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View Full Version : The New York Cheese Cakes Bruce Brought

August 24th, 2012, 02:03
Bruce my darling,

Just wanted you to know that I have been saving my New York Cheesecake Factory cheesecake for the right moment. It is 1:40 am and I have decided to raid the refrigerator and the cheeses cake box once again stares out at my calling.....fattie! oh fattie!
It says "It's time to open me for a breath of Thai air!"

I could no longer resist!
Carefully I open the box which is a chore in itself. Poke a knife through the outer plastic, take off the cadrboard collar keeping it so nice and tall like a sample of USA and so proud of itself. I wet the knife as you are always told to do so that the cheese cake doesn't stick to the knife. Clean it, dip it in water again to slice the other side of the piece, and slowly put my piece of gold on the plate.

In my bedroom I slowly devour each and every small bite like a person was tasting caviar from Russia.
Jack and Heart walk in with their bar earnings from Happy Place and as they hate cheese I explained that there are a wide variety of cheeses and ways to make things from it. Prepared for the worst and thier noses turned into a tither, each one sampled a tiny miniscule piece of my gold. Wan they both said which means something like very smooth very good. I asked them if they wanted a little more of my gold to which Heart said "No I can get from the Tu yen", to which I screamed out, "touch it and I kill you!!!!"

Thank you so much for the cheese cake which I am sure was not an easy task and be assured that unlike Monty who said people can come to his coffee shop for coffee and he would share a slice I ain't sharing but a miniscule bite.

In fact :idea1: I think I will go over to Monty's right now and buy a dozen coffees get a dozen slices and then return later for mine!! :ura1:
Maybe I even have a bolt cutter!

August 24th, 2012, 09:37
It was really no big deal. At first I wasn't sure how much of an ordeal it would be to get them through security, customs, etc.... but it was a breeze.

I'm so glad you're enjoying it. As I said in another topic, "I love to make my boys happy." And you're just another one of my boys now, My Dahling. Did Papa Bruce put you in your Happy Place? :ink:

August 24th, 2012, 11:01
Appropriately.. wan in Thai means sweet.

August 24th, 2012, 17:10
Thank you adman and I am hard to please Bruce The Bitch! :bootyshake:

August 25th, 2012, 17:16
Not being from NYC, can the boss tell me what is so special about a new york cheese cake , over others

August 25th, 2012, 20:48
Oh I wish I could but it is so difficult to put into words. First it has a graham cookie crust on the bottom and coming half way up the side of the cake. It is so smooth and velvety almost like eating cream cheese but with a sugar substance. I have gone to Newyorkcheesefactory.com and downloaded some recipes for someone who cooks for me. Much is almost completely correct but today I showed him my v=cake to let him SEE where his mistakes are. Now he will being experimenting again.
May I ask if anyone knows a very good bakery here that if shown a slice and given the receipes would try to cop them?

August 26th, 2012, 02:52
Making a cheese cake is not that difficult. My former lover and I use to make them years ago.

Now with the help of the internet, making a cheese cake is that much easier.

Go to youtube and do a search on "How to make a cheese cake"


August 26th, 2012, 07:06
Since New York city is the greatest city in the world...or so I'm told ......why wouldn't the best cheescake come from there?

August 26th, 2012, 08:06
You mean like this?

August 26th, 2012, 09:23
Looks very very good but the taste is what counts. Can you send a cake over and we will check and let you know? :bounce:

August 26th, 2012, 20:14
No, I have to personally participate in the tasting to ensure that the cheesecake meets all criteria. I am adding this item to my list of things to pack for Thailand. I have scoped out a place to buy.

My judging criteria are:

Smooth and luscious
Lightly browned
Nothing on
Makes you want to have more

Gee, I guess my criteria for cheesecakes is the same as it is for Thai guys!

August 26th, 2012, 20:26
Oh they look beautiful! Pineapple or some kind of fruit on top. No Adnman you are not the fruit but you can share and out me down to buy TWO!

August 26th, 2012, 20:26
After having watched (on TV) the outrageous gestapo-like antics of Australian customs officers - and seen them go completely over the top e.g. over a banana served on the plane, being brought off the plane - I'd personally be very wary of bringing any food in, as I have no idea what the Thai rules are.


August 26th, 2012, 20:30
Bruce just brought a few over no problem.

August 26th, 2012, 20:54
I know - I'm just saying I'd be reluctant

August 26th, 2012, 21:08
I am not sure what the circumstances were but I do remember that the importation of fruits plants and vegetables due to insect infesation is probably what was behind a banana although I did not see it. Importation of "processed foods" is altogether an different bird.

August 26th, 2012, 21:18
... the importation of fruits plants and vegetables due to insect infesation is probably what was behind a banana...

I don't doubt it - but the SINGLE banana was served on the plane, the (German) lady didn't eat it - so put it in her hand luggage.
She didn't have a bunch of bananas or a selection of fruits brought from Germany.
I think they fined her something like $250 instead of just taking a common-sense approach and putting it in the bin.
I think the attitudes displayed in that series has put a lot of ppl off visiting Australia.
And as for them denying entry to a Malaysian because he had a (spent) credit card fraud conviction - they'd do well to remember that if it wasn't for convicts there would be no Australia.

:evil4: :sharm:

August 27th, 2012, 00:13
I would keep them frozen on dry ice.
The worst agriculture customs inspection I have had was going into NZ. On my last trip returning to USA I brought back and declared items in sealed store packaging and had no problem (kaffir lime leaves and galangal root). I think if the Thai customs had a problem, I would just eat the cakes on the spot.

August 27th, 2012, 01:44
No, Dry Ice is where you can get in trouble. Dry Ice is prohibited on passenger airplanes as dry ice does something to oxygen. No if trying to do something like this the best way is to freeze it very solid before leaving your home and if a distance from the airport you can throw a small piece of dty ice in prior to entering into the airport.

August 27th, 2012, 02:07
Fascinating! :dontknow:

August 27th, 2012, 02:15
Just for DaBoss :love4: :love4: :love4:


August 27th, 2012, 12:09
SG, You must be psychic! Not only is a cheesecake one of my all time comfort foods but you could never have known that my dear Louie Armstrong is one of my most favorite singers band leaders ever. You have really brought a smioe to my face this morning as I had never heard him sing that song. Thanks pal!