View Full Version : Gardasil vaccine-anti cancer

August 18th, 2012, 09:06
I heard about the vaccine 6 years ago, and after reading all i could about it, I decided that since I have had much sex in my life I must have been exposed to the hpv virus. The vaccine works best if one has not been exposed to the virus. So I decide against trying to get it.

Two years ago i decide to try to get the vaccine after further research. They were now giving it to young boys as well as young girls. And it was not conclusive whether being previously exposed to the virus would prevent the vaccine from creating antibodies against it. There are four cancerous strains out of about 100 that cause cervical cancer in woman and penile, anal, and head and neck cancer in men. The vaccine protects against those four strains.

I had almost thrown in the towel trying to get a doctor to give me the vaccine. Since it is off label to me because of my age, they are afraid of being sued if something goes wrong. I tried to get the vaccine at Bangkok-Pattaya hospitol but they told me they don't give the vaccine. Finally I found a gay doc in New York city who would give it to me, no insurance, cash only. What a great doc!,we discussed the issues and he thought it was a good idea to have it. He said that all of his gay doctor aquantinces have gotten the vaccine also. But because of my age, my body might not produce antibodies against the virus. Worth a try though.

So I had my first shot in the arm..had the choice of arm or butt, and in 2 months will get the second one and 6 months get the final one.

I don't know why any gay man would not get this vaccine as gay men have a higher prevelance of cancer than straight men. And as HIV is the most talked about dread of gay men, there is no vaccine for that virus, just safe sex.

Hpv can be gotten by skin contact or kissing, hard to be safe with that. Why risk cancer if you might be able to prevent it with this vaccine? I think you should look into it if you have not already. And if you are in your 20's it might work better for you because of your young age. The hep b vaccine is important, but this seems just as important. Not very often are vaccines available in the prevention of cancer, so why not take advantage. It takes a bit of effort to find a doc to do it.

I regret not having persisted in getting it earlier. I have also read that some clinics are using it as a therapuetic vaccine against anal displacia. Im posting on both boards for those who only read one.

August 21st, 2012, 08:09
The Government was trying to force it on young girls here in the USA.

The way they went about it, I would never ever let them inject it into my blood stream.