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View Full Version : Women are more masculine from an "unhappy" childho

May 24th, 2006, 20:20
If you read this report, it says that women are less attractive, more masculine if they have come from a troubled background, i.e. parents splitting up that sort of thing, they have a higer level of testeorone that sort of thing.

I wonder if the same applies to guys, if they come from a troubled background, they take on the female gender, maybe that is the reason for so many queens these days.


May 24th, 2006, 20:50
If you read this report, it says that women are less attractive, more masculine if they have come from a troubled backgroundMy caring about the attractiveness of women runs well into the negative range

I wonder if the same applies to guys, if they come from a troubled background, they take on the female gender, maybe that is the reason for so many queens these daysSpeaking as a bald fat old masculine cunt whose parents spent pretty much every day in a state of undelcared war until well after they were divorced I think you're barking up the wrong tree altogether. My favourite minor skirmish occurred over Christmas lunch some 15 years after they were divorced -

Father to Mother: "Do you still have that brooch of my mother's that I gave you?"
Mother: "Yes"
Father to Mother: "I want it back"
Mother to Father: "Sod off"

Ah, memories

May 26th, 2006, 19:03
My favourite minor skirmish occurred over Christmas lunch some 15 years after they were divorced -

Father to Mother: "Do you still have that brooch of my mother's that I gave you?"
Mother: "Yes"
Father to Mother: "I want it back"
Mother to Father: "Sod off"

I'm sure we're all grateful none of that bitchiness rubbed off on your fat, bald, old, sweet self.

May 26th, 2006, 19:54
I'm sure we're all grateful none of that bitchiness rubbed off on your fat, bald, old, sweet self.

Are you talking to yourself again deary.

May 27th, 2006, 09:02
I'm sure we're all grateful none of that bitchiness rubbed off on your fat, bald, old, sweet self.Your gratitude is touching. As Herself would say "How the little people do love me"

May 27th, 2006, 18:28
I'm sure we're all grateful none of that bitchiness rubbed off on your fat, bald, old, sweet self.

Are you talking to yourself again deary.

No, just wasting sarcasm.

Which reminds me: Angelina & Brad's baby will be born on the sixth day of the sixth month of 2006...666.
She will carry it on her lower lip.
And may give it up for adoption...as she's not sure it's hers.