tip them etc.

August 27th, 2012, 21:40
cdnmatt I dont understand where you feel that leaving tips should be considered "income" to a bar. Tips go to staff and cannot be considered in as profit...

I'm with cdnmatt on that one.

It can easily be argued that customers paying tips to boys does increase a bar's profits because the bar can then get away with paying the boys less, on the grounds that they will make their income up with the tips. So the bar's profits are increased in a tip-paying environment where the wage levels are kept down. That is how, similarly, many restaurants in the west get away with paying minimum wages to waiting staff who then rely on tips to build up their overall take-home pay.

Please note: I am not, of course, saying that any specific bar owner would do such a thing!

August 27th, 2012, 21:55
Marsilius, you cannot base your thoughts on what maybe a bar can or will not do. You need to show proof. You cannot compare what is done in the western hemisphere with what is done here. Boys do not get so many customers to sit with or 20 baht because they got a customer to buy them a drink, that amounts to a hill o beans. The one and only time I can agree with all this type of thinking is if were to compare to a restaurant with a mandatory service charge. Then your beer costs more, Until then ? Your beer is 150b and your set menu restaurant dinner may be 350 b if they do not have a tip as compulsatory. Stop adding in what you feel you need to leave and buy for others.

when I go to the gas station and the poor kid fills up my car and I give him a 0b tip am I supposed to say that the price of gas is 20 baht more? No!

August 28th, 2012, 00:09
No smoking and music at a level which allows me to converse with the boy.
I second that.

So you always call at least one guy over, if not two, and buy them each a drink. Maybe you end up with a cute waiter, so decide to be nice and get him a drink too. Then tips of 100 or 50 baht go around when you leave, so yeah, 500 - 1000 baht/beer is what it realistically costs your average customer.
That depends on the customer. I rarely call over a boy (not to economize money, but because in most bars there is none who catches my eye - I'm picky and the bar lighting does not show the wonderful brown complexion they have), so for me it's just one drink and occasionally a tip.

I am the one-drink customer. I don't care if the bar has 100 beers from all over the world, a music system that would make Sydney Opera jealous, velvet seats with gold stripes or the cleanest toilet in Pattaya (but I appreciate if there is no smoking and the music level is low). I just want to have a look at the boys!

I rarely go to host bars because I can see when walking past what's on offer, and I only sit down and have drink if I spot some talent. In a gogo bar, I have to go in and order a drink. By the time the drink arrives I could walk out as I have seen what I need to see, but it's paid, I have to spend the night somehow and there might be some talent hidden in the back rooms, so I stay half an hour to an hour before going to the next bar.

Everyone wants more and hotter boys, but everyone has a different idea of what "hot boys" are, so this request is difficult to fulfil.

August 28th, 2012, 01:37
I'm with Christian regarding this topic. I enter gay bars and Gogos for one reason - the boys. I'm not a drinker so a couple of Tigers would suffice or even a coke or two. Bar music leaves me cold and if it's too loud I find it unpleasant. I don't often get into conversation with other customers or the mamasan.
What I want is a good selection of attractive boys to my taste, displayed to the best advantage. Not retreating to the rear of the bar or just fooling about with their friends or leaving the bar. I prefer boys dancing in other than underwear. Low slung jeans, speedos or thongs would be better.
I've no problem with the high priced drinks - bar owners have to make a living and no doubt there are many costs in operating in Pattaya not appreciated by us visitors.
Also I feel uneasy if their are few other customers or more so if I'm the only one.

August 28th, 2012, 04:28
That's the way it is for 99% of the customers. They order one drink, look at the boys, take one off or move on to the next bar. There are a few that make conversation with the boys or someone they know but it is rare! they are after one thing and one thing only. If there were no drink minimum many would no even order a drink. Go Go bars are not there for conversation. Host bars are.

August 28th, 2012, 07:06
That's the way it is for 99% of the customers. They order one drink, look at the boys, take one off or move on to the next bar.

That's because they don't really have a choice in the matter. Really, who wants to spend 3 or 4 hours in a typical Pattaya gogo bar? Nobody. It's not a comfortable or relaxing environment. Yet, everybody wants to have a good time while being surrounded (and served) by gorgeous half naked Thai guys. So put the two and two together. There's 5 people (including myself) just in this thread alone indicating they'd visit an establishment like that.

And I'm sure there's loads of people who instead of going to say Salt & Pepper for lunch for 100 baht, would instead pay 300 baht to goto a gentleman's club and be served by gorgeous staff. They're on vacation -- that's what they came for. Or people who instead of sitting around in their hotel room by themselves at 1pm browsing GayRomeo, instead would take their laptop / iPad to a club, have a latte or beer, maybe some finger food, and be served by again the gorgeous Thai staff that are all offable. As the night comes in, things get more risque, the dancers show up on stage, etc.

Or fuck it, I'll just open my own gentleman's club in Chiang Mai, and show you guys how it's done, lol. :-)

August 28th, 2012, 08:35
A Gentlemens Club in Chiang Mai!

Be sure to tell us the exact opening date Matt - wouldn't want to arrive 2 weeks later when it's gone bust!


August 28th, 2012, 12:27
Obviousy we have yet another person who has no idea how to run a bar, or the costs involved. Reviewing his "plan" I would be surprised if matt lasted 2 weeks. Let me know when it is open also. I wanna come see.

August 28th, 2012, 13:02
I have followed this thread with interest. I basically agree with cdnmattтАЩs desire to see a bar/lounge that is something more than the pretty basic accommodations presently provided by go-go bars. I think there may be a small market for that, but expect it is probably in a much larger city like Bangkok than in Pattaya. In a way, it seems more like the host bars in Japan тАУ not so much the ones that exist primarily to take guys and girls out, but where guys go after work to have a few drinks, some nibbles (the food variety) and generally have their ego massaged. But that sort of тАШentertainmentтАЩ is pricey. While I have often wished there was a nice more up-market, nicely decorated cocktail bar with off-able hosts in BKK, I cannot see there would be much custom for one in the farang market, unfortunately.

cdnmatt might wish to take a look at a very perceptive post by one of the late lamented posters (тАШlateтАЩ in that he has not posted anywhere тАУ as far as we know тАУ for over a year and is much missed), shamelessmack. There was an extensive thread on gaythailand.com 18 months ago in which he outlines in a long post what he would do if he were to open a new bar, one that catered to a variety of types of customer and with a number of pricing options. It is Post #3 in the following thread тАУ

http://www.gaythailand.com/forums/topic ... r-bangkok/ (http://www.gaythailand.com/forums/topic/6548-original-twilight-bar-bangkok/)

Where I do not agree with cdnmatt is in his comments about the price of drinks. He says he drops around Bt. 500 per visit. Fine. ThatтАЩs great for the bar. But as ChristianPFC has stated, he goes in purely to see the boys тАУ and only then perhaps to buy one drink. In decades of coming regularly to Thailand and many living here, I must have seen many thousands of farang do exactly the same. Most punters buy one drink and make it last тАУ or leave. The ones getting a group of boys around them for drinks and a good time tend far more often to be the Thai customers!

A bar cannot exist on each customer buying just one drink! In one post cdnmatt mentions that he does not go around telling his customers about his additional costs тАУ electricity etc. Of course he doesnтАЩt! As a responsible businessman, though, he has to factor those into the price of what he is selling. Otherwise he is not a very good businessman тАУ like me!

To take his argument to some sort of logical conclusion, it seems he feels a bar ought therefore to have a more realistic charge just for the drink, one for the seating (cover charge), one for the provision of boys for his visual pleasure (entertainment), and then a service charge on the top! IтАЩm glad IтАЩd not be the captain presenting that kind of bill to a customer!

August 28th, 2012, 13:49
I recall that Tango (Phuket) and Powerboys ( the bar in the much missed, a tleast by me, Lavender in Chiang Mai) used to end their go-go before the show started with a choreographed and necessarily simple routine for all the guys.
At Tango, they then went into the soi at Paradise and repeated it.
I'd like to say it brought in the crowds but I was there in June last year....and there weren't any.
I cannot remember seeing a group dance in Pattaya before. I suspect it would be popular- though perhaps not with some of the dancers! Come to think of it, it was amusing noting which of the guys entered into the spirit of the thing and those that were a little embarrassed.

August 28th, 2012, 14:05
. . . used to end their go-go before the show started with a choreographed and necessarily simple routine for all the guys.
That reminds me of the old X-treme bar in Soi Twilight in BKK about 10-11 years ago - run by a former pillar of the Church of England, as I recall! Instead of shows, the owner employed a troupe of very good and cute professional dancers in addition to the go-go boys. A number of patrons became regulars and would often buy drinks for the dancers. But the bar died, the dancers briefly went to another bar on that soi before the entire concept died.

August 28th, 2012, 14:25
I suspect sucessful bar owners who have been in the trade for years are constantly trying to think up ways to keep their customers happy and if they have been in the business for a few years know the tricks of the trade.

I seriously doubt that suggestions from alcoholic bar denizens who have no idea about running a bar are very useful.

Any bar owners care to comment?

August 28th, 2012, 15:29
I'm not a bar owner - but I do run a business.

Always listen to your customers, then accept or reject as appropriate. But if you don't listen in the first place you are foolish.

August 28th, 2012, 15:36
You beat me to it there Pat !

Listening to your customers ( or at least being "seen" to) is ALWAYS useful and the business owner who neglects to do so - or refuses to be seen to do so - is playing a dangerous game, whether said business owner then decides to do anything about the advice they are given is of course a whole other matter and one for them to decide upon at their leisure, but to disregard your customers views and suggestions on how to perhaps improve the customers experience in dealing with your business is a brave thing for any business owner to gamble on.

August 28th, 2012, 15:52
I belive the rome hotel was going to open a so called gentlemans bar , atleast it was advertized but not sure if it has opened yet

August 28th, 2012, 15:59
Look, I run a business as well and I know for a fact that I have a small minority of "Customers" who are only interested in themselves and fuck everybody else.

If I "listened" to those totally unreasonable Customers with their hare-brained schemes (as in really paid attention instead of letting it go in one ear and out the other) I'd be moving my offices next door to their house so they could pop in at will 24/7, 365 days a year.
Co-incidentally, these Customers are usually the ones who have spent the least but demand all the attention.

Anybody setting up a business for the benefit of their Customers ought to start a Charity - the rest of us operate a business to make a profit, and paying attention to people who haven't a fucking clue hinders that rather than helps*.

Yes I could "pretend" to listen to these people (which is what Pat and NIrish are really saying) but frankly I'd rather put my efforts into replacing them with better and higher-spending NEW customers.


*PS I am not referring to any particular poster on this thread - just making general comments

August 28th, 2012, 16:25
If I "listened" to those totally unreasonable Customers with their hare-brained schemes

Ummm.... you might want to read through this thread again. The majority of people who posted have indicated they would like to have an establishment like that. It's hardly a "hare-brained scheme".

Anybody setting up a business for the benefit of their Customers ought to start a Charity

Huh??? You might want to read that sentence to yourself again.

August 28th, 2012, 16:35
When a bar (any bar) charges more for their drinks then other neighboring bars with similar venues it's usually for one of two reason: A) They offer something extra to their customers where the customers have no problem paying the extra amount for a drink, e.g., special shows, etc., or, B) The bar owner is not managing his business costs correctly - and as a result has to inflate the drink costs in order to maintain a survivable profit margin. In either case, the ultimate decision regarding the acceptability of higher drink prices is ultimately left up to the customer. Many a bar owner has lost his business for not listening closely to what their customers are saying.

To cdnMatts point, if I walk into a gogo bar that charges high drink prices that doesn't display anything special over the other bars in the neighborhood - I view it as a rip off and leave after one drink. That's not what I want to do - I want to stay longer and have a good time, but the bar, via their overpriced drinks, has forced me to leave and take my business elsewhere. I also agree with Matt that customers should not be the least bit concerned about the costs of running a bar, because he (as a customer) is there for one reason and one reason only - and that's to have a good time, be entertained, and not be over-charged for anything in the process.

Now to you bar owners out there...here's what your customers are saying.

1. We want BOYS...HOT BOYS...and lots of em. Without them you can give your drinks away for free and we still won't come.
3. Don't charge 4 star drink prices if you have a small dingy 1 star establishment.
4. Fire those money-grabbing leeches you staff as mamasans and replace them with a few more cute boy waiters.
5. Most of your bars are smaller than our kitchens back home so turn the fucking music down.

August 28th, 2012, 17:27
[quote=scottish-guy]If I "listened" to those totally unreasonable Customers with their hare-brained schemes

Ummm.... you might want to read through this thread again. The majority of people who posted have indicated they would like to have an establishment like that. It's hardly a "hare-brained scheme".

Anybody setting up a business for the benefit of their Customers ought to start a Charity

Huh??? You might want to read that sentence to yourself again.[/quote:2c4av02y]

Matt - I took great care to stress I wasn't referring to anybody in particular but you seem determined to take my general criticism personally.

Quote1 : The "majority" you refer to consists of a handful of "vocal" posters with strong opinions and who represent nobody but themselves (that includes me).
You can not run a successful business by changing everything to suit an unrepresentative section of your clientele.
Since you want to personalise it - yes your idea for a "Gentlemens Club" in Chiang Mai is (in my opinion) hare-brained.

Quote 2: The sentence makes perfect sense. I'm not sure what you dont understand in it. A business which is set up solely to benefit its Clients is a Charity. How can you possibly argue with that :dontknow: REAL businesses (not hobby or vanity projects) are there to make profit for the owner.

August 28th, 2012, 19:19
When a business is created with the sole focus being on $$$profit$$$ they usually end up going broke.

When a business is started with the intent focused on providing a Product or Service that has value to its customers it has a fair chance of surviving, if in fact the business is managed well enough to maintain its profit margin.

Two completely different sets of values and motives.

Call it a phenomenom...a lie...a myth...or whatever you want, but this is a reality of business.

Nobody opens a business with the intent of not making money, but those who succeed understand that satisfying their customers is what really matters...all the money they earn after that is nothing more than the result of that proper focus...and well deserved.

August 28th, 2012, 20:47
I respect and value what I have heard here on this thread but unfortunately at this time trying to specialize in a bar that is exclusively gay, and a nice peaceful quiet club when there are hardly any customers about, I feel is a reciepe for failure. Right now the bars bneed to do whatever they can to hold on and survive.

What I do find amusing is Matt is that you have all the answers for a successful bar, all the answers for making 20,000 baht per month selling SumTum or whatever and you don't show us all how to do either. :dontknow:

August 28th, 2012, 22:38
The aim of running a "real" business (as opposed to a vanity project) is to make a profit - complete, finished, period, full stop, end of, dot com.

To achieve that, one objective is, of course, to service/satisfy as high a percentage of your Clients as possible and retain them - I am not disputing this.

Don't mix up the aim with the objective

Once the objective of servicing your Clients becomes more important than the aim of generating a profit, you are no longer running a business, you are in effect operating a Charity.

August 28th, 2012, 22:49
Scotty: so you have never provided a product or service on which you broke even or even made a slight loss in order to generate more lucrative trade? Your missing a trick or over simplifying your business model!

And please don't think I am stupid enough not to be able to differentiate between complete time-wasters (who I often refuse their business and politely suggest an alternative) and a client with whom it is worth investing time and effort.

I never 'pretend' to listen .... because you never know what gem you might uncover. I don't classify time wasters as clients .... a good businessman will know the difference, yes?

August 28th, 2012, 22:50
.....all this nit picking, point scoring and general bitchiness has gicen me the mother of all headaches...now where''s my meds....

August 29th, 2012, 00:09
Scotty: so you have never provided a product or service on which you broke even or even made a slight loss in order to generate more lucrative trade?

Of course I have done that.
However such occasions and gestures must be exceptions, not the rule - as I'm sure you well know.

Further - it's easy to be "generous" to a Client with a product or service only to be left with egg on your chin when the expected payback doesn't materialise.

If Neal (just for example) jumped in at the deep end and took on board many of the suggestions made here, I suspect the promised custom would either never darken his doorstep or would still stay for 1 drink.

In any case the arguments being put forward have become circular and will lead nowhere - so I'm done on this topic.


August 29th, 2012, 02:51
Not sure what you mean by are newbies allowed as certainly what is happening here is a discussion based on what has been said. I mean of course newbies are allowed and welcome to join in on the discussions, always!

Pat, SG has a point. There are people who do nothing but make suggestion after suggestion with absolutely no intention of ever showing up and even buying the ONE drink. A perfect example of that is to visit another forum and look at what was discussed about Monty's new coffee/bead shop. He should have deluxe sandwiches and soups as well as these dinners and things and yet he is drowning because he has made all these things available and yet his customers are few.

Of course before we get started I know it is partially because of his new location and and his limited advertising but the fact is that the few that are screaming for deluxe sandwiches etc have also said that they have the information where those supplies come from and the know how to make the sandwiches in the comfort of their own home. So why then do they scream for deluxe sandwiches etc when in fact they have no intention of being a regular customer. Simple: for the desire to give their input and never take advantage of the experience. So what happens? The business owner is busy working his or her petutie off trying to appease a few that never intend to cross their door step so I understand when SG becomes a little callous about listening to bitches, wants and desires. I had one customer who long ago told me that they would be in my bar every week if I would only get McCallen which is a very expensive scotch. I got the bottole only to have him order it one time but yet was in the bar 2 - 3 times a month ordering a cheap whiskey. It took almost 1 year for him to finish that one bottle of McCallen only for him to ask why I had not ordered another bottle! :dontknow:

August 29th, 2012, 03:47
I respect and value what I have heard here on this thread but unfortunately at this time trying to specialize in a bar that is exclusively gay, and a nice peaceful quiet club when there are hardly any customers about, I feel is a reciepe for failure. Right now the bars bneed to do whatever they can to hold on and survive.

I judge from readfing your comments over time that you are a focused and creative person who's always looking for new ways to satisfy your customers and doing so in a very difficult business climate. If I were to suggest anything it wouild be to just keep doing the same thing and try to weather the storm. High season is approaching and things will pick up.

I don't want to be critical to my old time pal Monty or the guy who purchased his previous business, although have to say that opening a business intended to attract gay farang customers when you don't have any boys on staff would be considered a bit of a challenge.

I for one will darken your doorway when I arrive in October. If you have a few cute boys on staff...the beers cold...and the atmosphere is fun and friendly I will probably return...again...and again. Keep the chin up.

August 29th, 2012, 04:53
I try to keep a few of this and a few of that. I know that my taste is not always the customers taste so I tend to hire whoever applies and it is M's reasoning that if the customer base does not find them attractive and therefore the boy has no business, he moves on by himself. One of the boys I have I would not take off during the darkest of nights yet he is one of my most popular ones. This is why I choose not to pick and choose! :tongue3:

August 29th, 2012, 14:41
Henry Ford said that if he had listened to his customers he would have sold them bigger horses so the idea that most customers have any idea about the success of a business is plain wrong but there are plenty of bar boars around who wil happily spend someone elses money to make "improvements".

August 29th, 2012, 14:59
Henry Ford said that if he had listened to his customers he would have sold them bigger horses so the idea that most customers have any idea about the success of a business is plain wrong but there are plenty of bar boars around who wil happily spend someone elses money to make "improvements".

That was the original point I was trying to make. I assume that the owner of a business has an idea about what they want to sell, the price point, and the potential customer base. The owner of a business has their own money and time at risk. It strikes me as ...well...stupid to take business advice from customers who have no idea how to run a business and those customers have absolutely no personal risk in the owner's business. It is easy for customers to offer up lots of stupid ideas that make no business sense.

Having said that I suspect that business owners listen to their customers complaints and compliments in order to provide better service, resulting in more loyal customers but only if it is consistent with their own business plans and ideas.

August 29th, 2012, 17:18
Having said that I suspect that business owners listen to their customers complaints and compliments in order to provide better service, resulting in more loyal customers but only if it is consistent with their own business plans and ideas.

If a business owner considers his "business plans and ideas" to be static in nature and refuses to alter them based on customer feedback he will be limited in his ability to grow the business.

McDonalds isn't selling health food salads now just for the heck of it, and I don't think this was part of Micky D's original business plan.

August 29th, 2012, 17:38
Yes Dodge but that was because many many people were wanting to eat fast and healthy as well as trying to get good write-ups rather than all about junk food, not simple ideas like naming drinks after people or sitting in a VIP section. Lowering the music as well as certain other suggestions made by several should always perk the ear of a good business person as well as that one in a hundred suggestion by one individual. We listen with an ear and smile and discard most. We get suggestions that we just need to cringe at, like the no music go go bar or the Broadway themed panatmime shows, or to open a tour bus company so that we can do tours during the day and try to make them drink in the bar at night. Just have to smile and say, gee, good idea, will have to look into it! :idea1:

August 29th, 2012, 18:51
Having said that I suspect that business owners listen to their customers complaints and compliments in order to provide better service, resulting in more loyal customers but only if it is consistent with their own business plans and ideas.

If a business owner considers his "business plans and ideas" to be static in nature and refuses to alter them based on customer feedback he will be limited in his ability to grow the business.

McDonalds isn't selling health food salads now just for the heck of it, and I don't think this was part of Micky D's original business plan.
McDonalds is selling health food salads because they spent millions amillions doing market and product research. It is still fast food their core business. I agree with you a business cannort be static. It must listen to its customers but most of what they tell you is crap if it does not fit with the core competencies of a busines.

McDonalds should sell vegan said the vegan, they should sell only organic said the health foody, no they should go upscale and sel kobe beef burgets says the food snob.....etc. Most new product idea are bad idea. Something like one out of several thousand new food product ideas ends up being tested and few of them succeed.

I see the same pattern in these posts. Impractical ideas that should go nowhere.
Sorry for the spelling...I have a new tablet that I am getting used to.

August 30th, 2012, 00:25
Maybe this is not permitted, but I would love to go to a gogo bar with totally nude dancers. No sex show, just natural and naked, I would definitely stay there for some drinks.

August 30th, 2012, 00:30
Another great suggestion but then the bar gets constantly raided for tea money and they give up this impractical idea after a few raids.

August 30th, 2012, 01:25
I prefer the boys in underwear or beachwear (although I can't compare, because I never saw totally naked boys in bars - unless you count the fuck shows).

You can't satisfy all customers.

August 30th, 2012, 03:43
love magnum's idea, was in costa rica beginning of the year and visited puchos a gay night club; they have naked gogoboys /dancers sporting nice natural erections (no elastic bands) dancing naked on a stage...up to 8 at a time, shows last for about 10 minutes every half hour...no fuck shows...just gorgeous guys dancing naked...even more amazing you are allowed to take pics...do a roaring trade with the drinks...very few tables, customers stand around and chat/socialise/dance in between the shows just like in a regular night club.
After the 10 minute performance the dancers take their time getting back to the changing rooms and for a little tip are quite happy to be fondled as they weave through the crowd and stop for a chat/fondle.
Not sure whar daboss means...with getting raided for tea money...thought you paid a fixed monthy fee and the "tea"boys would leave you alone!!! after all how do the bangkok soi twilight bars get awat with 2 to 3 very explicit big cock/ fuck shows every day..7 days a week....or do different rules apply to pats?

August 30th, 2012, 04:42
Yes I have some ideas.
Turn the bars into either Top, Bot or Vertil bars so you don't have to ask the boys what they are into, just have a sign outside.
If you are in a Top bar you are of course allowed to see the boys erected penis and there is a tape for the customers to measure the size. That would also be in the interrest of the bars, because the customers will not run to the bar the next morning to get his off-fee back, because he feels he has been cheated by the big cock show.

If you are in a Bot bar the customer should of course be allowed to ask the boys to bend over so we can deside which boy has the best and cutiest virgin a.hole.

Each boy should be completely naked, be perfect in english and a great waiter too, who knows the difference between the grapes Merlot and Cabernet.

In the menu, it would be nice if there was a list of the price for different sexual services. At least in tourist resorts.
The owner of a bar, should also once a week take the boys to a test center for a STD and a TB test and every boy and the bar should have the test on a file.
If you don't like to have the results on file a tattoo on the boys will do it.

I would also prefer if they are good into conversation about culture and the president election of the US.

Is it to much to ask for?
I don't think so, because I pay the bill.
:sign5: :blob4:

August 30th, 2012, 04:50
Let me die now....PLEASE!

August 30th, 2012, 05:00
I did and I was just going along with it. It relly does sound though ike some of the "serious" suggestions. They just really go over the top. Like the "no music" go go bar. :sign5: Sure by the time I got to the end I saw you were joking.

August 30th, 2012, 12:56
Who remembers the Kaos Gogo bar in Sunee a few years ago ?. Every evening the boys used to take off their pants and parade naked with their cocks erect. The place used to be packed especially around the stage where the customers competed for a feel. Afterwards a bucket was passed round for tips.

August 30th, 2012, 14:50
kaos?/ must've been before my time...sounds like fun. When in sunee one place that I always pop into is the one opposite krazy dragon (forget the name..the owner/manager is always playing cards) , where you can pick a boy and fondle hime while he tries to achieve a happy ending..all for 200bht...wonderful way to kickstart the evening..no commitment..no need for off fees..no trips back to the hotel..just a good 20 min of groping firm flesh...

SoiVC Slut-old
August 30th, 2012, 14:58
kaos?/ must've been before my time...sounds like fun. When in sunee one place that I always pop into is the one opposite krazy dragon (forget the name..the owner/manager is always playing cards) , where you can pick a boy and fondle hime while he tries to achieve a happy ending..all for 200bht...wonderful way to kickstart the evening..no commitment..no need for off fees..no trips back to the hotel..just a good 20 min of groping firm flesh...

I believe that would be Good Boys. Have spent a few evenings in there myself I have to say.

August 30th, 2012, 15:12
did try another place once, have to go up a flight of stairs, think its mic boys or something...but felt terribly uncomfortable, the manager was awfully pushy and the boys looked way too young...can't remenber the last time I gulped a beer down so fast...

August 30th, 2012, 15:19
Who remembers the Kaos Gogo bar in Sunee ... a bucket was passed round for tips.

I remember a wonderful place called (I think) Krazy Boys (around the same time as "Super Queen" was on the go), - very similar scene to Kaos - more than once a handful of paper towels had to be passed to me so I could wipe my arms down.

Once a slut, always a slut.


Latin - dunno where u mean but its not Mic My - it's at street level - unless it used to be upstairs (your other observations seem valid)

August 30th, 2012, 15:32
ok, then it's not mic my9apologies to mic my) , I recall it's a corner building and you go up a flight of stairs, similar formula to good boys.....customers groping/stroking the boys whilst enjoying a drink...and watching others doing the same...

August 30th, 2012, 15:37
...anyway slightly off topic, what opens my wallet is a bar where boys are available for a bit of fun without one having to shell out a small fortune... pay off fees..be harrassed by aggressive mamasans..take a boy back to your room... early in the evening.
I like to bar hop, check out the goods...joke around and in the proces spend 2 or 3 thousand..spread amongst 3 or 4 bars..then make a decision later in the evening if I want to off a boy for some serious anal.

SoiVC Slut-old
August 30th, 2012, 16:09
ok, then it's not mic my9apologies to mic my) , I recall it's a corner building and you go up a flight of stairs, similar formula to good boys.....customers groping/stroking the boys whilst enjoying a drink...and watching others doing the same...

That would be Tom Yum next door to Forest House and just before Oud's Cafe. At the present time it is closed for a few months

August 30th, 2012, 16:31
ok, last time I was in Pats was in April of this year and it was open; not totally surprised it's been closed down.....plan to visit again in October and will most definitely pop into good boys...lots of fun.

August 30th, 2012, 17:08
Each boy should be completely naked, be perfect in english and a great waiter too, who knows the difference between the grapes Merlot and Cabernet.
sign5: :blob4:
THus that would effectively limit the nr of thai boys to fit that to maybe 5?6? And you think these all would be happy to do such work? keep on dreaming.

August 30th, 2012, 17:14
pong!!!...I'm sure it was said in jest ...a joke.....however do like the part about naked boys serving drinks...

August 30th, 2012, 17:16
..and a question for daboss...why is it that pats is so buttoned down? ...why are fuck shows/big cock shows...nudity in general rationed...as opposed to BKK? There does seem to be a market for it. Cost too much in tea money?

August 30th, 2012, 18:04
I'm just more concerned as to what body parts the naked waiters would end up using when mixing my gin and tonic ! Hell what am I thinking it's Pattaya, some people would probably pay MORE for that ! lol

August 30th, 2012, 18:20
well if i'm happy to wrap my lips around it...it can also be used to stir my drinks!!!.....wouldn't be the first time I've found an innovative use for a boy..

August 30th, 2012, 19:23
Each boy should be completely naked, be perfect in english and a great waiter too, who knows the difference between the grapes Merlot and Cabernet.
sign5: :blob4:
THus that would effectively limit the nr of thai boys to fit that to maybe 5?6? And you think these all would be happy to do such work? keep on dreaming.

All of the post I made on this topic, was one big joke, but sadly my suggestions are not more crazy, than what I have often been reading on different boards from the customer base.

August 30th, 2012, 19:29
still made for humourous reading...you did forget that they should hold a PHD in pubic relations...

August 30th, 2012, 19:39
shit latin, I was sure I had forgotten something, but maybe I want to change the PHD in PR into a PHD in Customer Care if it exist.

I promise you all, that should I ever open a bar in Pattaya, all the boys I hire will at least have a PHD in PR or Customer Care, but don't worry they will still go for the normally low tip, as always up to you :wav:

August 31st, 2012, 09:50
Because DaBoss is the OWNER of the board and DaBoss tries to post things that are relevant to the board and board policies etc.
Justme is the "personal" username for DaBoss and has nothing to do with policies, rules etc of the board. Any other questions "Newbie"? You forget I can sometimes see ISPs and information and know when someone is newbie or not. :sign5:

August 31st, 2012, 14:48
Lol wow as attempts to "out" a double poster go that was fairly Lame :-) News flash - Da Boss and Just me are the same person - go figure :-) But i guess if someone's "new" they may not have automatically known that, just as well you're consistent Neal as it's when Just Me and Da Boss start falling out with each other and posting shitty comments about each other then we'll REALLY know that you've totally lost the plot and it's time for the men in the white coats to be called !!! lol :)))

August 31st, 2012, 15:06
The men in the white coats needed to be called long ago!! :tongue3:

August 31st, 2012, 17:03
Da Boss and Just me are the same person

Mmm....strange. They've never been photographed together. lol

August 31st, 2012, 18:28
Well I haven't seen you at the bar in a long time! What pile of boys have you been hiding under? :8(

November 18th, 2012, 17:45
I've just returned from my recent trip, where I've visited virtually every gogo bar in BKK and PTY. I think that I go to those places for other reasons than most of you. It's a very rare event for me to off a boy. Primarily I enjoy to see young and handsome boys dancing nearly naked in front of me while drinking a beer. After seen so many different places over the last weeks the (nearly) perfect place for me would be as follows: Nobody is disturbing me. No mamasan is pressing me to take a boy. No boy is pressing me to take him. And the boys are real dancing. Most boys in the bars just stand around like in a meat show. No. 24 in Cupidol is a good start: A terrific dancer and he ignored me totally, just a cute Wai for my tips.

Of course sometimes the interaction with the staff is fun but I missed a place as described so much...